/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software . * * Copyright 1998-2017 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * . */ #ifndef LDAP_RQ_H #define LDAP_RQ_H 1 #include LDAP_BEGIN_DECL typedef struct re_s { struct timeval next_sched; struct timeval interval; LDAP_STAILQ_ENTRY(re_s) tnext; /* it includes running */ LDAP_STAILQ_ENTRY(re_s) rnext; ldap_pvt_thread_start_t *routine; void *arg; char *tname; char *tspec; } re_t; typedef struct runqueue_s { LDAP_STAILQ_HEAD(l, re_s) task_list; LDAP_STAILQ_HEAD(rl, re_s) run_list; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_t rq_mutex; } runqueue_t; LDAP_F( struct re_s* ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_insert( struct runqueue_s* rq, time_t interval, ldap_pvt_thread_start_t* routine, void *arg, char *tname, char *tspec ); LDAP_F( struct re_s* ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_find( struct runqueue_s* rq, ldap_pvt_thread_start_t* routine, void *arg ); LDAP_F( void ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_remove( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct re_s* entry ); LDAP_F( struct re_s* ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_next_sched( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct timeval* next_run ); LDAP_F( void ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_runtask( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct re_s* entry ); LDAP_F( void ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_stoptask( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct re_s* entry ); LDAP_F( int ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_isrunning( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct re_s* entry ); LDAP_F( void ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_resched( struct runqueue_s* rq, struct re_s* entry, int defer ); LDAP_F( int ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_persistent_backload( struct runqueue_s* rq ); LDAP_END_DECL #endif