/* * Copyright 1998-1999 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ /* Portions * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * disptmpl.c: display template library routines for LDAP clients * 7 March 1994 by Mark C Smith */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #include "ldap-int.h" #include "disptmpl.h" static void free_disptmpl LDAP_P(( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl )); static int read_next_tmpl LDAP_P(( char **bufp, long *blenp, struct ldap_disptmpl **tmplp, int dtversion )); static const char *const tmploptions[] = { "addable", "modrdn", "altview", NULL }; static const unsigned long tmploptvals[] = { LDAP_DTMPL_OPT_ADDABLE, LDAP_DTMPL_OPT_ALLOWMODRDN, LDAP_DTMPL_OPT_ALTVIEW, }; static const char *const itemtypes[] = { "cis", "mls", "dn", "bool", "jpeg", "jpegbtn", "fax", "faxbtn", "audiobtn", "time", "date", "url", "searchact", "linkact", "adddnact", "addact", "verifyact", "mail", NULL }; static const unsigned long itemsynids[] = { LDAP_SYN_CASEIGNORESTR, LDAP_SYN_MULTILINESTR, LDAP_SYN_DN, LDAP_SYN_BOOLEAN, LDAP_SYN_JPEGIMAGE, LDAP_SYN_JPEGBUTTON, LDAP_SYN_FAXIMAGE, LDAP_SYN_FAXBUTTON, LDAP_SYN_AUDIOBUTTON, LDAP_SYN_TIME, LDAP_SYN_DATE, LDAP_SYN_LABELEDURL, LDAP_SYN_SEARCHACTION, LDAP_SYN_LINKACTION, LDAP_SYN_ADDDNACTION, LDAP_SYN_ADDDNACTION, LDAP_SYN_VERIFYDNACTION,LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR, }; static const char *const itemoptions[] = { "ro", "sort", "1val", "hide", "required", "hideiffalse", NULL }; static const unsigned long itemoptvals[] = { LDAP_DITEM_OPT_READONLY, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_SORTVALUES, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_SINGLEVALUED, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_HIDEIFEMPTY, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_VALUEREQUIRED, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_HIDEIFFALSE, }; #define ADDEF_CONSTANT "constant" #define ADDEF_ADDERSDN "addersdn" int ldap_init_templates( char *file, struct ldap_disptmpl **tmpllistp ) { FILE *fp; char *buf; long rlen, len; int rc, eof; *tmpllistp = NULLDISPTMPL; if (( fp = fopen( file, "r" )) == NULL ) { return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_FILE ); } if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) { /* move to end to get len */ fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_FILE ); } len = ftell( fp ); if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) { /* back to start of file */ fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_FILE ); } if (( buf = LDAP_MALLOC( (size_t)len )) == NULL ) { fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } rlen = fread( buf, 1, (size_t)len, fp ); eof = feof( fp ); fclose( fp ); if ( rlen != len && !eof ) { /* error: didn't get the whole file */ LDAP_FREE( buf ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_FILE ); } rc = ldap_init_templates_buf( buf, rlen, tmpllistp ); LDAP_FREE( buf ); return( rc ); } int ldap_init_templates_buf( char *buf, long buflen, struct ldap_disptmpl **tmpllistp ) { int rc=-1, version; char **toks; struct ldap_disptmpl *prevtmpl, *tmpl; *tmpllistp = prevtmpl = NULLDISPTMPL; if ( next_line_tokens( &buf, &buflen, &toks ) != 2 || strcasecmp( toks[ 0 ], "version" ) != 0 ) { free_strarray( toks ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } version = atoi( toks[ 1 ] ); free_strarray( toks ); if ( version != LDAP_TEMPLATE_VERSION ) { return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_VERSION ); } while ( buflen > 0 && ( rc = read_next_tmpl( &buf, &buflen, &tmpl, version )) == 0 && tmpl != NULLDISPTMPL ) { if ( prevtmpl == NULLDISPTMPL ) { *tmpllistp = tmpl; } else { prevtmpl->dt_next = tmpl; } prevtmpl = tmpl; } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldap_free_templates( *tmpllistp ); } return( rc ); } void ldap_free_templates( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist ) { struct ldap_disptmpl *tp, *nexttp; if ( tmpllist != NULL ) { for ( tp = tmpllist; tp != NULL; tp = nexttp ) { nexttp = tp->dt_next; free_disptmpl( tp ); } } } static void free_disptmpl( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl ) { if ( tmpl != NULL ) { if ( tmpl->dt_name != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_name ); } if ( tmpl->dt_pluralname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_pluralname ); } if ( tmpl->dt_iconname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_iconname ); } if ( tmpl->dt_authattrname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_authattrname ); } if ( tmpl->dt_defrdnattrname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_defrdnattrname ); } if ( tmpl->dt_defaddlocation != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( tmpl->dt_defaddlocation ); } if ( tmpl->dt_oclist != NULL ) { struct ldap_oclist *ocp, *nextocp; for ( ocp = tmpl->dt_oclist; ocp != NULL; ocp = nextocp ) { nextocp = ocp->oc_next; free_strarray( ocp->oc_objclasses ); LDAP_FREE( ocp ); } } if ( tmpl->dt_adddeflist != NULL ) { struct ldap_adddeflist *adp, *nextadp; for ( adp = tmpl->dt_adddeflist; adp != NULL; adp = nextadp ) { nextadp = adp->ad_next; if( adp->ad_attrname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( adp->ad_attrname ); } if( adp->ad_value != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( adp->ad_value ); } LDAP_FREE( adp ); } } if ( tmpl->dt_items != NULL ) { struct ldap_tmplitem *rowp, *nextrowp, *colp, *nextcolp; for ( rowp = tmpl->dt_items; rowp != NULL; rowp = nextrowp ) { nextrowp = rowp->ti_next_in_col; for ( colp = rowp; colp != NULL; colp = nextcolp ) { nextcolp = colp->ti_next_in_row; if ( colp->ti_attrname != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( colp->ti_attrname ); } if ( colp->ti_label != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( colp->ti_label ); } if ( colp->ti_args != NULL ) { free_strarray( colp->ti_args ); } LDAP_FREE( colp ); } } } LDAP_FREE( tmpl ); } } struct ldap_disptmpl * ldap_first_disptmpl( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist ) { return( tmpllist ); } struct ldap_disptmpl * ldap_next_disptmpl( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl ) { return( tmpl == NULLDISPTMPL ? tmpl : tmpl->dt_next ); } struct ldap_disptmpl * ldap_name2template( char *name, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist ) { struct ldap_disptmpl *dtp; for ( dtp = ldap_first_disptmpl( tmpllist ); dtp != NULLDISPTMPL; dtp = ldap_next_disptmpl( tmpllist, dtp )) { if ( strcasecmp( name, dtp->dt_name ) == 0 ) { return( dtp ); } } return( NULLDISPTMPL ); } struct ldap_disptmpl * ldap_oc2template( char **oclist, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist ) { struct ldap_disptmpl *dtp; struct ldap_oclist *oclp; int i, j, needcnt, matchcnt; if ( tmpllist == NULL || oclist == NULL || oclist[ 0 ] == NULL ) { return( NULLDISPTMPL ); } for ( dtp = ldap_first_disptmpl( tmpllist ); dtp != NULLDISPTMPL; dtp = ldap_next_disptmpl( tmpllist, dtp )) { for ( oclp = dtp->dt_oclist; oclp != NULLOCLIST; oclp = oclp->oc_next ) { needcnt = matchcnt = 0; for ( i = 0; oclp->oc_objclasses[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { for ( j = 0; oclist[ j ] != NULL; ++j ) { if ( strcasecmp( oclist[ j ], oclp->oc_objclasses[ i ] ) == 0 ) { ++matchcnt; } } ++needcnt; } if ( matchcnt == needcnt ) { return( dtp ); } } } return( NULLDISPTMPL ); } struct ldap_tmplitem * ldap_first_tmplrow( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl ) { return( tmpl->dt_items ); } struct ldap_tmplitem * ldap_next_tmplrow( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, struct ldap_tmplitem *row ) { return( row == NULLTMPLITEM ? row : row->ti_next_in_col ); } struct ldap_tmplitem * ldap_first_tmplcol( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, struct ldap_tmplitem *row ) { return( row ); } struct ldap_tmplitem * ldap_next_tmplcol( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, struct ldap_tmplitem *row, struct ldap_tmplitem *col ) { return( col == NULLTMPLITEM ? col : col->ti_next_in_row ); } char ** ldap_tmplattrs( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, char **includeattrs, int exclude, unsigned long syntaxmask ) { /* * this routine should filter out duplicate attributes... */ struct ldap_tmplitem *tirowp, *ticolp; int i, attrcnt, memerr; char **attrs; attrcnt = 0; memerr = 0; if (( attrs = (char **)LDAP_MALLOC( sizeof( char * ))) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } if ( includeattrs != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; !memerr && includeattrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if (( attrs = (char **)LDAP_REALLOC( attrs, ( attrcnt + 2 ) * sizeof( char * ))) == NULL || ( attrs[ attrcnt++ ] = strdup( includeattrs[ i ] )) == NULL ) { memerr = 1; } else { attrs[ attrcnt ] = NULL; } } } for ( tirowp = ldap_first_tmplrow( tmpl ); !memerr && tirowp != NULLTMPLITEM; tirowp = ldap_next_tmplrow( tmpl, tirowp )) { for ( ticolp = ldap_first_tmplcol( tmpl, tirowp ); ticolp != NULLTMPLITEM; ticolp = ldap_next_tmplcol( tmpl, tirowp, ticolp )) { if ( syntaxmask != 0 ) { if (( exclude && ( syntaxmask & ticolp->ti_syntaxid ) != 0 ) || ( !exclude && ( syntaxmask & ticolp->ti_syntaxid ) == 0 )) { continue; } } if ( ticolp->ti_attrname != NULL ) { if (( attrs = (char **)LDAP_REALLOC( attrs, ( attrcnt + 2 ) * sizeof( char * ))) == NULL || ( attrs[ attrcnt++ ] = strdup( ticolp->ti_attrname )) == NULL ) { memerr = 1; } else { attrs[ attrcnt ] = NULL; } } } } if ( memerr || attrcnt == 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < attrcnt; ++i ) { if ( attrs[ i ] != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( attrs[ i ] ); } } LDAP_FREE( (char *)attrs ); return( NULL ); } return( attrs ); } static int read_next_tmpl( char **bufp, long *blenp, struct ldap_disptmpl **tmplp, int dtversion ) { int i, j, tokcnt, samerow, adsource; char **toks, *itemopts; struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl; struct ldap_oclist *ocp, *prevocp = NULL; struct ldap_adddeflist *adp, *prevadp = NULL; struct ldap_tmplitem *rowp = NULL, *ip, *previp = NULL; *tmplp = NULL; /* * template name comes first */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); return( tokcnt == 0 ? 0 : LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( tmpl = (struct ldap_disptmpl *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_disptmpl ))) == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } tmpl->dt_name = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * template plural name comes next */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } tmpl->dt_pluralname = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * template icon name is next */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } tmpl->dt_iconname = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * template options come next */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) < 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } for ( i = 0; toks[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { for ( j = 0; tmploptions[ j ] != NULL; ++j ) { if ( strcasecmp( toks[ i ], tmploptions[ j ] ) == 0 ) { tmpl->dt_options |= tmploptvals[ j ]; } } } free_strarray( toks ); /* * object class list is next */ while (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) > 0 ) { if (( ocp = (struct ldap_oclist *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_oclist ))) == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } ocp->oc_objclasses = toks; if ( tmpl->dt_oclist == NULL ) { tmpl->dt_oclist = ocp; } else { prevocp->oc_next = ocp; } prevocp = ocp; } if ( tokcnt < 0 ) { free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } /* * read name of attribute to authenticate as */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if ( toks[ 0 ][ 0 ] != '\0' ) { tmpl->dt_authattrname = toks[ 0 ]; } else { LDAP_FREE( toks[ 0 ] ); } LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * read default attribute to use for RDN */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } tmpl->dt_defrdnattrname = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * read default location for new entries */ if (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if ( toks[ 0 ][ 0 ] != '\0' ) { tmpl->dt_defaddlocation = toks[ 0 ]; } else { LDAP_FREE( toks[ 0 ] ); } LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * read list of rules used to define default values for new entries */ while (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) > 0 ) { if ( strcasecmp( ADDEF_CONSTANT, toks[ 0 ] ) == 0 ) { adsource = LDAP_ADSRC_CONSTANTVALUE; } else if ( strcasecmp( ADDEF_ADDERSDN, toks[ 0 ] ) == 0 ) { adsource = LDAP_ADSRC_ADDERSDN; } else { adsource = 0; } if ( adsource == 0 || tokcnt < 2 || ( adsource == LDAP_ADSRC_CONSTANTVALUE && tokcnt != 3 ) || ( adsource == LDAP_ADSRC_ADDERSDN && tokcnt != 2 )) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( adp = (struct ldap_adddeflist *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_adddeflist ))) == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } adp->ad_source = adsource; adp->ad_attrname = toks[ 1 ]; if ( adsource == LDAP_ADSRC_CONSTANTVALUE ) { adp->ad_value = toks[ 2 ]; } LDAP_FREE( toks[ 0 ] ); LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); if ( tmpl->dt_adddeflist == NULL ) { tmpl->dt_adddeflist = adp; } else { prevadp->ad_next = adp; } prevadp = adp; } /* * item list is next */ samerow = 0; while (( tokcnt = next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) > 0 ) { if ( strcasecmp( toks[ 0 ], "item" ) == 0 ) { if ( tokcnt < 4 ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( ip = (struct ldap_tmplitem *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_tmplitem ))) == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } /* * find syntaxid from config file string */ while (( itemopts = strrchr( toks[ 1 ], ',' )) != NULL ) { *itemopts++ = '\0'; for ( i = 0; itemoptions[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcasecmp( itemopts, itemoptions[ i ] ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( itemoptions[ i ] == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } ip->ti_options |= itemoptvals[ i ]; } for ( i = 0; itemtypes[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcasecmp( toks[ 1 ], itemtypes[ i ] ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( itemtypes[ i ] == NULL ) { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } LDAP_FREE( toks[ 0 ] ); LDAP_FREE( toks[ 1 ] ); ip->ti_syntaxid = itemsynids[ i ]; ip->ti_label = toks[ 2 ]; if ( toks[ 3 ][ 0 ] == '\0' ) { ip->ti_attrname = NULL; LDAP_FREE( toks[ 3 ] ); } else { ip->ti_attrname = toks[ 3 ]; } if ( toks[ 4 ] != NULL ) { /* extra args. */ for ( i = 0; toks[ i + 4 ] != NULL; ++i ) { ; } if (( ip->ti_args = (char **) LDAP_CALLOC( i + 1, sizeof( char * ))) == NULL ) { free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_MEM ); } for ( i = 0; toks[ i + 4 ] != NULL; ++i ) { ip->ti_args[ i ] = toks[ i + 4 ]; } } LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); if ( tmpl->dt_items == NULL ) { tmpl->dt_items = rowp = ip; } else if ( samerow ) { previp->ti_next_in_row = ip; } else { rowp->ti_next_in_col = ip; rowp = ip; } previp = ip; samerow = 0; } else if ( strcasecmp( toks[ 0 ], "samerow" ) == 0 ) { free_strarray( toks ); samerow = 1; } else { free_strarray( toks ); free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } } if ( tokcnt < 0 ) { free_disptmpl( tmpl ); return( LDAP_TMPL_ERR_SYNTAX ); } *tmplp = tmpl; return( 0 ); }