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/* $OpenLDAP$ */
/* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>.
* Copyright 1998-2007 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
* Public License.
* A copy of this license is available in file LICENSE in the
* top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
* <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>.
/* ldap-pvt.h - Header for ldap_pvt_ functions.
* These are meant to be internal to OpenLDAP Software.
#ifndef _LDAP_PVT_H
#define _LDAP_PVT_H 1
#include <lber.h> /* get ber_slen_t */
#define LDAP_PROTO_TCP 1 /* ldap:// */
#define LDAP_PROTO_UDP 2 /* reserved */
#define LDAP_PROTO_IPC 3 /* ldapi:// */
#define LDAP_PROTO_EXT 4 /* user-defined socket/sockbuf */
LDAP_F ( int )
ldap_pvt_url_scheme2proto LDAP_P((
const char * ));
LDAP_F ( int )
ldap_pvt_url_scheme2tls LDAP_P((
const char * ));
LDAP_F ( int )
ldap_pvt_url_scheme_port LDAP_P((
const char *, int ));
struct ldap_url_desc; /* avoid pulling in <ldap.h> */
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_url_parse_ext LDAP_P((
LDAP_CONST char *url,
struct ldap_url_desc **ludpp,
unsigned flags ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_url_parselist LDAP_P(( /* deprecated, use ldap_url_parselist_ext() */
struct ldap_url_desc **ludlist,
const char *url ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_url_parselist_ext LDAP_P((
struct ldap_url_desc **ludlist,
const char *url,
const char *sep,
unsigned flags ));
LDAP_F (char *) ldap_url_list2urls LDAP_P((
struct ldap_url_desc *ludlist ));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_free_urllist LDAP_P((
struct ldap_url_desc *ludlist ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_scope2bv LDAP_P ((
int scope, struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F (LDAP_CONST char *) ldap_pvt_scope2str LDAP_P ((
int scope ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_bv2scope LDAP_P ((
struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_str2scope LDAP_P ((
LDAP_CONST char * ));
LDAP_F( char * )
ldap_pvt_ctime LDAP_P((
const time_t *tp,
char *buf ));
LDAP_F( char *) ldap_pvt_get_fqdn LDAP_P(( char * ));
struct hostent; /* avoid pulling in <netdb.h> */
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_pvt_gethostbyname_a LDAP_P((
const char *name,
struct hostent *resbuf,
char **buf,
struct hostent **result,
int *herrno_ptr ));
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_pvt_gethostbyaddr_a LDAP_P((
const char *addr,
int len,
int type,
struct hostent *resbuf,
char **buf,
struct hostent **result,
int *herrno_ptr ));
struct sockaddr;
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_pvt_get_hname LDAP_P((
const struct sockaddr * sa,
int salen,
char *name,
int namelen,
char **herr ));
/* charray.c */
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_charray_add LDAP_P((
char ***a,
const char *s ));
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_charray_merge LDAP_P((
char ***a,
char **s ));
LDAP_F( void )
ldap_charray_free LDAP_P(( char **a ));
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_charray_inlist LDAP_P((
char **a,
const char *s ));
LDAP_F( char ** )
ldap_charray_dup LDAP_P(( char **a ));
LDAP_F( char ** )
ldap_str2charray LDAP_P((
const char *str,
const char *brkstr ));
LDAP_F( char * )
ldap_charray2str LDAP_P((
char **array, const char* sep ));
/* getdn.c */
#ifdef LDAP_AVA_NULL /* in ldap.h */
LDAP_F( void ) ldap_rdnfree_x LDAP_P(( LDAPRDN rdn, void *ctx ));
LDAP_F( void ) ldap_dnfree_x LDAP_P(( LDAPDN dn, void *ctx ));
LDAP_F( int ) ldap_bv2dn_x LDAP_P((
struct berval *bv, LDAPDN *dn, unsigned flags, void *ctx ));
LDAP_F( int ) ldap_dn2bv_x LDAP_P((
LDAPDN dn, struct berval *bv, unsigned flags, void *ctx ));
LDAP_F( int ) ldap_bv2rdn_x LDAP_P((
