/* * Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ /* Portions * Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * open.c */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #include "ldap-int.h" /* * ldap_open - initialize and connect to an ldap server. A magic cookie to * be used for future communication is returned on success, NULL on failure. * "host" may be a space-separated list of hosts or IP addresses * * Example: * LDAP *ld; * ld = ldap_open( hostname, port ); */ LDAP * ldap_open( LDAP_CONST char *host, int port ) { LDAP *ld; LDAPServer *srv; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_open\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if (( ld = ldap_init( host, port )) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } if (( srv = (LDAPServer *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( LDAPServer ))) == NULL || ( ld->ld_defhost != NULL && ( srv->lsrv_host = LDAP_STRDUP( ld->ld_defhost )) == NULL )) { if(srv != NULL) LDAP_FREE( (char*) srv ); ldap_ld_free( ld, 0, NULL, NULL ); return( NULL ); } srv->lsrv_port = ld->ld_defport; if (( ld->ld_defconn = ldap_new_connection( ld, &srv, 1,1,0 )) == NULL ) { if ( ld->ld_defhost != NULL ) LDAP_FREE( srv->lsrv_host ); LDAP_FREE( (char *)srv ); ldap_ld_free( ld, 0, NULL, NULL ); return( NULL ); } ++ld->ld_defconn->lconn_refcnt; /* so it never gets closed/freed */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_open successful, ld_host is %s\n", ( ld->ld_host == NULL ) ? "(null)" : ld->ld_host, 0, 0 ); return( ld ); } /* * ldap_init - initialize the LDAP library. A magic cookie to be used for * future communication is returned on success, NULL on failure. * "host" may be a space-separated list of hosts or IP addresses * * Example: * LDAP *ld; * ld = ldap_open( host, port ); */ LDAP * ldap_init( LDAP_CONST char *defhost, int defport ) { LDAP *ld; if( ldap_int_global_options.ldo_valid != LDAP_INITIALIZED ) { ldap_int_initialize(); } Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_init\n", 0, 0, 0 ); #ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK2 { WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; int err; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 ); err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if ( err != 0 ) { /* Tell the user that we couldn't find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ return NULL; } /* Confirm that the WinSock DLL supports 2.0.*/ /* Note that if the DLL supports versions greater */ /* than 2.0 in addition to 2.0, it will still return */ /* 2.0 in wVersion since that is the version we */ /* requested. */ if ( LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 2 || HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 0 ) { /* Tell the user that we couldn't find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ WSACleanup( ); return NULL; } } /* The WinSock DLL is acceptable. Proceed. */ #elif HAVE_WINSOCK { WSADATA wsaData; if ( WSAStartup( 0x0101, &wsaData ) != 0 ) { return( NULL ); } } #endif if ( (ld = (LDAP *) LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof(LDAP) )) == NULL ) { WSACleanup( ); return( NULL ); } /* copy the global options */ memcpy(&ld->ld_options, &ldap_int_global_options, sizeof(ld->ld_options)); ld->ld_valid = LDAP_VALID_SESSION; /* but not pointers to malloc'ed items */ ld->ld_options.ldo_defbase = NULL; ld->ld_options.ldo_defhost = NULL; ld->ld_options.ldo_sctrls = NULL; ld->ld_options.ldo_cctrls = NULL; if ( defhost != NULL ) { ld->ld_options.ldo_defhost = LDAP_STRDUP( defhost ); } else { ld->ld_options.ldo_defhost = LDAP_STRDUP( ldap_int_global_options.ldo_defhost); } if ( ld->ld_options.ldo_defhost == NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( (char*)ld ); WSACleanup( ); return( NULL ); } if ( ldap_int_global_options.ldo_defbase != NULL ) { ld->ld_options.ldo_defbase = LDAP_STRDUP( ldap_int_global_options.ldo_defbase); } if (( ld->ld_selectinfo = ldap_new_select_info()) == NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( (char*) ld->ld_options.ldo_defhost ); if ( ld->ld_options.ldo_defbase == NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( (char*) ld->ld_options.ldo_defbase ); } LDAP_FREE( (char*) ld ); WSACleanup( ); return( NULL ); } if(defport != 0) { ld->ld_defport = defport; } ld->ld_lberoptions = LBER_USE_DER; #if defined( STR_TRANSLATION ) && defined( LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET ) ld->ld_lberoptions |= LBER_TRANSLATE_STRINGS; #if LDAP_CHARSET_8859 == LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET ldap_set_string_translators( ld, ldap_8859_to_t61, ldap_t61_to_8859 ); #endif /* LDAP_CHARSET_8859 == LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET */ #endif /* STR_TRANSLATION && LDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET */ /* we'll assume we're talking version 2 for now */ ld->ld_version = LDAP_VERSION2; ber_pvt_sb_init( &(ld->ld_sb) ); return( ld ); } int open_ldap_connection( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb, const char *host, int defport, char **krbinstancep, int async ) { int rc = -1; int port; const char *p, *q; char *r, *curhost, hostname[ 2*MAXHOSTNAMELEN ]; Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "open_ldap_connection\n", 0, 0, 0 ); defport = htons( (short) defport ); if ( host != NULL ) { for ( p = host; p != NULL && *p != '\0'; p = q ) { if (( q = strchr( p, ' ' )) != NULL ) { strncpy( hostname, p, q - p ); hostname[ q - p ] = '\0'; curhost = hostname; while ( *q == ' ' ) { ++q; } } else { curhost = (char *) p; /* avoid copy if possible */ q = NULL; } if (( r = strchr( curhost, ':' )) != NULL ) { if ( curhost != hostname ) { strcpy( hostname, curhost ); /* now copy */ r = hostname + ( r - curhost ); curhost = hostname; } *r++ = '\0'; port = htons( (short) atoi( r ) ); } else { port = defport; } if (( rc = ldap_connect_to_host( sb, curhost, 0L, port, async )) != -1 ) { break; } } } else { rc = ldap_connect_to_host( sb, NULL, htonl( INADDR_LOOPBACK ), defport, async ); } if ( rc == -1 ) { return( rc ); } ber_pvt_sb_set_io( sb, &ber_pvt_sb_io_tcp, NULL ); if ( krbinstancep != NULL ) { #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS char *c; if (( *krbinstancep = ldap_host_connected_to( sb )) != NULL && ( c = strchr( *krbinstancep, '.' )) != NULL ) { *c = '\0'; } #else /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ krbinstancep = NULL; #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ } return( 0 ); }