/* * Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * LIBLDAP url.c -- LDAP URL related routines * * LDAP URLs look like this: * l d a p : / / hostport / dn [ ? attributes [ ? scope [ ? filter ] ] ] * * where: * attributes is a comma separated list * scope is one of these three strings: base one sub (default=base) * filter is an string-represented filter as in RFC 1558 * * e.g., ldap://ldap.itd.umich.edu/c=US?o,description?one?o=umich * * We also tolerate URLs that look like: and */ #ifndef lint static char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan.\nAll rights reserved.\n"; #endif #include #include #include #ifdef MACOS #include #include "macos.h" #endif /* MACOS */ #if defined( DOS ) || defined( _WIN32 ) #include #include #include "msdos.h" #endif /* DOS || _WIN32 */ #if !defined(MACOS) && !defined(DOS) && !defined( _WIN32 ) #include #include #include #endif /* !MACOS && !DOS && !_WIN32 */ #include "lber.h" #include "ldap.h" #include "ldap-int.h" #ifdef NEEDPROTOS static int skip_url_prefix( char **urlp, int *enclosedp ); static void hex_unescape( char *s ); static int unhex( char c ); #else /* NEEDPROTOS */ static int skip_url_prefix(); static void hex_unescape(); static int unhex(); #endif /* NEEDPROTOS */ int ldap_is_ldap_url( char *url ) { int enclosed; return( url != NULL && skip_url_prefix( &url, &enclosed )); } static int skip_url_prefix( char **urlp, int *enclosedp ) { /* * return non-zero if this looks like a LDAP URL; zero if not * if non-zero returned, *urlp will be moved past "ldap://" part of URL */ if ( *urlp == NULL ) { return( 0 ); } /* skip leading '<' (if any) */ if ( **urlp == '<' ) { *enclosedp = 1; ++*urlp; } else { *enclosedp = 0; } /* skip leading "URL:" (if any) */ if ( strlen( *urlp ) >= LDAP_URL_URLCOLON_LEN && strncasecmp( *urlp, LDAP_URL_URLCOLON, LDAP_URL_URLCOLON_LEN ) == 0 ) { *urlp += LDAP_URL_URLCOLON_LEN; } /* check for missing "ldap://" prefix */ if ( strlen( *urlp ) < LDAP_URL_PREFIX_LEN || strncasecmp( *urlp, LDAP_URL_PREFIX, LDAP_URL_PREFIX_LEN ) != 0 ) { return( 0 ); } /* skip over "ldap://" prefix and return success */ *urlp += LDAP_URL_PREFIX_LEN; return( 1 ); } int ldap_url_parse( char *url, LDAPURLDesc **ludpp ) { /* * Pick apart the pieces of an LDAP URL. */ LDAPURLDesc *ludp; char *attrs, *p, *q; int enclosed, i, nattrs; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_url_parse(%s)\n", url, 0, 0 ); *ludpp = NULL; /* pessimistic */ if ( !skip_url_prefix( &url, &enclosed )) { return( LDAP_URL_ERR_NOTLDAP ); } /* allocate return struct */ if (( ludp = (LDAPURLDesc *)calloc( 1, sizeof( LDAPURLDesc ))) == NULLLDAPURLDESC ) { return( LDAP_URL_ERR_MEM ); } /* make working copy of the remainder of the URL */ if (( url = strdup( url )) == NULL ) { ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); return( LDAP_URL_ERR_MEM ); } if ( enclosed && *((p = url + strlen( url ) - 1)) == '>' ) { *p = '\0'; } /* set defaults */ ludp->lud_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; ludp->lud_filter = "(objectClass=*)"; /* lud_string is the only malloc'd string space we use */ ludp->lud_string = url; /* scan forward for '/' that marks end of hostport and begin. of dn */ if (( ludp->lud_dn = strchr( url, '/' )) == NULL ) { ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); return( LDAP_URL_ERR_NODN ); } /* terminate hostport; point to start of dn */ *ludp->lud_dn++ = '\0'; if (( p = strchr( url, ':' )) != NULL ) { *p++ = '\0'; ludp->lud_port = atoi( p ); } if ( *url == '\0' ) { ludp->lud_host = NULL; } else { ludp->lud_host = url; hex_unescape( ludp->lud_host ); } /* scan for '?' that marks end of dn and beginning of attributes */ if (( attrs = strchr( ludp->lud_dn, '?' )) != NULL ) { /* terminate dn; point to start of attrs. */ *attrs++ = '\0'; /* scan for '?' that marks end of attrs and begin. of scope */ if (( p = strchr( attrs, '?' )) != NULL ) { /* * terminate attrs; point to start of scope and scan for * '?' that marks end of scope and begin. of filter */ *p++ = '\0'; if (( q = strchr( p, '?' )) != NULL ) { /* terminate scope; point to start of filter */ *q++ = '\0'; if ( *q != '\0' ) { ludp->lud_filter = q; hex_unescape( ludp->lud_filter ); } } if ( strcasecmp( p, "one" ) == 