2003-12-02 21:03:21 +00:00

260 lines
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# $OpenLDAP$
# Copyright 2003, The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
H1: LDAP Sync Replication
The LDAP Sync replication engine is designed to function as an
improved alternative to {{slurpd}}(8). While the replication with
{{slurpd}}(8) provides the replication capability for improved capacity,
availability, and reliability, it has some drawbacks:
^ It is {{not stateful}}, hence lacks the resynchronization capability.
Because there is no representation of replica state in the replication
with {{slurpd}}(8), it is not possible to provide an efficient
mechanism to make the slave replica consistent to the master replica
once they become out of sync. For instance, if the slave database
content is damaged, the slave replica should be re-primed from the
master replica again. with a state-based replication, it would be
possible to recover the slave replica from a local backup. The slave
replica, then, will be synchronized by calculating and transmitting
the diffs between the slave replica and the master replica based
on their states. The LDAP Sync replication is {{stateful}}.
+ It is {{history-based}}, not {{state-based}}. The replication with
{{slurpd}}(8) relies on the history information in the replication
log file generated by {{slapd}}(8). If a portion of the log file
that contains updates yet to be synchronized to the slave is truncated
or damaged, a full reload is required. The state-based replication,
on the other hand, would not rely on the separate history store.
In the LDAP Sync replication, every directory entry has its state
information in the {{EX:entryCSN}} operational attribute. The replica
contents are calculated based on the consumer cookie and the
{{EX:entryCSN}} of the directory entries.
+ It is {{push-based}}, not {{pull-based}}. In the replication with
{{slurpd}}(8), it is the master who decides when to synchronize the
replica. The pull-based polling replication is not possible with
{{slurpd}}(8). For example, in order to make a daily directory backup
which is an exact image at a time, it is required to make the slave
replica read-only by stopping {{slurpd}}(8) during backup. After backup,
{{slurpd}}(8) can be run in an one-shot mode to resynchronize the slave
replica with the updates during the backup. In a pull-based, polling
replication, it is guaranteed to be read-only between the two polling
points. The LDAP Sync replication supports both {{push-based}}
and {{pull-based}} replication.
+ It only supports the fractional replication and does not support
the sparse replication. The LDAP Sync replication supports both the
fractional and sparse replication. It is possible to use general
search specification to initiate a synchronization session only for
the interesting subset of the context.
H2: LDAP Content Sync Protocol Description
The LDAP Sync replication uses the LDAP Content Sync protocol (refer
to the Internet Draft entitled "The LDAP Content Synchronization
Operation") for replica synchronization. The LDAP Content Sync
protocol operation is based on the replica state which is transmitted
between replicas as the synchronization cookies. There are two
operating modes: {{refreshOnly}} and {{refreshAndPersist}}. In both
modes, a consumer {{slapd}}(8) connects to a provider {{slapd}}(8)
with a cookie value representing the state of the consumer replica.
The non-persistent part of the synchronization consists of two
The first is the {{state-based}} phase. The entries updated after
the point in time the consumer cookie represents will be transmitted
to the consumer. Because the unit of synchronization is entry, all
the requested attributes will be transmitted even though only some
of them are changed. For the rest of the entries, the present
messages consisting only of the name and the synchronization control
will be sent to the consumer. After the consumer receives all the
updated and present entries, it can reliably make its replica
consistent to the provider replica. The consumer will add all the
newly added entries, replace the entries if updated entries are
existent, and delete entries in the local replica if they are neither
updated nor specified as present.
The second is the {{log-based}} phase. This phase is incorporated
to optimize the protocol with respect to the volume of the present
traffic. If the provider maintains a history store from which the
content to be synchronized can be reliably calculated, this log-base
phase follows the state-base phase. In this mode, the actual directory
update operations such as delete, modify, and add are transmitted.
There is no need to send present messages in this log-based phase.
If the protocol operates in the refreshOnly mode, the synchronization
will terminate. The provider will send a synchronization cookie
which reflects the new state to the consumer. The consumer will
present the new cookie at the next time it requests a synchronization.
If the protocol operates in the refreshAndPersist mode, the
synchronization operation remains persistent in the provider. Every
updates made to the provider replica will be transmitted to the
consumer. Cookies can be sent to the consumer at any time by using
the SyncInfo intermediate response and at the end of the synchronization
by using the SyncDone control attached to the SearchResultDone
Entries are uniquely identified by the {{EX:entryUUID}} attribute
value in the LDAP Content Sync protocol. It can role as a reliable
entry identifier while DN of an entry can change by modrdn operations.
The {{EX:entryUUID}} is attached to each SearchResultEntry or
SearchResultReference as a part of the Sync State control.
H2: LDAP Sync Replication Details
The LDAP Sync replication uses both the refreshOnly and the
refreshAndPersist modes of synchronization. If an LDAP Sync replication
is specified in a database definition, the {{slapd}}(8) schedules an
execution of the LDAP Sync replication engine. In the refreshOnly
mode, the engine will be rescheduled at the interval time after a
replication session ends. In the refreshAndPersist mode, the engine
will remain active to process the SearchResultEntry messages from
the provider.
The LDAP Sync replication uses only the state-base synchronization
phase. Because {{slapd}}(8) does not currently implement history store
like changelog or tombstone, it depends only on the state-base
phase. A Null log-base phase follows the state-base phase.
As an optimization, no entries will be transmitted to a consumer
if there has been no update in the master replica after the last
synchronization with the consumer. Even present messages for the
unchanged entries are not transmitted. The consumer retains its
replica contents.
H3: entryCSN
The LDAP Sync replication implemented in OpenLDAP stores state
information to ever entry in the entryCSN attribute. entryCSN of
an entry is the CSN or {{change sequence number}}, which is the
refined timestamp, at which the entry was updated most lately. The
CSN consists of three parts: the time, a replica ID, and a change
count within a single second.
H3: contextCSN
contextCSN represents the current state of the provider replica.
It is the largest entryCSN of all entries in the context such that
no transaction having smaller entryCSN value remains outstanding.
Because the entryCSN value is obtained before transaction start and
transactions are not committed in the entryCSN order, special care
needed to be taken to manage the proper contextCSN value in the
transactional environment. Also, the state of the search result set
is required to correspond to the contextCSN value returned to the
consumer as a sync cookie.
contextCSN, the provider replica state, is stored in the
syncProviderSubentry. The value of the contextCSN is transmitted
to the consumer replica as a Sync Cookie. The cookie is stored in
the syncreplCookie attribute of syncConsumerSubentry subentry. The
consumer will use the stored cookie value to represent its replica
state when it connects to the provider in the future.
H3: Glue Entry
Because general search filter can be used in the LDAP Sync replication,
an entry might be created without a parent, if the parent entry was
filtered out. The LDAP Sync replication engine creates the glue
entries for such holes in the replica. The glue entries will not
be returned in response to a search to the consumer {{slapd}}(8) if
manageDSAit is not set. It will be returned if it is set.
H2: Configuring slapd for LDAP Sync Replication
It is relatively simple to start servicing with a replicated OpenLDAP
environment with the LDAP Sync replication, compared to the replication
with {{slurpd}}(8). First, we should configure both the provider and
the consumer {{slapd}}(8) servers appropriately. Then, start the provider
slapd instance first, and the consumer slapd instance next.
Administrative tasks such as database copy and temporal shutdown
(or read-only demotion) of the provider are not required.
H3: Set up the provider slapd
There is no special slapd.conf(5) directive for the provider {{slapd}}(8).
Because the LDAP Sync searches are subject to access control, proper
access control privileges should be set up for the replicated
When creating a provider database from an ldif file using {{slapadd}}(8),
you must create and update a state indicator of the database context
up to date. slapadd(8) will store the contextCSN in the
syncProviderSubentry if it is given the {{EX:-w}} flag. It is also
possible to create the syncProviderSubentry with an appropriate
contextCSN value by directly including it in the ldif file. If
{{slapadd}}(8) runs without the {{EX:-w}} flag, the provided
contextCSN will be stored. With the {{EX:-w}} flag, a new value
based on the current time will be stored as contextCSN. {{slapcat}}(8)
can be used to retrieve the directory with the contextCSN when it
is run with the {{EX:-m}} flag.
Only the BDB (back-bdb) and HDB (back-hdb) backends can perform as
the LDAP Sync replication provider. Back-ldbm currently does not
have the LDAP Content Sync protocol functionality.
H3: Set up the consumer slapd
The consumer slapd is configured by {{slapd.conf}}(5) configuration
file. For the configuration directives, see the {{SECT:syncrepl}}
section of {{SECT:The slapd Configuration File}} chapter. In the
configuration file, make sure the DN given in the {{EX:updatedn=}}
directive of the syncrepl specification has permission to write to
the database. Below is an example syncrepl specification at the
consumer replica :
> syncrepl id = 1
> provider=ldap://
> updatedn="cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com"
> binddn="cn=syncuser,dc=example,dc=com"
> bindmethod=simple
> credentials=secret
> searchbase="dc=example,dc=com"
> filter="(objectClass=organizationalPerson)"
> attrs="cn,sn,ou,telephoneNumber,title,l"
> schemachecking=on
> scope=sub
> type=refreshOnly
> interval=01:00:00
In this example, the consumer will connect to the provider slapd
at port 389 of {{FILE:ldap://}} to perform a
polling (refreshOnly) mode of synchronization once a day. It will
bind as {{EX:cn=syncuser,dc=example,dc=com}} using simple authentication
with password "secret". Note that the access control privilege of
the DN specified by the binddn= directive should be set properly
to synchronize the desired replica content. The consumer will write
to its database with the privilege of the
{EX:cn=replica,dc=example,dc=com}} entry as specified by the
{{EX:updatedn=}} directive. The updatedn entry should have write
permission to the database.
The synchronization search in the example will search for entries
whose objectClass is organizationalPerson in the entire subtree
under {{EX:dc=example,dc=com}} search base inclusively. The requested
attributes are cn, sn, ou, telephoneNumber, title, and l. The schema
checking is turned on, so that the consumer {{slapd}}(8) will enforce
entry schema checking when it process updates from the provider
The LDAP Sync replication engine is backend independent. All three
native backends can perform as the LDAP Sync replication consumer.
H3: Start the provider and the consumer slapd
If the currently running provider {{slapd}}(8) already has the
syncProviderSubentry in its database, it is not required to restart
the provider slapd. You don't need to restart the provider {{slapd}}(8)
when you start a replicated LDAP service. When you run a consumer
{{slapd}}(8), it will immediately perform either the initial full reload
if cookie is NULL or too out of date, or incremental synchronization
if effective cookie is provided. In the refreshOnly mode, the next
synchronization session is scheduled to run interval time after the
completion of the current session. In the refreshAndPersist mode,
the synchronization session is open between the consumer and provider.
The provider will send update message whenever there are updates
in the provider replica.