/* * Copyright (c) 1996 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. */ /* * fm.c - file management routines. */ #include "portable.h" #include #include /* get free() */ #include #include #include "slurp.h" #include "globals.h" /* * Forward references */ static char *get_record LDAP_P(( FILE * )); static void populate_queue LDAP_P(( char *f )); static RETSIGTYPE set_shutdown LDAP_P((int)); /* * Main file manager routine. Watches for new data to be appended to the * slapd replication log. When new data is appended, fm does the following: * - appends the data to slurpd's private copy of the replication log. * - truncates the slapd replog * - adds items to the internal queue of replication work to do * - signals the replication threads to let them know new work has arrived. */ void * fm( void *arg ) { int rc; /* Set up our signal handlers: * SIG{TERM,INT,HUP} causes a shutdown * LDAP_SIGUSR1 - does nothing, used to wake up sleeping threads. * LDAP_SIGUSR2 - causes slurpd to read its administrative interface file. * (not yet implemented). */ (void) SIGNAL( LDAP_SIGUSR1, do_nothing ); (void) SIGNAL( LDAP_SIGUSR2, do_admin ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGTERM, set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGINT, set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGHUP, set_shutdown ); if ( sglob->one_shot_mode ) { if ( file_nonempty( sglob->slapd_replogfile )) { populate_queue( sglob->slapd_replogfile ); } printf( "Processing in one-shot mode:\n" ); printf( "%d total replication records in file,\n", sglob->rq->rq_getcount( sglob->rq, RQ_COUNT_ALL )); printf( "%d replication records to process.\n", sglob->rq->rq_getcount( sglob->rq, RQ_COUNT_NZRC )); return NULL; } /* * There may be some leftover replication records in our own * copy of the replication log. If any exist, add them to the * queue. */ if ( file_nonempty( sglob->slurpd_replogfile )) { populate_queue( sglob->slurpd_replogfile ); } while ( !sglob->slurpd_shutdown ) { if ( file_nonempty( sglob->slapd_replogfile )) { /* New work found - copy to slurpd replog file */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "new work in %s\n", sglob->slapd_replogfile, 0, 0 ); if (( rc = copy_replog( sglob->slapd_replogfile, sglob->slurpd_replogfile )) == 0 ) { populate_queue( sglob->slurpd_replogfile ); } else { if ( rc < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Fatal error while copying replication log\n", 0, 0, 0 ); sglob->slurpd_shutdown = 1; } } } else { tsleep( sglob->no_work_interval ); } /* Garbage-collect queue */ sglob->rq->rq_gc( sglob->rq ); /* Trim replication log file, if needed */ if ( sglob->rq->rq_needtrim( sglob->rq )) { FILE *fp, *lfp; if (( rc = acquire_lock( sglob->slurpd_replogfile, &fp, &lfp )) < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: cannot acquire lock on \"%s\" for trimming\n", sglob->slurpd_replogfile, 0, 0 ); } else { sglob->rq->rq_write( sglob->rq, fp ); (void) relinquish_lock( sglob->slurpd_replogfile, fp, lfp ); } } } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "fm: exiting\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return NULL; } /* * Set a global flag which signals that we're shutting down. */ static RETSIGTYPE set_shutdown(int x) { int i; sglob->slurpd_shutdown = 1; /* set flag */ pthread_kill( sglob->fm_tid, LDAP_SIGUSR1 ); /* wake up file mgr */ sglob->rq->rq_lock( sglob->rq ); /* lock queue */ pthread_cond_broadcast( &(sglob->rq->rq_more) ); /* wake repl threads */ for ( i = 0; i < sglob->num_replicas; i++ ) { (sglob->replicas[ i ])->ri_wake( sglob->replicas[ i ]); } sglob->rq->rq_unlock( sglob->rq ); /* unlock queue */ (void) SIGNAL( SIGTERM, set_shutdown ); /* reinstall handlers */ (void) SIGNAL( SIGINT, set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGHUP, set_shutdown ); } /* * A do-nothing signal handler. */ RETSIGTYPE do_nothing(int i) { (void) SIGNAL( LDAP_SIGUSR1, do_nothing ); } /* * Open the slurpd replication log, seek to our last known position, and * process any pending replication entries. */ static void populate_queue( char *f ) { FILE *fp, *lfp; Rq *rq = sglob->rq; char *p; if ( acquire_lock( f, &fp, &lfp ) < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error: can't lock file \"%s\": %s\n", f, sys_errlist[ errno ], 0 ); return; } /* * Read replication records from fp and append them the * the queue. */ if ( fseek( fp, sglob->srpos, 0 ) < 0 ) { Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error: can't seek to offset %ld in file \"%s\"\n", sglob->srpos, f, 0 ); } else { while (( p = get_record( fp )) != NULL ) { if ( sglob->rq->rq_add( sglob->rq, p ) < 0 ) { char *t; /* Print an error message. Only print first line. */ if (( t = strchr( p, '\n' )) != NULL ) { *t = '\0'; } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error: malformed replog entry (begins with \"%s\")\n", p, 0, 0 ); } free( p ); pthread_yield(); } sglob->srpos = ftell( fp ); } (void) relinquish_lock( f, fp, lfp ); } /* * Get the next "record" from the file pointed to by fp. A "record" * is delimited by two consecutive newlines. Returns NULL on EOF. */ static char * get_record( FILE *fp ) { int len; static char line[BUFSIZ]; char *buf = NULL; static int lcur, lmax; lcur = lmax = 0; while (( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fp ) != NULL ) && (( len = strlen( line )) > 1 )) { while ( lcur + len + 1 > lmax ) { lmax += BUFSIZ; buf = (char *) ch_realloc( buf, lmax ); } strcpy( buf + lcur, line ); lcur += len; } return( buf ); }