* *
* queries.c.. *
* *
* Function:..WorldWideWeb-X.500-Gateway - Server-Functions *
* Based on web500gw.c 1.3 written by Frank Richter, TU Chemmniz *
* which is based on go500gw by Tim Howes, University of *
* Michigan - All rights reserved *
* *
* Authors:...Dr. Kurt Spanier & Bernhard Winkler, *
* Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung, Bereich Entwicklung *
* neuer Dienste, Universitaet Tuebingen, GERMANY *
* *
* Creation date: Z D D V V *
* August 16 1995 Z D D V V *
* Last modification: Z D D V V *
* September 13 1999 ZZZZ DDD V *
* *
* $Id: queries.c,v 1.8 1999/09/13 13:47:47 zrnsk01 Exp $
#include "queries.h"
PUBLIC void do_queries( s, glob , ip_addr, ip_port, hp)
int s;
char *ip_addr;
unsigned int ip_port;
struct hostent *hp;
char buf[100*BUFSIZ], *query, *tail;
int len;
FILE *fp;
int rc, tblsize;
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set readfds;
LDAP *ld;
char tstring[100];
#if OL_LDAPV > 0
int ldap_opt;
/* get time for performance log */
gettimeofday(×tore[2], NULL);
/* open output-port to waiting client */
if ( (fp = fdopen( s, "a+")) == NULL ) {
perror( "fdopen" );
exit_tweb( 1 );
tblsize = getdtablesize();
timeout.tv_sec = glob->timeout;
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
FD_ZERO( &readfds );
FD_SET( fileno( fp ), &readfds );
if(glob->cache_expire) {
glob->expiretime += glob->cache_expire;
glob->caching =TRUE;
strftime(tstring, 99, GMT_FORMAT, gmtime(&glob->nowtime));
glob->nowtimestr = strdup(tstring);
strftime(tstring, 99, GMT_FORMAT2, gmtime(&glob->expiretime));
glob->expiretimestr = strdup(tstring);
/* get client-query out from the system */
if((rc=select(tblsize,(fd_set *)&readfds,NULL,NULL,&timeout))<=0)
exit_tweb( 1 );
if ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), fp ) == NULL )
exit_tweb( 1 );
/* Analyse Web-Client-Type / proxy + log-message */
checkwwwclient(fp, ip_addr, ip_port, hp, glob);
len = strlen( buf );
if ( debug ) {
fprintf( stderr, "got %d bytes\n", len );
#if OL_LDAPV > 2
ber_bprint( buf, len );
lber_bprint( buf, len );
/* strip of white spaces */
query = trim (buf, WSPACE);
rewind (fp);
/* strip "HTTP" from the end of the request */
if ((tail = strstr(query, " HTTP")) != NULL ||
(tail = strstr(query, " http")) != NULL) {
http = 1;
*tail = '\0';
/* recognize GET/HEAD */
if (!strncasecmp (query, "get", 3)) {
request = GET;
query += 3;
} else if (!strncasecmp (query, "head", 4)) {
request = HEAD;
query += 4;
} else {
/* Error because of neither GET- nor HEAD-request */
do_error(fp, -2, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, glob);
/* fprintf(fp, "HTTP/1.0 501 %s
", glob->la[5]); */
exit_tweb( 1 );
/* strip off leading white space and '/' */
while ( isspace( *query ) || *query == '/') {
/* Now the real request is to be analized and served */
/* refuse robots if according robots.txt file exists */
if (!strcasecmp(query, "robots.txt")){
if (http == 1) PRINT_PLAIN_HEADER;
disp_file(glob, ROBOTS_TXT_FILE, fp);
#ifdef TUE_TEL
if( glob->ton_urls && *query == cTON) {
glob->allowed = 0;
if(glob->ton_urls->pass_oc) {
glob->max_person = 10000;
glob->no_browse = FALSE;
/* get time for performance log */
gettimeofday(×tore[3], NULL);
/* perform handling of pulldown/form retcodes
-> gwswitch-redirect || pass */
if(*query == cPULLDOWN) {
if(strstr(query, "http")) {
/* redirection */
query += 4;
} else {
/* pass */
query += 7;
/* perform handling of buttons/form retcodes
-> gwswitch-redirect || pass */
if(*query == cBUTTON) {
char *strptr;
query += 2;
strptr = strrchr( query, '=' );
*strptr = '\0';
if(strstr(query, "http")) {
/* redirection */
} else {
/* pass */
