mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 14:18:15 +08:00
366 lines
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366 lines
8.1 KiB
/* $OpenLDAP$ */
* main.c: for rcpt500 (X.500 email query responder)
* 16 June 1992 by Mark C Smith
* Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of The University of Michigan
* All Rights Reserved
#include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ac/stdlib.h>
#include <ac/ctype.h>
#include <ac/signal.h>
#include <ac/string.h>
#include <ac/syslog.h>
#include <ac/unistd.h>
#include "ldap_defaults.h"
#include "rcpt500.h"
int dosyslog = 0;
int derefaliases = 1;
int sizelimit = RCPT500_SIZELIMIT;
int rdncount = RCPT500_RDNCOUNT;
int ldapport = 0;
char *ldaphost = NULL;
char *searchbase = NULL;
char *dapuser = NULL;
char *filterfile = FILTERFILE;
char *templatefile = TEMPLATEFILE;
static char reply[ MAXSIZE * RCPT500_LISTLIMIT ];
* functions
static int read_msg(FILE *fp, struct msginfo *msgp);
static char *read_hdr(FILE *fp, int off, char *buf, int MAXSIZEe, char **ln_p);
static int send_reply(struct msginfo *msgp, char *body);
static int find_command(char *text, char **argp);
* main is invoked by sendmail via the alias file
* the entire incoming message gets piped to our standard input
main( int argc, char **argv )
char *prog, *usage = "%s [-l] [-U] [-h ldaphost] [-p ldapport] [-b searchbase] [-a] [-z sizelimit] [-u dapuser] [-f filterfile] [-t templatefile] [-c rdncount]\n";
struct msginfo msg;
int c, errflg;
*reply = '\0';
if (( prog = strrchr( argv[ 0 ], '/' )) == NULL ) {
prog = strdup( argv[ 0 ] );
} else {
prog = strdup( prog + 1 );
errflg = 0;
while (( c = getopt( argc, argv, "alh:b:s:z:f:t:p:c:" )) != EOF ) {
switch( c ) {
case 'a':
derefaliases = 0;
case 'l':
dosyslog = 1;
case 'b':
searchbase = optarg;
case 'h':
ldaphost = optarg;
case 'p':
ldapport = atoi( optarg );
case 'z':
sizelimit = atoi( optarg );
case 'u':
dapuser = optarg;
case 'f':
filterfile = optarg;
case 't':
templatefile = optarg;
case 'c':
rdncount = atoi( optarg );
if ( errflg || optind < argc ) {
fprintf( stderr, usage, prog );
#ifdef SIGPIPE
if ( dosyslog ) {
* if syslogging requested, initialize
openlog( prog, OPENLOG_OPTIONS );
if ( read_msg( stdin, &msg ) < 0 ) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_INFO, "unparseable message ignored" );
exit( 0 ); /* so as not to give sendmail an error */
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_INFO, "processing command \"%s %s\" from %s",
( msg.msg_command < 0 ) ? "Unknown" :
rcpt_cmds[ msg.msg_command ].cmd_text,
( msg.msg_arg == NULL ) ? "" : msg.msg_arg, msg.msg_replyto );
if ( msg.msg_command < 0 ) {
msg.msg_command = 0; /* unknown command == help command */
sprintf( reply, "Your request was interpreted as: %s %s\n\n",
rcpt_cmds[ msg.msg_command ].cmd_text, msg.msg_arg );
(*rcpt_cmds[ msg.msg_command ].cmd_handler)( &msg, reply );
if ( send_reply( &msg, reply ) < 0 ) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_INFO, "reply failed: %m" );
exit( 0 ); /* so as not to give sendmail an error */
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_INFO, "reply OK" );
exit( 0 );
static int
read_msg( FILE *fp, struct msginfo *msgp )
char buf[ MAXSIZE ], *line;
int command = -1;
msgp->msg_replyto = msgp->msg_date = msgp->msg_subject = NULL;
line = NULL;
while( 1 ) {
if ( line == NULL ) {
if (( line = fgets( buf, MAXSIZE, fp )) == NULL ) {
buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0'; /* remove trailing newline */
if ( *buf == '\0' ) { /* start of message body */
if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Reply-To:", 9 ) == 0 ) {
if ( msgp->msg_replyto != NULL ) {
free( msgp->msg_replyto );
msgp->msg_replyto = read_hdr( fp, 9, buf, MAXSIZE, &line );
} else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "From:", 5 ) == 0 &&
msgp->msg_replyto == NULL ) {
msgp->msg_replyto = read_hdr( fp, 5, buf, MAXSIZE, &line );
} else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Date:", 5 ) == 0 ) {
msgp->msg_date = read_hdr( fp, 5, buf, MAXSIZE, &line );
} else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Message-ID:", 5 ) == 0 ) {
msgp->msg_messageid = read_hdr( fp, 11, buf, MAXSIZE, &line );
} else if ( strncasecmp( buf, "Subject:", 8 ) == 0 ) {
if (( msgp->msg_subject =
read_hdr( fp, 8, buf, MAXSIZE, &line )) != NULL ) {
command = find_command( msgp->msg_subject, &msgp->msg_arg );
} else {
line = NULL; /* discard current line */
while ( command < 0 && line != NULL ) {
* read the body of the message, looking for commands
if (( line = fgets( buf, MAXSIZE, fp )) != NULL ) {
buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0'; /* remove trailing newline */
command = find_command( buf, &msgp->msg_arg );
if ( msgp->msg_replyto == NULL ) {
return( -1 );
msgp->msg_command = command;
return( 0 );
static char *
read_hdr( FILE *fp, int offset, char *buf, int MAXSIZEe, char **linep )
char *hdr;
for ( hdr = buf + offset; isspace( (unsigned char) *hdr ); ++hdr ) {
if (( hdr = strdup( hdr )) == NULL ) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "strdup: %m" );
while ( 1 ) {
*linep = fgets( buf, MAXSIZE, fp );
buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0'; /* remove trailing newline */
if ( *linep == NULL || !isspace( (unsigned char) **linep )) {
if (( hdr = realloc( hdr, strlen( hdr ) +
strlen( *linep ) + 3 )) == NULL) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "realloc: %m" );
strcat( hdr, "\n" );
strcat( hdr, *linep );
return( hdr );
static int
send_reply( struct msginfo *msgp, char *body )
char buf[ MAXSIZE ];
FILE *cmdpipe;
int rc;
if (( cmdpipe = popen( RCPT500_PIPEMAILCMD, "w" )) == NULL ) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "popen pipemailcmd failed: %m" );
return( -1 );
* send the headers
sprintf( buf, "From: %s\n", RCPT500_FROM );
rc = fwrite( buf, strlen( buf ), 1, cmdpipe );
if ( rc == 1 ) {
if ( msgp->msg_subject != NULL ) {
sprintf( buf, "Subject: Re: %s\n", msgp->msg_subject );
} else {
sprintf( buf, "Subject: query response\n" );
rc = fwrite( buf, strlen( buf ), 1, cmdpipe );
if ( rc == 1 && msgp->msg_date != NULL ) {
* add "In-reply-to:" header
if ( msgp->msg_messageid == NULL ) {
sprintf( buf, "In-reply-to: Your message of \"%s\"\n",
msgp->msg_date );
} else {
sprintf( buf,
"In-reply-to: Your message of \"%s\"\n %s\n",
msgp->msg_date, msgp->msg_messageid );
rc = fwrite( buf, strlen( buf ), 1, cmdpipe );
if ( rc == 1 ) {
sprintf( buf, "To: %s\n", msgp->msg_replyto );
rc = fwrite( buf, strlen( buf ), 1, cmdpipe );
* send the header/body separator (blank line)
if ( rc == 1 ) {
rc = fwrite( "\n", 1, 1, cmdpipe );
* send the body
if ( rc == 1 ) {
rc = fwrite( body, strlen( body ), 1, cmdpipe );
if ( rc != 1 && dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "write to binmail failed: %m" );
if ( pclose( cmdpipe ) < 0 ) {
if ( dosyslog ) {
syslog( LOG_ERR, "pclose binmail failed: %m" );
return( -1 );
return( rc == 1 ? 0 : -1 );
static int
find_command( char *text, char **argp )
int i;
char *s, *p;
static char argbuf[ MAXSIZE ];
p = text;
for ( s = argbuf; *p != '\0'; ++p ) {
*s++ = TOLOWER( (unsigned char) *p );
*s = '\0';
for ( i = 0; rcpt_cmds[ i ].cmd_text != NULL; ++i ) {
if (( s = strstr( argbuf, rcpt_cmds[ i ].cmd_text )) != NULL
&& isspace( (unsigned char) s[ strlen( rcpt_cmds[ i ].cmd_text ) ] )) {
strcpy( argbuf, text + (s - argbuf) + strlen( rcpt_cmds[ i ].cmd_text ));
*argp = argbuf;
while ( isspace( (unsigned char) **argp )) {
return( i );
return( -1 );