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to allow selective replication of subtrees of a single database. Multiple occurrences allow the same replica to handle different subtrees
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388 lines
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/* $OpenLDAP$ */
* Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
/* slurp.h - Standalone Ldap Update Replication Daemon (slurpd) */
#ifndef _SLURPD_H_
#define _SLURPD_H_
#define LDAP_SYSLOG 1
#include <ac/errno.h>
#include <ac/param.h>
#include <ac/signal.h>
#include <ac/syslog.h>
#include <ac/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ldap.h>
#undef ldap_debug
#define ldap_debug slurp_debug
#include "ldap_log.h"
#include "ldap_pvt_thread.h"
#include "ldap_defaults.h"
#include "ldif.h"
/* Default directory for slurpd's private copy of replication logs */
/* Default name for slurpd's private copy of the replication log */
#define DEFAULT_SLURPD_REPLOGFILE "slurpd.replog"
/* Name of file which stores saved slurpd state info, for restarting */
#define DEFAULT_SLURPD_STATUS_FILE "slurpd.status"
/* slurpd dump file - contents of rq struct are written here (debugging) */
/* default srvtab file. Can be overridden */
#define SRVTAB "/etc/srvtab"
/* Amount of time to sleep if no more work to do */
/* The time we wait between checks to see if the replog file needs trimming */
#define TRIMCHECK_INTERVAL ( 60 * 5 )
/* Only try to trim slurpd replica files larger than this size */
#define MIN_TRIM_FILESIZE ( 10L * 1024L )
/* Maximum line length we can read from replication log */
#define REPLBUFLEN 256
/* TLS flags */
#define TLS_OFF 0
#define TLS_ON 1
#define TLS_CRITICAL 2
/* We support simple (plaintext password) and SASL authentication */
#define AUTH_SIMPLE 1
#define AUTH_SASL 3
/* Rejection records are prefaced with this string */
/* Strings found in replication entries */
#define T_CHANGETYPESTR "changetype"
#define T_CHANGETYPE 1
#define T_TIMESTR "time"
#define T_TIME 2
#define T_DNSTR "dn"
#define T_DN 3
#define T_ADDCTSTR "add"
#define T_ADDCT 4
#define T_MODIFYCTSTR "modify"
#define T_MODIFYCT 5
#define T_DELETECTSTR "delete"
#define T_DELETECT 6
#define T_MODRDNCTSTR "modrdn"
#define T_MODDNCTSTR "moddn"
#define T_RENAMECTSTR "rename"
#define T_MODRDNCT 7
#define T_MODOPADDSTR "add"
#define T_MODOPADD 8
#define T_MODOPREPLACESTR "replace"
#define T_MODOPDELETESTR "delete"
#define T_MODOPDELETE 10
#define T_MODSEPSTR "-"
#define T_MODSEP 11
#define T_NEWRDNSTR "newrdn"
#define T_DELOLDRDNSTR "deleteoldrdn"
#define T_NEWSUPSTR "newsuperior"
#define T_ERR -1
/* Config file keywords */
#define HOSTSTR "host"
#define SUFFIXSTR "suffix"
#define BINDDNSTR "binddn"
#define BINDMETHSTR "bindmethod"
#define KERBEROSSTR "kerberos"
#define SIMPLESTR "simple"
#define SASLSTR "sasl"
#define CREDSTR "credentials"
#define OLDAUTHCSTR "bindprincipal"
#define AUTHCSTR "authcID"
#define AUTHZSTR "authzID"
#define SRVTABSTR "srvtab"
#define SASLMECHSTR "saslmech"
#define REALMSTR "realm"
#define SECPROPSSTR "secprops"
#define TLSSTR "tls"
#define TLSCRITICALSTR "critical"
#define REPLICA_SLEEP_TIME ( 10 )
/* Enumeration of various types of bind failures */
#define BIND_OK 0
#define BIND_ERR_OPEN 2
#define BIND_ERR_BADRI 6
/* Return codes for do_ldap() */
#define DO_LDAP_OK 0
* Types of counts one can request from the Rq rq_getcount()
* member function
/* all elements */
#define RQ_COUNT_ALL 1
/* all elements with nonzero refcnt */
#define RQ_COUNT_NZRC 2
/* Amount of time, in seconds, for a thread to sleep when it encounters
* a retryable error in do_ldap().
* ****************************************************************************
* Data types for replication queue and queue elements.
* ****************************************************************************
* Replica host information. An Ri struct will contain an array of these,
* with one entry for each replica. The end of the array is signaled
* by a NULL value in the rh_hostname field.
typedef struct rh {
char *rh_hostname; /* replica hostname */
int rh_port; /* replica port */
} Rh;
* Per-replica information.
* Notes:
* - Private data should not be manipulated expect by Ri member functions.
typedef struct ri Ri;
struct ri {
/* Private data */
char *ri_hostname; /* canonical hostname of replica */
int ri_port; /* port where slave slapd running */
LDAP *ri_ldp; /* LDAP struct for this replica */
int ri_tls; /* TLS: 0=no, 1=yes, 2=critical */
int ri_bind_method; /* AUTH_SIMPLE or AUTH_KERBEROS */
char *ri_bind_dn; /* DN to bind as when replicating */
char *ri_password; /* Password for any method */
char *ri_secprops; /* SASL security properties */
char *ri_realm; /* realm for any mechanism */
char *ri_authcId; /* authentication ID for any mechanism */
char *ri_authzId; /* authorization ID for any mechanism */
char *ri_srvtab; /* srvtab file for kerberos bind */
char *ri_saslmech; /* SASL mechanism to use */
struct re *ri_curr; /* current repl entry being processed */
struct stel *ri_stel; /* pointer to Stel for this replica */
unsigned long
ri_seq; /* seq number of last repl */
ldap_pvt_thread_t ri_tid; /* ID of thread for this replica */
/* Member functions */
int (*ri_process) LDAP_P(( Ri * )); /* process the next repl entry */
void (*ri_wake) LDAP_P(( Ri * )); /* wake up a sleeping thread */
* Information about one particular modification to make. This data should
* be considered private to routines in re.c, and to routines in ri.c.