/* 1. requests that may be served without DSA */
switch (*query) {
/* display Help-File */
case cHELP:
if (dosyslog)
syslog (LOG_INFO, "working on query: %c (%s,%u) <%08d>",
cHELP, ip_addr, ip_port, glob->svc_cnt);
if (http == 1) PRINT_HTML_HEADER;
fprintf(fp, "
\n", version ); (void) put_hackStats (fp, 0); PRINT_HTML_FOOTER; rewind (fp); exit_tweb (0); /* NOT REACHED */ } /* with ldap-referral use this host + port + use do_read */ /* query looks like this: Wldap://host:port/dn */ if ( *query == cREFERRAL ) { char *host, *port, *dn = NULL; glob->ldap_referral_mode = 1; if ( ( host = strstr( query, "ldap://" ) ) ) { host += 7; if ( ( port = strchr( host, ':' ) ) ) { *port++ = '\0'; if ( ( dn = strchr( port, '/' ) ) ) { *dn = '\0'; glob->ldapd = strdup ( host ); glob->ldapport = atoi ( port ); *dn = cREAD; query = dn; } } } if ( !dn ) exit_tweb( 1 ); } /* from here on there is needed a connection to the DSA */ if ( (ld = ldap_open( glob->ldapd, glob->ldapport )) == NULL ) { if ( debug ) perror( "ldap_open" ); do_error( fp, LDAP_SERVER_DOWN, SERVER_ERROR, glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb( 1 ); } if(glob->caching_terms) trade_cache(fp, ld, query, glob); /* performance of STRICT-BASEDN (blind out accesses != BASEDN) */ if(glob->strict_basedn) strict_basednf(fp, ld, query, glob); /* 2. queries with binding of the owner */ switch (*query) { /* request of the modification-formulare */ case cGETMOD: /* log the request without password */ hex_decode(query); if (dosyslog) { char qbuf[BUFSIZ], *qbufp; strcpy(qbuf, query); if( ( qbufp = strchr(qbuf, '?')) ) *qbufp = '\0'; syslog (LOG_INFO, "working on query: %s (%s,%u) <%08d>", qbuf, ip_addr, ip_port, glob->svc_cnt); } rewind(fp); /* follow aliases while searching */ #if OL_LDAPV > 0 ldap_opt = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS; ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, &ldap_opt ); #else ld->ld_deref = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS; #endif if ( !searchaliases ) #if OL_LDAPV > 0 ldap_opt = LDAP_DEREF_FINDING; ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, &ldap_opt ); #else ld->ld_deref = LDAP_DEREF_FINDING; #endif /* send WWW-Formulare with contence of the desired entry to the client */ do_form( ld, fp, ++query, glob); ldap_unbind (ld); close_ldap_connections(glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb (0); /* return of the modification-formulare */ case cDOMOD: /* log the request in readable form without password if desired */ if (dosyslog) { char qbuf[100*BUFSIZ], *qbufp; strcpy(qbuf, query); if( ( qbufp = strchr (qbuf, '?')) ) *qbufp = '\0'; hex_decode(qbuf+1); syslog (LOG_INFO, "working on query: %s (%s,%u) <%08d>", qbuf, ip_addr, ip_port, glob->svc_cnt); } /* perform modification with the original request */ do_modify( ld, fp, ++query, glob); ldap_unbind (ld); close_ldap_connections(glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb (0); /* NOT REACHED */ } /* perform all the other requests */ /* log the request in readable form first */ hex_decode(query); if (dosyslog) syslog (LOG_INFO, "working on query: %s (%s,%u) <%08d>", *query ? trimright(query, WSPACE) : "BASEDN", ip_addr, ip_port, glob->svc_cnt); /* accesses with resolvation of alias-entries */ #if OL_LDAPV > 0 ldap_opt = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS; ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, &ldap_opt ); #else ld->ld_deref = LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS; #endif if ( !searchaliases ) #if OL_LDAPV > 0 ldap_opt = LDAP_DEREF_FINDING; ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, &ldap_opt ); #else ld->ld_deref = LDAP_DEREF_FINDING; #endif /* bind to DSA by order of the user as Web-DN (DN1 or DN2 was decided at check4access) */ #if OL_LDAPV > 0 /* a dummy call as long as socket connections are not settled * with OpenLDAP */ if ( dosyslog ) syslog( LOG_INFO, "do_queries(): calling ldap_simple_bind_s()...