2002-12-05 03:30:20 +00:00

56 lines
1.4 KiB

Tools ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
ldapcompare * DE *HI*K M*OPQR U*WXYZ de *h**k *n*p* vwx z
ldapdelete *CDE *HI*K M*OPQR U*WXYZ cdef*h**k *n*p* vwxy
ldapmodify *CDEF*HI*K M*OPQRS U*WXYZabcdef*h**k *n*p*r t vwxy
ldapmodrdn *CDE *HI*K M*OPQR U*WXYZ cdef*h**k *n*p*rs vwxy
ldappasswd A*CDE *HI* *O QRS U*WXYZa de *h** * * * s vwxy
ldapsearch A*CDE *HI*KLM*OPQRSTU*WXYZab*def*h**kl*n*p* stuvwxyz
ldapwhoami * DE *HI* *O QR U*WXYZ def*h** *n*p* vwx
* reserved
* General flags:
-C Chase Referrals
-D Bind DN
-E Tool-specific Extensions (e.g., -E <[!]oid[=options]>*)
-e General Extensions (e.g., -e <[!]oid[=options]>*)
-P protocol version
-V version information
-W prompt for bind password
-d debug
-h host
-n no-op
-p port
-v verbose
-x simple bind
-y Bind password-file
-w Bind password
-4 IPv4 only
-6 IPv6 only
* LDAPv3 Only
-M ManageDSAIT
-Z StartTLS
-Y SASL Mechanism (defaults to "best")
-R SASL Realm (defaults to empty)
-O SASL Security Options (defaults to "noanonymous,noplain")
-U SASL Authentication Identity (defaults to USER)
-X SASL Authorization Identity (defaults to empty)
-I SASL interactive mode (default: automatic)
-Q SASL quiet mode (default: automatic)
-K LDAPv2 Kerberos Bind (Step 1 only)
-k LDAPv2 Kerberos Bind