typedef struct mi {
/* Private data */
char *mi_type; /* attr or type */
char *mi_val; /* value */
int mi_len; /* length of mi_val */
} Mi;
* Information about one particular replication entry. Only routines in
* re.c and rq.c should touch the private data. Other routines should
* only use member functions.
typedef struct re Re;
struct re {
/* Private data */
re_mutex; /* mutex for this Re */
int re_refcnt; /* ref count, 0 = done */
char *re_timestamp; /* timestamp of this re */
int re_seq; /* sequence number */
Rh *re_replicas; /* array of replica info */
char *re_dn; /* dn of entry being modified */
int re_changetype; /* type of modification */
Mi *re_mods; /* array of modifications to make */
struct re *re_next; /* pointer to next element */
/* Public functions */
int (*re_free) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* free an re struct */
Re *(*re_getnext) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* return next Re in linked list */
int (*re_parse) LDAP_P(( Re *, char * )); /* parse replication log entry */
int (*re_write) LDAP_P(( Ri *, Re *, FILE * )); /* write repl. log entry */
void (*re_dump) LDAP_P(( Re *, FILE * )); /* debugging - print contents */
int (*re_lock) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* lock this re */
int (*re_unlock) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* unlock this re */
int (*re_decrefcnt) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* decrement the refcnt */
int (*re_getrefcnt) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* get the refcnt */
* Definition for the queue of replica information. Private data is
* private to rq.c. Other routines should only touch public data or
* use member functions. Note that although we have a member function
* for locking the queue's mutex, we need to expose the rq_mutex
* variable so routines in ri.c can use it as a mutex for the
* rq_more condition variable.
typedef struct rq Rq;
struct rq {
/* Private data */
Re *rq_head; /* pointer to head */
Re *rq_tail; /* pointer to tail */
int rq_nre; /* total number of Re's in queue */
int rq_ndel; /* number of deleted Re's in queue */
time_t rq_lasttrim; /* Last time we trimmed file */
/* Public data */
rq_mutex; /* mutex for whole queue */
rq_more; /* condition var - more work added */
/* Member functions */
Re * (*rq_gethead) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* get the element at head */
Re * (*rq_getnext) LDAP_P(( Re * )); /* get the next element */
int (*rq_delhead) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* delete the element at head */
int (*rq_add) LDAP_P(( Rq *, char * )); /* add at tail */
void (*rq_gc) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* garbage-collect queue */
int (*rq_lock) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* lock the queue */
int (*rq_unlock) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* unlock the queue */
int (*rq_needtrim) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* see if queue needs trimming */
int (*rq_write) LDAP_P(( Rq *, FILE * )); /*write Rq contents to file*/
int (*rq_getcount) LDAP_P(( Rq *, int )); /* return queue counts */
void (*rq_dump) LDAP_P(( Rq * )); /* debugging - print contents */
* An Stel (status element) contains information about one replica.
* Stel structs are associated with the St (status) struct, defined
* below.
typedef struct stel {
char *hostname; /* host name of replica */
int port; /* port number of replica */
char last[ 64 ]; /* timestamp of last successful repl */
int seq; /* Sequence number of last repl */
} Stel;
* An St struct in an in-core structure which contains the current
* slurpd state. Most importantly, it contains an array of Stel
* structs which contain the timestamp and sequence number of the last
* successful replication for each replica. The st_write() member
* function is called periodically to flush status information to
* disk. At startup time, slurpd checks for the status file, and
* if present, uses the timestamps to avoid "replaying" replications
* which have already been sent to a given replica.
typedef struct st St;
struct st {
/* Private data */
st_mutex; /* mutex to serialize access */
Stel **st_data; /* array of pointers to Stel structs */
int st_nreplicas; /* number of repl hosts */
int st_err_logged; /* 1 if fopen err logged */
FILE *st_fp; /* st file kept open */
FILE *st_lfp; /* lockfile fp */
/* Public member functions */
int (*st_update) LDAP_P(( St *, Stel*, Re* ));/*update entry for a host*/
Stel*(*st_add) LDAP_P(( St *, Ri * )); /*add a new repl host*/
int (*st_write) LDAP_P(( St * )); /* write status to disk */
int (*st_read) LDAP_P(( St * )); /* read status info from disk */
int (*st_lock) LDAP_P(( St * )); /* read status info from disk */
int (*st_unlock) LDAP_P(( St * )); /* read status info from disk */
#if defined( HAVE_LWP )
typedef struct tl {
thread_t tl_tid; /* thread being managed */
time_t tl_wake; /* time thread should be resumed */
struct tl *tl_next; /* next node in list */
} tl_t;
typedef struct tsl {
tl_t *tsl_list;
mon_t tsl_mon;
} tsl_t;
#endif /* HAVE_LWP */
* Public functions used to instantiate and initialize queue objects.
extern int Ri_init LDAP_P(( Ri **ri ));
extern int Rq_init LDAP_P(( Rq **rq ));
extern int Re_init LDAP_P(( Re **re ));
#include "proto-slurp.h"
#endif /* _SLURPD_H_ */