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-- objectClass mappings: these may be viewed as structuralObjectClass, the ones that are used to decide how to build an entry
-- id a unique number identifying the objectClass
-- name the name of the objectClass; it MUST match the name of an objectClass that is loaded in slapd's schema
-- keytbl the name of the table that is referenced for the primary key of an entry
-- keycol the name of the column in "keytbl" that contains the primary key of an entry; the pair "keytbl.keycol" uniquely identifies an entry of objectClass "id"
-- create_proc a procedure to create the entry
-- create_keyval a query that returns the id of the last inserted entry
-- delete_proc a procedure to delete the entry; it takes "keytbl.keycol" of the row to be deleted
-- expect_return a bitmap that marks whether create_proc (1) and delete_proc (2) return a value or not
insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,create_keyval,delete_proc,expect_return)
values (1,'inetOrgPerson','persons','id','INSERT INTO persons (id,name,surname) VALUES ((SELECT max(id)+1 FROM persons),'''','''')',
'SELECT max(id) FROM persons','DELETE FROM persons WHERE id=?',0);
insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,create_keyval,delete_proc,expect_return)
values (2,'document','documents','id','INSERT INTO documents (id,title,abstract) VALUES ((SELECT max(id)+1 FROM documents),'''','''')',
'SELECT max(id) FROM documents','DELETE FROM documents WHERE id=?',0);
insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,create_keyval,delete_proc,expect_return)
values (3,'organization','institutes','id','INSERT INTO institutes (id,name) VALUES ((SELECT max(id)+1 FROM institutes),'''')',
'SELECT max(id) FROM institutes','DELETE FROM institutes WHERE id=?',0);
insert into ldap_oc_mappings (id,name,keytbl,keycol,create_proc,create_keyval,delete_proc,expect_return)
values (4,'referral','referrals','id','INSERT INTO referrals (id,name,url) VALUES ((SELECT max(id)+1 FROM referrals),'''','''')',
'SELECT max(id) FROM referrals','DELETE FROM referrals WHERE id=?',0);
-- attributeType mappings: describe how an attributeType for a certain objectClass maps to the SQL data.
-- id a unique number identifying the attribute
-- oc_map_id the value of "ldap_oc_mappings.id" that identifies the objectClass this attributeType is defined for
-- name the name of the attributeType; it MUST match the name of an attributeType that is loaded in slapd's schema
-- sel_expr the expression that is used to select this attribute (the "select <sel_expr> from ..." portion)
-- from_tbls the expression that defines the table(s) this attribute is taken from (the "select ... from <from_tbls> where ..." portion)
-- join_where the expression that defines the condition to select this attribute (the "select ... where <join_where> ..." portion)
-- add_proc a procedure to insert the attribute; it takes the value of the attribute that is added, and the "keytbl.keycol" of the entry it is associated to
-- delete_proc a procedure to delete the attribute; it takes the value of the attribute that is added, and the "keytbl.keycol" of the entry it is associated to
-- param_order a mask that marks if the "keytbl.keycol" value comes before or after the value in add_proc (1) and delete_proc (2)
-- expect_return a mask that marks whether add_proc (1) and delete_proc(2) are expected to return a value or not
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (1,1,'cn','persons.name||'' ''||persons.surname','persons',NULL,NULL,NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (2,1,'telephoneNumber','phones.phone','persons,phones',
'phones.pers_id=persons.id','INSERT INTO phones (id,phone,pers_id) VALUES ((SELECT max(id)+1 FROM phones),?,?)',
'DELETE FROM phones WHERE phone=? AND pers_id=?',3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (4,1,'givenName','persons.name','persons',NULL,'UPDATE persons SET name=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (3,1,'sn','persons.surname','persons',NULL,'UPDATE persons SET surname=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (5,1,'userPassword','persons.password','persons','persons.password IS NOT NULL','UPDATE persons SET password=? WHERE id=?',
'UPDATE persons SET password=NULL WHERE password=? AND id=?',3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (6,1,'seeAlso','seeAlso.dn','ldap_entries AS seeAlso,documents,authors_docs,persons',
'seeAlso.keyval=documents.id AND seeAlso.oc_map_id=2 AND authors_docs.doc_id=documents.id AND authors_docs.pers_id=persons.id',
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (7,2,'description','documents.abstract','documents',NULL,'UPDATE documents SET abstract=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (8,2,'documentTitle','documents.title','documents',NULL,'UPDATE documents SET title=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (9,2,'documentAuthor','documentAuthor.dn','ldap_entries AS documentAuthor,documents,authors_docs,persons',
'documentAuthor.keyval=persons.id AND documentAuthor.oc_map_id=1 AND authors_docs.doc_id=documents.id AND authors_docs.pers_id=persons.id',
'INSERT INTO authors_docs (pers_id,doc_id) VALUES ((SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries WHERE ucase(cast(? AS VARCHAR(255)))=ucase(dn)),?)',
'DELETE FROM authors_docs WHERE pers_id=(SELECT keyval FROM ldap_entries WHERE ucase(cast(? AS VARCHAR(255))=ucase(dn)) AND doc_id=?',3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (10,2,'documentIdentifier','''document ''||rtrim(cast(documents.id AS CHAR(16)))','documents',NULL,NULL,NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (11,3,'o','institutes.name','institutes',NULL,'UPDATE institutes SET name=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (12,3,'dc','lcase(institutes.name)','institutes,ldap_entries AS dcObject,ldap_entry_objclasses as auxObjectClass',
'institutes.id=dcObject.keyval AND dcObject.oc_map_id=3 AND dcObject.id=auxObjectClass.entry_id AND auxObjectClass.oc_name=''dcObject''',
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (13,4,'ou','referrals.name','referrals',NULL,'UPDATE referrals SET name=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
insert into ldap_attr_mappings (id,oc_map_id,name,sel_expr,from_tbls,join_where,add_proc,delete_proc,param_order,expect_return)
values (14,4,'ref','referrals.url','referrals',NULL,'UPDATE referrals SET url=? WHERE id=?',NULL,3,0);
-- entries mapping: each entry must appear in this table, with a unique DN rooted at the database naming context
-- id a unique number > 0 identifying the entry
-- dn the DN of the entry, in "pretty" form
-- oc_map_id the "ldap_oc_mappings.id" of the main objectClass of this entry (view it as the structuralObjectClass)
-- parent the "ldap_entries.id" of the parent of this objectClass; 0 if it is the "suffix" of the database
-- keyval the value of the "keytbl.keycol" defined for this objectClass
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (1,'dc=example,dc=com',3,0,1);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (2,'cn=Mitya Kovalev,dc=example,dc=com',1,1,1);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (3,'cn=Torvlobnor Puzdoy,dc=example,dc=com',1,1,2);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (4,'cn=Akakiy Zinberstein,dc=example,dc=com',1,1,3);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (5,'documentTitle=book1,dc=example,dc=com',2,1,1);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (6,'documentTitle=book2,dc=example,dc=com',2,1,2);
insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval)
values (7,'ou=Referral,dc=example,dc=com',4,1,1);
-- objectClass mapping: entries that have multiple objectClass instances are listed here with the objectClass name (view them as auxiliary objectClass)
-- entry_id the "ldap_entries.id" of the entry this objectClass value must be added
-- oc_name the name of the objectClass; it MUST match the name of an objectClass that is loaded in slapd's schema
insert into ldap_entry_objclasses (entry_id,oc_name) values (1,'dcObject');
insert into ldap_entry_objclasses (entry_id,oc_name) values (7,'extensibleObject');