/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1990, 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ /* * chlog2replog - read a quipu-style changelog on stdin and write a * slapd-style replog on stdout, or write to a file, respecting * slapd/slurpd locking conventions. */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ldif.h" static int dn2ldif(PS ps, DN dn); static void de_t61(char *s, int t61mark); extern FILE *lock_fopen( char *, char *, FILE ** ); extern int lock_fclose( FILE *, FILE * ); extern void *ch_realloc( void *, unsigned long ); short ldap_dn_syntax; PS rps; char *progname; int ldap_syslog = 0; int ldap_syslog_level = 0; #define ST_START 0 #define ST_DN 2 #define ST_TYPE 3 #define ST_ARGS 4 #define ST_NL1 5 #define ST_PUNT 6 #define ST_BAD 7 #define ST_CONCAT 8 #define TY_MODIFYTYPE 1 #define TY_ADD 2 #define TY_REMOVE 3 #define TY_NEWRDN 4 #define TY_PUNT 5 #define TY_MODIFYARGS 6 #define MOD_ADDVALUES 1 #define MOD_ADDATTRIBUTE 2 #define MOD_REMOVEATTRIBUTE 3 #define MOD_REMOVEVALUES 4 char * dn2ldap( char *edbdn ) { DN dn; PS str_ps; char *ldapdn; int len; static int inited = 0; if ( !inited ) { /* load & initialize quipu syntax handlers */ quipu_syntaxes(); #ifdef LDAP_USE_PP pp_quipu_init( progname ); #endif dsap_init( NULL, NULL ); if (( ldap_dn_syntax = str2syntax( "DN" )) == 0 ) { return( NULL ); } inited = 1; } if (( dn = str2dn( edbdn )) == NULLDN ) { return( NULL ); } if (( str_ps = ps_alloc( str_open )) == NULLPS || str_setup( str_ps, NULLCP, 0, 0 ) == NOTOK ) { dn_free( dn ); return( NULL ); } if ( dn2ldif( str_ps, dn ) != 0 ) { ps_free( str_ps ); dn_free( dn ); return( NULL ); } dn_free( dn ); len = ( str_ps->ps_ptr - str_ps->ps_base ); if (( ldapdn = malloc( len + 1 )) == NULL ) { ps_free( str_ps ); return( NULL ); } memcpy( ldapdn, str_ps->ps_base, len ); ldapdn[ len ] = '\0'; ps_free( str_ps ); return( ldapdn ); } #define SEPARATOR(c) ((c) == ',' || (c) == ';') #define SPACE(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\n') static int dn2ldif( PS ps, DN dn ) { RDN rdn; int firstrdn, rc; char *value; PS rps; if ( dn == NULLDN ) { return( 0 ); } if ( dn->dn_parent != NULLDN ) { if (( rc = dn2ldif( ps, dn->dn_parent )) != 0 ) { return( rc ); } ps_print( ps, ", " ); } if ( (rps = ps_alloc( str_open )) == NULLPS || str_setup( rps, NULLCP, 0, 0 ) == NOTOK ) { return( -1 ); } firstrdn = 1; for ( rdn = dn->dn_rdn; rdn != NULLRDN; rdn = rdn->rdn_next ) { if ( firstrdn ) { firstrdn = 0; } else { ps_print( ps, " + " ); } AttrT_print( ps, rdn->rdn_at, EDBOUT ); ps_print( ps, "=" ); if ( rdn->rdn_at->oa_syntax == ldap_dn_syntax ) { if (( rc = dn2ldif( rps, (DN) rdn->rdn_av.av_struct )) != 0 ) { return( rc ); } *rps->ps_ptr = '\0'; value = rps->ps_base; } else { AttrV_print( rps, &rdn->rdn_av, EDBOUT ); *rps->ps_ptr = '\0'; value = rps->ps_base; de_t61( value, 0 ); } /* * ,+="\\\n all go in quotes. " and \\ need to * be preceeded by \\. */ if ( strpbrk( value, ",+=\"\\\n" ) != NULL || SPACE( value[0] ) || SPACE( value[max( strlen(value) - 1, 0 )] ) ) { char *p, *t, *tmp; int specialcount; ps_print( ps, "\"" ); specialcount = 0; for ( p = value; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { if ( *p == '"' || *p == '\\' ) { specialcount++; } } if ( specialcount > 0 ) { tmp = smalloc( strlen( value ) + specialcount + 1 ); for ( p = value, t = tmp; *p != '\0'; p++ ) { switch ( *p ) { case '"': case '\\': *t++ = '\\'; /* FALL THROUGH */ default: *t++ = *p; } } *t = '\0'; ps_print( ps, tmp ); free( tmp ); } else { ps_print( ps, value ); } ps_print( ps, "\"" ); } else { ps_print( ps, value ); } rps->ps_ptr = rps->ps_base; } ps_free( rps ); return( 0 ); } #define T61 "{T.61}" #define T61LEN 6 static void de_t61(char *s, int t61mark) { char *next = s; unsigned char c; unsigned int hex; while ( *s ) { switch ( *s ) { case '{' : if ( strncasecmp( s, T61, T61LEN) == 0 ) { s += T61LEN; if ( t61mark ) *next++ = '@'; } else { *next++ = *s++; } break; case '\\': c = *(s + 1); if ( c == '\n' ) { s += 2; if ( *s == '\t' ) s++; break; } if ( isdigit( c ) ) hex = c - '0'; else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) hex = c - 'A' + 10; else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) hex = c - 'a' + 10; else { *next++ = *s++; break; } hex <<= 4; c = *(s + 2); if ( isdigit( c ) ) hex += c - '0'; else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) hex += c - 'A' + 10; else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) hex += c - 'a' + 10; else { *next++ = *s++; *next++ = *s++; break; } *next++ = hex; s += 3; break; default: *next++ = *s++; break; } } *next = '\0'; } char * getattr(char *buf, char sep) { char *val; #define RBSIZE 255 static char retbuf[ RBSIZE ]; if (( val = strchr( buf, sep )) != NULL ) { strncpy( retbuf, buf, val - buf ); retbuf[ val - buf ] = '\0'; } else { retbuf[ 0 ] = '\0'; } return( retbuf ); } char * getattr_ldif(char *buf) { return( getattr( buf, ':' )); } char * getattr_edb(char *buf) { return( getattr( buf, '=' )); } char * getval(char *buf, char sep) { char *val; if (( val = strchr( buf, sep )) != NULL ) { return( strdup( ++val )); } else { return( NULL ); } } char * getval_ldif(char *buf) { return( getval( buf, ':' )); } char * getval_edb(char *buf) { return( getval( buf, '=' )); } int isDNsyntax(char *attr) { oid_table_attr *p, *name2attr(char *); p = name2attr( attr ); if ( p == ( oid_table_attr * ) 0 ) { return( -1 ); } if ( p->oa_syntax == ldap_dn_syntax ) { return( 1 ); } else { return( 0 ); } } void print_as(Attr_Sequence as, int modtype, FILE *ofp) { Attr_Sequence p; AV_Sequence av; char *attrname, *tmpdn, *obuf; p = as; for ( p = as; p != NULLATTR; p = p->attr_link) { rps->ps_ptr = rps->ps_base; AttrT_print( rps, p->attr_type, EDBOUT ); *rps->ps_ptr = '\0'; attrname = strdup( rps->ps_base ); if ( modtype != 0 ) { switch ( modtype ) { case MOD_ADDVALUES: case MOD_ADDATTRIBUTE: fprintf( ofp, "add: %s\n", attrname ); break; case MOD_REMOVEATTRIBUTE: case MOD_REMOVEVALUES: fprintf( ofp, "delete: %s\n", attrname ); break; default: break; } } for ( av = p->attr_value; av != NULLAV; av = av->avseq_next ) { rps->ps_ptr = rps->ps_base; AttrV_print( rps, &av->avseq_av, EDBOUT ); *rps->ps_ptr = '\0'; de_t61( rps->ps_base, 0 ); if ( isDNsyntax( attrname )) { tmpdn = dn2ldap( rps->ps_base ); obuf = ldif_type_and_value( attrname, tmpdn, strlen( tmpdn )); free( tmpdn ); } else { obuf = ldif_type_and_value( attrname, rps->ps_base, strlen( rps->ps_base )); } if ( obuf != NULL ) { fputs( obuf, ofp ); ber_memfree( obuf ); } } if ( modtype != 0 ) { fprintf( ofp, "-\n" ); } free( attrname ); } } void usage( char *name ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s -d dn-suffix -r replica:port ", name ); fprintf( stderr, "[-r replica:port...] [-o outputfile]\n" ); } main( int argc, char **argv ) { char *ldapdn, nbuf[ 4096 ], *buf, *p; int state, prevstate, modstate, modtype, i; int buflen, nbuflen; Attr_Sequence as; PS std_ps; int arg; char *ofile = NULL; FILE *ofp, *lfp; extern char *optarg; char **replicas = NULL; int nreplicas = 0; char *dn_suffix = NULL; if (( progname = strrchr( argv[ 0 ], '/' )) == NULL ) { progname = argv[ 0 ]; } else { ++progname; } while (( arg = getopt( argc, argv, "o:r:d:" )) != EOF ) { switch( arg ) { case 'o': ofile = optarg; break; case 'r': replicas = (char **) ch_realloc( (char *) replicas, (unsigned long) ( nreplicas + 2 ) * sizeof( char * )); replicas[ nreplicas ] = optarg; replicas[ nreplicas + 1 ] = NULL; nreplicas++; break; case 'd': dn_suffix = optarg; break; default: usage( progname ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } if (( dn_suffix == NULL ) || ( nreplicas == 0 )) { usage( progname ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ( ofile == NULL ) { /* Just write to stdout */ ofp = stdout; } state = prevstate = ST_START; buf = NULL; as = NULL; if (( std_ps = ps_alloc( std_open )) == NULLPS || std_setup( std_ps, ofp ) != OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "std_ps setup failed - help!\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (( rps = ps_alloc( str_open )) == NULLPS || str_setup( rps, NULLCP, 0, 0 ) != OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "rps setup failed - help!