/* * Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * ldap-int.h - defines & prototypes internal to the LDAP library */ #ifndef _LDAP_INT_H #define _LDAP_INT_H 1 #ifdef LDAP_COMPILING_R #define LDAP_THREAD_SAFE 1 #endif #include "../liblber/lber-int.h" #define ldap_debug (openldap_ldap_global_options.ldo_debug) #include "ldap_log.h" #include "ldap.h" LDAP_BEGIN_DECL #define LDAP_URL_PREFIX "ldap://" #define LDAP_URL_PREFIX_LEN 7 #define LDAP_URL_URLCOLON "URL:" #define LDAP_URL_URLCOLON_LEN 4 #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS #define LDAP_REF_STR "Referral:\n" #define LDAP_REF_STR_LEN 10 #define LDAP_LDAP_REF_STR LDAP_URL_PREFIX #define LDAP_LDAP_REF_STR_LEN LDAP_URL_PREFIX_LEN #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS #define LDAP_DX_REF_STR "dx://" #define LDAP_DX_REF_STR_LEN 5 #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS */ #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ #define LDAP_BOOL_REFERRALS 0 #define LDAP_BOOL_RESTART 1 #define LDAP_BOOL_DNS 2 #define LDAP_BOOLEANS unsigned long #define LDAP_BOOL(n) (1 << (n)) #define LDAP_BOOL_GET(lo, bool) ((lo)->ldo_booleans & LDAP_BOOL(bool) \ ? LDAP_OPT_ON : LDAP_OPT_OFF) #define LDAP_BOOL_SET(lo, bool) ((lo)->ldo_booleans |= LDAP_BOOL(bool)) #define LDAP_BOOL_CLR(lo, bool) ((lo)->ldo_booleans &= ~LDAP_BOOL(bool)) #define LDAP_BOOL_ZERO(lo) ((lo)->ldo_booleans = 0) /* * This structure represents both ldap messages and ldap responses. * These are really the same, except in the case of search responses, * where a response has multiple messages. */ struct ldapmsg { int lm_msgid; /* the message id */ int lm_msgtype; /* the message type */ BerElement *lm_ber; /* the ber encoded message contents */ struct ldapmsg *lm_chain; /* for search - next msg in the resp */ struct ldapmsg *lm_next; /* next response */ unsigned int lm_time; /* used to maintain cache */ }; /* * structure representing get/set'able options * which have global defaults. */ struct ldapoptions { int ldo_version; /* version to connect at */ int ldo_deref; int ldo_timelimit; int ldo_sizelimit; int ldo_debug; char* ldo_defbase; char* ldo_defhost; int ldo_defport; int ldo_cldaptries; /* connectionless search retry count */ int ldo_cldaptimeout;/* time between retries */ int ldo_refhoplimit; /* limit on referral nesting */ LDAP_BOOLEANS ldo_booleans; /* boolean options */ }; #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS /* * structure for tracking LDAP server host, ports, DNs, etc. */ typedef struct ldap_server { char *lsrv_host; char *lsrv_dn; /* if NULL, use default */ int lsrv_port; struct ldap_server *lsrv_next; } LDAPServer; /* * structure for representing an LDAP server connection */ typedef struct ldap_conn { Sockbuf *lconn_sb; int lconn_refcnt; time_t lconn_lastused; /* time */ int lconn_status; #define LDAP_CONNST_NEEDSOCKET 1 #define LDAP_CONNST_CONNECTING 2 #define LDAP_CONNST_CONNECTED 3 LDAPServer *lconn_server; char *lconn_krbinstance; struct ldap_conn *lconn_next; } LDAPConn; /* * structure used to track outstanding requests */ typedef struct ldapreq { int lr_msgid; /* the message id */ int lr_status; /* status of request */ #define LDAP_REQST_INPROGRESS 1 #define LDAP_REQST_CHASINGREFS 2 #define LDAP_REQST_NOTCONNECTED 3 #define LDAP_REQST_WRITING 4 int lr_outrefcnt; /* count of outstanding referrals */ int lr_origid; /* original request's message id */ int lr_parentcnt; /* count of parent requests */ int lr_res_msgtype; /* result message type */ int lr_res_errno; /* result LDAP errno */ char *lr_res_error; /* result error string */ char *lr_res_matched;/* result matched DN string */ BerElement *lr_ber; /* ber encoded request contents */ LDAPConn *lr_conn; /* connection used to send request */ struct ldapreq *lr_parent; /* request that spawned this referral */ struct ldapreq *lr_refnext; /* next referral spawned */ struct ldapreq *lr_prev; /* previous request */ struct ldapreq *lr_next; /* next request */ } LDAPRequest; #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ /* * structure for client cache */ #define LDAP_CACHE_BUCKETS 31 /* cache hash table size */ typedef struct ldapcache { LDAPMessage *lc_buckets[LDAP_CACHE_BUCKETS];/* hash table */ LDAPMessage *lc_requests; /* unfulfilled reqs */ long lc_timeout; /* request timeout */ long lc_maxmem; /* memory to use */ long lc_memused; /* memory in use */ int lc_enabled; /* enabled? */ unsigned long lc_options; /* options */ #define LDAP_CACHE_OPT_CACHENOERRS 0x00000001 #define LDAP_CACHE_OPT_CACHEALLERRS 0x00000002 } LDAPCache; #define NULLLDCACHE ((LDAPCache *)NULL) /* * structure representing an ldap connection */ struct ldap { Sockbuf ld_sb; /* socket descriptor & buffer */ struct ldapoptions ld_options; #define ld_deref ld_options.ldo_deref #define ld_timelimit ld_options.ldo_timelimit #define ld_sizelimit ld_options.ldo_sizelimit #define ld_defbase ld_options.ldo_defbase #define ld_defhost ld_options.ldo_defhost #define ld_defport ld_options.ldo_defport #define ld_cldaptries ld_options.ldo_cldaptries #define ld_cldaptimeout ld_options.ldo_cldaptimeout #define ld_refhoplimit ld_options.ldo_refhoplimit int ld_version; /* version connected at */ char *ld_host; int ld_port; char ld_lberoptions; LDAPFiltDesc *ld_filtd; /* from getfilter for ufn searches */ char *ld_ufnprefix; /* for incomplete ufn's */ int ld_errno; char *ld_error; char *ld_matched; int ld_msgid; /* do not mess with these */ #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS LDAPRequest *ld_requests; /* list of outstanding requests */ #else /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ LDAPMessage *ld_requests; /* list of outstanding requests */ #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ LDAPMessage *ld_responses; /* list of outstanding responses */ int *ld_abandoned; /* array of abandoned requests */ char ld_attrbuffer[LDAP_MAX_ATTR_LEN]; LDAPCache *ld_cache; /* non-null if cache is initialized */ char *ld_cldapdn; /* DN used in connectionless search */ /* do not mess with the rest though */ BERTranslateProc ld_lber_encode_translate_proc; BERTranslateProc ld_lber_decode_translate_proc; #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS LDAPConn *ld_defconn; /* default connection */ LDAPConn *ld_conns; /* list of server connections */ void *ld_selectinfo; /* platform specifics for select */ int (*ld_rebindproc)( struct ldap *ld, char **dnp, char **passwdp, int *authmethodp, int freeit ); /* routine to get info needed for re-bind */ #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ }; /* * in init.c */ extern int openldap_ldap_initialized; extern struct ldapoptions openldap_ldap_global_options; void openldap_ldap_initialize LDAP_P((void)); /* * in cache.c */ void ldap_add_request_to_cache LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, unsigned long msgtype, BerElement *request )); void ldap_add_result_to_cache LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *result )); int ldap_check_cache LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, unsigned long msgtype, BerElement *request )); /* * in dsparse.c */ int next_line_tokens LDAP_P(( char **bufp, long *blenp, char ***toksp )); void free_strarray LDAP_P(( char **sap )); #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS /* * in kerberos.c */ char *ldap_get_kerberosv4_credentials LDAP_P(( LDAP *ld, char *who, char *service, int *len )); #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ /* * in open.c */ int open_ldap_connection( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb, char *host, int defport, char **krbinstancep, int async ); /* * in os-ip.c */ int ldap_connect_to_host( Sockbuf *sb, char *host, unsigned long address, int port, int async ); void ldap_close_connection( Sockbuf *sb ); #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS char *ldap_host_connected_to( Sockbuf *sb ); #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS int do_ldap_select( LDAP *ld, struct timeval *timeout ); void *ldap_new_select_info( void ); void ldap_free_select_info( void *sip ); void ldap_mark_select_write( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); void ldap_mark_select_read( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); void ldap_mark_select_clear( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); int ldap_is_read_ready( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); int ldap_is_write_ready( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ /* * in request.c */ int ldap_send_initial_request( LDAP *ld, unsigned long msgtype, char *dn, BerElement *ber ); BerElement *ldap_alloc_ber_with_options( LDAP *ld ); void ldap_set_ber_options( LDAP *ld, BerElement *ber ); #if defined( LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS ) || defined( LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS ) int ldap_send_server_request( LDAP *ld, BerElement *ber, int msgid, LDAPRequest *parentreq, LDAPServer *srvlist, LDAPConn *lc, int bind ); LDAPConn *ldap_new_connection( LDAP *ld, LDAPServer **srvlistp, int use_ldsb, int connect, int bind ); LDAPRequest *ldap_find_request_by_msgid( LDAP *ld, int msgid ); void ldap_free_request( LDAP *ld, LDAPRequest *lr ); void ldap_free_connection( LDAP *ld, LDAPConn *lc, int force, int unbind ); void ldap_dump_connection( LDAP *ld, LDAPConn *lconns, int all ); void ldap_dump_requests_and_responses( LDAP *ld ); #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS || LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS */ #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS int ldap_chase_referrals( LDAP *ld, LDAPRequest *lr, char **errstrp, int *hadrefp ); int ldap_append_referral( LDAP *ld, char **referralsp, char *s ); #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_REFERRALS */ /* * in result.c: */ #ifdef LDAP_CONNECTIONLESS LDAP_F int cldap_getmsg ( LDAP *ld, struct timeval *timeout, BerElement *ber ); #endif /* * in search.c */ BerElement *ldap_build_search_req( LDAP *ld, char *base, int scope, char *filter, char **attrs, int attrsonly ); /* * in strdup.c */ char *ldap_strdup LDAP_P(( const char * )); /* * in unbind.c */ int ldap_ld_free( LDAP *ld, int close ); int ldap_send_unbind( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); #ifdef LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS /* * in getdxbyname.c */ char **ldap_getdxbyname( char *domain ); #endif /* LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_DNS */ #if defined( STR_TRANSLATION ) && defined( LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET ) /* * in charset.c * * added-in this stuff so that libldap.a would build, i.e. refs to * these routines from open.c would resolve. * hodges@stanford.edu 5-Feb-96 */ #if LDAP_CHARSET_8859 == LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET extern int ldap_t61_to_8859( char **bufp, unsigned long *buflenp, int free_input ); extern int ldap_8859_to_t61( char **bufp, unsigned long *buflenp, int free_input ); #endif /* LDAP_CHARSET_8859 == LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET */ #endif /* STR_TRANSLATION && LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET */ /* * in util_r.c * */ struct hostent; /* avoid pulling in */ extern char *ldap_int_strtok( char *str, const char *delim, char **pos ); extern char *ldap_int_ctime( const time_t *tp, char *buf ); extern int ldap_int_gethostbyname_a( const char *name, struct hostent *resbuf, char **buf, struct hostent **result, int *herrno_ptr ); extern int ldap_int_gethostbyaddr_a( const char *addr, int len, int type, struct hostent *resbuf, char **buf, struct hostent **result, int *herrno_ptr ); LDAP_END_DECL #endif /* _LDAP_INT_H */