struct berval *, LDAPRDN *, char **, unsigned flags, void *ctx ));
LDAP_F( int ) ldap_rdn2bv_x LDAP_P((
LDAPRDN rdn, struct berval *bv, unsigned flags, void *ctx ));
/* url.c */
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_hex_unescape LDAP_P(( char *s ));
* these macros assume 'x' is an ASCII x
* and assume the "C" locale
#define LDAP_ASCII(c) (!((c) & 0x80))
#define LDAP_SPACE(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\n')
#define LDAP_DIGIT(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
#define LDAP_LOWER(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z')
#define LDAP_UPPER(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z')
#define LDAP_ALPHA(c) (LDAP_LOWER(c) || LDAP_UPPER(c))
#define LDAP_ALNUM(c) (LDAP_ALPHA(c) || LDAP_DIGIT(c))
#define LDAP_LDH(c) (LDAP_ALNUM(c) || (c) == '-')
#define LDAP_HEXLOWER(c) ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f')
#define LDAP_HEXUPPER(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F')
#define LDAP_HEX(c) (LDAP_DIGIT(c) || \
/* controls.c */
struct ldapcontrol;
LDAP_F (int)
ldap_pvt_put_control LDAP_P((
const struct ldapcontrol *c,
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_get_controls LDAP_P((
BerElement *be,
struct ldapcontrol ***ctrlsp));
/* cyrus.c */
struct sasl_security_properties; /* avoid pulling in <sasl.h> */
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_sasl_secprops LDAP_P((
const char *in,
struct sasl_security_properties *secprops ));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_sasl_secprops_unparse LDAP_P((
struct sasl_security_properties *secprops,
struct berval *out ));
LDAP_F (void *) ldap_pvt_sasl_mutex_new LDAP_P((void));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_sasl_mutex_lock LDAP_P((void *mutex));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_sasl_mutex_unlock LDAP_P((void *mutex));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_sasl_mutex_dispose LDAP_P((void *mutex));
struct sockbuf; /* avoid pulling in <lber.h> */
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_sasl_install LDAP_P(( struct sockbuf *, void * ));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_sasl_remove LDAP_P(( struct sockbuf * ));
#endif /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL */
#define LDAP_PVT_SASL_LOCAL_SSF 71 /* SSF for Unix Domain Sockets */
struct ldap;
struct ldapmsg;
/* abandon */
LDAP_F ( int ) ldap_pvt_discard LDAP_P((
struct ldap *ld, ber_int_t msgid ));
/* messages.c */
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
ldap_get_message_ber LDAP_P((
struct ldapmsg * ));
/* open */
LDAP_F (int) ldap_open_internal_connection LDAP_P((
struct ldap **ldp, ber_socket_t *fdp ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_init_fd LDAP_P((
ber_socket_t fd, int proto, LDAP_CONST char *url, struct ldap **ldp ));
/* search.c */
LDAP_F( int ) ldap_pvt_put_filter LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
const char *str ));
LDAP_F( char * )
ldap_pvt_find_wildcard LDAP_P(( const char *s ));
LDAP_F( ber_slen_t )
ldap_pvt_filter_value_unescape LDAP_P(( char *filter ));
LDAP_F( ber_len_t )
ldap_bv2escaped_filter_value_len LDAP_P(( struct berval *in ));
LDAP_F( int )
ldap_bv2escaped_filter_value_x LDAP_P(( struct berval *in, struct berval *out,
int inplace, void *ctx ));
/* string.c */
LDAP_F( char * )
ldap_pvt_str2upper LDAP_P(( char *str ));
LDAP_F( char * )
ldap_pvt_str2lower LDAP_P(( char *str ));
LDAP_F( struct berval * )
ldap_pvt_str2upperbv LDAP_P(( char *str, struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F( struct berval * )
ldap_pvt_str2lowerbv LDAP_P(( char *str, struct berval *bv ));
/* tls.c */
LDAP_F (int) ldap_int_tls_config LDAP_P(( struct ldap *ld,
int option, const char *arg ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_get_option LDAP_P(( struct ldap *ld,
