/* * Copyright (c) 1998 Will Ballantyne, ITSD, Government of BC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to ITSD, Government of BC. The name of ITSD * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include /* Get struct sockaddr for slap.h */ #include "slap.h" #include "back-ldbm.h" #include "proto-back-ldbm.h" /* * given an alias object, dereference it to its end point. * entry returned has reader lock */ Entry *derefAlias_r ( Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op, Entry *e) { Attribute *a; int depth; char **pastAliases; char *matched; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= checking for alias for dn %s\n", e->e_dn, 0, 0 ); /* * try to deref fully, up to a maximum depth. If the max depth exceeded * then send an error */ for ( depth = 0; ( ( a = attr_find( e->e_attrs, "aliasedobjectname" ) ) != NULL) && ( depth < be->be_maxDerefDepth ); ++depth) { /* * make sure there is a defined aliasedobjectname. * can only have one value so just use first value (0) in the attr list. */ if (a->a_vals[0] && a->a_vals[0]->bv_val) { char *newDN, *oldDN; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s is an alias for %s\n", e->e_dn, a->a_vals[0]->bv_val, 0 ); newDN = strdup (a->a_vals[0]->bv_val); oldDN = strdup (e->e_dn); /* * ok, so what happens if there is an alias in the DN of a dereferenced * alias object? */ if ( (e = dn2entry_r( be, newDN, &matched )) == NULL ) { /* could not deref return error */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s is a dangling alias to %s\n", oldDN, newDN, 0 ); send_ldap_result( conn, op, LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM, "", "Dangling Alias" ); if(matched != NULL) free(matched); } free (newDN); free (oldDN); } else { /* * there was an aliasedobjectname defined but no data. * this can't happen, right? */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s has no data in aliasedobjectname attribute\n", e->e_dn, 0, 0 ); send_ldap_result( conn, op, LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM, "", "Alias missing aliasedobjectname" ); } } /* * warn if we pulled out due to exceeding the maximum deref depth */ if ( depth >= be->be_maxDerefDepth ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s exceeded maximum deref depth %d\n", e->e_dn, be->be_maxDerefDepth, 0 ); send_ldap_result( conn, op, LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM, "", "Maximum alias dereference depth exceeded" ); } return e; } /* * given a DN fully deref it and return the real DN or original DN if it fails */ char *derefDN ( Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op, char *dn ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_private; char *matched; char *newDN = NULL; int depth; Entry *eMatched; Entry *eDeref; Entry *eNew; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= dereferencing dn %s\n", dn, 0, 0 ); newDN = strdup ( dn ); /* while we don't have a matched dn, deref the DN */ for ( depth = 0; ( (eMatched = dn2entry_r( be, newDN, &matched )) == NULL) && (depth < be->be_maxDerefDepth); ++depth ) { /* free reader lock */ cache_return_entry_r(&li->li_cache, eMatched); if ((matched != NULL) && *matched) { char *submatch; /* * make sure there actually is an entry for the matched part */ if ( (eMatched = dn2entry_r( be, matched, &submatch )) != NULL) { char *remainder; /* part before the aliased part */ int rlen = strlen(newDN) - strlen(matched); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= matched %s\n", matched, 0, 0 ); remainder = ch_malloc (rlen + 1); strncpy ( remainder, newDN, rlen ); remainder[rlen] = '\0'; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= remainder %s\n", remainder, 0, 0 ); if ((eNew = derefAlias_r( be, conn, op, eMatched )) == NULL) { free (matched); matched = NULL; free (newDN); newDN = NULL; free (remainder); break; /* no associated entry, dont deref */ } else { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= l&g we have %s vs %s \n", matched, eNew->e_dn, 0 ); if (!strcasecmp (matched, eNew->e_dn)) { /* newDN same as old so not an alias, no need to go further */ free (newDN); newDN = NULL; free (matched); matched = NULL; free (remainder); break; } /* * we have dereferenced the aliased part so put * the new dn together */ free (newDN); newDN = ch_malloc (strlen(eMatched->e_dn) + rlen + 1); strcpy (newDN, remainder); strcat (newDN, eMatched->e_dn); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= expanded to %s\n", newDN, 0, 0 ); free (matched); matched = NULL; free (remainder); /* free reader lock */ cache_return_entry_r(&li->li_cache, eNew); } /* free reader lock */ cache_return_entry_r(&li->li_cache, eMatched); } else { if(submatch != NULL) free(submatch); break; /* there was no entry for the matched part */ } } else { break; /* there was no matched part */ } } /* * the final part of the DN might be an alias * so try to dereference it. */ if ( (eNew = dn2entry_r( be, newDN, &matched )) != NULL) { if ((eDeref = derefAlias_r( be, conn, op, eNew )) != NULL) { free (newDN); newDN = strdup (eDeref->e_dn); /* free reader lock */ cache_return_entry_r(&li->li_cache, eDeref); } /* free reader lock */ cache_return_entry_r(&li->li_cache, eNew); } /* * warn if we exceeded the max depth as the resulting DN may not be dereferenced */ if (depth >= be->be_maxDerefDepth) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= max deref depth exceeded in derefDN for %s, result %s\n", dn, newDN, 0 ); send_ldap_result( conn, op, LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM, "", "Maximum alias dereference depth exceeded for base" ); } if (newDN == NULL) { newDN = strdup ( dn ); } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= returning deref DN of %s\n", newDN, 0, 0 ); if (matched != NULL) free(matched); return newDN; }