\n" ); #endif if ( (rc=ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, glob->webdn, glob->webpw )) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if ( debug ) ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_simple_bind_s" ); do_error( fp, rc, SERVER_ERROR, glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb( 1 ); } /* 3. requests to the GW by order of the user */ switch ( *query++ ) { /* read entry */ case cREAD: do_read( ld, fp, query, 0, glob ); break; /* display second page */ case cREADALL: do_read( ld, fp, query, 1, glob); break; /* search entries */ case cSEARCH: do_search( ld, fp, query, glob ); break; /* list entries (browsing) */ case cLIST: do_menu( ld, fp, query, "", glob ); break; #ifdef TUE_TEL /* list entries (browsing TON instead of DN) */ case cTON: if(glob->ton_urls) do_ton( ld, fp, query, glob ); break; #endif /* request GIF-photo (Photo in X.500 as JPEG) */ case cGIF: do_pict( ld, fp, query, 1, glob); break; /* display JPEG-Photo */ case cJPEG: do_pict( ld, fp, query, 2, glob); break; /* display X.500-G3FAX-Photo */ case cG3FAX: do_pict( ld, fp, query, 0, glob); break; /* play Audio-attribute */ case cAUDIO: do_audio( ld, fp, query, 0, glob); break; /* eXtended query format */ case cEXTENDED: do_xtend( ld, fp, query, 0, glob); break; /* Default (empty query) is browsing of BASEDN */ default: do_menu( ld, fp, glob->basedn->dn, "", glob ); break; } /* Job done, terminate connection to the DSA and bye! */ ldap_unbind (ld); close_ldap_connections(glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb( 0 ); /* NOT REACHED */ } /* end of function: do_queries */ PUBLIC void timeoutf(sig) int sig; { /* fprintf(stderr, "timeout!"); */ exit_tweb(0); } /* end of function: timeoutf */ PRIVATE void strict_basednf(fp, ld, query, glob) FILE *fp; LDAP *ld; char *query; GLOB_STRUCT *glob; { char dnbuf[BUFSIZ], basednbuf[BUFSIZ], *strptr; LDAPMessage *res, *e; int rc, flag = 0, i, j; struct timeval timeout; char *url = NULL, **uri, *urlnola = NULL; pGW_SWITCH_LINE gw_ptr; char *url_tmp; char **dnarray, **bdnarray; #ifdef TUE_TEL /* Patch for TONS */ if( glob->ton_urls && (*query == cTON)) return; #endif /* Patch for FORMs/PULLDOWNs (cPULLDOWN) */ if( glob->pull_down_menus && (*query == cPULLDOWN)) return; /* Patch for FORMs/BUTTONs (cBUTTONs) */ if( glob->pull_down_menus && (*query == cBUTTON)) return; if(*query) strcpy(dnbuf, query+1); else strcpy(dnbuf, "\0"); hex_decode(dnbuf); strcpy(basednbuf, glob->basedn->dn); if( ( strptr = strchr(dnbuf, '?')) ) *strptr = '\0'; if( *query && !dn_issuffix( dn_normalize(dnbuf), dn_normalize(basednbuf))) { dnarray = dn2charray(dnbuf); bdnarray = glob->basedn->dnarray; strcpy(dnbuf, "\0"); if (glob->gw_switch) { for(gw_ptr = glob->gw_switch->list; !flag && gw_ptr; gw_ptr = gw_ptr->next) { if (!dn_cmp ("root", gw_ptr->dn)) { flag = 1; url = gw_ptr->url; } } } if(!flag) { fprintf(stderr, "Fehler:strict_basedn w/o root-switch!!!!