.TH SLAPD 8C "19 September 1999" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" $OpenLDAP$ .\" Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .SH NAME slapd \- Stand-alone LDAP Daemon .SH SYNOPSIS .B LIBEXECDIR/slapd .B [\-f slapd\-config\-file] .B [\-h URLs] .B [\-d debug\-level] .B [\-n service\-name] [\-s syslog\-level] [\-l syslog\-local\-user] .B [\-u user] [\-g group] .B .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B Slapd is the stand-alone LDAP daemon. It listens for LDAP connections on any number of ports (default 389), responding to the LDAP operations it receives over these connections. .B slapd is typically invoked at boot time, usually out of .BR /etc/rc.local . Upon startup, .B slapd normally forks and disassociates itself from the invoking tty. If configured in .BR ETCDIR/slapd.conf , the .B slapd process will print its process ID ( see .BR getpid (2) ) to a .B .pid file, as well as the command line options during invocation to an .B .args file ( see .BR slapd.conf (5) ). If the .B \-d flag is given, even with a zero argument, .B slapd will not fork and disassociate from the invoking tty. .LP .B Slapd can be configured to provide replicated service for a database with the help of .BR slurpd , the standalone LDAP update replication daemon. See .BR slurpd (8) for details. .LP See "The SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide" for more details on .BR slapd . .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-d " debug\-level" Turn on debugging as defined by .I debug\-level. If this option is specified, even with a zero argument, .B slapd will not fork or disassociate from the invoking terminal. Some general operation and status messages are printed for any value of \fIdebug\-level\fP. \fIdebug\-level\fP is taken as a bit string, with each bit corresponding to a different kind of debugging information. See for details. .TP .BI \-s " syslog\-level" This option tells .B slapd at what level debugging statements should be logged to the .BR syslog (8) facility. .TP .BI \-n " service\-name" Specifies the service name for logging and other purposes. Defaults to basename of argv[0], i.e.: "slapd". .TP .BI \-l " syslog\-local\-user" Selects the local user of the .BR syslog (8) facility. Values can be .BR LOCAL0 , .BR LOCAL1 , and so on, up to .BR LOCAL7 . The default is .BR LOCAL4 . However, this option is only permitted on systems that support local users with the .BR syslog (8) facility. .TP .BI \-f " slapd\-config\-file" Specifies the slapd configuration file. The default is .BR ETCDIR/slapd.conf . .TP .BI \-h " URLlist" .B slapd will serve .B ldap:/// (LDAP over TCP on all interfaces on default LDAP port). As such, it will bind to INADDR_ANY, port 389. The .B \-h option may be used to specify LDAP (and LDAPS) URLs to serve. For example, if slapd is given .B \-h " ldap:// ldaps:///", It will bind for LDAP and INADDR_ANY:636 for LDAP over TLS. A space separated list of URLs is expected. The URLS should be of LDAP (ldap://) or, if supported, LDAP over TLS (ldaps://) type without a DN or other optional parameters. Hosts may be specified in either Internet '.' format (preferred) or by name. Ports, if specfied, must be numeric. .TP .BI \-u " user" .B slapd will run slapd with the specified user name or id, and that user's supplementary group access list as set with initgroups(3). The group ID is also changed to this user's gid, unless the -g option is used to override. .TP .BI \-g " group" .B slapd will run with the specified group name or id. .LP Note that on some systems, running as a non-privileged user will prevent passwd back-ends from accessing the encrypted passwords. Note also that any shell back-ends will run as the specified non-privileged user. .SH EXAMPLES To start .I slapd and have it fork and detach from the terminal and start serving the LDAP databases defined in the default config file, just type: .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/slapd .ft .fi .LP To start .B slapd with an alternate configuration file, and turn on voluminous debugging which will be printed on standard error, type: .LP .nf .ft tt LIBEXECDIR/slapd -f ETCDIR/slapd.conf -d 255 .ft .fi .LP .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ldap (3), .BR slapd.conf (5), .BR slurpd (8) .LP "The SLAPD and SLURPD Administrator's Guide" .SH BUGS See http://www.openldap.org/its/ .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .B OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project (http://www.openldap.org/). .B OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.