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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2015-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT srctop_file/;
plan tests => 33;
# Prevent MSys2 filename munging for arguments that look like file paths but
# aren't
require_ok(srctop_file("test", "recipes", ""));
my @certs = qw(test certs);
my $pem = srctop_file(@certs, "cyrillic.pem");
my $out_msb = "out-cyrillic.msb";
my $out_utf8 = "out-cyrillic.utf8";
my $der = "cyrillic.der";
my $der2 = "cyrillic.der";
my $msb = srctop_file(@certs, "cyrillic.msb");
my $utf = srctop_file(@certs, "cyrillic.utf8");
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-in", $pem, "-out", $out_msb,
"-nameopt", "esc_msb"])));
is(cmp_text($out_msb, $msb),
0, 'Comparing esc_msb output with cyrillic.msb');
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-in", $pem, "-out", $out_utf8,
"-nameopt", "utf8"])));
is(cmp_text($out_utf8, $utf),
0, 'Comparing utf8 output with cyrillic.utf8');
skip "DES disabled", 1 if disabled("des");
skip "Platform doesn't support command line UTF-8", 1 if $^O =~ /^(VMS|msys)$/;
my $p12 = srctop_file("test", "shibboleth.pfx");
my $p12pass = "σύνθημα γνώρισμα";
my $out_pem = "out.pem";
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-in", $p12, "-out", $out_pem,
"-passin", "pass:$p12pass"])));
# not unlinking $out_pem
ok(!run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-in", $pem, "-inform", "DER",
"-out", $der, "-outform", "DER"])),
"Checking failure of mismatching -inform DER");
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-in", $pem, "-inform", "PEM",
"-out", $der, "-outform", "DER"])),
"Conversion to DER");
ok(!run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-in", $der, "-inform", "PEM",
"-out", $der2, "-outform", "DER"])),
"Checking failure of mismatching -inform PEM");
# producing and checking self-issued (but not self-signed) cert
my $subj = "/CN=CA"; # using same DN as in issuer of ee-cert.pem
my $extfile = srctop_file("test", "v3_ca_exts.cnf");
my $pkey = srctop_file(@certs, "ca-key.pem"); # issuer private key
my $pubkey = "ca-pubkey.pem"; # the corresponding issuer public key
# use any (different) key for signing our self-issued cert:
my $key = srctop_file(@certs, "serverkey.pem");
my $selfout = "self-issued.out";
my $testcert = srctop_file(@certs, "ee-cert.pem");
ok(run(app(["openssl", "pkey", "-in", $pkey, "-pubout", "-out", $pubkey]))
&& run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-new", "-force_pubkey", $pubkey, "-subj", $subj,
"-extfile", $extfile, "-key", $key, "-out", $selfout]))
&& run(app(["openssl", "verify", "-no_check_time",
"-trusted", $selfout, "-partial_chain", $testcert])));
# not unlinking $pubkey
# not unlinking $selfout
# simple way of directly producing a CA-signed cert with private/pubkey input
my $ca = srctop_file(@certs, "ca-cert.pem"); # issuer cert
my $caout = "ca-issued.out";
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-new", "-force_pubkey", $key, "-subj", "/CN=EE",
"-extfile", $extfile, "-CA", $ca, "-CAkey", $pkey, "-out", $caout]))
&& run(app(["openssl", "verify", "-no_check_time",
"-trusted", $ca, "-partial_chain", $caout])));
subtest 'x509 -- x.509 v1 certificate' => sub {
tconversion( -type => 'x509', -prefix => 'x509v1',
-in => srctop_file("test", "testx509.pem") );
subtest 'x509 -- first x.509 v3 certificate' => sub {
tconversion( -type => 'x509', -prefix => 'x509v3-1',
-in => srctop_file("test", "v3-cert1.pem") );
subtest 'x509 -- second x.509 v3 certificate' => sub {
tconversion( -type => 'x509', -prefix => 'x509v3-2',
-in => srctop_file("test", "v3-cert2.pem") );
subtest 'x509 -- pathlen' => sub {
ok(run(test(["v3ext", srctop_file(@certs, "pathlen.pem")])));
cert_contains(srctop_file(@certs, "fake-gp.pem"),
1, 'x500 -- subjectAltName');
sub test_errors { # actually tests diagnostics of OSSL_STORE
my ($expected, $cert, @opts) = @_;
my $infile = srctop_file(@certs, $cert);
my @args = qw(openssl x509 -in);
push(@args, $infile, @opts);
my $tmpfile = 'out.txt';
my $res = grep(/-text/, @opts) ? run(app([@args], stdout => $tmpfile))
: !run(app([@args], stderr => $tmpfile));
my $found = 0;
open(my $in, '<', $tmpfile) or die "Could not open file $tmpfile";
while(<$in>) {
print; # this may help debugging
$res &&= !m/asn1 encoding/; # output must not include ASN.1 parse errors
$found = 1 if m/$expected/; # output must include $expected
close $in;
# $tmpfile is kept to help with investigation in case of failure
return $res && $found;
