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* Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993
* Regents of the University of Michigan. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#define MAX_VALUES 1000
** Limits which ud imposes. Also subject to change.
* Names are parsed somewhat like 'awk' parses them. This is the
* maximum number of components we store away.
* The isnamesepartor() macro should return TRUE if x is equal to one of the
* characters that delimits name fields. The ignorechar() macro should
* return TRUE if it is equal to a character that should be ignored when
* parsing names.
#define MAX_NAME_COMPS 8
#define isnamesepartor(x) (isspace(x))
#define isignorechar(x) (((x) == '.') || ((x) == '_'))
* Quite often a search will turn up more than one match. When it does we
* print out a list of the matches, and ask the user to select the one that
* s/he wants. This defines how many we will save and show.
#define MAX_NUM_NAMES 128
* When a user displays a group, we will automatically print out this many
* members and subscribers. If the number is greater than this, we will
* prompt the user before printing them.
#define TOO_MANY_TO_PRINT 16
* This is the default size of a tty if we can't figure out the actual size.
* The number of attributes we know about must be less than this number.
* Don't add lots of attributes to the list in globals.c without checking
* this number too.
#define MAX_ATTRS 64
** No user servicable parts beyond this point.
* Generic buffer sizes.
#define SMALL_BUF_SIZE 16
#define MED_BUF_SIZE 128
#define LARGE_BUF_SIZE 512
* Used to specify the operation in x_group().
#define G_JOIN 0
#define G_RESIGN 1
* Authentication method we will be using.
* TRUE and FALSE - just in case we need them.
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
* Bound status.
#define UD_NOT_BOUND 0 /* bound only as the default defined above */
#define UD_BOUND 1 /* bound as an actual Directory entity */
* Debug masks.
#define D_TRACE 0x0001
#define D_FIND 0x0002
#define D_GROUPS 0x0004
#define D_MODIFY 0x0008
#define D_PARSE 0x0010
#define D_PRINT 0x0020
#define D_AUTHENTICAT 0x0040
#define D_INITIALIZE 0x0080
* Used in the flags field of an attribute structure.
#define ATTR_FLAG_NONE 0x0000
#define ATTR_FLAG_PERSON 0x0001
#define ATTR_FLAG_GROUP 0x0002
#define ATTR_FLAG_PERSON_MOD 0x0010
#define ATTR_FLAG_GROUP_MOD 0x0020
#define ATTR_FLAG_MAY_EDIT 0x0040
#define ATTR_FLAG_SEARCH 0x0100
#define ATTR_FLAG_READ 0x0200
#define ATTR_FLAG_IS_A_DATE 0x0800
#define ATTR_FLAG_IS_A_DN 0x1000
#define ATTR_FLAG_IS_A_URL 0x2000
#define ATTR_FLAG_IS_A_BOOL 0x4000
* These are the structures we use when parsing an answer we get from the LDAP
* server.
struct attribute {
char *quipu_name;
char *output_string;
void (*mod_func) LDAP_P(( char *who, int attr_idx ));
unsigned short flags;
int number_of_values;
char **values;
struct entry {
char may_join;
int subscriber_count;
char *DN;
char *name;
struct attribute attrs[MAX_ATTRS];
* Variables
/* in globals.c: */
extern struct attribute attrlist[];/* complete list of attrs */
/* in main.c: */
extern char copyright[];
extern char *default_bind_object;
extern char *bound_dn;
extern char *group_base;
extern char *search_base; /* search base */
extern int lpp;
extern int verbose; /* verbose mode flag */
extern int col_size;
extern int bind_status;
extern LDAP *ld; /* our ldap descriptor */
extern LDAPFiltDesc *lfdp; /* LDAP filter descriptor */
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int debug; /* debug flag */
/* in print.c: */
extern struct entry Entry;
extern int dmsize[];
/* in version.c: */
extern char Version[];
* Functions
/* in auth.c: */
