mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 14:15:49 +08:00
of a busy wait and allow the pthread_yield within the loop to be removed. This was the only pthread_yield which was necessary when usng non-preemptive threads. As such, the configure.in sched_yield/pthread_yield missing error can be removed from configure.in. If explicit yield function is missing, just provide a no-op replacement. Moved declaration of various slapd globals from main.c to init.c so they can be shared with ldbm tools.
324 lines
6.7 KiB
324 lines
6.7 KiB
#include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ac/string.h>
#include <ac/ctype.h>
#include <ac/socket.h>
#include <ac/unistd.h>
#include <ac/wait.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "ldapconfig.h"
#include "../slap.h"
#include "../back-ldbm/back-ldbm.h"
#include "ldif.h"
#define INDEXCMD "ldif2index"
#define ID2ENTRYCMD "ldif2id2entry"
#define ID2CHILDRENCMD "ldif2id2children"
#define MAXARGS 100
static void fork_child( char *prog, char *args[] );
static void wait4kids( int nkidval );
static char *indexcmd;
static char *tailorfile;
static char *inputfile;
static int maxkids = 1;
static int nkids;
static void
usage( char *name )
fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s -i inputfile [-d debuglevel] [-f configfile] [-j #jobs] [-n databasenumber] [-s sbindir]\n", name );
exit( 1 );
main( int argc, char **argv )
int i, stop, status;
char *linep, *buf, *sbindir;
char *args[MAXARGS];
char buf2[20], buf3[20];
char line[BUFSIZ];
char cmd[MAXPATHLEN];
int lineno, elineno;
int lmax, lcur;
int dbnum;
ID id;
Backend *be = NULL;
struct ldbminfo *li;
struct berval bv;
struct berval *vals[2];
Avlnode *avltypes = NULL;
dbnum = -1;
while ( (i = getopt( argc, argv, "d:e:s:f:i:j:n:" )) != EOF ) {
switch ( i ) {
case 'd': /* turn on debugging */
ldap_debug = atoi( optarg );
case 's': /* alternate sbindir (index cmd location) */
case 'e': /* accept -e for backwards compatibility */
sbindir = strdup( optarg );
case 'f': /* specify a tailor file */
tailorfile = strdup( optarg );
case 'i': /* input file */
inputfile = strdup( optarg );
case 'j': /* number of parallel index procs */
maxkids = atoi( optarg );
case 'n': /* which config file db to index */
dbnum = atoi( optarg ) - 1;
usage( argv[0] );
if ( inputfile == NULL ) {
usage( argv[0] );
} else {
if ( freopen( inputfile, "r", stdin ) == NULL ) {
perror( inputfile );
exit( 1 );
* initialize stuff and figure out which backend we're dealing with
read_config( tailorfile, &be, NULL );
if ( dbnum == -1 ) {
for ( dbnum = 0; dbnum < nbackends; dbnum++ ) {
if ( strcasecmp( backends[dbnum].be_type, "ldbm" )
== 0 ) {
if ( dbnum == nbackends ) {
fprintf( stderr, "No ldbm database found in config file\n" );
exit( 1 );
} else if ( dbnum < 0 || dbnum > (nbackends-1) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Database number selected via -n is out of range\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "Must be in the range 1 to %d (number of databases in the config file)\n", nbackends );
exit( 1 );
} else if ( strcasecmp( backends[dbnum].be_type, "ldbm" ) != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Database number %d selected via -n is not an ldbm database\n", dbnum );
exit( 1 );
be = &backends[dbnum];
/* disable write sync'ing */
li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_private;
li->li_dbcachewsync = 0;
* generate the id2entry index
i = 0;
sprintf( cmd, "%s/%s", sbindir, ID2ENTRYCMD );
args[i++] = cmd;
args[i++] = "-i";
args[i++] = inputfile;
args[i++] = "-f";
args[i++] = tailorfile;
args[i++] = "-n";
sprintf( buf2, "%d", dbnum+1 );
args[i++] = buf2;
if ( ldap_debug ) {
sprintf( buf3, "%d", ldap_debug );
args[i++] = "-d";
args[i++] = buf3;
args[i++] = NULL;
fork_child( cmd, args );
* generate the dn2id and id2children indexes
i = 0;
sprintf( cmd, "%s/%s", sbindir, ID2CHILDRENCMD );
args[i++] = cmd;
args[i++] = "-i";
args[i++] = inputfile;
args[i++] = "-f";
args[i++] = tailorfile;
args[i++] = "-n";
sprintf( buf2, "%d", dbnum+1 );
args[i++] = buf2;
if ( ldap_debug ) {
sprintf( buf3, "%d", ldap_debug );
args[i++] = "-d";
args[i++] = buf3;
args[i++] = NULL;
fork_child( cmd, args );
* generate the attribute indexes
i = 0;
sprintf( cmd, "%s/%s", sbindir, INDEXCMD );
args[i++] = cmd;
args[i++] = "-i";
args[i++] = inputfile;
args[i++] = "-f";
args[i++] = tailorfile;
args[i++] = "-n";
sprintf( buf2, "%d", dbnum+1 );
args[i++] = buf2;
if ( ldap_debug ) {
sprintf( buf3, "%d", ldap_debug );
args[i++] = "-d";
args[i++] = buf3;
args[i++] = NULL; /* will hold the attribute name */
args[i++] = NULL;
id = 0;
stop = 0;
buf = NULL;
lineno = 0;
lcur = lmax = 0;
vals[0] = &bv;
vals[1] = NULL;
while ( ! stop ) {
char *type, *val, *s;
int vlen, indexmask, syntaxmask;
Datum key, data;
ldbm_datum_init( key );
ldbm_datum_init( data );
if ( fgets( line, sizeof(line), stdin ) != NULL ) {
int len;
len = strlen( line );
while ( lcur + len + 1 > lmax ) {
lmax += BUFSIZ;
buf = (char *) ch_realloc( buf, lmax );
strcpy( buf + lcur, line );
lcur += len;
} else {
stop = 1;
if ( line[0] == '\n' || stop && buf && *buf ) {
s = buf;
elineno = 0;
while ( (linep = ldif_getline( &s )) != NULL ) {
if ( ldif_parse_line( linep, &type, &val, &vlen )
!= 0 ) {
"bad line %d in entry ending at line %d ignored\n",
elineno, lineno, 0 );
if ( !isascii( *type ) || isdigit( *type ) )
type = strdup( type );
if ( avl_insert( &avltypes, type, strcasecmp,
avl_dup_error ) != 0 ) {
free( type );
} else {
attr_masks( be->be_private, type,
&indexmask, &syntaxmask );
if ( indexmask ) {
args[i - 2] = type;
fork_child( cmd, args );
*buf = '\0';
lcur = 0;
(*be->be_close)( be );
wait4kids( -1 );
exit( 0 );
static void
fork_child( char *prog, char *args[] )
int status, pid;
wait4kids( maxkids );
switch ( pid = fork() ) {
case 0: /* child */
execvp( prog, args );
fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", prog );
perror( "execv" );
exit( -1 );
case -1: /* trouble */
fprintf( stderr, "Could not fork to run %s\n", prog );
perror( "fork" );
default: /* parent */
static void
wait4kids( int nkidval )
int status;
unsigned char *p;
while ( nkids >= nkidval ) {
wait( &status );
p = (unsigned char *) &status;
if ( p[sizeof(int) - 1] == 0177 ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child stopped with signal %d\n",
p[sizeof(int) - 2] );
} else if ( p[sizeof(int) - 1] != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child terminated with signal %d\n",
p[sizeof(int) - 1] );
exit( p[sizeof(int) - 1] );
} else if ( p[sizeof(int) - 2] != 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr,
"stopping: child exited with status %d\n",
p[sizeof(int) - 2] );
exit( p[sizeof(int) - 2] );
} else {