/* acl.c - routines to parse and check acl's */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef sunos5 #include "regexpr.h" #else #include "regex.h" #endif #include "slap.h" extern Attribute *attr_find(); extern char *re_comp(); extern struct acl *global_acl; extern int global_default_access; extern char *access2str(); extern char *dn_normalize_case(); int acl_access_allowed(); int access_allowed(); struct acl *acl_get_applicable(); static int regex_matches(); extern pthread_mutex_t regex_mutex; /* * access_allowed - check whether dn is allowed the requested access * to entry e, attribute attr, value val. if val is null, access to * the whole attribute is assumed (all values). this routine finds * the applicable acl and calls acl_access_allowed() to make the * decision. * * returns 0 access NOT allowed * 1 access allowed */ int access_allowed( Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op, Entry *e, char *attr, struct berval *val, char *dn, int access ) { int rc; struct acl *a; if ( be == NULL ) { return( 0 ); } a = acl_get_applicable( be, op, e, attr ); rc = acl_access_allowed( a, be, conn, e, val, op, access ); return( rc ); } /* * acl_get_applicable - return the acl applicable to entry e, attribute * attr. the acl returned is suitable for use in subsequent calls to * acl_access_allowed(). */ struct acl * acl_get_applicable( Backend *be, Operation *op, Entry *e, char *attr ) { int i; struct acl *a; char *edn; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "=> acl_get: entry (%s) attr (%s)\n", e->e_dn, attr, 0 ); if ( be_isroot( be, op->o_dn ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl_get: no acl applicable to database root\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( NULL ); } /* check for a backend-specific acl that matches the entry */ for ( i = 1, a = be->be_acl; a != NULL; a = a->acl_next, i++ ) { if ( a->acl_dnpat != NULL ) { edn = dn_normalize_case( strdup( e->e_dn ) ); if ( ! regex_matches( a->acl_dnpat, edn ) ) { free( edn ); continue; } free( edn ); } if ( a->acl_filter != NULL ) { if ( test_filter( NULL, NULL, NULL, e, a->acl_filter ) != 0 ) { continue; } } if ( attr == NULL || a->acl_attrs == NULL || charray_inlist( a->acl_attrs, attr ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl_get: backend acl #%d\n", i, e->e_dn, attr ); return( a ); } } /* check for a global acl that matches the entry */ for ( i = 1, a = global_acl; a != NULL; a = a->acl_next, i++ ) { if ( a->acl_dnpat != NULL ) { edn = dn_normalize_case( strdup( e->e_dn ) ); if ( ! regex_matches( a->acl_dnpat, edn ) ) { free( edn ); continue; } free( edn ); } if ( a->acl_filter != NULL ) { if ( test_filter( NULL, NULL, NULL, e, a->acl_filter ) != 0 ) { continue; } } if ( attr == NULL || a->acl_attrs == NULL || charray_inlist( a->acl_attrs, attr ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl_get: global acl #%d\n", i, e->e_dn, attr ); return( a ); } } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl_get: no match\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( NULL ); } /* * acl_access_allowed - check whether the given acl allows dn the * requested access to entry e, attribute attr, value val. if val * is null, access to the whole attribute is assumed (all values). * * returns 0 access NOT allowed * 1 access allowed */ int acl_access_allowed( struct acl *a, Backend *be, Connection *conn, Entry *e, struct berval *val, Operation *op, int access ) { int i; char *edn, *odn; struct access *b; Attribute *at; struct berval bv; int default_access; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "=> acl: %s access to value \"%s\" by \"%s\"\n", access2str( access ), val ? val->bv_val : "any", op->o_dn ? op->o_dn : "" ); if ( be_isroot( be, op->o_dn ) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: granted to database root\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( 1 ); } default_access = be->be_dfltaccess ? be->be_dfltaccess : global_default_access; if ( a == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: %s by default (no matching to)\n", default_access >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0, 0 ); return( default_access >= access ); } odn = NULL; if ( op->o_dn != NULL ) { odn = dn_normalize_case( strdup( op->o_dn ) ); bv.bv_val = odn; bv.bv_len = strlen( odn ); } for ( i = 1, b = a->acl_access; b != NULL; b = b->a_next, i++ ) { if ( b->a_dnpat != NULL ) { /* * if access applies to the entry itself, and the * user is bound as somebody in the same namespace as * the entry, OR the given dn matches the dn pattern */ if ( strcasecmp( b->a_dnpat, "self" ) == 0 && op->o_dn != NULL && *(op->o_dn) && e->e_dn != NULL ) { edn = dn_normalize_case( strdup( e->e_dn ) ); if ( strcasecmp( edn, op->o_dn ) == 0 ) { free( edn ); if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } free( edn ); } else { if ( regex_matches( b->a_dnpat, odn ) ) { if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } } } if ( b->a_addrpat != NULL ) { if ( regex_matches( b->a_addrpat, conn->c_addr ) ) { if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } } if ( b->a_domainpat != NULL ) { if ( regex_matches( b->a_domainpat, conn->c_domain ) ) { if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } } if ( b->a_dnattr != NULL && op->o_dn != NULL ) { /* see if asker is listed in dnattr */ if ( (at = attr_find( e->e_attrs, b->a_dnattr )) != NULL && value_find( at->a_vals, &bv, at->a_syntax, 3 ) == 0 ) { if ( (b->a_access & ACL_SELF) && (val == NULL || value_cmp( &bv, val, at->a_syntax, 2 )) ) { continue; } if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } /* asker not listed in dnattr - check for self access */ if ( ! (b->a_access & ACL_SELF) || val == NULL || value_cmp( &bv, val, at->a_syntax, 2 ) != 0 ) { continue; } if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: matched by clause #%d (self) access %s\n", i, (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0 ); return( (b->a_access & ~ACL_SELF) >= access ); } } if ( odn ) free( odn ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "<= acl: %s by default (no matching by)\n", default_access >= access ? "granted" : "denied", 0, 0 ); return( default_access >= access ); } /* * acl_check_mods - check access control on the given entry to see if * it allows the given modifications by the user associated with op. * returns LDAP_SUCCESS mods allowed ok * anything else mods not allowed - return is an error * code indicating the problem */ int acl_check_mods( Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op, Entry *e, LDAPMod *mods ) { int i; struct acl *a; for ( ; mods != NULL; mods = mods->mod_next ) { if ( strcasecmp( mods->mod_type, "modifiersname" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( mods->mod_type, "modifytimestamp" ) == 0 ) { continue; } a = acl_get_applicable( be, op, e, mods->mod_type ); switch ( mods->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES ) { case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: case LDAP_MOD_ADD: if ( mods->mod_bvalues == NULL ) { break; } for ( i = 0; mods->mod_bvalues[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( ! acl_access_allowed( a, be, conn, e, mods->mod_bvalues[i], op, ACL_WRITE ) ) { return( LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ); } } break; case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: if ( mods->mod_bvalues == NULL ) { if ( ! acl_access_allowed( a, be, conn, e, NULL, op, ACL_WRITE ) ) { return( LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ); } break; } for ( i = 0; mods->mod_bvalues[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( ! acl_access_allowed( a, be, conn, e, mods->mod_bvalues[i], op, ACL_WRITE ) ) { return( LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ); } } break; } } return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } #ifdef sunos5 static int regex_matches( char *pat, char *str ) { char *e; int rc; if ( (e = compile( pat, NULL, NULL )) == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "compile( \"%s\", \"%s\") failed\n", pat, str, 0 ); return( 0 ); } rc = step( str ? str : "", e ); free( e ); return( rc ); } #else /* sunos5 */ static int regex_matches( char *pat, char *str ) { char *e; int rc; pthread_mutex_lock( ®ex_mutex ); if ( (e = re_comp( pat )) != NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "re_comp( \"%s\", \"%s\") failed because (%s)\n", pat, str, e ); pthread_mutex_unlock( ®ex_mutex ); return( 0 ); } rc = re_exec( str ? str : "" ); pthread_mutex_unlock( ®ex_mutex ); return( rc == 1 ); } #endif /* sunos5 */