/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ /* * ldap_op.c - routines to perform LDAP operations */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined( STR_TRANSLATION ) && defined( LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET ) /* Get LDAP->ld_lberoptions. Must precede slurp.h, both define ldap_debug. */ #include "../../libraries/libldap/ldap-int.h" #endif #include #include #include "slurp.h" /* Forward references */ static struct berval **make_singlevalued_berval LDAP_P(( char *, int )); static int op_ldap_add LDAP_P(( Ri *, Re *, char ** )); static int op_ldap_modify LDAP_P(( Ri *, Re *, char ** )); static int op_ldap_delete LDAP_P(( Ri *, Re *, char ** )); static int op_ldap_modrdn LDAP_P(( Ri *, Re *, char ** )); static LDAPMod *alloc_ldapmod LDAP_P(( void )); static void free_ldapmod LDAP_P(( LDAPMod * )); static void free_ldmarr LDAP_P(( LDAPMod ** )); static int getmodtype LDAP_P(( char * )); static void dump_ldm_array LDAP_P(( LDAPMod ** )); static char **read_krbnames LDAP_P(( Ri * )); #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS static void upcase LDAP_P(( char * )); #endif static int do_bind LDAP_P(( Ri *, int * )); static int do_unbind LDAP_P(( Ri * )); static char *kattrs[] = {"kerberosName", NULL }; static struct timeval kst = {30L, 0L}; /* * Determine the type of ldap operation being performed and call the * appropriate routine. * - If successful, returns ERR_DO_LDAP_OK * - If a retryable error occurs, ERR_DO_LDAP_RETRYABLE is returned. * The caller should wait a while and retry the operation. * - If a fatal error occurs, ERR_DO_LDAP_FATAL is returned. The caller * should reject the operation and continue with the next replication * entry. */ int do_ldap( Ri *ri, Re *re, char **errmsg ) { int rc = 0; int lderr = LDAP_SUCCESS; int retry = 2; *errmsg = NULL; while ( retry > 0 ) { if ( ri->ri_ldp == NULL ) { rc = do_bind( ri, &lderr ); if ( rc != BIND_OK ) { (void) do_unbind( ri ); return DO_LDAP_ERR_RETRYABLE; } } switch ( re->re_changetype ) { case T_ADDCT: lderr = op_ldap_add( ri, re, errmsg ); if ( lderr != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_add_s failed adding \"%s\": %s\n", *errmsg ? *errmsg : ldap_err2string( lderr ), re->re_dn, 0 ); } break; case T_MODIFYCT: lderr = op_ldap_modify( ri, re, errmsg ); if ( lderr != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_modify_s failed modifying \"%s\": %s\n", *errmsg ? *errmsg : ldap_err2string( lderr ), re->re_dn, 0 ); } break; case T_DELETECT: lderr = op_ldap_delete( ri, re, errmsg ); if ( lderr != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_delete_s failed deleting \"%s\": %s\n", *errmsg ? *errmsg : ldap_err2string( lderr ), re->re_dn, 0 ); } break; case T_MODRDNCT: lderr = op_ldap_modrdn( ri, re, errmsg ); if ( lderr != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_modrdn_s failed modifying %s: %s\n", *errmsg ? *errmsg : ldap_err2string( lderr ), re->re_dn, 0 ); } break; default: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: do_ldap: bad op \"%d\", dn = \"%s\"\n", re->re_changetype, re->re_dn, 0 ); return DO_LDAP_ERR_FATAL; } /* * Analyze return code. If ok, just return. If LDAP_SERVER_DOWN, * we may have been idle long enough that the remote slapd timed * us out. Rebind and try again. */ if ( lderr == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return DO_LDAP_OK; } else if ( lderr == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN ) { /* The LDAP server may have timed us out - rebind and try again */ (void) do_unbind( ri ); retry--; } else { return DO_LDAP_ERR_FATAL; } } return DO_LDAP_ERR_FATAL; } /* * Perform an ldap add operation. */ static int op_ldap_add( Ri *ri, Re *re, char **errmsg ) { Mi *mi; int nattrs, rc = 0, i; LDAPMod *ldm, **ldmarr; int lderr = 0; nattrs = i = 0; ldmarr = NULL; /* * Construct a null-terminated array of LDAPMod structs. */ mi = re->re_mods; while ( mi[ i ].mi_type != NULL ) { ldm = alloc_ldapmod(); ldmarr = ( LDAPMod ** ) ch_realloc( ldmarr, ( nattrs + 2 ) * sizeof( LDAPMod * )); ldmarr[ nattrs ] = ldm; ldm->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldm->mod_type = mi[ i ].mi_type; ldm->mod_bvalues = make_singlevalued_berval( mi[ i ].mi_val, mi[ i ].mi_len ); i++; nattrs++; } if ( ldmarr != NULL ) { ldmarr[ nattrs ] = NULL; /* Perform the operation */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "replica %s:%d - add dn \"%s\"\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, re->re_dn ); rc = ldap_add_s( ri->ri_ldp, re->re_dn, ldmarr ); ldap_get_option( ri->ri_ldp, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &lderr); } else { *errmsg = "No modifications to do"; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_add: no mods to do (%s)!