int auth LDAP_P(( char *who, int implicit ));
#if defined(HAVE_KERBEROS) && defined(_AC_KRB_H)
int krbgetpass LDAP_P(( char *u, char *in, char *re, char *pw, C_Block key ));
void destroy_tickets LDAP_P(( void ));
/* in edit.c: */
void edit LDAP_P(( char *who ));
/* in find.c: */
int vrfy LDAP_P(( char *dn ));
LDAPMessage *find LDAP_P(( char *who, int quiet ));
int pick_one LDAP_P(( int i ));
void print_list LDAP_P(( LDAPMessage *list, char **names, int *matches ));
int find_all_subscribers LDAP_P(( char **sub, char *group ));
char *fetch_boolean_value LDAP_P(( char *who, struct attribute attr ));
/* in globals.c: */
/* in group.c: */
void add_group LDAP_P(( char *name ));
void remove_group LDAP_P(( char *name ));
void x_group LDAP_P(( int action, char *name ));
void bulk_load LDAP_P(( char *group ));
void purge_group LDAP_P(( char *group ));
void tidy_up LDAP_P(( void ));
void mod_addrDN LDAP_P(( char *group, int offset ));
int my_ldap_modify_s LDAP_P(( LDAP *ldap, char *group, LDAPMod **mods ));
void list_groups LDAP_P(( char *who ));
void list_memberships LDAP_P(( char *who ));
/* in help.c: */
void print_help LDAP_P(( char *s ));
/* in main.c: */
#ifdef DEBUG
void do_commands LDAP_P(( void ));
void status LDAP_P(( void ));
void change_base LDAP_P(( int type, char **base, char *s ));
void initialize_client LDAP_P(( void ));
RETSIGTYPE attn LDAP_P(( int sig ));
#if !defined(NO_TERMCAP) && defined(TIOCGWINSZ)
RETSIGTYPE chwinsz LDAP_P(( int sig ));
/* in mod.c: */
void modify LDAP_P(( char *who ));
void change_field LDAP_P(( char *who, int attr_idx ));
char *get_value LDAP_P(( char *id, char *prompt ));
void set_boolean LDAP_P(( char *who, int attr_idx ));
#ifdef UOFM
void set_updates LDAP_P(( char *who, int dummy ));
void print_mod_list LDAP_P(( int group ));
int perform_action LDAP_P(( char *choice, char *dn, int group ));
void mod_perror LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld ));
/* in print.c: */
void parse_answer LDAP_P(( LDAPMessage *s ));
void add_value LDAP_P(( struct attribute *attr, LDAPMessage *ep, char *ap ));
void print_an_entry LDAP_P(( void ));
void print_values LDAP_P(( struct attribute A ));
void print_DN LDAP_P(( struct attribute A ));
void clear_entry LDAP_P(( void ));
int attr_to_index LDAP_P(( char *s ));
void initialize_attribute_strings LDAP_P(( void ));
void print_URL LDAP_P(( struct attribute A ));
void print_one_URL LDAP_P(( char *s, int l_lead, char *tag, int u_lead ));
/* in string_to_key.c: */
#if defined(HAVE_KERBEROS) && !defined(openbsd) && defined(_AC_KRB_H)
#if defined(HAVE_AFS_KERBEROS) || !defined(HAVE_KERBEROS_V)
void des_string_to_key LDAP_P(( char *str, des_cblock *key ));
#if defined(HAVE_AFS_KERBEROS)
void ka_StringToKey LDAP_P(( char *str, char *cell, des_cblock *key ));
/* in util.c: */
char *mygetpass LDAP_P(( char *prompt ));
void printbase LDAP_P(( char *lead, char *s ));
void fetch_buffer LDAP_P(( char *buffer, int length, FILE *where ));
void fatal LDAP_P(( char *s ));
int isgroup LDAP_P(( void ));
void format LDAP_P(( char *str, int width, int lead ));
void format2 LDAP_P(( char *s, char *ft, char *t, int fi, int i, int w ));
char *strip_ignore_chars LDAP_P(( char *cp ));
char *code_to_str LDAP_P(( int i ));
char *friendly_name LDAP_P(( char *s ));
#ifdef UOFM
int isauniqname LDAP_P(( char *s ));
int isadn LDAP_P(( char *s ));
char *my_ldap_dn2ufn LDAP_P(( char *s ));
int isaurl LDAP_P(( char *s ));
int isadate LDAP_P(( char *s ));
void *Malloc LDAP_P(( unsigned int size ));
void Free LDAP_P(( void *ptr ));
char *nextstr LDAP_P(( char *s ));
void free_mod_struct LDAP_P(( LDAPMod *modp ));
void StrFreeDup LDAP_P(( char **ptr, char *new_value ));
int confirm_action LDAP_P(( char *msg ));