\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ( gets( nbuf ) != NULL ) { if ( nbuf[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { if ( state == ST_NL1 ) { if ( prevstate == ST_ARGS ) { /* We've got an attribute sequence to print */ if ( modtype == TY_ADD ) { print_as( as, 0, ofp ); } else { print_as( as, modstate, ofp ); } /* as_print( std_ps, as, EDBOUT ); */ as_free( as ); as = NULL; } state = ST_START; fprintf( ofp, "\n" ); fflush( ofp ); /* If writing to a file, release the lock */ if ( ofile != NULL ) { lock_fclose( ofp, lfp ); } } else { prevstate = state; state = ST_NL1; } continue; } /* See if we've got a line continuation to deal with */ nbuflen = strlen( nbuf ); if ( state == ST_CONCAT ) { for ( p = nbuf; isspace( (unsigned char) *p ); p++, nbuflen-- ) ; /* skip space */ buf = realloc( buf, buflen + nbuflen + 1 ); strcat( buf, p ); buflen += ( nbuflen ); } else { if ( buf != NULL ) { free( buf ); } buf = strdup( nbuf ); buflen = nbuflen; } if ( buf[ buflen - 1 ] == '\\' ) { if ( state != ST_CONCAT ) { prevstate = state; } state = ST_CONCAT; buf[ buflen - 1 ] = '\0'; buflen--; continue; } else if ( state == ST_CONCAT ) { state = prevstate; } if ( state == ST_PUNT ) { continue; } if ( state == ST_START ) { /* * Acquire the file lock if writing to a file. */ if ( ofile != NULL ) { if (( ofp = lock_fopen( ofile, "a", &lfp )) == NULL ) { perror( "open" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } /* * If we have a changelog entry, then go ahead * and write the replica: lines for the replog entry. */ for ( i = 0; replicas[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) { fprintf( ofp, "replica: %s\n", replicas[ i ] ); } fprintf( ofp, "time: %ld\n", time( NULL )); state = ST_DN; continue; } if ( state == ST_DN ) { /* Second line - dn (quipu-style) of entry to be modified */ if (( ldapdn = dn2ldap( buf )) == NULL ) { fprintf( ofp, "dn: (conversion failed)\n" ); } else { fprintf( ofp, "dn: %s%s\n", ldapdn, dn_suffix ); free( ldapdn ); } state = ST_TYPE; continue; } if ( state == ST_TYPE ) { state = ST_ARGS; modstate = 0; if ( !strcmp( buf, "modify" )) { modtype = TY_MODIFYTYPE; fprintf( ofp, "changetype: modify\n" ); } else if ( !strcmp( buf, "add" )) { modtype = TY_ADD; fprintf( ofp, "changetype: add\n" ); as = NULL; } else if ( !strcmp( buf, "remove" )) { modtype = TY_REMOVE; fprintf( ofp, "changetype: delete\n" ); } else if ( !strcmp( buf, "newrdn" )) { modtype = TY_NEWRDN; fprintf( ofp, "changetype: modrdn\n" ); } else { modtype = TY_PUNT; state = ST_BAD; } continue; } if ( state == ST_ARGS ) { switch ( modtype ) { case TY_NEWRDN: fprintf( ofp, "newrdn: %s\n", buf ); break; case TY_REMOVE: /* No additional args */ break; case TY_ADD: as = as_combine( as, buf, 0 ); break; case TY_MODIFYTYPE: case TY_MODIFYARGS: if ( buf[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { state == ST_NL1; if ( as != NULL ) { print_as( as, modstate, ofp); as_free( as ); as = NULL; } continue; } if (!strcmp( buf, "addvalues" )) { if ( as != NULL ) { print_as( as, modstate, ofp ); as_free( as ); as = NULL; } modstate = MOD_ADDVALUES; continue; } else if (!strcmp( buf, "removevalues" )) { if ( as != NULL ) { print_as( as, modstate, ofp ); as_free( as ); as = NULL; } modstate = MOD_REMOVEVALUES; continue; } else if (!strcmp( buf, "addattribute" )) { if ( as != NULL ) { print_as( as, modstate, ofp ); as_free( as ); as = NULL; } modstate = MOD_ADDATTRIBUTE; continue; } else if (!strcmp( buf, "removeattribute" )) { if ( as != NULL ) { print_as( as, modstate, ofp ); as_free( as ); as = NULL; } modstate = MOD_REMOVEATTRIBUTE; continue; } switch ( modstate ) { case MOD_ADDVALUES: as = as_combine( as, buf, 0 ); break; case MOD_REMOVEVALUES: as = as_combine( as, buf, 0 ); break; case MOD_ADDATTRIBUTE: as = as_combine( as, buf, 0 ); break; case MOD_REMOVEATTRIBUTE: fprintf( ofp, "delete: %s\n-\n", buf); break; } } continue; } } if ( ofile != NULL ) { lock_fclose( ofp, lfp ); sprintf( nbuf, "%s.lock", ofile ); (void) unlink( nbuf ); } exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }