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/* $OpenLDAP$ */
/* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>.
* Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
* Public License.
* A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
* top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
* <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>.
/* Portions Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of Michigan.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#ifndef _LBER_INT_H
#define _LBER_INT_H
#include "lber.h"
#include "ldap_log.h"
#include "lber_pvt.h"
#include "ldap_queue.h"
typedef void (*BER_LOG_FN)(FILE *file,
const char *subsys, int level, const char *fmt, ... );
LBER_V (BER_ERRNO_FN) ber_int_errno_fn;
# endif
LBER_V (long) ber_int_meminuse;
struct lber_options {
short lbo_valid;
unsigned short lbo_options;
int lbo_debug;
LBER_F( int ) ber_pvt_log_output(
const char *subsystem,
int level,
const char *fmt, ... );
LBER_V (struct lber_options) ber_int_options;
#define ber_int_debug ber_int_options.lbo_debug
struct berelement {
struct lber_options ber_opts;
#define ber_valid ber_opts.lbo_valid
#define ber_options ber_opts.lbo_options
#define ber_debug ber_opts.lbo_debug
/* Do not change the order of these 3 fields! see ber_get_next */
ber_tag_t ber_tag;
ber_len_t ber_len;
ber_tag_t ber_usertag;
char *ber_buf;
char *ber_ptr;
char *ber_end;
struct seqorset *ber_sos;
char *ber_rwptr;
void *ber_memctx;
#define LBER_VALID(ber) ((ber)->ber_valid==LBER_VALID_BERELEMENT)
#define ber_pvt_ber_remaining(ber) ((ber)->ber_end - (ber)->ber_ptr)
#define ber_pvt_ber_total(ber) ((ber)->ber_end - (ber)->ber_buf)
#define ber_pvt_ber_write(ber) ((ber)->ber_ptr - (ber)->ber_buf)
struct sockbuf {
struct lber_options sb_opts;
Sockbuf_IO_Desc *sb_iod; /* I/O functions */
#define sb_valid sb_opts.lbo_valid
#define sb_options sb_opts.lbo_options
#define sb_debug sb_opts.lbo_debug
ber_socket_t sb_fd;
unsigned int sb_trans_needs_read:1;
unsigned int sb_trans_needs_write:1;
ber_len_t sb_max_incoming;
#define SOCKBUF_VALID( sb ) ( (sb)->sb_valid == LBER_VALID_SOCKBUF )
struct seqorset {
BerElement *sos_ber;
ber_len_t sos_clen;
ber_tag_t sos_tag;
char *sos_first;
char *sos_ptr;
struct seqorset *sos_next;
* io.c
LBER_F( int )
ber_realloc LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_len_t len ));
LBER_F (char *) ber_start LDAP_P(( BerElement * ));
LBER_F (int) ber_len LDAP_P(( BerElement * ));
LBER_F (int) ber_ptrlen LDAP_P(( BerElement * ));
LBER_F (void) ber_rewind LDAP_P(( BerElement * ));
* bprint.c
#define ber_log_printf ber_pvt_log_printf
LBER_F( int )
ber_log_bprint LDAP_P((
int errlvl,
int loglvl,
const char *data,
ber_len_t len ));
LBER_F( int )
ber_log_dump LDAP_P((
int errlvl,
int loglvl,
BerElement *ber,
int inout ));
LBER_F( int )
ber_log_sos_dump LDAP_P((
int errlvl,
int loglvl,
Seqorset *sos ));
LBER_V (BER_LOG_FN) ber_int_log_proc;
LBER_V (FILE *) ber_pvt_err_file;
/* memory.c */
/* simple macros to realloc for now */
LBER_V (BerMemoryFunctions *) ber_int_memory_fns;
LBER_F (char *) ber_strndup( LDAP_CONST char *, ber_len_t );
LBER_F (char *) ber_strndup_x( LDAP_CONST char *, ber_len_t, void *ctx );
#define LBER_MALLOC(s) ber_memalloc((s))
#define LBER_CALLOC(n,s) ber_memcalloc((n),(s))
#define LBER_REALLOC(p,s) ber_memrealloc((p),(s))
#define LBER_FREE(p) ber_memfree((p))
#define LBER_VFREE(v) ber_memvfree((void**)(v))
#define LBER_STRDUP(s) ber_strdup((s))
#define LBER_STRNDUP(s,l) ber_strndup((s),(l))
/* sockbuf.c */
LBER_F( int )
ber_int_sb_init LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb ));
LBER_F( int )
ber_int_sb_close LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb ));
LBER_F( int )
ber_int_sb_destroy LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb ));
LBER_F( ber_slen_t )
ber_int_sb_read LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb, void *buf, ber_len_t len ));
LBER_F( ber_slen_t )
ber_int_sb_write LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb, void *buf, ber_len_t len ));
#endif /* _LBER_INT_H */