# $OpenLDAP$ # Copyright 1999-2000, The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved. # COPYING RESTRICTIONS APPLY, see COPYRIGHT. H1: Building and Installing OpenLDAP Software This chapter details how to build and install the {{ORG:OpenLDAP}} Software package including {{slapd}}(8), the stand-alone LDAP daemon and {{slurpd}}(8), the stand-alone update replication daemon. Building and installing OpenLDAP requires several steps: installing prerequisite software, configuring OpenLDAP itself, making, and finally installing. The following sections describe this process in detail. H2: Obtaining and Extracting the Software You can obtain OpenLDAP Software from the project's download page at {{URL: http://www.openldap.org/software/download/}} or directly from the project's {{TERM:FTP}} service at {{URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/pub/OpenLDAP/}}. The project makes available two series of packages for {{general use}}. The project makes {{releases}} as new features and bug fixes come available. Though the project takes steps to improve stablity of these releases, it is common for problems to arise only after {{release}}. The latest {{release}} which has demonstrated stability through general use. Users of OpenLDAP Software can choose, depending on their desire for the {{latest features}} versus {{demonstrated stability}}, the most appropriate series to install. After downloading OpenLDAP Software, you need to extract the distribution from the compressed archive file and change your working directory to the top directory of the distribution: .{{EX:gunzip -c openldap-VERSION.tgz | tar xf -}} .{{EX:cd openldap-VERSION}} You'll have to replace {{EX:VERSION}} with the version name of the release. You should now review the {{F:COPYRIGHT}}, {{F:LICENSE}}, {{F:README}} and {{F:INSTALL}} documents provided with the distribution. The {{F:COPYRIGHT}} and {{F:LICENSE}} provide information on acceptable use, copying, and limitation of warranty of OpenLDAP software. The {{F:README}} and {{F:INSTALL}} documents provide detailed information on prerequisite software and installation procedures. H2: Prerequisite software OpenLDAP Software relies upon a number of software packages distributed by third parties. Depending on the features you intend to use, you may have to download and install a number of additional software packages. This section details commonly needed third party software packages you might have to install. Note that some of these third party packages may depend on additional software packages. Install each package per installation instructions provided with it. H3: {{TERM[expand]TLS}} OpenLDAP clients and servers require installation of {{PRD:OpenSSL}} {{TERM:TLS}} libraries to provide {{TERM[expand]TLS}} services. Though some operating systems may provide these libraries as part of the base system or as an optional software component, OpenSSL often requires separate installation. OpenSSL is available from {{URL: http://www.openssl.org/}}. OpenLDAP will not be fully LDAPv3 compliant unless OpenLDAP's {{EX:configure}} detects a usable OpenSSL installation. H3: Kerberos Authentication Services OpenLDAP clients and servers support Kerberos-based authentication services. In particular, OpenLDAP supports {{TERM:SASL}}/{{TERM:GSSAPI}} authentication mechanism using either {{PRD:Heimdal}} or {{PRD:MIT Kerberos}} V packages. If you desire to use Kerberos-based SASL/GSSAPI authentication, you should install either Heimdal or MIT Kerberos V. Heimdal Kerberos is available from {{URL:http://www.pdc.kth.se/heimdal/}}. MIT Kerberos is available from {{URL:http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/www/}}. Use of strong authentication services, such as those provided by Kerberos, is highly recommended. H3: {{TERM[expand]SASL}} OpenLDAP clients and servers require installation of {{PRD:Cyrus}}'s {{PRD:SASL}} libraries to provide {{TERM[expand]SASL}} services. Though some operating systems may provide this library as part of the base system or as an optional software component, Cyrus SASL often requires separate installation. Cyrus SASL is available from {{URL:http://asg.web.cmu.edu/sasl/sasl-library.html}}. Cyrus SASL will make use of OpenSSL and Kerberos/GSSAPI libraries if preinstalled. OpenLDAP will not be fully LDAPv3 compliant unless OpenLDAP's configure detects a usable Cyrus SASL installation. H3: Database Software OpenLDAP's {{slapd}}(8) primary database backend, {{TERM:BDB}}, requires {{ORG[expand]Sleepycat}} {{PRD:Berkeley DB}}, version 4. If not available at configure time, you will not be able build {{slapd}}(8) with primary database backend. Your operating system may provide {{PRD:Berkeley DB}}, version 4, in the base system or as an optional software component. If not, you'll have to obtain and install it yourself. {{PRD:Berkeley DB}} is available from {{ORG[expand]Sleepycat}}'s download page {{URL: http://www.sleepycat.com/download.html}}. There are several versions available. At the time of this writing, the latest release, version 4.0, is recommended. This package is required if you wish to use the {{TERM:BDB}} database backend. OpenLDAP's {{slapd}}(8) LDBM backend supports a variety of data base managers {{PRD:Berkeley DB}} and {{PRD:GDBM}}. {{PRD:GDBM}} is available from {{ORG:FSF}}'s download site {{URL: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gdbm/}}. H3: Threads OpenLDAP is designed to take advantage of threads. OpenLDAP supports POSIX {{pthreads}}, Mach {{CThreads}}, and a number of other varieties. {{EX:configure}} will complain if it cannot find a suitable thread subsystem. If this occurs, please consult the {{F:Software|Installation|Platform Hints}} section of the OpenLDAP FAQ {{URL: http://www.openldap.org/faq/}}. H3: TCP Wrappers {{slapd}}(8) supports TCP wrappers (IP level access control filters) if preinstalled. Use of TCP wrappers or other IP-level access filters (such as those provided by an IP-level firewall) is recommended for servers containing non-public information. H2: Running configure Now you should probably run the {{EX:configure}} script with the {{EX:--help}} option. This will give you a list of options that you can change when building OpenLDAP. Many of the features of OpenLDAP can be enabled or disabled using this method. !if 0 Please see the appendix for a more detailed list of configure options, and their usage. !endif > ./configure --help The {{EX:configure}} script will also look at various environment variables for certain settings. These environment variables include: !block table; align=Center; coltags="EX,N"; title="Table 4.1: Environment Variables" Variable Description CC Specify alternative C Compiler CFLAGS Specify additional compiler flags CPPFLAGS Specify C Preprocessor flags LDFLAGS Specify linker flags LIBS Specify additional libraries !endblock Now run the configure script with any desired configuration options or environment variables. > [[env] settings] ./configure [options] As an example, let's assume that we want to install OpenLDAP with LDBM backend and TCP wrapper support. By default, LDBM is enabled and TCP wrappers is not. So, we just need to specify {{EX:--with-wrappers}} to include TCP wrapper support: > ./configure --with-wrappers However, this will fail to locate dependent software not installed in system directories. For example, if TCP Wrappers headers and libraries are installed in {{F:/usr/local/include}} and {{F:/usr/local/lib}} respectively, the {{EX:configure}} script should be called as follows: > env CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" \ > ./configure --with-wrappers Note: Some shells, such as those derived from the Bourne {{sh}}(1), do not require use of the {{env}}(1) command. In some cases, environmental variables have to be specified using alternative syntaxes. The {{EX:configure}} script will normally auto-detect appropriate settings. If you have problems at this stage, consult any platform specific hints and check your {{EX:configure}} options, if any. H2: Building the Software Once you have run the {{EX:configure}} script the last line of output should be: > Please "make depend" to build dependencies If the last line of output does not match, {{EX:configure}} has failed, and you will need to review its output to determine what went wrong. You should not proceed until {{EX:configure}} completes successfully. To build dependencies, run: > make depend Now build the software, this step will actually compile OpenLDAP. > make You should examine the output of this command carefully to make sure everything is built correctly. Note that this command builds the LDAP libraries and associated clients as well as {{slapd}}(8) and {{slurpd}}(8). H2: Testing the Software Once the software has been properly configured and successfully made, you should run the test suite to verify the build. > make test Tests which apply to your configuration will run and they should pass. Some tests, such as the replication test, may be skipped if not supported by your configuration. H2: Installing the Software Once you have successfully tested the software, you are ready to install it. You will need to have write permission to the installation directories you specified when you ran configure. By default OpenLDAP is installed in {{F:/usr/local}}. If you changed this setting with the {{EX:--prefix}} configure option, it will be installed in the location you provided. Typically, the installation typically requires super-user priviledges. From the top level OpenLDAP source directory, type: > su root -c 'make install' You should examine the output of this command carefully to make sure everything is installed correctly. You will find the configuration files for {{slapd}}(8) in {{F:/usr/local/etc/openldap}} by default. See the {{SECT:The slapd Configuration File}} chapter for additional information.