Kurt Zeilenga dc07e765f2 Vienna Bulk Commit
This commit includes many changes.  All changes compile under NT but
have not been tested under UNIX.

A Summary of changes (likely incomplete):

NT changes:
	Removed lint.
	Clean up configuration support for "Debug", "Release", "SDebug",
		and "SRelease" configurations.
	Share output directories for clients, libraries,
		and slapd.  (maybe they should be combined further
		and moved to build/{,S}{Debug,Release}).
	Enable threading when _MT is defined.
	Enable debuging when _DEBUG is defined.
	Disable setting of NDEBUG under Release/SRelease.  Asserts
		are disabled in <ac/assert.h> when LDAP_DEBUG is not
	Added 'build/main.dsp' Master project.
	Removed non-slapd projects from slapd.dsp (see main.dsp).
	Removed replaced many uses of _WIN32 macro with feature based

ldap_cdefs.h changes
	#define LDAP_CONST const
		(see below)
	#define LDAP_F(type) LDAP_F_PRE type LDAP_F_POST
		To allow specifiers to be added before and after
		the type declaration.  (For DLL handling)

LBER/LDAP changes
	Namespace changes:
		s/lber_/ber_/ for here and there.
	Deleted NULLMSG and other NULL* macros for namespace reasons.
	"const" libraries.  Installed headers (ie: lber.h, ldap.h)
		use LDAP_CONST macro.  Normally set to 'const' when
		__STDC__.  Can be set externally to enable/disable
		'constification' of external interface.  Internal
		interface always uses 'const'.  Did not fix warnings
		in -lldif (in lieu of new LDIF parser).

	Added _ext API implementations (excepting search and bind).
		Need to implement ldap_int_get_controls() for reponses
		with controls.

	Added numberous assert() checks.

	Added numberous assert() checks.
	Changed ldap_pthread_t back to unsigned long.  Used cast
	to HANDLE in _join().

	Replaced _WIN32 with HAVE_SYSLOG

	Added version string if MKVERSION is not defined.  (MKVERSION
		needs to be set under UNIX).

	Made connection sockbuf field a pointer to a sockbuf.  This
		removed slap.h dependency on lber-int.h.  lber-int.h now only
		included by those files needing to mess with the sockbuf.
	Used ber_* functions/macros to access sockbuf internals whenever
	Added version string if MKVERSION is not defined.  (MKVERSION
		needs to be set under UNIX).
	Removed FD_SET unsigned lint

	Used EXEEXT to added ".exe" to routines.  Need to define EXEEXT
		under UNIX.

	Added ldappasswd.dsp.  Ported to NT.  Used getpid() to seed rand().

	Minor cleanup.  Added "portable.h" include and used <ac/*.h> where
	appropriate.  Added const to char* format argument.
1999-05-19 01:12:33 +00:00
go500.c Vienna Bulk Commit 1999-05-19 01:12:33 +00:00
go500gw.c Vienna Bulk Commit 1999-05-19 01:12:33 +00:00 Initial revision 1998-08-09 00:43:13 +00:00 Add mkversion script to generate version.c files. mkversion generates 1999-04-28 05:40:17 +00:00
README Initial revision 1998-08-09 00:43:13 +00:00

This directory contains source for two programs:

	go500		A gopher index search server to X.500 gateway

	go500gw		A more general gopher to X.500 gateway

Both programs use the LDAP protocol to talk to X.500.  If you did not
get this software with the U-M LDAP software distribution, you will
need to have the LDAP libraries on hand to be able to make this software.
The LDAP distribution is available for anonymous ftp from the host in the x500/ directory.

What you are trying to set up looks like this:

 --------             -----------------            --------           --------
| gopher |           | gopher to| LDAP |          | LDAP   |         | X.500  |
| client |<- gophr ->| LDAP g/w | API  |<- LDAP ->| server |<- DAP ->| server |
|________|           |__________|______|          |________|         |________|
                       go500gw                      ldapd

Both go500 and go500gw can be run either from inetd or as stand-alone

go500 is useful when you always want to search a fixed portion of the X.500
tree.  It does not let you browse around or change where you search.

go500gw is useful when you want to provide a more general and flexible
gateway from gopher to X.500.  It allows users to browse around anywhere
in the X.500 tree, doing searches at any point.

