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* Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ac/ctype.h>
#include <ac/string.h>
#include <quipu/commonarg.h>
#include <quipu/attrvalue.h>
#include <quipu/ds_error.h>
#include <quipu/ds_search.h>
/* #include <quipu/dap2.h> */
#include <quipu/dua.h>
#include "lber.h"
#include "ldap.h"
#include "ldif.h"
#include "ldapsyntax.h"
short ldap_dn_syntax;
short ldap_password_syntax;
short ldap_photo_syntax;
short ldap_jpeg_syntax;
short ldap_audio_syntax;
static int dn2ldif( PS ps, DN dn );
static int jpeg2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av );
static int audio2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av );
static int photo2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av );
static int fileattr2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av );
static void de_t61( char *s, int t61mark );
static void de_crypt( char *s );
extern char *progname;
#define SEPARATOR(c) (c == ',' || c == ';')
#define SPACE(c) (c == ' ' || c == '\n')
if (( ldap_dn_syntax = str2syntax( "DN" )) == 0 ) {
return( -1 ); /* must have this syntax handler */
ldap_password_syntax = str2syntax( "password" );
ldap_photo_syntax = str2syntax( "photo" );
ldap_jpeg_syntax = str2syntax( "jpeg" );
ldap_audio_syntax = str2syntax( "audio" );
return( 0 );
* av2ldif: convert attribute value contained in "av" to ldif format
* and write to "outfp". If "dn" is not NULL, convert it instead of "av".
av2ldif( FILE *outfp, AV_Sequence av, DN dn, short syntax, char *attrname,
PS str_ps )
char *buf;
int rc;
struct file_syntax *fsyntax;
if ( av != NULLAV ) {
fsyntax = (struct file_syntax *) av->avseq_av.av_struct;
rc = 0; /* optimistic */
str_ps->ps_ptr = str_ps->ps_base; /* reset string PS */
if ( dn != NULL || syntax == ldap_dn_syntax ) { /* DNs */
rc = dn2ldif( str_ps, ( dn != NULLDN ) ? dn :
} else if ( syntax == ldap_jpeg_syntax || ( syntax > AV_WRITE_FILE &&
fsyntax->fs_real_syntax == ldap_jpeg_syntax )) {
rc = jpeg2ldif( str_ps, &av->avseq_av );
} else if ( syntax == ldap_photo_syntax || ( syntax > AV_WRITE_FILE &&
fsyntax->fs_real_syntax == ldap_photo_syntax )) {
rc = photo2ldif( str_ps, &av->avseq_av );
} else if ( syntax == ldap_audio_syntax || ( syntax > AV_WRITE_FILE &&
fsyntax->fs_real_syntax == ldap_audio_syntax )) {
rc = audio2ldif( str_ps, &av->avseq_av );
} else if ( syntax > AV_WRITE_FILE ) {
rc = fileattr2ldif( str_ps, &av->avseq_av );
} else {
AttrV_print( str_ps, &av->avseq_av, EDBOUT );
*str_ps->ps_ptr = '\0';
de_t61( str_ps->ps_base, 0 );
if ( syntax == ldap_password_syntax ) {
de_crypt( str_ps->ps_base );
str_ps->ps_ptr = str_ps->ps_base + strlen( str_ps->ps_base );
if ( rc == 0 && str_ps->ps_ptr > str_ps->ps_base ) {
*str_ps->ps_ptr = '\0';
if (( buf = ldif_type_and_value( attrname, str_ps->ps_base,
str_ps->ps_ptr - str_ps->ps_base )) == NULL ) {
rc = -1;
} else {
if ( fputs( buf, outfp ) == EOF ) {
rc = -1;
free( buf );
if ( rc == -2 ) {
if ( syntax > AV_WRITE_FILE ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"%s: attribute file '%s' not found (skipping value)\n",
progname, fsyntax->fs_name );
rc = 0; /* treat as "soft" error -- keep going */
return( rc );
static int
dn2ldif( PS ps, DN dn )
RDN rdn;
int firstrdn, rc;
char *value;
PS rps;
if ( dn == NULLDN ) {
return( 0 );
if ( dn->dn_parent != NULLDN ) {
if (( rc = dn2ldif( ps, dn->dn_parent )) != 0 ) {
return( rc );
ps_print( ps, ", " );
if ( (rps = ps_alloc( str_open )) == NULLPS ||
str_setup( rps, NULLCP, 0, 0 ) == NOTOK ) {
return( -1 );
firstrdn = 1;
for ( rdn = dn->dn_rdn; rdn != NULLRDN; rdn = rdn->rdn_next ) {
if ( firstrdn ) {
firstrdn = 0;
} else {
ps_print( ps, " + " );
AttrT_print( ps, rdn->rdn_at, EDBOUT );
ps_print( ps, "=" );
if ( rdn->rdn_at->oa_syntax == ldap_dn_syntax ) {
if (( rc = dn2ldif( rps, (DN) rdn->rdn_av.av_struct )) != 0 ) {
return( rc );
*rps->ps_ptr = '\0';
value = rps->ps_base;
} else {
AttrV_print( rps, &rdn->rdn_av, EDBOUT );
*rps->ps_ptr = '\0';
value = rps->ps_base;
de_t61( value, 0 );
* ,+="\\\n all go in quotes. " and \\ need to
* be preceeded by \\.
