/* oc.c - object class routines */ /* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* * Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include "slap.h" #include "ldap_pvt.h" int is_entry_objectclass( Entry* e, const char* oc) { Attribute *attr; struct berval bv; if( e == NULL || oc == NULL || *oc == '\0' ) return 0; /* * find objectClass attribute */ attr = attr_find(e->e_attrs, "objectclass"); if( attr == NULL ) { /* no objectClass attribute */ return 0; } bv.bv_val = (char *) oc; bv.bv_len = strlen( bv.bv_val ); #ifdef SLAPD_SCHEMA_NOT_COMPAT /* not yet implemented */ #else if( value_find(attr->a_vals, &bv, attr->a_syntax, 1) != 0) { /* entry is not of this objectclass */ return 0; } #endif return 1; } #ifndef SLAPD_SCHEMA_NOT_COMPAT /* these shouldn't be hardcoded */ static char *oc_op_usermod_attrs[] = { /* * these are operational attributes which are * not defined as NO-USER_MODIFICATION and * which slapd supports modification of. * * Currently none. * Likely candidate, "aci" */ NULL }; static char *oc_op_attrs[] = { /* * these are operational attributes * most could be user modifiable */ "objectClasses", "attributeTypes", "matchingRules", "matchingRuleUse", "dITStructureRules", "dITContentRules", "nameForms", "ldapSyntaxes", "namingContexts", "supportedExtension", "supportedControl", "supportedSASLMechanisms", "supportedLDAPversion", "supportedACIMechanisms", "subschemaSubentry", /* NO USER MOD */ NULL }; /* this list should be extensible */ static char *oc_op_no_usermod_attrs[] = { /* * Operational and 'no user modification' attributes * which are STORED in the directory server. */ /* RFC2252, 3.2.1 */ "creatorsName", "createTimestamp", "modifiersName", "modifyTimestamp", NULL }; #endif /* * check to see if attribute is 'operational' or not. */ int oc_check_op_attr( const char *type ) { #ifndef SLAPD_SCHEMA_NOT_COMPAT return charray_inlist( oc_op_attrs, type ) || charray_inlist( oc_op_usermod_attrs, type ) || charray_inlist( oc_op_no_usermod_attrs, type ); #else AttributeType *at = at_find( type ); if( at == NULL ) return 0; return at->sat_usage != LDAP_SCHEMA_USER_APPLICATIONS; #endif } /* * check to see if attribute can be user modified or not. */ int oc_check_op_usermod_attr( const char *type ) { #ifndef SLAPD_SCHEMA_NOT_COMPAT return charray_inlist( oc_op_usermod_attrs, type ); #else /* not (yet) in schema */ return 0; #endif } /* * check to see if attribute is 'no user modification' or not. */ int oc_check_op_no_usermod_attr( const char *type ) { #ifndef SLAPD_SCHEMA_NOT_COMPAT return charray_inlist( oc_op_no_usermod_attrs, type ); #else AttributeType *at = at_find( type ); if( at == NULL ) return 0; return at->sat_no_user_mod; #endif } struct oindexrec { char *oir_name; ObjectClass *oir_oc; }; static Avlnode *oc_index = NULL; static ObjectClass *oc_list = NULL; static int oc_index_cmp( struct oindexrec *oir1, struct oindexrec *oir2 ) { return (strcasecmp( oir1->oir_name, oir2->oir_name )); } static int oc_index_name_cmp( char *name, struct oindexrec *oir ) { return (strcasecmp( name, oir->oir_name )); } ObjectClass * oc_find( const char *ocname ) { struct oindexrec *oir = NULL; if ( (oir = (struct oindexrec *) avl_find( oc_index, ocname, (AVL_CMP) oc_index_name_cmp )) != NULL ) { return( oir->oir_oc ); } return( NULL ); } static int oc_create_required( ObjectClass *soc, char **attrs, const char **err ) { char **attrs1; AttributeType *sat; AttributeType **satp; int i; if ( attrs ) { attrs1 = attrs; while ( *attrs1 ) { sat = at_find(*attrs1); if ( !sat ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } if ( at_find_in_list(sat, soc->soc_required) < 0) { if ( at_append_to_list(sat, &soc->soc_required) ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_OUTOFMEM; } } attrs1++; } /* Now delete duplicates from the allowed list */ for ( satp = soc->soc_required; *satp; satp++ ) { i = at_find_in_list(*satp,soc->soc_allowed); if ( i >= 0 ) { at_delete_from_list(i, &soc->soc_allowed); } } } return 0; } static int oc_create_allowed( ObjectClass *soc, char **attrs, const char **err ) { char **attrs1; AttributeType *sat; if ( attrs ) { attrs1 = attrs; while ( *attrs1 ) { sat = at_find(*attrs1); if ( !sat ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; } if ( at_find_in_list(sat, soc->soc_required) < 0 && at_find_in_list(sat, soc->soc_allowed) < 0 ) { if ( at_append_to_list(sat, &soc->soc_allowed) ) { *err = *attrs1; return SLAP_SCHERR_OUTOFMEM; } } attrs1++; } } return 0; } static int oc_add_sups( ObjectClass *soc, char **sups, const char **err ) { int code; ObjectClass *soc1; int nsups; char **sups1; int add_sups = 0; if ( sups ) { if ( !soc->soc_sups ) { /* We are at the first recursive level */ add_sups = 1; nsups = 0; sups1 = sups; while ( *sups1 ) { nsups++; sups1++; } nsups++; soc->soc_sups = (ObjectClass **)ch_calloc(1, nsups*sizeof(ObjectClass *)); } nsups = 0; sups1 = sups; while ( *sups1 ) { soc1 = oc_find(*sups1); if ( !soc1 ) { *err = *sups1; return SLAP_SCHERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND; } if ( add_sups ) soc->soc_sups[nsups] = soc1; code = oc_add_sups(soc,soc1->soc_sup_oids, err); if ( code ) return code; code = oc_create_required(soc,soc1->soc_at_oids_must,err); if ( code ) return code; code = oc_create_allowed(soc,soc1->soc_at_oids_may,err); if ( code ) return code; nsups++; sups1++; } } return 0; } static int oc_insert( ObjectClass *soc, const char **err ) { ObjectClass **ocp; struct oindexrec *oir; char **names; ocp = &oc_list; while ( *ocp != NULL ) { ocp = &(*ocp)->soc_next; } *ocp = soc; if ( soc->soc_oid ) { oir = (struct oindexrec *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct oindexrec) ); oir->oir_name = soc->soc_oid; oir->oir_oc = soc; if ( avl_insert( &oc_index, (caddr_t) oir, (AVL_CMP) oc_index_cmp, (AVL_DUP) avl_dup_error ) ) { *err = soc->soc_oid; ldap_memfree(oir); return SLAP_SCHERR_DUP_CLASS; } /* FIX: temporal consistency check */ oc_find(oir->oir_name); } if ( (names = soc->soc_names) ) { while ( *names ) { oir = (struct oindexrec *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct oindexrec) ); oir->oir_name = ch_strdup(*names); oir->oir_oc = soc; if ( avl_insert( &oc_index, (caddr_t) oir, (AVL_CMP) oc_index_cmp, (AVL_DUP) avl_dup_error ) ) { *err = *names; ldap_memfree(oir); return SLAP_SCHERR_DUP_CLASS; } /* FIX: temporal consistency check */ oc_find(oir->oir_name); names++; } } return 0; } int oc_add( LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS *oc, const char **err ) { ObjectClass *soc; int code; soc = (ObjectClass *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(ObjectClass) ); memcpy( &soc->soc_oclass, oc, sizeof(LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS)); if ( (code = oc_add_sups(soc,soc->soc_sup_oids,err)) != 0 ) return code; if ( (code = oc_create_required(soc,soc->soc_at_oids_must,err)) != 0 ) return code; if ( (code = oc_create_allowed(soc,soc->soc_at_oids_may,err)) != 0 ) return code; code = oc_insert(soc,err); return code; } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG static void oc_print( ObjectClass *oc ) { int i; const char *mid; printf( "objectclass %s\n", ldap_objectclass2name( &oc->soc_oclass ) ); if ( oc->soc_required != NULL ) { mid = "\trequires "; for ( i = 0; oc->soc_required[i] != NULL; i++, mid = "," ) printf( "%s%s", mid, ldap_attributetype2name( &oc->soc_required[i]->sat_atype ) ); printf( "\n" ); } if ( oc->soc_allowed != NULL ) { mid = "\tallows "; for ( i = 0; oc->soc_allowed[i] != NULL; i++, mid = "," ) printf( "%s%s", mid, ldap_attributetype2name( &oc->soc_allowed[i]->sat_atype ) ); printf( "\n" ); } } #endif #if defined( SLAPD_SCHEMA_DN ) int oc_schema_info( Entry *e ) { struct berval val; struct berval *vals[2]; ObjectClass *oc; vals[0] = &val; vals[1] = NULL; for ( oc = oc_list; oc; oc = oc->soc_next ) { val.bv_val = ldap_objectclass2str( &oc->soc_oclass ); if ( val.bv_val ) { val.bv_len = strlen( val.bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Merging oc [%ld] %s\n", (long) val.bv_len, val.bv_val, 0 ); attr_merge( e, "objectClasses", vals ); ldap_memfree( val.bv_val ); } else { return -1; } } return 0; } #endif