/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* root_dse.c - Provides the ROOT DSA-Specific Entry * * Copyright 1999-2002 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted only * as authorized by the OpenLDAP Public License. A copy of this * license is available at http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html or * in file LICENSE in the top-level directory of the distribution. */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include "slap.h" #include #include "lber_pvt.h" static struct berval supportedFeatures[] = { BER_BVC(""), /* all Operational Attributes ("+") */ BER_BVC(""), /* OCs in Attributes List */ BER_BVC(""), /* (&) and (|) search filters */ BER_BVC(""), /* Language Tag Options */ BER_BVC(""), /* Language Range Options */ {0,NULL} }; static Entry *usr_attr = NULL; int root_dse_info( Connection *conn, Entry **entry, const char **text ) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; Entry *e; struct berval vals[2], *bv; int i, j; char ** supportedSASLMechanisms; AttributeDescription *ad_structuralObjectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_structuralObjectClass; AttributeDescription *ad_objectClass = slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass; AttributeDescription *ad_namingContexts = slap_schema.si_ad_namingContexts; AttributeDescription *ad_supportedControl = slap_schema.si_ad_supportedControl; AttributeDescription *ad_supportedExtension = slap_schema.si_ad_supportedExtension; AttributeDescription *ad_supportedLDAPVersion = slap_schema.si_ad_supportedLDAPVersion; AttributeDescription *ad_supportedSASLMechanisms = slap_schema.si_ad_supportedSASLMechanisms; AttributeDescription *ad_supportedFeatures = slap_schema.si_ad_supportedFeatures; AttributeDescription *ad_ref = slap_schema.si_ad_ref; vals[1].bv_val = NULL; e = (Entry *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(Entry) ); e->e_attrs = NULL; e->e_name.bv_val = ch_strdup( LDAP_ROOT_DSE ); e->e_name.bv_len = sizeof( LDAP_ROOT_DSE )-1; e->e_nname.bv_val = ch_strdup( LDAP_ROOT_DSE ); e->e_nname.bv_len = sizeof( LDAP_ROOT_DSE )-1; /* the DN is an empty string so no pretty/normalization is needed */ assert( !e->e_name.bv_len ); assert( !e->e_nname.bv_len ); e->e_private = NULL; vals[0].bv_val = "OpenLDAProotDSE"; vals[0].bv_len = sizeof("OpenLDAProotDSE")-1; attr_merge( e, ad_structuralObjectClass, vals ); vals[0].bv_val = "top"; vals[0].bv_len = sizeof("top")-1; attr_merge( e, ad_objectClass, vals ); vals[0].bv_val = "OpenLDAProotDSE"; vals[0].bv_len = sizeof("OpenLDAProotDSE")-1; attr_merge( e, ad_objectClass, vals ); for ( i = 0; i < nbackends; i++ ) { if ( backends[i].be_flags & SLAP_BFLAG_GLUE_SUBORDINATE ) { continue; } for ( j = 0; backends[i].be_suffix[j].bv_val != NULL; j++ ) { vals[0] = backends[i].be_suffix[j]; attr_merge( e, ad_namingContexts, vals ); } } /* altServer unsupported */ /* supportedControl */ for ( i=0; (vals[0].bv_val = get_supported_ctrl(i)) != NULL; i++ ) { vals[0].bv_len = strlen( vals[0].bv_val ); attr_merge( e, ad_supportedControl, vals ); } /* supportedExtension */ for ( i=0; (bv = get_supported_extop(i)) != NULL; i++ ) { vals[0] = *bv; attr_merge( e, ad_supportedExtension, vals ); } /* supportedFeatures */ attr_merge( e, ad_supportedFeatures, supportedFeatures ); /* supportedLDAPVersion */ for ( i=LDAP_VERSION_MIN; i<=LDAP_VERSION_MAX; i++ ) { if (!( global_allows & SLAP_ALLOW_BIND_V2 ) && ( i < LDAP_VERSION3 ) ) { /* version 2 and lower are disallowed */ continue; } sprintf(buf,"%d",i); vals[0].bv_val = buf; vals[0].bv_len = strlen( vals[0].bv_val ); attr_merge( e, ad_supportedLDAPVersion, vals ); } /* supportedSASLMechanism */ supportedSASLMechanisms = slap_sasl_mechs( conn ); if( supportedSASLMechanisms != NULL ) { for ( i=0; supportedSASLMechanisms[i] != NULL; i++ ) { vals[0].bv_val = supportedSASLMechanisms[i]; vals[0].bv_len = strlen( vals[0].bv_val ); attr_merge( e, ad_supportedSASLMechanisms, vals ); } charray_free( supportedSASLMechanisms ); } if ( default_referral != NULL ) { attr_merge( e, ad_ref, default_referral ); } if( usr_attr != NULL) { Attribute *a; for( a = usr_attr->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next ) { attr_merge( e, a->a_desc, a->a_vals ); } } *entry = e; return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Read the entries specified in fname and merge the attributes * to the user defined rootDSE. Note thaat if we find any errors * what so ever, we will discard the entire entries, print an * error message and return. */ int read_root_dse_file( const char *fname ) { FILE *fp; int rc = 0, lineno = 0, lmax = 0; char *buf = NULL; if ( (fp = fopen( fname, "r" )) == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "could not open rootdse attr file \"%s\" - absolute path?\n", fname, 0, 0 ); perror( fname ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } usr_attr = (Entry *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(Entry) ); usr_attr->e_attrs = NULL; while( ldif_read_record( fp, &lineno, &buf, &lmax ) ) { Entry *e = str2entry( buf ); Attribute *a; if( e == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "root_dse: could not parse entry (line=%d)\n", lineno ); entry_free( e ); entry_free( usr_attr ); usr_attr = NULL; return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* make sure the DN is the empty DN */ if( e->e_nname.bv_len ) { fprintf( stderr, "root_dse: invalid rootDSE - dn=\"%s\" (line=%d)\n", e->e_dn, lineno ); entry_free( e ); entry_free( usr_attr ); usr_attr = NULL; return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* * we found a valid entry, so walk thru all the attributes in the * entry, and add each attribute type and description to the * usr_attr entry */ for(a = e->e_attrs; a != NULL; a = a->a_next) { attr_merge( usr_attr, a->a_desc, a->a_vals ); } entry_free( e ); } ch_free( buf ); Debug(LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG, "rootDSE file %s read.\n", fname, 0, 0); return rc; }