int option, void *arg ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_set_option LDAP_P(( struct ldap *ld,
int option, void *arg ));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_tls_destroy LDAP_P(( void ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_init LDAP_P(( void ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_init_def_ctx LDAP_P(( int is_server ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_accept LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb, void *ctx_arg ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_inplace LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb ));
LDAP_F (void *) ldap_pvt_tls_sb_ctx LDAP_P(( Sockbuf *sb ));
LDAP_F (void) ldap_pvt_tls_ctx_free LDAP_P(( void * ));
typedef int LDAPDN_rewrite_dummy LDAP_P (( void *dn, unsigned flags ));
typedef int (LDAP_TLS_CONNECT_CB) LDAP_P (( struct ldap *ld, void *ssl,
void *ctx, void *arg ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_get_my_dn LDAP_P(( void *ctx, struct berval *dn,
LDAPDN_rewrite_dummy *func, unsigned flags ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_get_peer_dn LDAP_P(( void *ctx, struct berval *dn,
LDAPDN_rewrite_dummy *func, unsigned flags ));
LDAP_F (int) ldap_pvt_tls_get_strength LDAP_P(( void *ctx ));
* Multiple precision stuff
* May use OpenSSL's BIGNUM if built with TLS,
* or GNU's multiple precision library. But if
* long long is available, that's big enough
* and much more efficient.
* If none is available, unsigned long data is used.
* Use OpenSSL's BIGNUM
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>
typedef BIGNUM* ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init(mp) \
do { (mp) = BN_new(); } while (0)
/* FIXME: we rely on mpr being initialized */
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init_set(mpr,mpv) \
do { ldap_pvt_mp_init((mpr)); BN_add((mpr), (mpr), (mpv)); } while (0)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add(mpr,mpv) \
BN_add((mpr), (mpr), (mpv))
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add_ulong(mp,v) \
BN_add_word((mp), (v))
#define ldap_pvt_mp_clear(mp) \
do { BN_free((mp)); (mp) = 0; } while (0)
#elif defined(USE_MP_GMP)
* Use GNU's multiple precision library
#include <gmp.h>
typedef mpz_t ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define LDAP_PVT_MP_INIT { 0 }
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init(mp) \
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init_set(mpr,mpv) \
mpz_init_set((mpr), (mpv))
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add(mpr,mpv) \
mpz_add((mpr), (mpr), (mpv))
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add_ulong(mp,v) \
mpz_add_ui((mp), (mp), (v))
#define ldap_pvt_mp_clear(mp) \
* Use unsigned long long
typedef unsigned long long ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define LDAP_PVT_MP_INIT (0LL)
#elif defined(USE_MP_LONG)
typedef unsigned long ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define LDAP_PVT_MP_INIT (0L)
#elif defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG)
typedef unsigned long long ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define LDAP_PVT_MP_INIT (0LL)
typedef unsigned long ldap_pvt_mp_t;
#define LDAP_PVT_MP_INIT (0L)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init(mp) \
do { (mp) = 0; } while (0)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_init_set(mpr,mpv) \
do { (mpr) = (mpv); } while (0)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add(mpr,mpv) \
do { (mpr) += (mpv); } while (0)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_add_ulong(mp,v) \
do { (mp) += (v); } while (0)
#define ldap_pvt_mp_clear(mp) \
do { (mp) = 0; } while (0)
#endif /* MP */
#include "ldap_pvt_uc.h"
#endif /* _LDAP_PVT_H */