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synced 2025-03-07 14:18:15 +08:00
372 lines
7.3 KiB
372 lines
7.3 KiB
#include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ac/stdlib.h>
#include <ac/ctype.h>
#include <ac/dirent.h>
#include <ac/socket.h>
#include <ac/string.h>
#include <ac/unistd.h>
#include <ac/wait.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "ldapconfig.h"
#define SEARCHCMD "slapd-search"
#define READCMD "slapd-read"
#define ADDCMD "slapd-addel"
#define MAXARGS 100
#define MAXREQS 20
#define LOOPS "100"
#define TSEARCHFILE "do_search.0"
#define TREADFILE "do_read.0"
#define TADDFILE "do_add."
static char *get_file_name( char *dirname, char *filename );
static int get_search_filters( char *filename, char *filters[] );
static int get_read_entries( char *filename, char *entries[] );
static void fork_child( char *prog, char *args[] );
static void wait4kids( int nkidval );
static int maxkids = 20;
static int nkids;
static void
usage( char *name )
fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s [-h <host>] -p <port> -D <manager> -w <passwd> -d <datadir> -b <baseDN> [-j <maxchild>] [-l <loops>] -P <progdir>\n", name );
exit( 1 );
main( int argc, char **argv )
int i, j;
char *host = "localhost";
char *port = NULL;
char *manager = NULL;
char *passwd = NULL;
char *dirname = NULL;
char *sbase = NULL;
char *progdir = NULL;
char *loops = LOOPS;
DIR *datadir;
struct dirent *file;
char *sfile = NULL;
char *sreqs[MAXREQS];
int snum = 0;
char *rfile = NULL;
char *rreqs[MAXREQS];
int rnum = 0;
char *afiles[MAXREQS];
int anum = 0;
char *sargs[MAXARGS];
int sanum;
char scmd[MAXPATHLEN];
char *rargs[MAXARGS];
int ranum;
char rcmd[MAXPATHLEN];
char *aargs[MAXARGS];
int aanum;
char acmd[MAXPATHLEN];
while ( (i = getopt( argc, argv, "h:p:D:w:b:d:j:l:P:" )) != EOF ) {
switch( i ) {
case 'h': /* slapd host */
host = strdup( optarg );
case 'p': /* the servers port number */
port = strdup( optarg );
case 'D': /* slapd manager */
manager = strdup( optarg );
case 'w': /* the managers passwd */
passwd = strdup( optarg );
case 'b': /* the base DN */
sbase = strdup( optarg );
case 'd': /* data directory */
dirname = strdup( optarg );
case 'P': /* prog directory */
progdir = strdup( optarg );
case 'j': /* the number of parallel clients */
maxkids = atoi( optarg );
case 'l': /* the number of loops per client */
loops = strdup( optarg );
usage( argv[0] );
if (( dirname == NULL ) || ( sbase == NULL ) || ( port == NULL ) ||
( manager == NULL ) || ( passwd == NULL ) || ( progdir == NULL ))
usage( argv[0] );
/* get the file list */
if ( ( datadir = opendir( dirname )) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: couldn't open data directory \"%s\".\n",
argv[0], dirname );
exit( 1 );
/* look for search, read, and add/delete files */
for ( file = readdir( datadir ); file; file = readdir( datadir )) {
if ( !strcasecmp( file->d_name, TSEARCHFILE )) {
sfile = get_file_name( dirname, file->d_name );
} else if ( !strcasecmp( file->d_name, TREADFILE )) {
rfile = get_file_name( dirname, file->d_name );
} else if ( !strncasecmp( file->d_name, TADDFILE, strlen( TADDFILE ))
&& ( anum < MAXREQS )) {
afiles[anum++] = get_file_name( dirname, file->d_name );
closedir( datadir );
/* look for search requests */
if ( sfile ) {
snum = get_search_filters( sfile, sreqs );
/* look for read requests */
if ( rfile ) {
rnum = get_read_entries( rfile, rreqs );
* generate the search clients