# 3 tests for non-existence of spurious OSSL_STORE ASN.1 parse error output.
# This requires provoking a failure exit of the app after reading input files.
ok(test_errors("Bad output format", "root-cert.pem", '-outform', 'http'),
"load root-cert errors");
ok(test_errors("RC2-40-CBC", "v3-certs-RC2.p12", '-passin', 'pass:v3-certs'),
"load v3-certs-RC2 no asn1 errors"); # error msg should mention "RC2-40-CBC"
skip "sm2 not disabled", 1 if !disabled("sm2");
ok(test_errors("Unable to load Public Key", "sm2.pem", '-text'),
"error loading unsupported sm2 cert");
# 3 tests for -dateopts formats
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-dates", "-dateopt", "rfc_822",
"-in", srctop_file("test/certs", "ca-cert.pem")])),
"Run with rfc_8222 -dateopt format");
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-dates", "-dateopt", "iso_8601",
"-in", srctop_file("test/certs", "ca-cert.pem")])),
"Run with iso_8601 -dateopt format");
ok(!run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-dates", "-dateopt", "invalid_format",
"-in", srctop_file("test/certs", "ca-cert.pem")])),
"Run with invalid -dateopt format");
# extracts issuer from a -text formatted-output
sub get_issuer {
my $f = shift(@_);
my $issuer = "";
open my $fh, $f or die;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line =~ /Issuer:/) {
$issuer = $line;
close $fh;
return $issuer;
# Tests for signing certs (broken in 1.1.1o)
my $a_key = "a-key.pem";
my $a_cert = "a-cert.pem";
my $a2_cert = "a2-cert.pem";
my $ca_key = "ca-key.pem";
my $ca_cert = "ca-cert.pem";
my $cnf = srctop_file('apps', 'openssl.cnf');
# Create cert A
ok(run(app(["openssl", "req", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
"-config", $cnf,
"-keyout", $a_key, "-out", $a_cert, "-days", "365",
"-nodes", "-subj", "/"])));
# Create cert CA - note key size
ok(run(app(["openssl", "req", "-x509", "-newkey", "rsa:4096",
"-config", $cnf,
"-keyout", $ca_key, "-out", $ca_cert, "-days", "3650",
"-nodes", "-subj", "/"])));
# Sign cert A with CA (errors on 1.1.1o)
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-in", $a_cert, "-CA", $ca_cert,
"-CAkey", $ca_key, "-set_serial", "1234567890",
"-preserve_dates", "-sha256", "-text", "-out", $a2_cert])));
# verify issuer is CA
ok (get_issuer($a2_cert) =~ /;
# Tests for issue #16080 (fixed in 1.1.1o)
my $b_key = "b-key.pem";
my $b_csr = "b-cert.csr";
my $b_cert = "b-cert.pem";
# Create the CSR
ok(run(app(["openssl", "req", "-new", "-newkey", "rsa:4096",
"-keyout", $b_key, "-out", $b_csr, "-nodes",
"-config", $cnf,
"-subj", "/"])));
# Sign it - position of "-text" matters!
ok(run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-req", "-text", "-CAcreateserial",
"-CA", $ca_cert, "-CAkey", $ca_key,
"-in", $b_csr, "-out", $b_cert])));
# Verify issuer is CA
ok(get_issuer($b_cert) =~ /;
# although no explicit extensions given:
has_version($b_cert, 3);
has_SKID($b_cert, 1);
has_AKID($b_cert, 1);
skip "EC is not supported by this OpenSSL build", 1
if disabled("ec");
ok(run(test(["x509_test"])), "running x509_test");