/* value.c - routines for dealing with values */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2007 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ #include "portable.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ac/ctype.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "slap.h" int value_add( BerVarray *vals, BerVarray addvals ) { int n, nn = 0; BerVarray v2; if ( addvals != NULL ) { for ( ; !BER_BVISNULL( &addvals[nn] ); nn++ ) ; /* NULL */ } if ( *vals == NULL ) { *vals = (BerVarray) SLAP_MALLOC( (nn + 1) * sizeof(struct berval) ); if( *vals == NULL ) { Debug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "value_add: SLAP_MALLOC failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return LBER_ERROR_MEMORY; } n = 0; } else { for ( n = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &(*vals)[n] ); n++ ) { ; /* Empty */ } *vals = (BerVarray) SLAP_REALLOC( (char *) *vals, (n + nn + 1) * sizeof(struct berval) ); if( *vals == NULL ) { Debug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "value_add: SLAP_MALLOC failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return LBER_ERROR_MEMORY; } } v2 = &(*vals)[n]; for ( n = 0 ; n < nn; v2++, addvals++ ) { ber_dupbv( v2, addvals ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( v2 ) ) break; } BER_BVZERO( v2 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int value_add_one( BerVarray *vals, struct berval *addval ) { int n; BerVarray v2; if ( *vals == NULL ) { *vals = (BerVarray) SLAP_MALLOC( 2 * sizeof(struct berval) ); if( *vals == NULL ) { Debug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "value_add_one: SLAP_MALLOC failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return LBER_ERROR_MEMORY; } n = 0; } else { for ( n = 0; !BER_BVISNULL( &(*vals)[n] ); n++ ) { ; /* Empty */ } *vals = (BerVarray) SLAP_REALLOC( (char *) *vals, (n + 2) * sizeof(struct berval) ); if( *vals == NULL ) { Debug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "value_add_one: SLAP_MALLOC failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return LBER_ERROR_MEMORY; } } v2 = &(*vals)[n]; ber_dupbv(v2, addval); v2++; BER_BVZERO( v2 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int asserted_value_validate_normalize( AttributeDescription *ad, MatchingRule *mr, unsigned usage, struct berval *in, struct berval *out, const char ** text, void *ctx ) { int rc; struct berval pval; pval.bv_val = NULL; /* we expect the value to be in the assertion syntax */ assert( !SLAP_MR_IS_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX(usage) ); if( mr == NULL ) { *text = "inappropriate matching request"; return LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING; } if( !mr->smr_match ) { *text = "requested matching rule not supported"; return LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING; } if( mr->smr_syntax->ssyn_pretty ) { rc = (mr->smr_syntax->ssyn_pretty)( mr->smr_syntax, in, &pval, ctx ); in = &pval; } else if ( mr->smr_syntax->ssyn_validate ) { rc = (mr->smr_syntax->ssyn_validate)( mr->smr_syntax, in ); } else { *text = "inappropriate matching request"; return LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING; } if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { *text = "value does not conform to assertion syntax"; return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } if( mr->smr_normalize ) { rc = (mr->smr_normalize)( usage|SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_ASSERTION_SYNTAX, ad ? ad->ad_type->sat_syntax : NULL, mr, in, out, ctx ); if( pval.bv_val ) ber_memfree_x( pval.bv_val, ctx ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { *text = "unable to normalize value for matching"; return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } else if ( pval.bv_val != NULL ) { *out = pval; } else { ber_dupbv_x( out, in, ctx ); } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } int value_match( int *match, AttributeDescription *ad, MatchingRule *mr, unsigned flags, struct berval *v1, /* stored value */ void *v2, /* assertion */ const char ** text ) { int rc; assert( mr != NULL ); if( !mr->smr_match ) { return LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING; } rc = (mr->smr_match)( match, flags, ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, mr, v1, v2 ); return rc; } int value_find_ex( AttributeDescription *ad, unsigned flags, BerVarray vals, struct berval *val, void *ctx ) { int i; int rc; struct berval nval = BER_BVNULL; MatchingRule *mr = ad->ad_type->sat_equality; if( mr == NULL || !mr->smr_match ) { return LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING; } assert( SLAP_IS_MR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NORMALIZED_MATCH( flags ) != 0 ); if( !SLAP_IS_MR_ASSERTED_VALUE_NORMALIZED_MATCH( flags ) && mr->smr_normalize ) { rc = (mr->smr_normalize)( flags & (SLAP_MR_TYPE_MASK|SLAP_MR_SUBTYPE_MASK|SLAP_MR_VALUE_OF_SYNTAX), ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, mr, val, &nval, ctx ); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } for ( i = 0; vals[i].bv_val != NULL; i++ ) { int match; const char *text; rc = value_match( &match, ad, mr, flags, &vals[i], nval.bv_val == NULL ? val : &nval, &text ); if( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && match == 0 ) { slap_sl_free( nval.bv_val, ctx ); return rc; } } slap_sl_free( nval.bv_val, ctx ); return LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; } /* assign new indexes to an attribute's ordered values */ void ordered_value_renumber( Attribute *a, int vals ) { char *ptr, ibuf[64]; /* many digits */ struct berval ibv, tmp, vtmp; int i; ibv.bv_val = ibuf; for (i=0; i<vals; i++) { ibv.bv_len = sprintf(ibv.bv_val, "{%d}", i); vtmp = a->a_vals[i]; if ( vtmp.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { ptr = ber_bvchr(&vtmp, '}'); assert( ptr != NULL ); ++ptr; vtmp.bv_len -= ptr - vtmp.bv_val; vtmp.bv_val = ptr; } tmp.bv_len = ibv.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len; tmp.bv_val = ch_malloc( tmp.bv_len + 1 ); strcpy( tmp.bv_val, ibv.bv_val ); AC_MEMCPY( tmp.bv_val + ibv.bv_len, vtmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ); tmp.bv_val[tmp.bv_len] = '\0'; ch_free( a->a_vals[i].bv_val ); a->a_vals[i] = tmp; if ( a->a_nvals && a->a_nvals != a->a_vals ) { vtmp = a->a_nvals[i]; if ( vtmp.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { ptr = ber_bvchr(&vtmp, '}'); assert( ptr != NULL ); ++ptr; vtmp.bv_len -= ptr - vtmp.bv_val; vtmp.bv_val = ptr; } tmp.bv_len = ibv.bv_len + vtmp.bv_len; tmp.bv_val = ch_malloc( tmp.bv_len + 1 ); strcpy( tmp.bv_val, ibv.bv_val ); AC_MEMCPY( tmp.bv_val + ibv.bv_len, vtmp.bv_val, vtmp.bv_len ); tmp.bv_val[tmp.bv_len] = '\0'; ch_free( a->a_nvals[i].bv_val ); a->a_nvals[i] = tmp; } } } /* Sort the values in an X-ORDERED VALUES attribute. * If the values have no index, index them in their given order. * If the values have indexes, sort them. * If some are indexed and some are not, return Error. */ int ordered_value_sort( Attribute *a, int do_renumber ) { int i, vals; int index = 0, noindex = 0, renumber = 0, gotnvals = 0; struct berval tmp; if ( a->a_nvals && a->a_nvals != a->a_vals ) gotnvals = 1; /* count attrs, look for index */ for (i=0; a->a_vals[i].bv_val; i++) { if ( a->a_vals[i].bv_val[0] == '{' ) { char *ptr; index = 1; ptr = ber_bvchr( &a->a_vals[i], '}' ); if ( !ptr ) return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; if ( noindex ) return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } else { noindex = 1; if ( index ) return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } vals = i; /* If values have indexes, sort the values */ if ( index ) { int *indexes, j, idx; struct berval ntmp; #if 0 /* Strip index from normalized values */ if ( !a->a_nvals || a->a_vals == a->a_nvals ) { a->a_nvals = ch_malloc( (vals+1)*sizeof(struct berval)); BER_BVZERO(a->a_nvals+vals); for ( i=0; i<vals; i++ ) { char *ptr = ber_bvchr(&a->a_vals[i], '}') + 1; a->a_nvals[i].bv_len = a->a_vals[i].bv_len - (ptr - a->a_vals[i].bv_val); a->a_nvals[i].bv_val = ch_malloc( a->a_nvals[i].bv_len + 1); strcpy(a->a_nvals[i].bv_val, ptr ); } } else { for ( i=0; i<vals; i++ ) { char *ptr = ber_bvchr(&a->a_nvals[i], '}') + 1; a->a_nvals[i].bv_len -= ptr - a->a_nvals[i].bv_val; strcpy(a->a_nvals[i].bv_val, ptr); } } #endif indexes = ch_malloc( vals * sizeof(int) ); for ( i=0; i<vals; i++) { char *ptr; indexes[i] = strtol(a->a_vals[i].bv_val+1, &ptr, 0); if ( *ptr != '}' ) { ch_free( indexes ); return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } /* Insertion sort */ for ( i=1; i<vals; i++ ) { idx = indexes[i]; tmp = a->a_vals[i]; if ( gotnvals ) ntmp = a->a_nvals[i]; j = i; while ((j > 0) && (indexes[j-1] > idx)) { indexes[j] = indexes[j-1]; a->a_vals[j] = a->a_vals[j-1]; if ( gotnvals ) a->a_nvals[j] = a->a_nvals[j-1]; j--; } indexes[j] = idx; a->a_vals[j] = tmp; if ( gotnvals ) a->a_nvals[j] = ntmp; } /* If range is not contiguous, must renumber */ if ( indexes[0] != 0 || indexes[vals-1] != vals-1 ) { renumber = 1; } ch_free( indexes ); } else { renumber = 1; } if ( do_renumber && renumber ) ordered_value_renumber( a, vals ); return 0; } /* * wrapper for validate function * uses the validate function of the syntax after removing * the index, if allowed and present */ int ordered_value_validate( AttributeDescription *ad, struct berval *in, int mop ) { struct berval bv = *in; assert( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax != NULL ); assert( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_validate != NULL ); if ( ad->ad_type->sat_flags & SLAP_AT_ORDERED ) { /* Skip past the assertion index */ if ( bv.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { char *ptr; ptr = ber_bvchr( &bv, '}' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } ptr++; bv.bv_len -= ptr - bv.bv_val; bv.bv_val = ptr; in = &bv; /* If deleting by index, just succeed */ if ( mop == LDAP_MOD_DELETE && BER_BVISEMPTY( &bv )) return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } return ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_validate( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, in ); } /* * wrapper for pretty function * uses the pretty function of the syntax after removing * the index, if allowed and present; in case, it's prepended * to the pretty value */ int ordered_value_pretty( AttributeDescription *ad, struct berval *val, struct berval *out, void *ctx ) { struct berval bv = *val, idx = BER_BVNULL; int rc; assert( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax != NULL ); assert( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_pretty != NULL ); assert( val != NULL ); assert( out != NULL ); if ( ad->ad_type->sat_flags & SLAP_AT_ORDERED ) { /* Skip past the assertion index */ if ( bv.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { char *ptr; ptr = ber_bvchr( &bv, '}' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } ptr++; idx = bv; idx.bv_len = ptr - bv.bv_val; bv.bv_len -= idx.bv_len; bv.bv_val = ptr; val = &bv; } } rc = ad->ad_type->sat_syntax->ssyn_pretty( ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, val, out, ctx ); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && !BER_BVISNULL( &idx ) ) { bv = *out; out->bv_len = idx.bv_len + bv.bv_len; out->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( out->bv_len + 1, ctx ); AC_MEMCPY( out->bv_val, idx.bv_val, idx.bv_len ); AC_MEMCPY( &out->bv_val[ idx.bv_len ], bv.bv_val, bv.bv_len + 1 ); ber_memfree_x( bv.bv_val, ctx ); } return rc; } /* * wrapper for normalize function * uses the normalize function of the attribute description equality rule * after removing the index, if allowed and present; in case, it's * prepended to the value */ int ordered_value_normalize( slap_mask_t usage, AttributeDescription *ad, MatchingRule *mr, struct berval *val, struct berval *normalized, void *ctx ) { struct berval bv = *val, idx = BER_BVNULL; int rc; assert( ad->ad_type->sat_equality != NULL ); assert( ad->ad_type->sat_equality->smr_normalize != NULL ); assert( val != NULL ); assert( normalized != NULL ); if ( ad->ad_type->sat_flags & SLAP_AT_ORDERED ) { /* Skip past the assertion index */ if ( bv.bv_val[ 0 ] == '{' ) { char *ptr; ptr = ber_bvchr( &bv, '}' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } ptr++; idx = bv; idx.bv_len = ptr - bv.bv_val; bv.bv_len -= idx.bv_len; bv.bv_val = ptr; /* validator will already prevent this for Adds */ if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &bv )) { ber_dupbv_x( normalized, &idx, ctx ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } val = &bv; } } rc = ad->ad_type->sat_equality->smr_normalize( usage, ad->ad_type->sat_syntax, mr, val, normalized, ctx ); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && !BER_BVISNULL( &idx ) ) { bv = *normalized; normalized->bv_len = idx.bv_len + bv.bv_len; normalized->bv_val = ber_memalloc_x( normalized->bv_len + 1, ctx ); AC_MEMCPY( normalized->bv_val, idx.bv_val, idx.bv_len ); AC_MEMCPY( &normalized->bv_val[ idx.bv_len ], bv.bv_val, bv.bv_len + 1 ); ber_memfree_x( bv.bv_val, ctx ); } return rc; } /* A wrapper for value match, handles Equality matches for attributes * with ordered values. */ int ordered_value_match( int *match, AttributeDescription *ad, MatchingRule *mr, unsigned flags, struct berval *v1, /* stored value */ struct berval *v2, /* assertion */ const char ** text ) { struct berval bv1, bv2; /* X-ORDERED VALUES equality matching: * If (SLAP_MR_IS_VALUE_OF_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX) that means we are * comparing two attribute values. In this case, we want to ignore * the ordering index of both values, we just want to know if their * main values are equal. * * If (SLAP_MR_IS_VALUE_OF_ASSERTION_SYNTAX) then we are comparing * an assertion against an attribute value. * If the assertion has no index, the index of the value is ignored. * If the assertion has only an index, the remainder of the value is * ignored. * If the assertion has index and value, both are compared. */ if ( ad->ad_type->sat_flags & SLAP_AT_ORDERED ) { char *ptr; struct berval iv; bv1 = *v1; bv2 = *v2; iv = bv2; /* Skip past the assertion index */ if ( bv2.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { ptr = ber_bvchr( &bv2, '}' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } ptr++; bv2.bv_len -= ptr - bv2.bv_val; bv2.bv_val = ptr; v2 = &bv2; } if ( SLAP_MR_IS_VALUE_OF_ASSERTION_SYNTAX( flags )) { if ( iv.bv_val[0] == '{' && bv1.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { /* compare index values first */ long l1, l2, ret; l1 = strtol( bv1.bv_val+1, NULL, 0 ); l2 = strtol( iv.bv_val+1, &ptr, 0 ); ret = l1 - l2; /* If not equal, or we're only comparing the index, * return result now. */ if ( ret || ptr == iv.bv_val + iv.bv_len - 1 ) { *match = ( ret < 0 ) ? -1 : (ret > 0 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } /* Skip past the attribute index */ if ( bv1.bv_val[0] == '{' ) { ptr = ber_bvchr( &bv1, '}' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } ptr++; bv1.bv_len -= ptr - bv1.bv_val; bv1.bv_val = ptr; v1 = &bv1; } } if ( !mr || !mr->smr_match ) { *match = ber_bvcmp( v1, v2 ); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } return value_match( match, ad, mr, flags, v1, v2, text ); } int ordered_value_add( Entry *e, AttributeDescription *ad, Attribute *a, BerVarray vals, BerVarray nvals ) { int i, j, k, anum, vnum; BerVarray new, nnew = NULL; /* count new vals */ for (i=0; !BER_BVISNULL( vals+i ); i++) ; vnum = i; if ( a ) { for (i=0; !BER_BVISNULL( a->a_vals+i ); i++) ; anum = i; ordered_value_sort( a, 0 ); } else { Attribute **ap; anum = 0; for ( ap=&e->e_attrs; *ap; ap = &(*ap)->a_next ) ; a = attr_alloc( ad ); *ap = a; } new = ch_malloc( (anum+vnum+1) * sizeof(struct berval)); if ( a->a_nvals && a->a_nvals != a->a_vals ) { nnew = ch_malloc( (anum+vnum+1) * sizeof(struct berval)); /* Shouldn't happen... */ if ( !nvals ) nvals = vals; } if ( anum ) { AC_MEMCPY( new, a->a_vals, anum * sizeof(struct berval)); if ( nnew ) AC_MEMCPY( nnew, a->a_nvals, anum * sizeof(struct berval)); } for (i=0; i<vnum; i++) { char *next; k = -1; if ( vals[i].bv_val[0] == '{' ) { k = strtol( vals[i].bv_val + 1, &next, 0 ); if ( next == vals[i].bv_val + 1 || next[ 0 ] != '}' || next - vals[i].bv_val > vals[i].bv_len ) { ch_free( nnew ); ch_free( new ); return -1; } if ( k > anum ) k = -1; } /* No index, or index is greater than current number of * values, just tack onto the end */ if ( k < 0 ) { ber_dupbv( new+anum, vals+i ); if ( nnew ) ber_dupbv( nnew+anum, nvals+i ); /* Indexed, push everything else down one and insert */ } else { for (j=anum; j>k; j--) { new[j] = new[j-1]; if ( nnew ) nnew[j] = nnew[j-1]; } ber_dupbv( new+k, vals+i ); if ( nnew ) ber_dupbv( nnew+k, nvals+i ); } anum++; } BER_BVZERO( new+anum ); ch_free( a->a_vals ); a->a_vals = new; if ( nnew ) { BER_BVZERO( nnew+anum ); ch_free( a->a_nvals ); a->a_nvals = nnew; } else { a->a_nvals = a->a_vals; } ordered_value_renumber( a, anum ); return 0; }