0 ) { ludp->lud_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; } else if ( strcasecmp( p, "base" ) == 0 ) { ludp->lud_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; } else if ( strcasecmp( p, "sub" ) == 0 ) { ludp->lud_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; } else if ( *p != '\0' ) { ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); return( LDAP_URL_ERR_BADSCOPE ); } } } if ( *ludp->lud_dn == '\0' ) { ludp->lud_dn = NULL; } else { hex_unescape( ludp->lud_dn ); } /* * if attrs list was included, turn it into a null-terminated array */ if ( attrs != NULL && *attrs != '\0' ) { for ( nattrs = 1, p = attrs; *p != '\0'; ++p ) { if ( *p == ',' ) { ++nattrs; } } if (( ludp->lud_attrs = (char **)calloc( nattrs + 1, sizeof( char * ))) == NULL ) { ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); return( LDAP_URL_ERR_MEM ); } for ( i = 0, p = attrs; i < nattrs; ++i ) { ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] = p; if (( p = strchr( p, ',' )) != NULL ) { *p++ ='\0'; } hex_unescape( ludp->lud_attrs[ i ] ); } } *ludpp = ludp; return( 0 ); } void ldap_free_urldesc( LDAPURLDesc *ludp ) { if ( ludp != NULLLDAPURLDESC ) { if ( ludp->lud_string != NULL ) { free( ludp->lud_string ); } if ( ludp->lud_attrs != NULL ) { free( ludp->lud_attrs ); } free( ludp ); } } int ldap_url_search( LDAP *ld, char *url, int attrsonly ) { int err; LDAPURLDesc *ludp; BerElement *ber; #ifdef LDAP_REFERRALS LDAPServer *srv = NULL; #endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ if ( ldap_url_parse( url, &ludp ) != 0 ) { ld->ld_errno = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; return( -1 ); } if (( ber = ldap_build_search_req( ld, ludp->lud_dn, ludp->lud_scope, ludp->lud_filter, ludp->lud_attrs, attrsonly )) == NULLBER ) { return( -1 ); } err = 0; if ( ludp->lud_host != NULL || ludp->lud_port != 0 ) { #ifdef LDAP_REFERRALS if (( srv = (LDAPServer *)calloc( 1, sizeof( LDAPServer ))) == NULL || ( srv->lsrv_host = strdup( ludp->lud_host == NULL ? ld->ld_defhost : ludp->lud_host )) == NULL ) { if ( srv != NULL ) { free( srv ); } ld->ld_errno = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; err = -1; } else { if ( ludp->lud_port == 0 ) { srv->lsrv_port = LDAP_PORT; } else { srv->lsrv_port = ludp->lud_port; } } #else /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ ld->ld_errno = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; err = -1; #endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ } if ( err != 0 ) { ber_free( ber, 1 ); } else { #ifdef LDAP_REFERRALS err = send_server_request( ld, ber, ld->ld_msgid, NULL, srv, NULL, 1 ); #else /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ err = send_initial_request( ld, LDAP_REQ_SEARCH, ludp->lud_dn, ber ); #endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ } ldap_free_urldesc( ludp ); return( err ); } int ldap_url_search_st( LDAP *ld, char *url, int attrsonly, struct timeval *timeout, LDAPMessage **res ) { int msgid; if (( msgid = ldap_url_search( ld, url, attrsonly )) == -1 ) { return( ld->ld_errno ); } if ( ldap_result( ld, msgid, 1, timeout, res ) == -1 ) { return( ld->ld_errno ); } if ( ld->ld_errno == LDAP_TIMEOUT ) { (void) ldap_abandon( ld, msgid ); ld->ld_errno = LDAP_TIMEOUT; return( ld->ld_errno ); } return( ldap_result2error( ld, *res, 0 )); } int ldap_url_search_s( LDAP *ld, char *url, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage **res ) { int msgid; if (( msgid = ldap_url_search( ld, url, attrsonly )) == -1 ) { return( ld->ld_errno ); } if ( ldap_result( ld, msgid, 1, (struct timeval *)NULL, res ) == -1 ) { return( ld->ld_errno ); } return( ldap_result2error( ld, *res, 0 )); } static void hex_unescape( char *s ) { /* * Remove URL hex escapes from s... done in place. The basic concept for * this routine is borrowed from the WWW library HTUnEscape() routine. */ char *p; for ( p = s; *s != '\0'; ++s ) { if ( *s == '%' ) { if ( *++s != '\0' ) { *p = unhex( *s ) << 4; } if ( *++s != '\0' ) { *p++ += unhex( *s ); } } else { *p++ = *s; } } *p = '\0'; } static int unhex( char c ) { return( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' : c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10 : c - 'a' + 10 ); }