\n"); exit_tweb(0); } for(j=0; bdnarray[j] && dnarray[j]; j++) { char *dnbufb; flag = 0; dnbufb = strdup(dnbuf); sprintf(dnbuf, "%s%s%s", dnarray[j], *dnbuf ? "," : "" , dnbufb); if ( glob->gw_switch && glob->gw_switch->dynamic) { if ( (rc=ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, glob->webdn, glob->webpw )) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if ( debug ) ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_simple_bind_s" ); do_error( fp, rc, SERVER_ERROR, glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb( 1 ); } timeout.tv_sec = glob->timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if ( (rc = ldap_search_st( ld, dnbuf, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", NULL, 0, &timeout, &res )) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* do_error(fp, rc, NOT_FOUND, glob); */ continue; } if ( (e = ldap_first_entry( ld, res )) == NULL ) { do_error(fp, -2, SERVER_ERROR, glob); return; } uri = ldap_get_values( ld, e, "labeledURI" ); for(i=0; uri && uri[i] && *uri[i]; i++) { char *sp; if( ( sp = strchr(uri[i], ' ')) ) { *sp++ = '\0'; if(strstr(sp, glob->gw_switch->lagws)) { flag = 1; url = uri[i]; break; } else if(strstr(sp, GWS)) urlnola = uri[i]; } } } if(!flag && urlnola) { url = urlnola; flag = 1; } if (glob->gw_switch) { for(gw_ptr = glob->gw_switch->list; !flag && gw_ptr; gw_ptr = gw_ptr->next) { if (!dn_cmp (dnbuf, gw_ptr->dn)) { flag = 1; url = gw_ptr->url; } } } if(strcmp(bdnarray[j], dnarray[j])) break; } if (http == 1) PRINT_HTML_HEADER; fprintf( fp, HTML_HEAD_TITLE, "ACCESS DENIED", glob->la[100]); disp_file(glob, glob->header, fp); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", glob->la[96]); url_tmp = strdup(url_complete(url, query, "")); fprintf( fp, "
%s\n", url_tmp, url_tmp); disp_file(glob, glob->footer, fp); PRINT_HTML_FOOTER; ldap_unbind (ld); close_ldap_connections(glob); exit_tweb(0); } } /* end of function: strict_basednf */ PRIVATE void trade_cache(fp, ld, query, glob) FILE *fp; LDAP *ld; char *query; GLOB_STRUCT *glob; { pCACHING_TERMS_LINE ca_ptr; char dnbuf[BUFSIZ], rdn[BUFSIZ], *strptr; char tstring[100]; int resflag; int rc; struct timeval timeout; LDAPMessage *res, *e; char **vals = NULL; resflag = 0; if(*query) strcpy(dnbuf, query+1); else strcpy(dnbuf, glob->basedn->dn); hex_decode(dnbuf); if( ( strptr = strchr(dnbuf, '?')) ) *strptr = '\0'; strcpy(rdn, dnbuf); if( ( strptr = strQuoteChr(rdn, ',')) ) *strptr = '\0'; for(ca_ptr = glob->caching_terms; ca_ptr; ca_ptr = ca_ptr->next) { if((toupper(*query) == toupper(*ca_ptr->access_type)) || ( !*query && (toupper(*ca_ptr->access_type) == 'M'))) { if(ca_ptr->rdn_oc && (strstr(str_tolower(rdn), ca_ptr->pattern) || (*ca_ptr->pattern == '*'))) { time(&glob->expiretime); glob->expiretime += ca_ptr->time; free(glob->expiretimestr); strftime(tstring, 99, GMT_FORMAT2, gmtime(&glob->expiretime)); glob->expiretimestr = strdup(tstring); glob->caching = TRUE; } if(!ca_ptr->rdn_oc) { if(!resflag) { if ( (rc=ldap_simple_bind_s( ld, glob->webdn, glob->webpw )) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if ( debug ) ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_simple_bind_s" ); do_error( fp, rc, SERVER_ERROR, glob); rewind(fp); exit_tweb( 1 ); } timeout.tv_sec = glob->timeout; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if ( (rc = ldap_search_st( ld, dnbuf, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", NULL, 0, &timeout, &res )) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { do_error(fp, rc, NOT_FOUND, glob); return; } if ( (e = ldap_first_entry( ld, res )) == NULL ) { do_error(fp, -2, SERVER_ERROR, glob); return; } vals = ldap_get_values( ld, e, "objectClass" ); resflag = 1; } if(charray_inlist( vals, ca_ptr->pattern )) { time(&glob->expiretime); glob->expiretime += ca_ptr->time; free(glob->expiretimestr); strftime(tstring, 99, GMT_FORMAT2, gmtime(&glob->expiretime)); glob->expiretimestr = strdup(tstring); glob->caching = TRUE; } } } } } /* end of function: trade_cache */