/* $OpenLDAP$ */ /* This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>. * * Copyright 1998-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP * Public License. * * A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the * top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at * <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>. */ #include "portable.h" #ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK2 #include <winsock2.h> #elif HAVE_WINSOCK #include <winsock.h> #endif /* HAVE_WINSOCK(2) */ #define LBER_RETSTR( x ) case x: return #x; char *ber_pvt_wsa_err2string( int err ) { switch( err ) { LBER_RETSTR( WSAEINTR ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEBADF ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEACCES ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEFAULT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEINVAL ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEMFILE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEINPROGRESS ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEALREADY ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOTSOCK ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEDESTADDRREQ ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEMSGSIZE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEPROTOTYPE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOPROTOOPT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEOPNOTSUPP ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEPFNOSUPPORT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEAFNOSUPPORT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEADDRINUSE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENETDOWN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENETUNREACH ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENETRESET ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAECONNABORTED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAECONNRESET ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOBUFS ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEISCONN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOTCONN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAESHUTDOWN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAETOOMANYREFS ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAETIMEDOUT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAECONNREFUSED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAELOOP ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENAMETOOLONG ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEHOSTDOWN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEHOSTUNREACH ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOTEMPTY ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEPROCLIM ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEUSERS ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEDQUOT ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAESTALE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEREMOTE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSASYSNOTREADY ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSANOTINITIALISED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEDISCON ) #ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK2 LBER_RETSTR( WSAENOMORE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAECANCELLED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER ) LBER_RETSTR( WSASYSCALLFAILURE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND ) LBER_RETSTR( WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND ) LBER_RETSTR( WSA_E_NO_MORE ) LBER_RETSTR( WSA_E_CANCELLED ) LBER_RETSTR( WSAEREFUSED ) #endif /* HAVE_WINSOCK2 */ LBER_RETSTR( WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND ) LBER_RETSTR( WSATRY_AGAIN ) LBER_RETSTR( WSANO_RECOVERY ) LBER_RETSTR( WSANO_DATA ) } return "unknown WSA error"; }