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/* $OpenLDAP$ */
* Copyright 1998,1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted only
* as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License. A copy of this
* license is available at or
* in file LICENSE in the top-level directory of the distribution.
/* Portions
* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of Michigan.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#ifndef _LBER_H
#define _LBER_H
#include <ldap_cdefs.h>
#include <lber_types.h>
/* booleans, enumerations, and integers */
typedef LBER_INT_T ber_int_t;
/* signed and unsigned versions */
typedef signed LBER_INT_T ber_sint_t;
typedef unsigned LBER_INT_T ber_uint_t;
/* tags */
typedef unsigned LBER_TAG_T ber_tag_t;
/* "socket" descriptors */
typedef LBER_SOCKET_T ber_socket_t;
/* lengths */
typedef unsigned LBER_LEN_T ber_len_t;
/* signed lengths */
typedef signed LBER_LEN_T ber_slen_t;
/* Overview of LBER tag construction
* Bits
* ______
* 8 7 | CLASS
* 1 1 = PRIVATE
* _____
* | 6 | DATA-TYPE
* ___________
* | 5 ... 1 | TAG-NUMBER
/* BER classes and mask */
#define LBER_CLASS_UNIVERSAL (ber_tag_t) 0x00U
#define LBER_CLASS_APPLICATION (ber_tag_t) 0x40U
#define LBER_CLASS_CONTEXT (ber_tag_t) 0x80U
#define LBER_CLASS_PRIVATE (ber_tag_t) 0xc0U
#define LBER_CLASS_MASK (ber_tag_t) 0xc0U
/* BER encoding type and mask */
#define LBER_PRIMITIVE (ber_tag_t) 0x00U
#define LBER_CONSTRUCTED (ber_tag_t) 0x20U
#define LBER_ENCODING_MASK (ber_tag_t) 0x20U
#define LBER_BIG_TAG_MASK (ber_tag_t) 0x1fU
#define LBER_MORE_TAG_MASK (ber_tag_t) 0x80U
* Note that LBER_ERROR and LBER_DEFAULT are values that can never appear
* as valid BER tags, and so it is safe to use them to report errors. In
* fact, any tag for which the following is true is invalid:
#define LBER_INVALID(t) (((t) & 0x080) && (((t) & (ber_tag_t) ~ 0x0FF))
#define LBER_ERROR ((ber_tag_t) ~ 0x0)
#define LBER_DEFAULT ((ber_tag_t) ~ 0x0)
/* general BER types we know about */
#define LBER_BOOLEAN (ber_tag_t) 0x01UL
#define LBER_INTEGER (ber_tag_t) 0x02UL
#define LBER_BITSTRING (ber_tag_t) 0x03UL
#define LBER_OCTETSTRING (ber_tag_t) 0x04UL
#define LBER_NULL (ber_tag_t) 0x05UL
#define LBER_ENUMERATED (ber_tag_t) 0x0aUL
#define LBER_SEQUENCE (ber_tag_t) 0x30UL /* constructed */
#define LBER_SET (ber_tag_t) 0x31UL /* constructed */
#define OLD_LBER_SEQUENCE (ber_tag_t) 0x10UL /* w/o constructed bit - broken */
#define OLD_LBER_SET (ber_tag_t) 0x11UL /* w/o constructed bit - broken */
typedef int (*BERTranslateProc) LDAP_P((
char **bufp,
ber_len_t *buflenp,
int free_input ));
/* LBER BerElement options */
#define LBER_USE_DER 0x01
/* get/set options for BerElement */
#define LBER_OPT_BER_DEBUG 0x02
#define LBER_OPT_LOG_PRINT_FN 0x8001
#define LBER_OPT_MEMORY_FNS 0x8002
typedef void (*BER_LOG_PRINT_FN) LDAP_P(( char *buf ));
typedef void* (*BER_MEMALLOC_FN) LDAP_P(( ber_len_t size ));
typedef void* (*BER_MEMCALLOC_FN) LDAP_P(( ber_len_t n, ber_len_t size ));
typedef void* (*BER_MEMREALLOC_FN) LDAP_P(( void *p, ber_len_t size ));
typedef void (*BER_MEMFREE_FN) LDAP_P(( void *p ));
typedef struct lber_memory_fns {
BER_MEMALLOC_FN bmf_malloc;
BER_MEMCALLOC_FN bmf_calloc;
BER_MEMREALLOC_FN bmf_realloc;
BER_MEMFREE_FN bmf_free;
} BerMemoryFunctions;
/* LBER Sockbuf options */
#define LBER_TO_FILE 0x01 /* to a file referenced by sb_fd */
#define LBER_TO_FILE_ONLY 0x02 /* only write to file, not network */
#define LBER_MAX_INCOMING_SIZE 0x04 /* impose limit on incoming stuff */
#define LBER_NO_READ_AHEAD 0x08 /* read only as much as requested */
/* get/set options for Sockbuf */
#define LBER_OPT_SOCKBUF_DESC 0x1000
/* on/off values */
#define LBER_OPT_ON ((void *) 1)
#define LBER_OPT_OFF ((void *) 0)
#define LBER_OPT_ERROR (-1)
typedef struct berelement BerElement;
typedef struct sockbuf Sockbuf;
typedef struct seqorset Seqorset;
/* structure for returning a sequence of octet strings + length */
typedef struct berval {
ber_len_t bv_len;
char *bv_val;
} BerValue;
* in bprint.c:
LDAP_F( void )
ber_print_error LDAP_P((
LDAP_CONST char *data ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_bprint LDAP_P((
LDAP_CONST char *data, ber_len_t len ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_dump LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber, int inout ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_sos_dump LDAP_P((
Seqorset *sos ));
* in decode.c:
typedef int (*BERDecodeCallback) LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
void *data,
int mode ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_tag LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_skip_tag LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_len_t *len ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_peek_tag LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_len_t *len ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_int LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_int_t *num ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_stringb LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
char *buf,
ber_len_t *len ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_stringa LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
char **buf ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_stringal LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
struct berval **bv ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_bitstringa LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
char **buf,
ber_len_t *len ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_null LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_boolean LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_int_t *boolval ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_first_element LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_len_t *len,
char **last ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_next_element LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_len_t *len,
char *last ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_scanf LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *fmt,
... ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_set_string_translators LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
BERTranslateProc encode_proc,
BERTranslateProc decode_proc ));
* in encode.c
typedef int (*BEREncodeCallback) LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
void *data ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_enum LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_int_t num,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_int LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_int_t num,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_ostring LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *str,
ber_len_t len,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_berval LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST struct berval *bv,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_string LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *str,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_bitstring LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *str,
ber_len_t bitlen,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_null LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_boolean LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_int_t boolval,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_start_seq LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_start_set LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
ber_tag_t tag ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_seq LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_put_set LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_printf LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *fmt,
... ));
* in io.c:
LDAP_F( ber_slen_t )
ber_read LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
char *buf,
ber_len_t len ));
LDAP_F( ber_slen_t )
ber_write LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
LDAP_CONST char *buf,
ber_len_t len,
int nosos ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_free LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
int freebuf ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_flush LDAP_P((
Sockbuf *sb,
BerElement *ber,
int freeit ));
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
ber_alloc LDAP_P(( void )); /* DEPRECATED */
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
der_alloc LDAP_P(( void )); /* DEPRECATED */
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
ber_alloc_t LDAP_P((
int beroptions ));
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
ber_dup LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( ber_tag_t )
ber_get_next LDAP_P((
Sockbuf *sb,
ber_len_t *len,
BerElement *ber ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_init_w_nullc LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
int options ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_reset LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
int was_writing ));
LDAP_F( BerElement * )
ber_init LDAP_P((
struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_flatten LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber,
struct berval **bvPtr ));
* LBER ber accessor functions
LDAP_F( int )
ber_get_option LDAP_P((
void *item,
int option,
void *outvalue));
LDAP_F( int )
ber_set_option LDAP_P((
void *item,
int option,
LDAP_CONST void *invalue));
* LBER sockbuf.c
LDAP_F( Sockbuf * )
ber_sockbuf_alloc( void );
LDAP_F( Sockbuf * )
ber_socket_t fd );
LDAP_F( void )
Sockbuf *sb );
* LBER memory.c
LDAP_F( void * )
ber_memalloc LDAP_P((
ber_len_t s ));
LDAP_F( void * )
ber_memrealloc LDAP_P((
void* p,
ber_len_t s ));
LDAP_F( void * )
ber_memcalloc LDAP_P((
ber_len_t n,
ber_len_t s ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_memfree LDAP_P((
void* p ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_memvfree LDAP_P((
void** vector ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_bvfree LDAP_P((
struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F( void )
ber_bvecfree LDAP_P((
struct berval **bv ));
LDAP_F( struct berval * )
ber_bvdup LDAP_P((
LDAP_CONST struct berval *bv ));
LDAP_F( char * )
ber_strdup LDAP_P((
LDAP_CONST char * ));
#endif /* _LBER_H */