sanum = 0;
sprintf( scmd, "%s%s%s", progdir, DIRSEP, SEARCHCMD );
sargs[sanum++] = scmd;
sargs[sanum++] = "-h";
sargs[sanum++] = host;
sargs[sanum++] = "-p";
sargs[sanum++] = port;
sargs[sanum++] = "-b";
sargs[sanum++] = sbase;
sargs[sanum++] = "-l";
sargs[sanum++] = loops;
sargs[sanum++] = "-f";
sargs[sanum++] = NULL; /* will hold the search request */
sargs[sanum++] = NULL;
* generate the read clients
ranum = 0;
sprintf( rcmd, "%s%s%s", progdir, DIRSEP, READCMD );
rargs[ranum++] = rcmd;
rargs[ranum++] = "-h";
rargs[ranum++] = host;
rargs[ranum++] = "-p";
rargs[ranum++] = port;
rargs[ranum++] = "-l";
rargs[ranum++] = loops;
rargs[ranum++] = "-e";
rargs[ranum++] = NULL; /* will hold the read entry */
rargs[ranum++] = NULL;
* generate the add/delete clients
aanum = 0;
sprintf( acmd, "%s%s%s", progdir, DIRSEP, ADDCMD );
aargs[aanum++] = acmd;
aargs[aanum++] = "-h";
aargs[aanum++] = host;
aargs[aanum++] = "-p";
aargs[aanum++] = port;
aargs[aanum++] = "-D";
aargs[aanum++] = manager;
aargs[aanum++] = "-w";
aargs[aanum++] = passwd;
aargs[aanum++] = "-l";
aargs[aanum++] = loops;
aargs[aanum++] = "-f";
aargs[aanum++] = NULL; /* will hold the add data file */
aargs[aanum++] = NULL;
for ( j = 0; j < MAXREQS; j++ ) {
if ( j < snum ) {
sargs[sanum - 2] = sreqs[j];
fork_child( scmd, sargs );
if ( j < rnum ) {
rargs[ranum - 2] = rreqs[j];
fork_child( rcmd, rargs );
if ( j < anum ) {
aargs[aanum - 2] = afiles[j];
fork_child( acmd, aargs );
wait4kids( -1 );
exit( 0 );
static char *
get_file_name( char *dirname, char *filename )
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
sprintf( buf, "%s%s%s", dirname, DIRSEP, filename );
return( strdup( buf ));
static int
get_search_filters( char *filename, char *filters[] )
FILE *fp;
int filter = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen( filename, "r" )) != NULL ) {
char line[BUFSIZ];
while (( filter < MAXREQS ) && ( fgets( line, BUFSIZ, fp ))) {
char *nl;
if (( nl = strchr( line, '\r' )) || ( nl = strchr( line, '\n' )))
*nl = '\0';
filters[filter++] = strdup( line );
fclose( fp );
return( filter );
static int
get_read_entries( char *filename, char *entries[] )
FILE *fp;
int entry = 0;
if ( (fp = fopen( filename, "r" )) != NULL ) {
char line[BUFSIZ];
while (( entry < MAXREQS ) && ( fgets( line, BUFSIZ, fp ))) {
char *nl;
if (( nl = strchr( line, '\r' )) || ( nl = strchr( line, '\n' )))
*nl = '\0';
entries[entry++] = strdup( line );
fclose( fp );
return( entry );
static void
fork_child( char *prog, char *args[] )
pid_t pid;
wait4kids( maxkids );
switch ( pid = fork() ) {
case 0: /* child */
execvp( prog, args );
fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", prog );
perror( "execv" );
exit( -1 );
case -1: /* trouble */
fprintf( stderr, "Could not fork to run %s\n", prog );
perror( "fork" );
default: /* parent */
static void
wait4kids( int nkidval )
int status;
while ( nkids >= nkidval ) {
wait( &status );
if ( WIFSTOPPED(status) ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child stopped with signal %d\n",
(int) WSTOPSIG(status) );
} else if ( WIFSIGNALED(status) ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child terminated with signal %d%s\n",
(int) WTERMSIG(status),
WCOREDUMP(status) ? ", core dumped" : ""
exit( WEXITSTATUS(status) );
} else if ( WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child exited with status %d\n",
(int) WEXITSTATUS(status) );
exit( WEXITSTATUS(status) );
} else {