Kurt Zeilenga 6253e7c278 Updated sasl response to support returning of referrals.
Updates to extended operation framework to support arbitrary
referrals and extended results without OIDs.
Updated passwd extended operation to support returning update_refs
as needed.  Needs replog support.
1999-12-15 23:22:47 +00:00

655 lines
20 KiB

/* $OpenLDAP$ */
* Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef _PROTO_SLAP
#define _PROTO_SLAP
#include <ldap_cdefs.h>
* acl.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) access_allowed LDAP_P(( Backend *be, Connection *conn,
Operation *op, Entry *e,
char *attr, struct berval *val, slap_access_t access ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) acl_check_modlist LDAP_P(( Backend *be,
Connection *conn,
Operation *op,
Entry *e,
LDAPModList *ml ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) acl_append( AccessControl **l, AccessControl *a );
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) get_supported_acimech LDAP_P((int index));
* aclparse.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) parse_acl LDAP_P(( Backend *be,
const char *fname,
int lineno,
int argc, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) access2str LDAP_P(( slap_access_t access ));
LIBSLAPD_F (slap_access_t) str2access LDAP_P(( const char *str ));
#define ACCESSMASK_MAXLEN sizeof("unknown (+wrscan)")
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) accessmask2str LDAP_P(( slap_access_mask_t mask, char* ));
LIBSLAPD_F (slap_access_mask_t) str2accessmask LDAP_P(( const char *str ));
* attr.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) attr_free LDAP_P(( Attribute *a ));
LIBSLAPD_F (Attribute *) attr_dup LDAP_P(( Attribute *a ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) attr_normalize LDAP_P(( char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) attr_merge_fast LDAP_P(( Entry *e, char *type, struct berval **vals, int nvals, int naddvals, int *maxvals, Attribute ***a ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) attr_merge LDAP_P(( Entry *e, char *type, struct berval **vals ));
LIBSLAPD_F (Attribute *) attr_find LDAP_P(( Attribute *a, const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) attr_delete LDAP_P(( Attribute **attrs, const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) attr_syntax LDAP_P(( char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) attr_syntax_config LDAP_P(( const char *fname, int lineno, int argc, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (AttributeType *) at_find LDAP_P(( const char *name ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_find_in_list LDAP_P(( AttributeType *sat, AttributeType **list ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_append_to_list LDAP_P(( AttributeType *sat, AttributeType ***listp ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_delete_from_list LDAP_P(( int pos, AttributeType ***listp ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_fake_if_needed LDAP_P(( char *name ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_schema_info LDAP_P(( Entry *e ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) at_add LDAP_P(( LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE *at, const char **err ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) at_canonical_name LDAP_P(( char * a_type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) attrs_free LDAP_P(( Attribute *a ));
LIBSLAPD_F (Attribute *) attrs_dup LDAP_P(( Attribute *a ));
* ava.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) get_ava LDAP_P(( BerElement *ber, Ava *ava ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) ava_free LDAP_P(( Ava *ava, int freeit ));
* backend.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_init LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_add LDAP_P((BackendInfo *aBackendInfo));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_num LDAP_P((Backend *be));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_startup LDAP_P((Backend *be));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_shutdown LDAP_P((Backend *be));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_destroy LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (BackendInfo *) backend_info LDAP_P(( const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (BackendDB *) backend_db_init LDAP_P(( const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (BackendDB *) select_backend LDAP_P(( const char * dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) be_issuffix LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *suffix ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) be_isroot LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *ndn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) be_isroot_pw LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *ndn, struct berval *cred ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) be_root_dn LDAP_P(( Backend *be ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) be_entry_release_rw LDAP_P(( Backend *be, Entry *e, int rw ));
#define be_entry_release_r( be, e ) be_entry_release_rw( be, e, 0 )
#define be_entry_release_w( be, e ) be_entry_release_rw( be, e, 1 )
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_unbind LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F( int ) backend_check_controls LDAP_P((
Backend *be,
Connection *conn,
Operation *op ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_connection_init LDAP_P((Connection *conn));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_connection_destroy LDAP_P((Connection *conn));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) backend_group LDAP_P((Backend *be,
Entry *target,
const char *gr_ndn,
const char *op_ndn,
const char *objectclassValue,
const char *groupattrName));
/* temporary extern for temporary routine*/
LIBSLAPD_F (Attribute *) backend_subschemasubentry( Backend * );
* ch_malloc.c
#define ch_malloc malloc
#define ch_realloc realloc
#define ch_calloc calloc
#define ch_strdup strdup
#define ch_free free
LIBSLAPD_F (void *) ch_malloc LDAP_P(( ber_len_t size ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void *) ch_realloc LDAP_P(( void *block, ber_len_t size ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void *) ch_calloc LDAP_P(( ber_len_t nelem, ber_len_t size ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) ch_strdup LDAP_P(( const char *string ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) ch_free LDAP_P(( void * ));