*                            RUNNING go500                                *

1) Make and install the ldap distribution if you have not already done so:

	(cd ../; make lib-only; make inst-lib)


	(cd ../; make all; make install)

   Use the second form if you don't already have an ldapd running
   somewhere you can connect to.  Note that to make an ldap server,
   you will need the ISODE libraries and include files.

2) Tailor go500 to your site before compiling:

	vi go500.c

   There are a couple of things to change in go500.c:

	DAPUSER - This is the DN go500 will bind to the directory as.
		You can specify NULL if you want.

	DEFAULT_BASE - This is the DN of the object below which go500
		will conduct its search.  You typically want this to
		be the DN or your organization.

	DEFAULT_LDAPHOST - This is the host that is running the ldap
		server.  If it's not on the localhost, you'll need to
		change this.

3) Make go500:


4) Start the ldap daemon:

	ldapd [-c dsaname]

   You only need to do this if you're not already running one.

5) Start go500 as a stand-alone server:


   or arrange to have it start from inetd:

	# vi /etc/services	/* add the following line */
	go500           5555/tcp        go500           # go500 server

	# vi /etc/inetd.conf	/* add the following line */
	go500   stream  tcp     nowait  nobody  $(ETCDIR)/go500    go500 -I

	# kill -HUP <inetdpid>	/* make inetd notice the change */

   where $(ETCDIR) is replaced by the ETCDIR from the top level Makefile
   and <inetdpid> is replaced by the pid of the inetd process.

6) Configure your local gopher server to have an entry for go500.
   A sample .link file is given below, with the things you should
   change given in <>'s:

	Name=<Label of your choice>

   You may also have to restart your gopher daemon, or remove
   the .cache file.

7) Run a gopher client and try it out.

*                           RUNNING go500gw                              *

1) Make the ldap distribution if you have not already done so:

	(cd ../; make lib-only)


	(cd ../; make lib-only ldap-server)

   Use the second form if you don't already have an ldapd running
   somewhere you can connect to.  Note that to make an ldap server,
   you will need the ISODE libraries and include files.

2) Tailor go500gw to your site before compiling:

	vi go500gw.c

   There are a couple of things to change in go500gw.c:

	GO500DN - This is the DN go500gw will bind to the directory as.
		You can specify NULL if you want.

	HELPFILE - This is the pathname of the helpfile (actually, the
		file that's displayed when a user chooses "About the
		Gopher to X.500 Gateway").

	LDAPHOST - This is the host that is running the ldap server.
		If it's not on the localhost, you'll need to change this.

3) Make go500gw:


4) Start the ldap daemon:

	ldapd [-c dsaname]

   You only need to do this if you're not already running one.

5) Start go500gw either as a stand-alone server:


   or arrange to have it start from inetd:

	# vi /etc/services	/* add the following line */
	go500gw           5555/tcp        go500gw           # go500gw server

	# vi /etc/inetd.conf	/* add the following line */
	go500gw	stream	tcp	nowait	nobody	$(ETCDIR)/go500gw  go500gw -I

	# kill -HUP <inetdpid>	/* make inetd notice the change */

   where $(ETCDIR) is replaced by the ETCDIR from the top level Makefile
   and <inetdpid> is replaced by the pid of the inetd process.

6) Configure your local gopher server to have an entry for go500gw.
   A sample .link file is given below, with the things you should
   change given in <>'s:

	Name=<Label of your choice>

   You may also have to restart your gopher daemon, or remove
   the .cache file.

   If you want to start go500gw at some point in the X.500 tree
   other than the root, you can change the Path parameter above
   to something like this, for example:

	Path=Mo=University of Michigan,c=US

   Of course, you would substitute your own organization's DN.

7) Run a gopher client and try it out.