Kurt Zeilenga 6f92e197dc Add libtool support based upon patch by Bart Hartgers <>
Updated to use libtool 1.2 (with FreeBSD3.0 a.out v. elf detection).
  Updated autoconf to 1.12 with sed patch (don't use stock 1.12).
  aclocal.m4 is built using automake's aclocal, v1.3.
  Updated mkdep to support libtool .lo files.
Updated automake provided macros for TERMIOS, STRTOD, MKTIME, PTRDIFF_T
Autoconf now checks to ensure C compiler supports ANSI C prototypes.
Updated make files templates.
1998-11-22 04:22:28 +00:00

29 lines
798 B

SRCS= main.c find.c mod.c print.c auth.c util.c help.c \
string_to_key.c group.c edit.c globals.c
XSRCS= version.c
OBJS= main.o find.o mod.o print.o auth.o util.o help.o \
string_to_key.o group.o globals.o edit.o
HDRS= ud.h
LDAP_INCDIR= ../../include
LDAP_LIBDIR= ../../libraries
ud : version.o
$(LTLINK) -o $@ version.o $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
version.c: ${OBJS} $(LDAP_LIBDEPEND)
$(RM) $@
(u=$${USER-root} v=`$(CAT) $(VERSIONFILE)` d=`$(PWD)` h=`$(HOSTNAME)` \
t=`$(DATE)`; $(SED) -e "s|%WHEN%|$${t}|" \
-e "s|%WHOANDWHERE%|$${u}@$${h}:$${d}|" \
-e "s|%VERSION%|$${v}|" \
< $(srcdir)/Version.c > $@)
install-local: FORCE
-$(MKDIR) -p $(bindir)
-mv -f $(bindir)/ud $(bindir)/ud-
$(LTINSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) -m 775 ud $(bindir)