/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* * Copyright 1998-2000 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. * COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT file */ /* Portions * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given * to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The name of the University * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. This software * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty. * * searchpref.c: search preferences library routines for LDAP clients * 17 May 1994 by Gordon Good */ #include "portable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H #include #endif #include "ldap-int.h" #include "srchpref.h" #include "ldap-int.h" static void free_searchobj LDAP_P(( struct ldap_searchobj *so )); static int read_next_searchobj LDAP_P(( char **bufp, ber_len_t *blenp, struct ldap_searchobj **sop, int soversion )); static const char *const sobjoptions[] = { "internal", NULL }; static const unsigned long sobjoptvals[] = { LDAP_SEARCHOBJ_OPT_INTERNAL, }; int ldap_init_searchprefs( char *file, struct ldap_searchobj **solistp ) { FILE *fp; char *buf; long rlen, len; int rc, eof; if (( fp = fopen( file, "r" )) == NULL ) { return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_FILE ); } if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) { /* move to end to get len */ fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_FILE ); } len = ftell( fp ); if ( fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) { /* back to start of file */ fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_FILE ); } if (( buf = LDAP_MALLOC( (size_t)len )) == NULL ) { fclose( fp ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_MEM ); } rlen = fread( buf, 1, (size_t)len, fp ); eof = feof( fp ); fclose( fp ); if ( rlen != len && !eof ) { /* error: didn't get the whole file */ LDAP_FREE( buf ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_FILE ); } rc = ldap_init_searchprefs_buf( buf, rlen, solistp ); LDAP_FREE( buf ); return( rc ); } int ldap_init_searchprefs_buf( char *buf, ber_len_t buflen, struct ldap_searchobj **solistp ) { int rc = -1, version; char **toks; struct ldap_searchobj *prevso, *so; *solistp = prevso = NULL; if ( ldap_int_next_line_tokens( &buf, &buflen, &toks ) != 2 || strcasecmp( toks[ 0 ], "version" ) != 0 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } version = atoi( toks[ 1 ] ); LDAP_VFREE( toks ); if ( version != LDAP_SEARCHPREF_VERSION && version != LDAP_SEARCHPREF_VERSION_ZERO ) { return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_VERSION ); } while ( buflen > 0 && ( rc = read_next_searchobj( &buf, &buflen, &so, version )) == 0 && so != NULL ) { if ( prevso == NULL ) { *solistp = so; } else { prevso->so_next = so; } prevso = so; } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldap_free_searchprefs( *solistp ); } return( rc ); } void ldap_free_searchprefs( struct ldap_searchobj *solist ) { struct ldap_searchobj *so, *nextso; if ( solist != NULL ) { for ( so = solist; so != NULL; so = nextso ) { nextso = so->so_next; free_searchobj( so ); } } /* XXX XXX need to do some work here */ } static void free_searchobj( struct ldap_searchobj *so ) { if ( so != NULL ) { if ( so->so_objtypeprompt != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_objtypeprompt ); } if ( so->so_prompt != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_prompt ); } if ( so->so_filterprefix != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_filterprefix ); } if ( so->so_filtertag != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_filtertag ); } if ( so->so_defaultselectattr != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_defaultselectattr ); } if ( so->so_defaultselecttext != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( so->so_defaultselecttext ); } if ( so->so_salist != NULL ) { struct ldap_searchattr *sa, *nextsa; for ( sa = so->so_salist; sa != NULL; sa = nextsa ) { nextsa = sa->sa_next; if ( sa->sa_attrlabel != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sa->sa_attrlabel ); } if ( sa->sa_attr != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sa->sa_attr ); } if ( sa->sa_selectattr != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sa->sa_selectattr ); } if ( sa->sa_selecttext != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sa->sa_selecttext ); } LDAP_FREE( sa ); } } if ( so->so_smlist != NULL ) { struct ldap_searchmatch *sm, *nextsm; for ( sm = so->so_smlist; sm != NULL; sm = nextsm ) { nextsm = sm->sm_next; if ( sm->sm_matchprompt != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sm->sm_matchprompt ); } if ( sm->sm_filter != NULL ) { LDAP_FREE( sm->sm_filter ); } LDAP_FREE( sm ); } } LDAP_FREE( so ); } } struct ldap_searchobj * ldap_first_searchobj( struct ldap_searchobj *solist ) { return( solist ); } struct ldap_searchobj * ldap_next_searchobj( struct ldap_searchobj *solist, struct ldap_searchobj *so ) { return( so == NULL ? so : so->so_next ); } static int read_next_searchobj( char **bufp, ber_len_t *blenp, struct ldap_searchobj **sop, int soversion ) { int i, j, tokcnt; char **toks; struct ldap_searchobj *so; struct ldap_searchattr **sa; struct ldap_searchmatch **sm; *sop = NULL; /* * Object type prompt comes first */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); return( tokcnt == 0 ? 0 : LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( so = (struct ldap_searchobj *)LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_searchobj ))) == NULL ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_MEM ); } so->so_objtypeprompt = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * if this is post-version zero, options come next */ if ( soversion > LDAP_SEARCHPREF_VERSION_ZERO ) { if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) < 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } for ( i = 0; toks[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { for ( j = 0; sobjoptions[ j ] != NULL; ++j ) { if ( strcasecmp( toks[ i ], sobjoptions[ j ] ) == 0 ) { so->so_options |= sobjoptvals[ j ]; } } } LDAP_VFREE( toks ); } /* * "Fewer choices" prompt is next */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } so->so_prompt = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * Filter prefix for "More Choices" searching is next */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } so->so_filterprefix = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * "Fewer Choices" filter tag comes next */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } so->so_filtertag = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * Selection (disambiguation) attribute comes next */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } so->so_defaultselectattr = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * Label for selection (disambiguation) attribute */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } so->so_defaultselecttext = toks[ 0 ]; LDAP_FREE( (char *)toks ); /* * Search scope is next */ if (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) != 1 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if ( !strcasecmp(toks[ 0 ], "subtree" )) { so->so_defaultscope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE; } else if ( !strcasecmp(toks[ 0 ], "onelevel" )) { so->so_defaultscope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL; } else if ( !strcasecmp(toks[ 0 ], "base" )) { so->so_defaultscope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; } else { ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } LDAP_VFREE( toks ); /* * "More Choices" search option list comes next */ sa = &( so->so_salist ); while (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) > 0 ) { if ( tokcnt < 5 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( *sa = ( struct ldap_searchattr * ) LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_searchattr ))) == NULL ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_MEM ); } ( *sa )->sa_attrlabel = toks[ 0 ]; ( *sa )->sa_attr = toks[ 1 ]; ( *sa )->sa_selectattr = toks[ 3 ]; ( *sa )->sa_selecttext = toks[ 4 ]; /* Deal with bitmap */ ( *sa )->sa_matchtypebitmap = 0; for ( i = strlen( toks[ 2 ] ) - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++ ) { if ( toks[ 2 ][ i ] == '1' ) { ( *sa )->sa_matchtypebitmap |= (1 << j); } } LDAP_FREE( toks[ 2 ] ); LDAP_FREE( ( char * ) toks ); sa = &(( *sa )->sa_next); } *sa = NULL; /* * Match types are last */ sm = &( so->so_smlist ); while (( tokcnt = ldap_int_next_line_tokens( bufp, blenp, &toks )) > 0 ) { if ( tokcnt < 2 ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_SYNTAX ); } if (( *sm = ( struct ldap_searchmatch * ) LDAP_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_searchmatch ))) == NULL ) { LDAP_VFREE( toks ); ldap_free_searchprefs( so ); return( LDAP_SEARCHPREF_ERR_MEM ); } ( *sm )->sm_matchprompt = toks[ 0 ]; ( *sm )->sm_filter = toks[ 1 ]; LDAP_FREE( ( char * ) toks ); sm = &(( *sm )->sm_next ); } *sm = NULL; *sop = so; return( 0 ); }