#include "Gtk_LdapTreeItem.h" Gtk_LdapTreeItem::Gtk_LdapTreeItem() : Gtk_TreeItem() { this->objectClass = NULL; } Gtk_LdapTreeItem::Gtk_LdapTreeItem(char *c, My_Window *w, LDAP *ld) : Gtk_TreeItem() { debug("Gtk_LdapTreeItem::Gtk_LdapTreeItem(%s)\n", c); char **s; this->dn = c; s = ldap_explode_dn(this->dn, 1); this->rdn = g_strdup_printf("%s", s[0]); this->par = w; this->ld = ld; this->objectClass = NULL; this->getDetails(); } Gtk_LdapTreeItem::Gtk_LdapTreeItem(GtkTreeItem *t) : Gtk_TreeItem(t) { } Gtk_LdapTreeItem::~Gtk_LdapTreeItem() { cout << "Bye" << endl; delete this; } Gtk_LdapTree* Gtk_LdapTreeItem::getSubtree(LDAP *ld, int counter) { debug("Gtk_LdapTreeItem::getSubtree(%s)\n", this->dn); if (counter <= 0) return NULL; if (this->gtkobj()->subtree != NULL) { return (Gtk_LdapTree *)GTK_TREE(this->gtkobj()->subtree); } counter--; Gtk_LdapTree *subtree = NULL, *tree = NULL; Gtk_LdapTreeItem *subtreeitem = NULL; LDAPMessage *r_i = NULL, *entry = NULL; gchar *c; char **s; int entriesCount = 0, error; this->ld = ld; error = ldap_search_s(this->ld, this->dn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "objectclass=*", NULL, 0, &r_i); // printf("%s\n", ldap_err2string(error)); entriesCount = ldap_count_entries(this->ld, r_i); debug("%i results\n", entriesCount); if (entriesCount != 0) { tree = new Gtk_LdapTree(); tree->set_selection_mode(GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE); tree->set_view_mode(GTK_TREE_VIEW_ITEM); tree->set_view_lines(false); entry = ldap_first_entry(this->ld, r_i); // float i = 1; // float percent = 100/entriesCount; // cout << "percent is " << percent << endl; // this->par->progress.update(0); // this->par->progress.show(); while (entry != NULL) { subtreeitem = new Gtk_LdapTreeItem(ldap_get_dn(this->ld, entry), this->par, this->ld); subtree = subtreeitem->getSubtree(this->ld, counter); debug("inserting %s into %s\n",subtreeitem->rdn,this->rdn); tree->append(*subtreeitem); subtreeitem->show(); if (subtree != NULL) subtreeitem->set_subtree(*subtree); debug("done\n"); entry = ldap_next_entry(this->ld, entry); // gfloat pvalue = (i*percent)/100; // cout << pvalue << " %" << endl; // this->par->progress.update(pvalue); // this->par->progress.show(); // i++; } // this->set_subtree(*tree); // this->par->progress.update(0); // this->par->progress->show(); } // this->getDetails(); debug("done\n"); return tree; } void Gtk_LdapTreeItem::setType(int t) { debug("Gtk_LdapTreeItem::setType(%s)\n", this->objectClass); Gtk_Pixmap *xpm_icon; Gtk_Label *label; if (this->get_child() != NULL) { xpm_label = new Gtk_HBox(GTK_HBOX(this->get_child()->gtkobj())); xpm_label->remove_c(xpm_label->children()->nth_data(0)); xpm_label->remove_c(xpm_label->children()->nth_data(0)); } else xpm_label = new Gtk_HBox(); if (strcasecmp(this->objectClass,"organization") == 0) xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, root_node); else if (strcasecmp(this->objectClass,"organizationalunit") == 0) xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, branch_node); else if (strcasecmp(this->objectClass,"person") == 0) xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, leaf_node); else if (strcasecmp(this->objectClass,"alias") == 0) xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, alias_node); else if (strcasecmp(this->objectClass,"rfc822mailgroup") == 0) xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, rfc822mailgroup_node); else xpm_icon=new Gtk_Pixmap(*xpm_label, general_node); label = new Gtk_Label(this->rdn); xpm_label->pack_start(*xpm_icon, false, false, 1); xpm_label->pack_start(*label, false, false, 1); if (this->get_child() == NULL) this->add(xpm_label); label->show(); xpm_label->show(); xpm_icon->show(); } int Gtk_LdapTreeItem::showDetails() { debug("Gtk_LdapTreeItem::showDetails()\n"); if (this->notebook == NULL) this->getDetails(); if (this->notebook != NULL) { debug("Have a notebook here"); if (par->viewport2->get_child() != NULL) { debug(" and the viewport has children"); par->viewport2->remove(par->viewport2->get_child()); debug(" which have been removed"); } else debug(" and viewport has no children"); par->viewport2->add(*this->notebook); this->notebook->show(); par->viewport2->show(); return 0; } else debug("No notebook and no details"); return 0; } int Gtk_LdapTreeItem::getDetails() { debug("Gtk_LdapTreeItem::getDetails()\n"); int error, entriesCount; BerElement *ber; LDAPMessage *entry; char *attribute, **values; char attrib[32]; Gtk_CList *table; Gtk_Label *label; GList *child_list; // Gtk_Notebook *g; Gtk_Viewport *viewport; error = ldap_search_s(this->ld, this->dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*", NULL, 0, &this->result_identifier); entriesCount = ldap_count_entries(this->ld, this->result_identifier); if (entriesCount == 0) return 0; this->notebook = new Gtk_Notebook(); this->notebook->set_tab_pos(GTK_POS_LEFT); const gchar *titles[] = { "values" }; for (entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, result_identifier); entry != NULL; entry = ldap_next_entry(ld, result_identifier)) { for (attribute = ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry, &ber); attribute != NULL; attribute = ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, ber)) { values = ldap_get_values(ld, entry, attribute); if (strcasecmp(attribute, "objectclass") == 0) { // debug("processing objectclass\n"); if (strcasecmp(values[0],"top") == 0) this->objectClass = strdup(values[1]); else this->objectClass = strdup(values[0]); } table = new Gtk_CList(1, titles); for (int i=0; iappend(t); } ldap_value_free(values); sprintf(attrib, "%s", attribute); label = new Gtk_Label(attrib); label->set_alignment(0, 0); label->set_justify(GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); this->notebook->append_page(*table, *label); table->show(); label->show(); } } this->setType(1); debug("done\n"); return 0; } /* void Gtk_LdapTreeItem::show_impl() { debug("%s showed\n", this->dn); // Gtk_c_signals_Base *sig=(Gtk_c_signals_Base *)internal_getsignalbase(); // sig->show(GTK_WIDGET(gtkobj())); } */ void Gtk_LdapTreeItem::select_impl() { debug("%s selected\n", this->dn); this->showDetails(); Gtk_TreeItem::select_impl(); } void Gtk_LdapTreeItem::collapse_impl() { debug("%s collapsed\n", this->dn); Gtk_TreeItem::collapse_impl(); } void Gtk_LdapTreeItem::expand_impl() { debug("%s expanded\n",this->dn); Gtk_LdapTreeItem *item; G_List *list; Gtk_Tree *tree; Gtk_TreeItem::expand_impl(); }