/* acl.c - routines to parse and check acl's */ /* * Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "slap.h" static void split(char *line, int splitchar, char **left, char **right); static void acl_append(AccessControl **l, AccessControl *a); static void access_append(Access **l, Access *a); static void acl_usage(void) LDAP_GCCATTR((noreturn)); #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG static void print_acl(AccessControl *a); static void print_access(Access *b); #endif static int regtest(const char *fname, int lineno, char *pat) { int e; regex_t re; char buf[512]; unsigned size; char *sp; char *dp; int flag; sp = pat; dp = buf; size = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; for (size = 0, flag = 0; (size < sizeof(buf)) && *sp; sp++) { if (flag) { if (*sp == '$'|| (*sp >= '0' && *sp <= '9')) { *dp++ = *sp; size++; } flag = 0; } else { if (*sp == '$') { flag = 1; } else { *dp++ = *sp; size++; } } } *dp = '\0'; if ( size >= (sizeof(buf)-1) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: regular expression \"%s\" too large\n", fname, lineno, pat ); acl_usage(); } if ((e = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_ICASE))) { char error[512]; regerror(e, &re, error, sizeof(error)); fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: regular expression \"%s\" bad because of %s\n", fname, lineno, pat, error ); acl_usage(); return(0); } regfree(&re); return(1); } void parse_acl( Backend *be, const char *fname, int lineno, int argc, char **argv ) { int i; char *left, *right; AccessControl *a; Access *b; a = NULL; for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { /* to clause - select which entries are protected */ if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "to" ) == 0 ) { if ( a != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: only one to clause allowed in access line\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } a = (AccessControl *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(AccessControl) ); a->acl_filter = NULL; a->acl_dn_pat = NULL; a->acl_attrs = NULL; a->acl_access = NULL; a->acl_next = NULL; for ( ++i; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "by" ) == 0 ) { i--; break; } if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "*" ) == 0 ) { a->acl_dn_pat = ch_strdup( ".*" ); continue; } split( argv[i], '=', &left, &right ); if ( right == NULL || *right == '\0' ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: missing \"=\" in (or value after) \"%s\" in to clause\n", fname, lineno, left ); acl_usage(); } if ( strcasecmp( left, "filter" ) == 0 ) { if ( (a->acl_filter = str2filter( right )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: bad filter \"%s\" in to clause\n", fname, lineno, right ); acl_usage(); } } else if ( strcasecmp( left, "dn" ) == 0 ) { a->acl_dn_pat = ch_strdup( right ); } else if ( strncasecmp( left, "attr", 4 ) == 0 ) { char **alist; alist = str2charray( right, "," ); charray_merge( &a->acl_attrs, alist ); charray_free( alist ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: expecting got \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, left ); acl_usage(); } } if ( a->acl_dn_pat != NULL ) { int e = regcomp( &a->acl_dn_re, a->acl_dn_pat, REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE ); if ( e ) { char buf[512]; regerror( e, &a->acl_dn_re, buf, sizeof(buf) ); fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: regular expression \"%s\" bad because of %s\n", fname, lineno, right, buf ); acl_usage(); } } /* by clause - select who has what access to entries */ } else if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "by" ) == 0 ) { if ( a == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: to clause required before by clause in access line\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } /* * by clause consists of and */ b = (Access *) ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(Access) ); if ( ++i == argc ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: premature eol: expecting \n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } /* get */ for ( ; i < argc; i++ ) { char *pat; split( argv[i], '=', &left, &right ); if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "*" ) == 0 ) { pat = ch_strdup( ".*" ); } else if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "anonymous" ) == 0 ) { pat = ch_strdup( "anonymous" ); } else if ( strcasecmp( argv[i], "self" ) == 0 ) { pat = ch_strdup( "self" ); } else if ( strcasecmp( left, "dn" ) == 0 ) { regtest(fname, lineno, right); pat = ch_strdup( right ); } else { pat = NULL; } if( pat != NULL ) { if( b->a_dn_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: dn pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } b->a_dn_pat = pat; continue; } if ( strcasecmp( left, "dnattr" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_dn_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: dnaddr already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } b->a_dn_at = ch_strdup( right ); continue; } if ( strncasecmp( left, "group", sizeof("group")-1 ) == 0 ) { char *name = NULL; char *value = NULL; if( b->a_group_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: group pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } /* format of string is "group/objectClassValue/groupAttrName" */ if ((value = strchr(left, '/')) != NULL) { *value++ = '\0'; if (value && *value && (name = strchr(value, '/')) != NULL) { *name++ = '\0'; } } regtest(fname, lineno, right); b->a_group_pat = ch_strdup( right ); if (value && *value) { b->a_group_oc = ch_strdup(value); *--value = '/'; } else { b->a_group_oc = ch_strdup("groupOfNames"); if (name && *name) { b->a_group_at = ch_strdup(name); *--name = '/'; } else { b->a_group_at = ch_strdup("member"); } } continue; } if ( strcasecmp( left, "peername" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_peername_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: peername pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } regtest(fname, lineno, right); b->a_peername_pat = ch_strdup( right ); continue; } if ( strcasecmp( left, "sockname" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_sockname_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: sockname pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } regtest(fname, lineno, right); b->a_sockname_pat = ch_strdup( right ); continue; } if ( strcasecmp( left, "domain" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_domain_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: domain pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } regtest(fname, lineno, right); b->a_domain_pat = ch_strdup( right ); continue; } if ( strcasecmp( left, "sockurl" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_sockurl_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: sockurl pattern already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } regtest(fname, lineno, right); b->a_sockurl_pat = ch_strdup( right ); continue; } #ifdef SLAPD_ACI_ENABLED if ( strcasecmp( left, "aci" ) == 0 ) { if( b->a_aci_at != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: aci attribute already specified.\n", fname, lineno ); acl_usage(); } if ( right != NULL && *right != '\0' ) b->a_aci_at = ch_strdup( right ); else b->a_aci_at = ch_strdup( SLAPD_ACI_DEFAULT_ATTR ); continue; } #endif /* get */ if ( ACL_IS_INVALID(ACL_SET(b->a_access, str2access( left ))) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: expecting got \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, left ); acl_usage(); } access_append( &a->acl_access, b ); break; } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: expecting \"to\" or \"by\" got \"%s\"\n", fname, lineno, argv[i] ); acl_usage(); } } /* if we have no real access clause, complain and do nothing */ if ( a == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: warning: no access clause(s) specified in access line\n", fname, lineno ); } else { #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG if (ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_ACL) print_acl(a); #endif if ( a->acl_access == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line %d: warning: no by clause(s) specified in access line\n", fname, lineno ); } if ( be != NULL ) { acl_append( &be->be_acl, a ); } else { acl_append( &global_acl, a ); } } } char * access2str( int access ) { static char buf[12]; if ( ACL_IS_SELF( access ) ) { strcpy( buf, "self" ); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; } if ( ACL_IS_NONE(access) ) { strcat( buf, "none" ); } else if ( ACL_IS_AUTH(access) ) { strcat( buf, "auth" ); } else if ( ACL_IS_COMPARE(access) ) { strcat( buf, "compare" ); } else if ( ACL_IS_SEARCH(access) ) { strcat( buf, "search" ); } else if ( ACL_IS_READ(access) ) { strcat( buf, "read" ); } else if ( ACL_IS_WRITE(access) ) { strcat( buf, "write" ); } else { strcat( buf, "unknown" ); } return( buf ); } int str2access( char *str ) { int access; ACL_CLR(access); if ( strncasecmp( str, "self", 4 ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_SELF(access); str += 4; } if ( strcasecmp( str, "none" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_NONE(access); } else if ( strcasecmp( str, "auth" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_AUTH(access); } else if ( strcasecmp( str, "compare" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_COMPARE(access); } else if ( strcasecmp( str, "search" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_SEARCH(access); } else if ( strcasecmp( str, "read" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_READ(access); } else if ( strcasecmp( str, "write" ) == 0 ) { ACL_SET_WRITE(access); } else { ACL_SET_INVALID(access); } return( access ); } static void acl_usage( void ) { fprintf( stderr, "\n" " ::= access to [ by ]+ \n" " ::= * | [dn=] [filter=] [attrs=]\n" " ::= | , \n" " ::= | entry | children\n" " ::= [ * | anonymous | self | dn= ]\n" "\t[dnattr=]\n" "\t[group[/[/]]=]\n" "\t[peername=] [sockname=]\n" "\t[domain=] [sockurl=]\n" #ifdef SLAPD_ACI_ENABLED "\t[aci=]\n" #endif " ::= [self]{none|auth|compare|search|read|write}\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } static void split( char *line, int splitchar, char **left, char **right ) { *left = line; if ( (*right = strchr( line, splitchar )) != NULL ) { *((*right)++) = '\0'; } } static void access_append( Access **l, Access *a ) { for ( ; *l != NULL; l = &(*l)->a_next ) ; /* NULL */ *l = a; } static void acl_append( AccessControl **l, AccessControl *a ) { for ( ; *l != NULL; l = &(*l)->acl_next ) ; /* NULL */ *l = a; } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG static void print_access( Access *b ) { fprintf( stderr, "\tby" ); if ( b->a_dn_pat != NULL ) { if( strcmp(b->a_dn_pat, "anonymous") == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " anonymous" ); } else if( strcmp(b->a_dn_pat, "self") == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, " self" ); } else { fprintf( stderr, " dn=%s", b->a_dn_pat ); } } if ( b->a_dn_at != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " dnattr=%s", b->a_dn_at ); } if ( b->a_group_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " group: %s", b->a_group_pat ); if ( b->a_group_oc ) { fprintf( stderr, " objectClass: %s", b->a_group_oc ); if ( b->a_group_at ) { fprintf( stderr, " attributeType: %s", b->a_group_at ); } } } if ( b->a_peername_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " peername=%s", b->a_peername_pat ); } if ( b->a_sockname_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " sockname=%s", b->a_sockname_pat ); } if ( b->a_domain_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " domain=%s", b->a_domain_pat ); } if ( b->a_sockurl_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " sockurl=%s", b->a_sockurl_pat ); } #ifdef SLAPD_ACI_ENABLED if ( b->a_aci_at != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " aci=%s", b->a_aci_at ); } #endif fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } static void print_acl( AccessControl *a ) { int i; Access *b; if ( a == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "NULL\n" ); } fprintf( stderr, "ACL: access to" ); if ( a->acl_filter != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr," filter=" ); filter_print( a->acl_filter ); } if ( a->acl_dn_pat != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " dn=" ); fprintf( stderr, a->acl_dn_pat ); } if ( a->acl_attrs != NULL ) { int first = 1; fprintf( stderr, "\n attrs=" ); for ( i = 0; a->acl_attrs[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( ! first ) { fprintf( stderr, "," ); } fprintf( stderr, a->acl_attrs[i] ); first = 0; } } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); for ( b = a->acl_access; b != NULL; b = b->a_next ) { print_access( b ); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */