OpenLDAP To Do List ------------------- This is a list of projects that need getting done. They are defined by scale of the effort as opposed to priority. Contribute to projects based upon your personal priorities. If you would like to work on any of these projects, please coordinate by posting to OpenLDAP-devel mailing list: If you have a project you'd like added to the list, talk it up on Developer's list or just do it. Please read: OpenLDAP 2.x Projects --------------------- SLAPD Complete Unicode Support (ACLs, etc.) client API update Implement per referral/continuation callback clients Implement referral chasing options w/ referral callback Update manual pages Large projects -------------- Redesign slapd memory allocation fault handling Perform a security audit (and fix any hole found) Medium projects --------------- Implement LDAP Transactions Implement authPassword (RFC 3112) Implement localization Implement Proxy Authorization Control extension Update to latest autoconf and friends Small projects -------------- Add LDIFv1 control support Populate matchingRuleUse attribute in the subschema Implement -V version options Add No-Op Control support to ldap client tools Add tests to test suite (ACI, moddn, manageDSAit, etc.) Add support for Cyrus pwcheckd/saslauthd Recode linked-list structs to use macros Create ldapbind (from ldapcompare?) to support bind operations Convert utfconv.txt into man page(s). Update any manual page For additional TODO items, see: --- $OpenLDAP$