/* * Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ /* * re.c - routines which deal with Re (Replication entry) structures. * An Re struct is an in-core representation of one replication to * be performed, along with member functions which are called by other * routines. The Re struct is defined in slurp.h. */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "slurp.h" #include "globals.h" #include "../slapd/slap.h" /* Forward references */ static Rh *get_repl_hosts LDAP_P(( char *, int *, char ** )); static int gettype LDAP_P(( char * )); static int getchangetype LDAP_P(( char * )); static int Re_parse LDAP_P(( Re *re, char *replbuf )); static void Re_dump LDAP_P(( Re *re, FILE *fp )); static void warn_unknown_replica LDAP_P(( char *, int port )); /* Globals, scoped within this file */ static int nur = 0; /* Number of unknown replicas */ static Rh *ur = NULL; /* array of unknown replica names */ /* * Return the next Re in a linked list. */ static Re * Re_getnext( Re *re ) { return(( re == NULL ) ? NULL : re->re_next ); } /* * Free an Re * ??? Something should apparently return nonzero here, but I dont know what. */ static int Re_free( Re *re ) { Rh *rh; Mi *mi; int i; if ( re == NULL ) { return 0; } if ( re->re_refcnt > 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: freeing re (dn: %s) with nonzero refcnt\n", re->re_dn, 0, 0 ); } #if !defined( HAVE_LWP ) /* This seems to have problems under SunOS lwp */ ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_destroy( &re->re_mutex ); #endif /* HAVE_LWP */ ch_free( re->re_timestamp ); if (( rh = re->re_replicas ) != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; rh[ i ].rh_hostname != NULL; i++ ) { free( rh[ i ].rh_hostname ); } free( rh ); } ch_free( re->re_dn ); if (( mi = re->re_mods ) != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; mi[ i ].mi_type != NULL; i++ ) { free( mi[ i ].mi_type ); ch_free( mi[ i ].mi_val ); } free( mi ); } free( re ); return 0; } /* * Read a buffer of data from a replication log file and fill in * an (already allocated) Re. */ #define BEGIN 0 #define GOT_DN 1 #define GOT_TIME 2 #define GOT_CHANGETYPE 4 #define GOT_ALL ( GOT_DN | GOT_TIME | GOT_CHANGETYPE ) static int Re_parse( Re *re, char *replbuf ) { int state; int nml; char *buf, *rp, *p; long buflen; char *type, *value; int len; int nreplicas; if ( re == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Re_parse: error: re is NULL\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } if ( replbuf == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Re_parse: error: replbuf is NULL\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } state = BEGIN; nml = 0; /* number of modification information entries */ rp = replbuf; re->re_replicas = get_repl_hosts( replbuf, &nreplicas, &rp ); re->re_refcnt = sglob->num_replicas; for (;;) { if (( state == GOT_ALL ) || ( buf = ldif_getline( &rp )) == NULL ) { break; } /* * If we're processing a rejection log, then the first line * of each replication record will begin with "ERROR" - just * ignore it. */ if ( strncmp( buf, ERROR_STR, strlen( ERROR_STR )) == 0 ) { continue; } buflen = ( long ) strlen( buf ); if ( ldif_parse_line( buf, &type, &value, &len ) < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Re_parse: malformed replog file\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } switch ( gettype( type )) { case T_CHANGETYPE: re->re_changetype = getchangetype( value ); state |= GOT_CHANGETYPE; break; case T_TIME: if (( p = strchr( value, '.' )) != NULL ) { /* there was a sequence number */ *p++ = '\0'; } re->re_timestamp = strdup( value ); if ( p != NULL && isdigit( (unsigned char) *p )) { re->re_seq = atoi( p ); } state |= GOT_TIME; break; case T_DN: re->re_dn = ch_malloc( len + 1 ); memcpy( re->re_dn, value, len ); re->re_dn[ len ]='\0'; state |= GOT_DN; break; default: if ( !( state == GOT_ALL )) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Re_parse: bad type <%s>\n", type, 0, 0 ); return -1; } } } if ( state != GOT_ALL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Re_parse: malformed replog file\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } for (;;) { if (( buf = ldif_getline( &rp )) == NULL ) { break; } buflen = ( long ) strlen( buf ); if (( buflen == 1 ) && ( buf[ 0 ] == '-' )) { type = "-"; value = NULL; } else { if ( ldif_parse_line( buf, &type, &value, &len ) < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: malformed replog line \"%s\"\n", buf, 0, 0 ); return -1; } } re->re_mods = ( Mi *) ch_realloc( (char *) re->re_mods, sizeof( Mi ) * ( nml + 2 )); re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_type = strdup( type ); if ( value != NULL ) { re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_val = ch_malloc( len + 1 ); memcpy( re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_val, value, len ); re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_val[ len ] = '\0'; re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_len = len; } else { re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_val = NULL; re->re_mods[ nml ].mi_len = 0; } re->re_mods[ nml + 1 ].mi_type = NULL; re->re_mods[ nml + 1 ].mi_val = NULL; nml++; } return 0; } /* * Extract the replication hosts from a repl buf. Check to be sure that * each replica host and port number are ones we know about (that is, they're * in the slapd config file we read at startup). Without that information * from the config file, we won't have the appropriate credentials to * make modifications. If there are any unknown replica names, don't * add them the the Re struct. Instead, log a warning message. */ static Rh * get_repl_hosts( char *replbuf, int *r_nreplicas, char **r_rp ) { char buf[ LDIF_LINE_WIDTH + 1 ]; char *type, *value, *line, *p; Rh *rh = NULL; int nreplicas, len; int port; int repl_ok; int i; if ( replbuf == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } nreplicas = 0; /* * Get the host names of the replicas */ *r_nreplicas = 0; *r_rp = replbuf; for (;;) { /* If this is a reject log, we need to skip over the ERROR: line */ if ( !strncmp( *r_rp, ERROR_STR, strlen( ERROR_STR ))) { line = ldif_getline( r_rp ); if ( line == NULL ) { break; } } if ( strncasecmp( *r_rp, "replica:", 7 )) { break; } line = ldif_getline( r_rp ); if ( line == NULL ) { break; } if ( ldif_parse_line( line, &type, &value, &len ) < 0 ) { return( NULL ); } port = 0; if (( p = strchr( value, ':' )) != NULL ) { *p = '\0'; p++; if ( *p != '\0' ) { port = atoi( p ); } } /* Verify that we've heard of this replica before */ repl_ok = 0; for ( i = 0; i < sglob->num_replicas; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( sglob->replicas[ i ]->ri_hostname, value )) { continue; } if ( sglob->replicas[ i ]->ri_port == port ) { repl_ok = 1; break; } } if ( !repl_ok ) { warn_unknown_replica( value, port ); continue; } rh = (Rh *) ch_realloc((char *) rh, ( nreplicas + 2 ) * sizeof( Rh )); if ( rh == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Out of memory in get_repl_hosts\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return NULL; } rh[ nreplicas ].rh_hostname = strdup( value ); rh[ nreplicas ].rh_port = port; nreplicas++; } if ( nreplicas == 0 ) { return( NULL ); } rh[ nreplicas ].rh_hostname = NULL; *r_nreplicas = nreplicas; return( rh ); } /* * Convert "type" to an int. */ static int gettype( char *type ) { if ( !strcmp( type, T_CHANGETYPESTR )) { return( T_CHANGETYPE ); } if ( !strcmp( type, T_TIMESTR )) { return( T_TIME ); } if ( !strcmp( type, T_DNSTR )) { return( T_DN ); } return( T_ERR ); } /* * Convert "changetype" to an int. */ static int getchangetype( char *changetype ) { if ( !strcmp( changetype, T_ADDCTSTR )) { return( T_ADDCT ); } if ( !strcmp( changetype, T_MODIFYCTSTR )) { return( T_MODIFYCT ); } if ( !strcmp( changetype, T_DELETECTSTR )) { return( T_DELETECT ); } if ( !strcmp( changetype, T_MODRDNCTSTR )) { return( T_MODRDNCT ); } return( T_ERR ); } /* * Find the first line which is not a "replica:" line in buf. * Returns a pointer to the line. Returns NULL if there are * only "replica:" lines in buf. */ static char * skip_replica_lines( char *buf ) { char *p = buf; for (;;) { if ( strncasecmp( p, "replica:", 8 )) { return( p ); } while (( *p != '\0' ) && ( *p != '\n' )) { p++; } if ( *p == '\0' ) { return ( NULL ); } else { p++; } } } /* * For debugging purposes: dump the contents of a replication entry. * to the given stream. */ static void Re_dump( Re *re, FILE *fp ) { int i; Mi *mi; if ( re == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Re_dump: re is NULL\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return; } fprintf( fp, "Re_dump: ******\n" ); fprintf( fp, "re_refcnt: %d\n", re->re_refcnt ); fprintf( fp, "re_timestamp: %s\n", re->re_timestamp ); fprintf( fp, "re_seq: %d\n", re->re_seq ); for ( i = 0; re->re_replicas && re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_hostname != NULL; i++ ) { fprintf( fp, "re_replicas[%d]: %s:%d\n", i, re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_hostname, re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_port ); } fprintf( fp, "re_dn: %s\n", re->re_dn ); switch ( re->re_changetype ) { case T_ADDCT: fprintf( fp, "re_changetype: add\n" ); break; case T_MODIFYCT: fprintf( fp, "re_changetype: modify\n" ); break; case T_DELETECT: fprintf( fp, "re_changetype: delete\n" ); break; case T_MODRDNCT: fprintf( fp, "re_changetype: modrdn\n" ); break; default: fprintf( fp, "re_changetype: (unknown, type = %d\n", re->re_changetype ); } if ( re->re_mods == NULL ) { fprintf( fp, "re_mods: (none)\n" ); } else { mi = re->re_mods; fprintf( fp, "re_mods:\n" ); for ( i = 0; mi[ i ].mi_type != NULL; i++ ) { fprintf( fp, " %s, \"%s\", (%d bytes)\n", mi[ i ].mi_type, mi[ i ].mi_val == NULL ? "(null)" : mi[ i ].mi_val, mi[ i ].mi_len ); } } return; } /* * Given an Ri, an Re, and a file pointer, write a replication record to * the file pointer. If ri is NULL, then include all replicas in the * output. If ri is non-NULL, then only include a single "replica:" line * (used when writing rejection records). Returns 0 on success, -1 * on failure. Note that Re_write will not write anything out if the * refcnt is zero. */ static int Re_write( Ri *ri, Re *re, FILE *fp ) { int i; char *s; int rc = 0; if ( re == NULL || fp == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Internal error: Re_write: NULL argument\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } if ( re->re_refcnt < 1 ) { return 0; /* this is not an error */ } if ( ri != NULL ) { /* write a single "replica:" line */ if ( fprintf( fp, "replica: %s:%d\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } } else { /* write multiple "replica:" lines */ for ( i = 0; re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_hostname != NULL; i++ ) { if ( fprintf( fp, "replica: %s:%d\n", re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_hostname, re->re_replicas[ i ].rh_port ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } } } if ( fprintf( fp, "time: %s.%d\n", re->re_timestamp, re->re_seq ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } if ( fprintf( fp, "dn: %s\n", re->re_dn ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } if ( fprintf( fp, "changetype: " ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } switch ( re->re_changetype ) { case T_ADDCT: s = T_ADDCTSTR; break; case T_MODIFYCT: s = T_MODIFYCTSTR; break; case T_DELETECT: s = T_DELETECTSTR; break; case T_MODRDNCT: s = T_MODRDNCTSTR; break; default: s = "IllegalModifyType!!!"; } if ( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", s ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } for ( i = 0; (( re->re_mods != NULL ) && ( re->re_mods[ i ].mi_type != NULL )); i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( re->re_mods[ i ].mi_type, T_MODSEPSTR )) { if ( fprintf( fp, "%s\n", T_MODSEPSTR ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } } else { char *obuf; obuf = ldif_type_and_value( re->re_mods[ i ].mi_type, re->re_mods[ i ].mi_val ? re->re_mods[ i ].mi_val : "", re->re_mods[ i ].mi_len ); if ( fputs( obuf, fp ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; free( obuf ); goto bad; } else { free( obuf ); } } } if ( fprintf( fp, "\n" ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } if ( fflush( fp ) != 0 ) { rc = -1; goto bad; } bad: if ( rc != 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error while writing: %s\n", sys_errlist[ errno ], 0, 0 ); } return rc; } /* * Decrement the refcnt. Locking handled internally. */ static int Re_decrefcnt( Re *re ) { re->re_lock( re ); re->re_refcnt--; re->re_unlock( re ); return 0; } /* * Get the refcnt. Locking handled internally. */ static int Re_getrefcnt( Re *re ) { int ret; re->re_lock( re ); ret = re->re_refcnt; re->re_unlock( re ); return ret; } /* * Lock this replication entry */ static int Re_lock( Re *re ) { return( ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &re->re_mutex )); } /* * Unlock this replication entry */ static int Re_unlock( Re *re ) { return( ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &re->re_mutex )); } /* * Instantiate and initialize an Re. */ int Re_init( Re **re ) { /* Instantiate */ (*re) = (Re *) malloc( sizeof( Re )); if ( *re == NULL ) { return -1; } /* Fill in the member function pointers */ (*re)->re_free = Re_free; (*re)->re_getnext = Re_getnext; (*re)->re_parse = Re_parse; (*re)->re_write = Re_write; (*re)->re_dump = Re_dump; (*re)->re_lock = Re_lock; (*re)->re_unlock = Re_unlock; (*re)->re_decrefcnt = Re_decrefcnt; (*re)->re_getrefcnt = Re_getrefcnt; /* Initialize private data */ (*re)->re_refcnt = sglob->num_replicas; (*re)->re_timestamp = NULL; (*re)->re_replicas = NULL; (*re)->re_dn = NULL; (*re)->re_changetype = 0; (*re)->re_seq = 0; (*re)->re_mods = NULL; (*re)->re_next = NULL; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_init( &((*re)->re_mutex) ); return 0; } /* * Given a host and port, generate a warning message iff we haven't already * generated a message for this host:port combination. */ static void warn_unknown_replica( char *host, int port ) { int found = 0; int i; for ( i = 0; i < nur; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( ur[ i ].rh_hostname, host )) { continue; } if ( ur[ i ].rh_port == port ) { found = 1; break; } } if ( !found ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: unknown replica %s:%d found in replication log\n", host, port, 0 ); nur++; ur = (Rh *) ch_realloc( (char *) ur, ( nur * sizeof( Rh ))); ur[ nur - 1 ].rh_hostname = strdup( host ); ur[ nur - 1 ].rh_port = port; } }