/* * Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ /* Portions * Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * ufn.c */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ldap-int.h" #include "ldapconfig.h" typedef int (*cancelptype) LDAP_P(( void *cancelparm )); /* local functions */ static int ldap_ufn_search_ctx LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, char **ufncomp, int ncomp, char *prefix, char **attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm, char *tag1, char *tag2, char *tag3 )); static LDAPMessage *ldap_msg_merge LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *a, LDAPMessage *b )); static LDAPMessage *ldap_ufn_expand LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm, char **dns, char *filter, int scope, char **attrs, int aonly, int *err )); /* * ldap_ufn_search_ctx - do user friendly searching; provide cancel feature; * specify ldapfilter.conf tags for each phase of search * * ld LDAP descriptor * ufncomp the exploded user friendly name to look for * ncomp number of elements in ufncomp * prefix where to start searching * attrs list of attribute types to return for matches * attrsonly 1 => attributes only 0 => attributes and values * res will contain the result of the search * cancelproc routine that returns non-zero if operation should be * cancelled. This can be a null function pointer. If * it is not 0, the routine will be called periodically. * cancelparm void * that is passed to cancelproc * tag[123] the ldapfilter.conf tag that will be used in phases * 1, 2, and 3 of the search, respectively * * Example: * char *attrs[] = { "mail", "title", 0 }; * char *ufncomp[] = { "howes", "umich", "us", 0 } * LDAPMessage *res; * error = ldap_ufn_search_ctx( ld, ufncomp, 3, NULL, attrs, attrsonly, * &res, acancelproc, along, "ufn first", * "ufn intermediate", "ufn last" ); */ static int ldap_ufn_search_ctx( LDAP *ld, char **ufncomp, int ncomp, char *prefix, char **attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm, char *tag1, char *tag2, char *tag3 ) { char *dn, *ftag = NULL; char **dns = NULL; int max, i, err, scope = 0, phase, tries; LDAPFiltInfo *fi; LDAPMessage *tmpcand; LDAPMessage *candidates; static char *objattrs[] = { "objectClass", NULL }; /* * look up ufn components from most to least significant. * there are 3 phases. * phase 1 search the root for orgs or countries * phase 2 search for orgs * phase 3 search for a person * in phases 1 and 2, we are building a list of candidate DNs, * below which we will search for the final component of the ufn. * for each component we try the filters listed in the * filterconfig file, first one-level (except the last compoment), * then subtree. if any of them produce any results, we go on to * the next component. */ *res = NULL; candidates = NULL; phase = 1; for ( ncomp--; ncomp != -1; ncomp-- ) { if ( *ufncomp[ncomp] == '"' ) { char *quote; if ( (quote = strrchr( ufncomp[ncomp], '"' )) != NULL ) *quote = '\0'; SAFEMEMCPY( ufncomp[ncomp], ufncomp[ncomp] + 1, strlen( ufncomp[ncomp] + 1 ) + 1 ); } if ( ncomp == 0 ) phase = 3; switch ( phase ) { case 1: ftag = tag1; scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; break; case 2: ftag = tag2; scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; break; case 3: ftag = tag3; scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; break; } /* * construct an array of DN's to search below from the * list of candidates. */ if ( candidates == NULL ) { if ( prefix != NULL ) { if ( (dns = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) * 2 )) == NULL ) { return( ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } dns[0] = strdup( prefix ); dns[1] = NULL; } else { dns = NULL; } } else { i = 0, max = 0; for ( tmpcand = candidates; tmpcand != NULL && tmpcand->lm_msgtype != LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT; tmpcand = tmpcand->lm_chain ) { if ( (dn = ldap_get_dn( ld, tmpcand )) == NULL ) continue; if ( dns == NULL ) { if ( (dns = (char **) malloc( sizeof(char *) * 8 )) == NULL ) { ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; return( LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } max = 8; } else if ( i >= max ) { if ( (dns = (char **) realloc( dns, sizeof(char *) * 2 * max )) == NULL ) { ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; return( LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } max *= 2; } dns[i++] = dn; dns[i] = NULL; } ldap_msgfree( candidates ); candidates = NULL; } tries = 0; tryagain: tries++; for ( fi = ldap_getfirstfilter( ld->ld_filtd, ftag, ufncomp[ncomp] ); fi != NULL; fi = ldap_getnextfilter( ld->ld_filtd ) ) { if ( (candidates = ldap_ufn_expand( ld, cancelproc, cancelparm, dns, fi->lfi_filter, scope, phase == 3 ? attrs : objattrs, phase == 3 ? attrsonly : 1, &err )) != NULL ) { break; } if ( err == -1 || err == LDAP_USER_CANCELLED ) { if ( dns != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( dns ); dns = NULL; } return( err ); } } if ( candidates == NULL ) { if ( tries < 2 && phase != 3 ) { scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; goto tryagain; } else { if ( dns != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( dns ); dns = NULL; } return( err ); } } /* go on to the next component */ if ( phase == 1 ) phase++; if ( dns != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( dns ); dns = NULL; } } *res = candidates; return( err ); } int ldap_ufn_search_ct( LDAP *ld, LDAP_CONST char *ufn, char **attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm, char *tag1, char *tag2, char *tag3 ) { char **ufncomp, **prefixcomp; char *pbuf; int ncomp, pcomp, i, err = 0; /* initialize the getfilter stuff if it's not already */ if ( ld->ld_filtd == NULL && ldap_ufn_setfilter( ld, FILTERFILE ) == NULL ) { return( ld->ld_errno = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR ); } /* call ldap_explode_dn() to break the ufn into its components */ if ( (ufncomp = ldap_explode_dn( ufn, 0 )) == NULL ) return( ld->ld_errno = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR ); for ( ncomp = 0; ufncomp[ncomp] != NULL; ncomp++ ) ; /* NULL */ /* more than two components => try it fully qualified first */ if ( ncomp > 2 || ld->ld_ufnprefix == NULL ) { err = ldap_ufn_search_ctx( ld, ufncomp, ncomp, NULL, attrs, attrsonly, res, cancelproc, cancelparm, tag1, tag2, tag3 ); if ( ldap_count_entries( ld, *res ) > 0 ) { ldap_value_free( ufncomp ); return( err ); } else { ldap_msgfree( *res ); *res = NULL; } } if ( ld->ld_ufnprefix == NULL ) { ldap_value_free( ufncomp ); return( err ); } /* if that failed, or < 2 components, use the prefix */ if ( (prefixcomp = ldap_explode_dn( ld->ld_ufnprefix, 0 )) == NULL ) { ldap_value_free( ufncomp ); return( ld->ld_errno = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR ); } for ( pcomp = 0; prefixcomp[pcomp] != NULL; pcomp++ ) ; /* NULL */ if ( (pbuf = (char *) malloc( strlen( ld->ld_ufnprefix ) + 1 )) == NULL ) { ldap_value_free( ufncomp ); ldap_value_free( prefixcomp ); return( ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } for ( i = 0; i < pcomp; i++ ) { int j; *pbuf = '\0'; for ( j = i; j < pcomp; j++ ) { strcat( pbuf, prefixcomp[j] ); if ( j + 1 < pcomp ) strcat( pbuf, "," ); } err = ldap_ufn_search_ctx( ld, ufncomp, ncomp, pbuf, attrs, attrsonly, res, cancelproc, cancelparm, tag1, tag2, tag3 ); if ( ldap_count_entries( ld, *res ) > 0 ) { break; } else { ldap_msgfree( *res ); *res = NULL; } } ldap_value_free( ufncomp ); ldap_value_free( prefixcomp ); free( pbuf ); return( err ); } /* * same as ldap_ufn_search_ct, except without the ability to specify * ldapfilter.conf tags. */ int ldap_ufn_search_c( LDAP *ld, LDAP_CONST char *ufn, char **attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm ) { return( ldap_ufn_search_ct( ld, ufn, attrs, attrsonly, res, cancelproc, cancelparm, "ufn first", "ufn intermediate", "ufn last" ) ); } /* * same as ldap_ufn_search_c without the cancel function */ int ldap_ufn_search_s( LDAP *ld, LDAP_CONST char *ufn, char **attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res ) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = ld->ld_timelimit; return( ldap_ufn_search_ct( ld, ufn, attrs, attrsonly, res, ld->ld_timelimit ? ldap_ufn_timeout : NULL, ld->ld_timelimit ? (void *) &tv : NULL, "ufn first", "ufn intermediate", "ufn last" ) ); } /* * ldap_msg_merge - merge two ldap search result chains. the more * serious of the two error result codes is kept. */ static LDAPMessage * ldap_msg_merge( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *a, LDAPMessage *b ) { LDAPMessage *end, *aprev, *aend, *bprev, *bend; if ( a == NULL ) return( b ); if ( b == NULL ) return( a ); /* find the ends of the a and b chains */ aprev = NULL; for ( aend = a; aend->lm_chain != NULL; aend = aend->lm_chain ) aprev = aend; bprev = NULL; for ( bend = b; bend->lm_chain != NULL; bend = bend->lm_chain ) bprev = bend; /* keep result a */ if ( ldap_result2error( ld, aend, 0 ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* remove result b */ ldap_msgfree( bend ); if ( bprev != NULL ) bprev->lm_chain = NULL; else b = NULL; end = aend; if ( aprev != NULL ) aprev->lm_chain = NULL; else a = NULL; /* keep result b */ } else { /* remove result a */ ldap_msgfree( aend ); if ( aprev != NULL ) aprev->lm_chain = NULL; else a = NULL; end = bend; if ( bprev != NULL ) bprev->lm_chain = NULL; else b = NULL; } if ( (a == NULL && b == NULL) || (a == NULL && bprev == NULL) || (b == NULL && aprev == NULL) ) return( end ); if ( a == NULL ) { bprev->lm_chain = end; return( b ); } else if ( b == NULL ) { aprev->lm_chain = end; return( a ); } else { bprev->lm_chain = end; aprev->lm_chain = b; return( a ); } } static LDAPMessage * ldap_ufn_expand( LDAP *ld, cancelptype cancelproc, void *cancelparm, char **dns, char *filter, int scope, char **attrs, int aonly, int *err ) { LDAPMessage *tmpcand, *tmpres; char *dn; int i, msgid; struct timeval tv; /* search for this component below the current candidates */ tmpcand = NULL; i = 0; do { if ( dns != NULL ) dn = dns[i]; else dn = ""; if (( msgid = ldap_search( ld, dn, scope, filter, attrs, aonly )) == -1 ) { ldap_msgfree( tmpcand ); *err = ld->ld_errno; return( NULL ); } tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100000; /* 1/10 of a second */ do { *err = ldap_result( ld, msgid, 1, &tv, &tmpres ); if ( *err == 0 && cancelproc != 0 && (*cancelproc)( cancelparm ) != 0 ) { ldap_abandon( ld, msgid ); *err = LDAP_USER_CANCELLED; ld->ld_errno = LDAP_USER_CANCELLED; } } while ( *err == 0 ); if ( *err == LDAP_USER_CANCELLED || *err < 0 || ( *err = ldap_result2error( ld, tmpres, 0 )) == -1 ) { ldap_msgfree( tmpcand ); return( NULL ); } tmpcand = ldap_msg_merge( ld, tmpcand, tmpres ); i++; } while ( dns != NULL && dns[i] != NULL ); if ( ldap_count_entries( ld, tmpcand ) > 0 ) { return( tmpcand ); } else { ldap_msgfree( tmpcand ); return( NULL ); } } /* * ldap_ufn_setfilter - set the filter config file used in ufn searching */ LDAPFiltDesc * ldap_ufn_setfilter( LDAP *ld, LDAP_CONST char *fname ) { if ( ld->ld_filtd != NULL ) ldap_getfilter_free( ld->ld_filtd ); return( ld->ld_filtd = ldap_init_getfilter( fname ) ); } void ldap_ufn_setprefix( LDAP *ld, LDAP_CONST char *prefix ) { if ( ld->ld_ufnprefix != NULL ) free( ld->ld_ufnprefix ); ld->ld_ufnprefix = strdup( prefix ); } int ldap_ufn_timeout( void *tvparam ) { struct timeval *tv; tv = (struct timeval *)tvparam; if ( tv->tv_sec != 0 ) { tv->tv_usec = tv->tv_sec * 1000000; /* sec => micro sec */ tv->tv_sec = 0; } tv->tv_usec -= 100000; /* 1/10 of a second */ return( tv->tv_usec <= 0 ? 1 : 0 ); }