if ( strpbrk( value, ",+=\"\\\n" ) != NULL || SPACE( value[0] )
|| SPACE( value[max( strlen(value) - 1, 0 )] ) ) {
char *p, *t, *tmp;
int specialcount;
ps_print( ps, "\"" );
specialcount = 0;
for ( p = value; *p != '\0'; p++ ) {
if ( *p == '"' || *p == '\\' ) {
if ( specialcount > 0 ) {
tmp = smalloc( strlen( value ) + specialcount + 1 );
for ( p = value, t = tmp; *p != '\0'; p++ ) {
switch ( *p ) {
case '"':
case '\\':
*t++ = '\\';
*t++ = *p;
*t = '\0';
ps_print( ps, tmp );
free( tmp );
} else {
ps_print( ps, value );
ps_print( ps, "\"" );
} else {
ps_print( ps, value );
rps->ps_ptr = rps->ps_base;
ps_free( rps );
return( 0 );
#define T61 "{T.61}"
#define T61LEN 6
static void
de_t61( s, t61mark )
char *s;
int t61mark;
char *next = s;
unsigned char c;
unsigned int hex;
while ( *s ) {
switch ( *s ) {
case '{' :
if ( strncasecmp( s, T61, T61LEN) == 0 ) {
s += T61LEN;
if ( t61mark )
*next++ = '@';
} else {
*next++ = *s++;
case '\\':
c = *(s + 1);
if ( c == '\n' ) {
s += 2;
if ( *s == '\t' )
if ( isdigit( c ) )
hex = c - '0';
else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
hex = c - 'A' + 10;
else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
hex = c - 'a' + 10;
else {
*next++ = *s++;
hex <<= 4;
c = *(s + 2);
if ( isdigit( c ) )
hex += c - '0';
else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
hex += c - 'A' + 10;
else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
hex += c - 'a' + 10;
else {
*next++ = *s++;
*next++ = *s++;
*next++ = hex;
s += 3;
*next++ = *s++;
*next = '\0';
#define CRYPT_MASK 0x23
static void
de_crypt( char *s )
char *p;
if ( strncmp( s, "{CRYPT}", 7 ) == 0 ) {
SAFEMEMCPY( s, s + 7, strlen( s + 7 ) + 1 ); /* strip off "{CRYPT}" */
for ( p = s; *p != '\0'; ++p) { /* "decrypt" each byte */
if ( *p != CRYPT_MASK ) {
static int
jpeg2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av )
PE pe;
int len;
if (( pe = grab_pe( av )) == NULLPE || pe->pe_id == PE_PRIM_NULL ) {
return( -2 ); /* signal soft error */
if (( pe->pe_class != PE_CLASS_UNIV && pe->pe_class != PE_CLASS_CONT )
|| pe->pe_form != PE_FORM_PRIM || pe->pe_id != PE_PRIM_OCTS ) {
return( -1 );
if ( pe_pullup( pe ) == NOTOK ) {
return( -1 );
len = ps_get_abs( pe );
if ( ps_write( ps, (PElementData)pe->pe_prim, len ) == NOTOK ) {
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
audio2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av )
PE pe;
struct qbuf *qb, *p;
int rc, len;
char *buf;
return( 0 ); /* for now */
if (( pe = grab_pe( av )) == NULLPE || pe->pe_id == PE_PRIM_NULL ) {
return( -2 ); /* signal soft error */
qb = (struct qbuf *)pe;
len = 0;
for ( p = qb->qb_forw; p != qb; p = p->qb_forw ) {
len += p->qb_len;
if (( buf = (char *) malloc( len )) == NULL ) {
return( -1 );
len = 0;
for ( p = qb->qb_forw; p != qb; p = p->qb_forw ) {
SAFEMEMCPY( buf + len, p->qb_data, p->qb_len );
len += p->qb_len;
if ( ps_write( ps, (PElementData)buf, len ) == NOTOK ) {
rc = -1;
} else {
rc = 0;
free( buf );
return( rc );
static int
photo2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av )
PE pe;
int len;
char *faxparamset = "\000\300\000\000";
BerElement *phber;
if (( pe = grab_pe( av )) == NULLPE || pe->pe_id == PE_PRIM_NULL ) {
return( -2 ); /* signal soft error */
/* old bit string-like format - only handle this for now */
if ( pe->pe_class == PE_CLASS_UNIV && pe->pe_form == PE_FORM_PRIM
&& pe->pe_id == PE_PRIM_BITS ) {
len = ps_get_abs( pe );
if (( phber = der_alloc()) == NULLBER ) {
return( -1 );
if ( ber_printf( phber, "t{[tB]{B}}", 0xA3, 0x81, faxparamset,
31, (char *)pe->pe_prim, len * 8 ) == -1 ) {
ber_free( phber, 1 );
return( -1 );
if ( ps_write( ps, (PElementData)phber->ber_buf,
phber->ber_ptr - phber->ber_buf ) == NOTOK ) {
ber_free( phber, 1 );
return( -1 );
ber_free( phber, 1 );
} else {
* try just writing this into a PS and sending it along
if ( pe2ps( ps, pe ) == NOTOK ) {
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
fileattr2ldif( PS ps, AttributeValue av )
PE pe;
if (( pe = grab_pe( av )) == NULLPE || pe->pe_id == PE_PRIM_NULL ) {
return( -2 ); /* signal soft error */
* try just writing this into a PS and sending it along
if ( pe2ps( ps, pe ) == NOTOK ) {
return( -1 );
return( 0 );