# $OpenLDAP$ # Copyright 1999-2000, The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. # COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT. H1: The Big Picture - Configuration Choices This section gives a brief overview of various {{TERM:LDAP}} directory configurations, and how your stand-alone LDAP server {{slapd}}(8) fits in with the rest of the world. H2: Local Directory Service In this configuration, you run a {{slapd}} which provides directory service for your local domain only. It does not interact with other directory servers in any way. This configuration is shown in Figure 3.1. !import "config_local.gif"; align="center"; title="Local service via slapd configuration" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.1: Local service configuration. Use this configuration if you are just starting out (it's the one the quick-start guide makes for you) or if you want to provide a local service and are not interested in connecting to the rest of the world. It's easy to upgrade to another configuration later if you want. H2: Local Directory Service with Referrals In this configuration, you run a slapd which provides directory service for your local domain and configure it to return referrals to a {{superior}} service capable of requests outside your local domain. You may run this service yourself or use one provided to you. This configuration is shown in Figure 3.2. !import "config_ref.gif"; align="center"; title="Local service with referrals" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.2: Local service with referrals Use this configuration if you want to provide local service and participate in the Global Directory. H2: Replicated Directory Service The slurpd daemon is used to propagate changes from a master slapd to one or more slave slapds. An example master-slave configuration is shown in figure 3.3. !import "config_repl.gif"; align="center"; title="Replicated Directory Services" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.3: Replicated Directory Services This configuration can be used in conjunction with either of first two configurations in situations where a single slapd does not provide the required reliability or availability. H2: Distributed Local Directory Service In this configuration, the local service is partitioned into smaller services, each which may be replicated, and {{glued}} together with {{superior}} and {{subordinate}} referrals. !if 0 An example of this configuration is shown in Figure 3.4. !import "config_dist.gif"; align="center"; title="Distributed Local Directory Services" FT[align="Center"] Figure 3.4: Distributed Local Directory Services !endif