#ifndef CH_FREE
#undef free
#define free ch_free
* charray.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) charray_add LDAP_P(( char ***a, const char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) charray_merge LDAP_P(( char ***a, char **s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) charray_free LDAP_P(( char **array ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) charray_inlist LDAP_P(( char **a, const char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char **) charray_dup LDAP_P(( char **a ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char **) str2charray LDAP_P(( const char *str, const char *brkstr ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) charray2str LDAP_P(( char **a ));
* controls.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) get_ctrls LDAP_P((
Connection *co,
Operation *op,
int senderrors ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) get_manageDSAit LDAP_P(( Operation *op ));
* config.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) read_config LDAP_P(( const char *fname ));
* connection.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connections_init LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connections_shutdown LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connections_destroy LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connections_timeout_idle LDAP_P((time_t));
LIBSLAPD_F (long) connection_init LDAP_P((
ber_socket_t s,
const char* url,
const char* dnsname,
const char* peername,
const char* sockname,
int use_tls ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) connection_closing LDAP_P(( Connection *c ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connection_state_closing LDAP_P(( Connection *c ));
LIBSLAPD_F (const char *) connection_state2str LDAP_P(( int state )) LDAP_GCCATTR((const));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connection_write LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) connection_read LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s));
LIBSLAPD_F (unsigned long) connections_nextid(void);
LIBSLAPD_F (Connection *) connection_first LDAP_P((ber_socket_t *));
LIBSLAPD_F (Connection *) connection_next LDAP_P((Connection *, ber_socket_t *));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) connection_done LDAP_P((Connection *));
* dn.c
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) dn_validate LDAP_P(( char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) dn_normalize LDAP_P(( char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) dn_parent LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char **) dn_subtree LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) dn_rdn LDAP_P(( Backend *be, char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) dn_issuffix LDAP_P(( char *dn, char *suffix ));
#ifdef DNS_DN
LIBSLAPD_F (int) dn_type LDAP_P(( char *dn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) rdn_validate LDAP_P(( const char* str ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) rdn_attr_value LDAP_P(( char * rdn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) rdn_attr_type LDAP_P(( char * rdn ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) build_new_dn LDAP_P(( char ** new_dn,
const char *e_dn,
const char * p_dn,
const char * newrdn ));
* entry.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) entry_destroy LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (Entry *) str2entry LDAP_P(( char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) entry2str LDAP_P(( Entry *e, int *len ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) entry_free LDAP_P(( Entry *e ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) entry_cmp LDAP_P(( Entry *a, Entry *b ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) entry_dn_cmp LDAP_P(( Entry *a, Entry *b ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) entry_id_cmp LDAP_P(( Entry *a, Entry *b ));
* extended.c
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
int msg, int arg, void *argp ));
typedef int (*SLAP_EXTOP_MAIN_FN) LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
char * reqoid,
struct berval * reqdata,
char ** rspoid,
struct berval ** rspdata,
LDAPControl *** rspctrls,
char ** text,
struct berval *** refs ));
typedef int (*SLAP_EXTOP_GETOID_FN) LDAP_P((
int index, char *oid, int blen ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) load_extop LDAP_P((
const char *ext_oid,
SLAP_EXTOP_MAIN_FN ext_main ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) extops_init LDAP_P(( void ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) extops_kill LDAP_P(( void ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) get_supported_extop LDAP_P((int index));
* filter.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) get_filter LDAP_P(( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, Filter **filt, char **fstr ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) filter_free LDAP_P(( Filter *f ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) filter_print LDAP_P(( Filter *f ));
* filterentry.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) test_filter LDAP_P(( Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op, Entry *e, Filter *f ));
* lock.c
LIBSLAPD_F (FILE *) lock_fopen LDAP_P(( const char *fname, const char *type, FILE **lfp ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) lock_fclose LDAP_P(( FILE *fp, FILE *lfp ));
* module.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) module_init LDAP_P(( void ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) module_kill LDAP_P(( void ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) load_null_module(
const void *module, const char *file_name);
LIBSLAPD_F (int) load_extop_module(
const void *module, const char *file_name);
LIBSLAPD_F (int) module_load LDAP_P((
const char* file_name,
int argc, char *argv[] ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) module_path LDAP_P(( const char* path ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) *module_resolve LDAP_P((
const void *module, const char *name));
#endif /* SLAPD_MODULES */
* monitor.c
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) supportedControls[];
LIBSLAPD_F (void) monitor_info LDAP_P((
Connection *conn,
Operation *op,
char ** attrs,
int attrsonly ));
* operation.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slap_op_free LDAP_P(( Operation *op ));
LIBSLAPD_F (Operation *) slap_op_alloc LDAP_P((
BerElement *ber, ber_int_t msgid,
ber_tag_t tag, ber_int_t id ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_op_add LDAP_P(( Operation **olist, Operation *op ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_op_remove LDAP_P(( Operation **olist, Operation *op ));
LIBSLAPD_F (Operation *) slap_op_pop LDAP_P(( Operation **olist ));
* phonetic.c
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) first_word LDAP_P(( char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) next_word LDAP_P(( char *s ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) word_dup LDAP_P(( char *w ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) phonetic LDAP_P(( char *s ));
* repl.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) replog LDAP_P(( Backend *be, Operation *op, char *dn, void *change ));
* result.c
LIBSLAPD_F (struct berval **) get_entry_referrals LDAP_P((
Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op,
Entry *e ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_ldap_result LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
ber_int_t err, const char *matched, const char *text,
struct berval **refs,
LDAPControl **ctrls ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_ldap_sasl LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
ber_int_t err, const char *matched,
const char *text,
struct berval **refs,
LDAPControl **ctrls,
struct berval *cred ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_ldap_disconnect LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
ber_int_t err, const char *text ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_ldap_extended LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
ber_int_t err, const char *matched,
const char *text, struct berval **refs,
char *rspoid, struct berval *rspdata,
LDAPControl **ctrls ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_ldap_partial LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
char *rspoid, struct berval *rspdata,
LDAPControl **ctrls ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) send_search_result LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
ber_int_t err, const char *matched, const char *text,
struct berval **refs,
LDAPControl **ctrls,
int nentries ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) send_search_reference LDAP_P((
Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op,
Entry *e, struct berval **refs, int scope,
LDAPControl **ctrls,
struct berval ***v2refs ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) send_search_entry LDAP_P((
Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op,
Entry *e, char **attrs, int attrsonly,
LDAPControl **ctrls ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) str2result LDAP_P(( char *s,
int *code, char **matched, char **info ));
* sasl.c
LIBSLAPD_F (char **) supportedSASLMechanisms;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) sasl_init(void);
LIBSLAPD_F (int) sasl_destroy(void);
* schema.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) oc_schema_check LDAP_P(( Entry *e ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) oc_check_operational_attr LDAP_P(( const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) oc_check_usermod_attr LDAP_P(( const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) oc_check_no_usermod_attr LDAP_P(( const char *type ));
LIBSLAPD_F (ObjectClass *) oc_find LDAP_P((const char *ocname));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) oc_add LDAP_P((LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS *oc, const char **err));
LIBSLAPD_F (Syntax *) syn_find LDAP_P((const char *synname));
LIBSLAPD_F (Syntax *) syn_find_desc LDAP_P((const char *syndesc, int *slen));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) syn_add LDAP_P((LDAP_SYNTAX *syn, slap_syntax_check_func *check, const char **err));
LIBSLAPD_F (MatchingRule *) mr_find LDAP_P((const char *mrname));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) mr_add LDAP_P((LDAP_MATCHING_RULE *mr, slap_mr_normalize_func *normalize, slap_mr_compare_func *compare, const char **err));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) case_ignore_normalize LDAP_P((struct berval *val, struct berval **normalized));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) register_syntax LDAP_P((char *desc, slap_syntax_check_func *check ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) register_matching_rule LDAP_P((char * desc, slap_mr_normalize_func *normalize, slap_mr_compare_func *compare));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) schema_info LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op, char **attrs, int attrsonly));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) schema_init LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) is_entry_objectclass LDAP_P(( Entry *, const char* objectclass ));
#define is_entry_alias(e) is_entry_objectclass((e), "ALIAS")
#define is_entry_referral(e) is_entry_objectclass((e), "REFERRAL")
* schemaparse.c
LIBSLAPD_F (void) parse_oc_old LDAP_P(( Backend *be, const char *fname, int lineno, int argc, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) parse_oc LDAP_P(( const char *fname, int lineno, char *line, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) parse_at LDAP_P(( const char *fname, int lineno, char *line, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) parse_oidm LDAP_P(( const char *fname, int lineno, int argc, char **argv ));
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) scherr2str LDAP_P((int code)) LDAP_GCCATTR((const));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) dscompare LDAP_P(( const char *s1, const char *s2del, char delim ));
* starttls.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) starttls_extop LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
char * reqoid,
struct berval * reqdata,
char ** rspoid,
struct berval ** rspdata,
LDAPControl ***rspctrls,
char ** text,
struct berval *** refs ));
* str2filter.c
LIBSLAPD_F (Filter *) str2filter LDAP_P(( char *str ));
* suffixalias.c
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) suffix_alias LDAP_P(( Backend *be, char *ndn ));
* value.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) value_add_fast LDAP_P(( struct berval ***vals, struct berval **addvals, int nvals, int naddvals, int *maxvals ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) value_add LDAP_P(( struct berval ***vals, struct berval **addvals ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) value_normalize LDAP_P(( char *s, int syntax ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) value_cmp LDAP_P(( struct berval *v1, struct berval *v2, int syntax, int normalize ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) value_find LDAP_P(( struct berval **vals, struct berval *v, int syntax, int normalize ));
* user.c
#if defined(HAVE_PWD_H) && defined(HAVE_GRP_H)
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slap_init_user LDAP_P(( char *username, char *groupname ));
* passwd.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) passwd_extop LDAP_P((
Connection *conn, Operation *op,
char * reqoid,
struct berval * reqdata,
char ** rspoid,
struct berval ** rspdata,
LDAPControl *** rspctrls,
char ** text,
struct berval *** refs ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_passwd_check(
Attribute *attr,
struct berval *cred );
LIBSLAPD_F (struct berval *) slap_passwd_generate( void );
LIBSLAPD_F (struct berval *) slap_passwd_hash(
struct berval *cred );
LIBSLAPD_F (struct berval *) slap_passwd_return(
struct berval *cred );
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_passwd_parse(
struct berval *reqdata,
struct berval **id,
struct berval **old,
struct berval **new,
char **text );
* kerberos.c
LIBSLAPD_F (int) krbv4_ldap_auth();
* Other...
LIBSLAPD_F (struct berval **) default_referral;
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) replogfile;
LIBSLAPD_F (const char) Versionstr[];
LIBSLAPD_F (int) active_threads;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) defsize;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) deftime;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) g_argc;
LIBSLAPD_F (slap_access_t) global_default_access;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) global_readonly;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) global_lastmod;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) global_idletimeout;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) global_schemacheck;
LIBSLAPD_F (char) *global_realm;
LIBSLAPD_F (char) *default_passwd_hash;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) lber_debug;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) ldap_syslog;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) num_sent_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_bytes_sent;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_pdu_sent;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_entries_sent;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_refs_sent;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) num_ops_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_ops_completed;
LIBSLAPD_F (long) num_ops_initiated;
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) slapd_pid_file;
LIBSLAPD_F (char *) slapd_args_file;
LIBSLAPD_F (char) **g_argv;
LIBSLAPD_F (time_t) starttime;
LIBSLAPD_F (time_t) slap_get_time LDAP_P((void));
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) active_threads_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_cond_t) active_threads_cond;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) entry2str_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) replog_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) crypt_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t) gmtime_mutex;
LIBSLAPD_F (AccessControl *) global_acl;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_init LDAP_P((int mode, char* name));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_startup LDAP_P(( Backend *be ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_shutdown LDAP_P(( Backend *be ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slap_destroy LDAP_P((void));
struct sockaddr_in;
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slapd_daemon_init( char *urls );
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slapd_daemon_destroy(void);
LIBSLAPD_F (int) slapd_daemon(void);
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slapd_set_write LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s, int wake));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slapd_clr_write LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s, int wake));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slapd_set_read LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s, int wake));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slapd_clr_read LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s, int wake));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) slapd_remove LDAP_P((ber_socket_t s, int wake));
LIBSLAPD_F (RETSIGTYPE) slap_sig_shutdown LDAP_P((int sig));
LIBSLAPD_F (RETSIGTYPE) slap_sig_wake LDAP_P((int sig));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) config_info LDAP_P((
Connection *conn,
Operation *op,
char ** attrs,
int attrsonly ));
LIBSLAPD_F (void) root_dse_info LDAP_P((
Connection *conn,
Operation *op,
char ** attrs,
int attrsonly ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_abandon LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_add LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_bind LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_compare LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_delete LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_modify LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_modrdn LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_search LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_unbind LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) do_extended LDAP_P((Connection *conn, Operation *op));
LIBSLAPD_F (ber_socket_t) dtblsize;
#endif /* _proto_slap */