\n", re->re_dn, 0, 0 ); } free_ldmarr( ldmarr ); return( lderr ); } /* * Perform an ldap modify operation. */ #define AWAITING_OP -1 static int op_ldap_modify( Ri *ri, Re *re, char **errmsg ) { Mi *mi; int state; /* This code is a simple-minded state machine */ int nvals; /* Number of values we're modifying */ int nops; /* Number of LDAPMod structs in ldmarr */ LDAPMod *ldm, **ldmarr; int i, len; char *type, *value; int rc = 0; state = AWAITING_OP; nvals = 0; nops = 0; ldmarr = NULL; if ( re->re_mods == NULL ) { *errmsg = "No arguments given"; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modify: no arguments\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } /* * Construct a null-terminated array of LDAPMod structs. */ for ( mi = re->re_mods, i = 0; mi[ i ].mi_type != NULL; i++ ) { type = mi[ i ].mi_type; value = mi[ i ].mi_val; len = mi[ i ].mi_len; switch ( getmodtype( type )) { case T_MODSEP: state = T_MODSEP; /* Got a separator line "-\n" */ continue; case T_MODOPADD: state = T_MODOPADD; ldmarr = ( LDAPMod ** ) ch_realloc(ldmarr, (( nops + 2 ) * ( sizeof( LDAPMod * )))); ldmarr[ nops ] = ldm = alloc_ldapmod(); ldm->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldm->mod_type = value; nvals = 0; nops++; break; case T_MODOPREPLACE: state = T_MODOPREPLACE; ldmarr = ( LDAPMod ** ) ch_realloc(ldmarr, (( nops + 2 ) * ( sizeof( LDAPMod * )))); ldmarr[ nops ] = ldm = alloc_ldapmod(); ldm->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldm->mod_type = value; nvals = 0; nops++; break; case T_MODOPDELETE: state = T_MODOPDELETE; ldmarr = ( LDAPMod ** ) ch_realloc(ldmarr, (( nops + 2 ) * ( sizeof( LDAPMod * )))); ldmarr[ nops ] = ldm = alloc_ldapmod(); ldm->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ldm->mod_type = value; nvals = 0; nops++; break; default: if ( state == AWAITING_OP ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modify: unknown mod type \"%s\"\n", type, 0, 0 ); continue; } /* * We should have an attribute: value pair here. * Construct the mod_bvalues part of the ldapmod struct. */ if ( strcasecmp( type, ldm->mod_type )) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: malformed modify op, %s: %s (expecting %s:)\n", type, value, ldm->mod_type ); continue; } ldm->mod_bvalues = ( struct berval ** ) ch_realloc( ldm->mod_bvalues, ( nvals + 2 ) * sizeof( struct berval * )); ldm->mod_bvalues[ nvals + 1 ] = NULL; ldm->mod_bvalues[ nvals ] = ( struct berval * ) ch_malloc( sizeof( struct berval )); ldm->mod_bvalues[ nvals ]->bv_val = value; ldm->mod_bvalues[ nvals ]->bv_len = len; nvals++; } } ldmarr[ nops ] = NULL; if ( nops > 0 ) { /* Actually perform the LDAP operation */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "replica %s:%d - modify dn \"%s\"\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, re->re_dn ); rc = ldap_modify_s( ri->ri_ldp, re->re_dn, ldmarr ); } free_ldmarr( ldmarr ); return( rc ); } /* * Perform an ldap delete operation. */ static int op_ldap_delete( Ri *ri, Re *re, char **errmsg ) { int rc; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "replica %s:%d - delete dn \"%s\"\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, re->re_dn ); rc = ldap_delete_s( ri->ri_ldp, re->re_dn ); return( rc ); } /* * Perform an ldap modrdn operation. */ #define GOT_NEWRDN 0x1 #define GOT_DELOLDRDN 0x2 #define GOT_NEWSUP 0x4 #define GOT_MODDN_REQ (GOT_NEWRDN|GOT_DELOLDRDN) #define GOT_ALL_MODDN(f) (((f) & GOT_MODDN_REQ) == GOT_MODDN_REQ) static int op_ldap_modrdn( Ri *ri, Re *re, char **errmsg ) { int rc = 0; Mi *mi; int i; int lderr = 0; int state = 0; int drdnflag = -1; char *newrdn; char *newsup = NULL; if ( re->re_mods == NULL ) { *errmsg = "No arguments given"; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: no arguments\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return -1; } /* * Get the arguments: should see newrdn: and deleteoldrdn: args. */ for ( mi = re->re_mods, i = 0; mi[ i ].mi_type != NULL; i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( mi[ i ].mi_type, T_NEWRDNSTR )) { if( state & GOT_NEWRDN ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: multiple newrdn arg \"%s\"\n", mi[ i ].mi_val, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Multiple newrdn argument"; return -1; } newrdn = mi[ i ].mi_val; state |= GOT_NEWRDN; } else if ( !strcmp( mi[ i ].mi_type, T_DELOLDRDNSTR )) { if( state & GOT_DELOLDRDN ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: multiple deleteoldrdn arg \"%s\"\n", mi[ i ].mi_val, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Multiple newrdn argument"; return -1; } state |= GOT_DELOLDRDN; if ( !strcmp( mi[ i ].mi_val, "0" )) { drdnflag = 0; } else if ( !strcmp( mi[ i ].mi_val, "1" )) { drdnflag = 1; } else { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: bad deleteoldrdn arg \"%s\"\n", mi[ i ].mi_val, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Incorrect argument to deleteoldrdn"; return -1; } } else if ( !strcmp( mi[ i ].mi_type, T_NEWSUPSTR )) { if( state & GOT_NEWSUP ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: multiple newsuperior arg \"%s\"\n", mi[ i ].mi_val, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Multiple newrdn argument"; return -1; } newrdn = mi[ i ].mi_val; state |= GOT_NEWSUP; } else { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: bad type \"%s\"\n", mi[ i ].mi_type, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Bad value in replication log entry"; return -1; } } /* * Punt if we don't have all the args. */ if ( GOT_ALL_MODDN(state) ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: op_ldap_modrdn: missing arguments\n", 0, 0, 0 ); *errmsg = "Missing argument: requires \"newrdn\" and \"deleteoldrdn\""; return -1; } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS ) { char buf[ 256 ]; char *buf2; sprintf( buf, "%s:%d", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); buf2 = (char *) ch_malloc( strlen( re->re_dn ) + strlen( mi->mi_val ) + 10 ); sprintf( buf2, "(\"%s\" -> \"%s\")", re->re_dn, mi->mi_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "replica %s - modify rdn %s (flag: %d)\n", buf, buf2, drdnflag ); free( buf2 ); } #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */ /* Do the modrdn */ rc = ldap_rename2_s( ri->ri_ldp, re->re_dn, mi->mi_val, newsup, drdnflag ); ldap_get_option( ri->ri_ldp, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, &lderr); return( lderr ); } /* * Allocate and initialize an ldapmod struct. */ static LDAPMod * alloc_ldapmod( void ) { LDAPMod *ldm; ldm = ( struct ldapmod * ) ch_malloc( sizeof ( struct ldapmod )); ldm->mod_type = NULL; ldm->mod_bvalues = ( struct berval ** ) NULL; return( ldm ); } /* * Free an ldapmod struct associated mod_bvalues. NOTE - it is assumed * that mod_bvalues and mod_type contain pointers to the same block of memory * pointed to by the repl struct. Therefore, it's not freed here. */ static void free_ldapmod( LDAPMod *ldm ) { int i; if ( ldm == NULL ) { return; } if ( ldm->mod_bvalues != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; ldm->mod_bvalues[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) { free( ldm->mod_bvalues[ i ] ); } free( ldm->mod_bvalues ); } free( ldm ); return; } /* * Free an an array of LDAPMod pointers and the LDAPMod structs they point * to. */ static void free_ldmarr( LDAPMod **ldmarr ) { int i; for ( i = 0; ldmarr[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) { free_ldapmod( ldmarr[ i ] ); } free( ldmarr ); } /* * Create a berval with a single value. */ static struct berval ** make_singlevalued_berval( char *value, int len ) { struct berval **p; p = ( struct berval ** ) ch_malloc( 2 * sizeof( struct berval * )); p[ 0 ] = ( struct berval * ) ch_malloc( sizeof( struct berval )); p[ 1 ] = NULL; p[ 0 ]->bv_val = value; p[ 0 ]->bv_len = len; return( p ); } /* * Given a modification type (string), return an enumerated type. * Avoids ugly copy in op_ldap_modify - lets us use a switch statement * there. */ static int getmodtype( char *type ) { if ( !strcmp( type, T_MODSEPSTR )) { return( T_MODSEP ); } if ( !strcmp( type, T_MODOPADDSTR )) { return( T_MODOPADD ); } if ( !strcmp( type, T_MODOPREPLACESTR )) { return( T_MODOPREPLACE ); } if ( !strcmp( type, T_MODOPDELETESTR )) { return( T_MODOPDELETE ); } return( T_ERR ); } /* * Perform an LDAP unbind operation. If replica is NULL, or the * repl_ldp is NULL, just return LDAP_SUCCESS. Otherwise, unbind, * set the ldp to NULL, and return the result of the unbind call. */ static int do_unbind( Ri *ri ) { int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; if (( ri != NULL ) && ( ri->ri_ldp != NULL )) { rc = ldap_unbind( ri->ri_ldp ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: do_unbind: ldap_unbind failed for %s:%d: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ldap_err2string( rc ) ); } ri->ri_ldp = NULL; } return rc; } /* * Perform an LDAP bind operation to the replication site given * by replica. If replica->repl_ldp is non-NULL, then we unbind * from the replica before rebinding. It should be safe to call * this to re-connect if the replica's connection goes away * for some reason. * * Returns 0 on success, -1 if an LDAP error occurred, and a return * code > 0 if some other error occurred, e.g. invalid bind method. * If an LDAP error occurs, the LDAP error is returned in lderr. */ static int do_bind( Ri *ri, int *lderr ) { int ldrc; #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS int rc; int retval = 0; int kni, got_tgt; char **krbnames; char *skrbnames[ 2 ]; char realm[ REALM_SZ ]; char name[ ANAME_SZ ]; char instance[ INST_SZ ]; #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ *lderr = 0; if ( ri == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: do_bind: null ri ptr\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( BIND_ERR_BADRI ); } if ( ri->ri_ldp != NULL ) { ldrc = ldap_unbind( ri->ri_ldp ); if ( ldrc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: do_bind: ldap_unbind failed: %s\n", ldap_err2string( ldrc ), 0, 0 ); } ri->ri_ldp = NULL; } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "Initializing session to %s:%d\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, 0 ); ri->ri_ldp = ldap_init( ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); if ( ri->ri_ldp == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_init(%s, %d) failed: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, sys_errlist[ errno ] ); return( BIND_ERR_OPEN ); } /* * Disable string translation if enabled by default. * The replication log is written in the internal format, * so this would do another translation, breaking havoc. */ #if defined( STR_TRANSLATION ) && defined( LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET ) ri->ri_ldp->ld_lberoptions &= ~LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS; #endif /* STR_TRANSLATION && LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET */ /* * Set ldap library options to (1) not follow referrals, and * (2) restart the select() system call. */ ldap_set_option(ri->ri_ldp, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_OFF); ldap_set_option(ri->ri_ldp, LDAP_OPT_RESTART, LDAP_OPT_ON); switch ( ri->ri_bind_method ) { case AUTH_KERBEROS: #ifndef HAVE_KERBEROS Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Kerberos bind for %s:%d, but not compiled w/kerberos\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, 0 ); return( BIND_ERR_KERBEROS_FAILED ); #else /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ /* * Bind using kerberos. * If "bindprincipal" was given in the config file, then attempt * to get a TGT for that principal (via the srvtab file). If only * a binddn was given, then we need to read that entry to get * the kerberosName attributes, and try to get a TGT for one * of them. All are tried. The first one which succeeds is * returned. XXX It might be a good idea to just require a * bindprincipal. Reading the entry every time might be a significant * amount of overhead, if the connection is closed between most * updates. */ if ( ri->ri_principal != NULL ) { skrbnames[ 0 ] = ri->ri_principal; skrbnames[ 1 ] = NULL; krbnames = skrbnames; } else { krbnames = read_krbnames( ri ); } if (( krbnames == NULL ) || ( krbnames[ 0 ] == NULL )) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Can't find krbname for binddn \"%s\"\n", ri->ri_bind_dn, 0, 0 ); retval = BIND_ERR_KERBEROS_FAILED; goto kexit; } /* * Now we've got one or more kerberos principals. See if any * of them are in the srvtab file. */ got_tgt = 0; for ( kni = 0; krbnames[ kni ] != NULL; kni++ ) { rc = kname_parse( name, instance, realm, krbnames[ kni ]); if ( rc != KSUCCESS ) { continue; } upcase( realm ); rc = krb_get_svc_in_tkt( name, instance, realm, "krbtgt", realm, 1, ri->ri_srvtab ); if ( rc != KSUCCESS) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Can't get TGT for %s: %s\n", krbnames[ kni ], krb_err_txt[ rc ], 0 ); } else { got_tgt = 1; break; } } if (!got_tgt) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Could not obtain TGT for DN \"%s\"\n", ri->ri_bind_dn, 0, 0 ); retval = BIND_ERR_KERBEROS_FAILED; goto kexit; } /* * We've got a TGT. Do a kerberos bind. */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "bind to %s:%d as %s (kerberos)\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ri->ri_bind_dn ); ldrc = ldap_kerberos_bind_s( ri->ri_ldp, ri->ri_bind_dn ); ri->ri_principal = strdup( krbnames[ kni ] ); if ( ldrc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: kerberos bind for %s:%dfailed: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ldap_err2string( ldrc )); *lderr = ldrc; retval = BIND_ERR_KERBEROS_FAILED; goto kexit; } kexit: if ( krbnames != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( krbnames ); } return( retval); break; #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ case AUTH_SIMPLE: /* * Bind with a plaintext password. */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "bind to %s:%d as %s (simple)\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ri->ri_bind_dn ); ldrc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ri->ri_ldp, ri->ri_bind_dn, ri->ri_password ); if ( ldrc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: ldap_simple_bind_s for %s:%d failed: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ldap_err2string( ldrc )); *lderr = ldrc; return( BIND_ERR_SIMPLE_FAILED ); } else { return( BIND_OK ); } break; default: Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: do_bind: unknown auth type \"%d\" for %s:%d\n", ri->ri_bind_method, ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); return( BIND_ERR_BAD_ATYPE ); } } /* * For debugging. Print the contents of an ldmarr array. */ static void dump_ldm_array( LDAPMod **ldmarr ) { int i, j; LDAPMod *ldm; struct berval *b; char *msgbuf; for ( i = 0; ldmarr[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) { ldm = ldmarr[ i ]; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Trace (%ld): *** ldmarr[ %d ] contents:\n", (long) getpid(), i, 0 ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Trace (%ld): *** ldm->mod_op: %d\n", (long) getpid(), ldm->mod_op, 0 ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Trace (%ld): *** ldm->mod_type: %s\n", (long) getpid(), ldm->mod_type, 0 ); if ( ldm->mod_bvalues != NULL ) { for ( j = 0; ( b = ldm->mod_bvalues[ j ] ) != NULL; j++ ) { msgbuf = ch_malloc( b->bv_len + 512 ); sprintf( msgbuf, "***** bv[ %d ] len = %ld, val = <%s>", j, b->bv_len, b->bv_val ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Trace (%ld):%s\n", (long) getpid(), msgbuf, 0 ); free( msgbuf ); } } } } /* * Get the kerberos names from the binddn for "replica" via an ldap search. * Returns a null-terminated array of char *, or NULL if the entry could * not be found or there were no kerberosName attributes. The caller is * responsible for freeing the returned array and strings it points to. */ static char ** read_krbnames( Ri *ri ) { int rc; char **krbnames; int ne; LDAPMessage *result, *entry; /* First need to bind as NULL */ rc = ldap_simple_bind_s( ri->ri_ldp, NULL, NULL ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: null bind failed getting krbnames for %s:%d: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ldap_err2string( rc )); return( NULL ); } rc = ldap_search_st( ri->ri_ldp, ri->ri_bind_dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*", kattrs, 0, &kst, &result ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: search failed getting krbnames for %s:%d: %s\n", ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port, ldap_err2string( rc )); return( NULL ); } ne = ldap_count_entries( ri->ri_ldp, result ); if ( ne == 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Can't find entry \"%s\" for %s:%d kerberos bind\n", ri->ri_bind_dn, ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); return( NULL ); } if ( ne > 1 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Kerberos binddn \"%s\" for %s:%dis ambiguous\n", ri->ri_bind_dn, ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); return( NULL ); } entry = ldap_first_entry( ri->ri_ldp, result ); if ( entry == NULL ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: Can't find \"%s\" for kerberos binddn for %s:%d\n", ri->ri_bind_dn, ri->ri_hostname, ri->ri_port ); return( NULL ); } krbnames = ldap_get_values( ri->ri_ldp, entry, "kerberosName" ); ldap_msgfree( result ); return( krbnames ); } #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS /* * upcase a string */ static void upcase( char *s ) { char *p; for ( p = s; ( p != NULL ) && ( *p != '\0' ); p++ ) { *p = TOUPPER( (unsigned char) *p ); } } #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */