to back-bdb, back-ldbm and back-sql (the latter with limitations);
- added handling of ":dn" attributes to extended rfc2254 filters
and to matched value filter
- altered the behavior of get_mra() when a matching rule is given:
now it checks whether it is compatible with the attribute syntax
and, in case it is, the given mr is used. In case of no type,
the check is delayed when filtering
Now related ITSes need be audited and possibly closed.
- re-styled code for better readability
- upgraded backend API to reflect recent changes
- LDAP schema is checked when loading SQL/LDAP mapping
- AttributeDescription/ObjectClass pointers used for more efficient
mapping lookup
- bervals used where string length is required often
- atomized write operations by committing at the end of each operation
and defaulting connection closure to rollback
- added LDAP access control to write operations
- fully implemented modrdn (with rdn attrs change, deleteoldrdn,
access check, parent/children check and more)
- added parent access control, children control to delete operation
- added structuralObjectClass operational attribute check and
value return on search
- added hasSubordinate operational attribute on demand
- search limits are appropriately enforced
- function backsql_strcat() has been made more efficient
- concat function has been made configurable by means of a pattern
- added config switches:
- fail_if_no_mapping write operations fail if there is no mapping
- has_ldapinfo_dn_ru overrides autodetect
- concat_pattern a string containing two '?' is used
(note that "?||?" should be more portable
than builtin function "CONCAT(?,?)")
- strcast_func cast of string constants in "SELECT DISTINCT statements (needed by PostgreSQL)
- upper_needs_cast cast the argument of upper when required
(basically when building dn substring queries)
- add security checks for SQL statements that can be injected (?)
- re-test with previously supported RDBMs
- replace dn_ru and so with normalized dn (no need for upper() and so
in dn match)
- implement a backsql_normalize() function to replace the upper()
conversion routines
- note that subtree deletion, subtree renaming and so could be easily
implemented (rollback and consistency checks are available :)
- implement "lastmod" and other operational stuff (ldap_entries table ?)
- now all write operations appear to work correctly with PostgeSQL 7.0
- all write operations have been made transactional (atomic writes to
entries are committed separately only in case of complete^1 success
while all other operations are rolled-back by default)
- more cleanup and handling of exceptional conditions
- deen to check with different databases and more up to date versions
of both unixODBC and PostgreSQL.
^1: attribute add/modify/delete operations silently succeed if the
appropriate add/delete proc does not exist for each attribute;
this may be correct to hide undesired/unimplemented correspondence
between LDAP and SQL databases; however, a more appropriate
LDAP behavior would be a failure with LDAP_UNAVAILABLE if a
single write operation cannot be executed for such reason
- re-style according to the style giudelines for better readability
- updated to recent frontend/backend API changes
- fixed a few quirks about normalization
- "optimized" a few memory allocation/string handling functions
- fixed a few quirks about add/modify (still have to look ad modrdn)
- there is still something broken (at least with PostgreSQL and IBM db2,
the two RDBMS O have at hand) when adding
- move everything to struct bervals and try to save a few strlen
- try some LDAP/SQL syntax relation to use appropriate value bind if possible
- ...
- fixes according to new API changes
- closing db connection in connection_destroy callback, not unbind
- support of new schema code, samples changed accordingly
- support for multiple objectclasses (to distinguish from unique objectclass-to-tables mapping)
- auto 'ref' attribute support
- samples now include illustrations of using these 2 features to make named referrals as described in ldapext-namedref draft
more to come:
- documentation update
- different improvements to be more close to native directory (after beta?)
- filter -> SQL translation bugfixes
- several memory leaks fixups
- improved configurability:
- allows definition of uppercasing function to support CIS matching on databases that do
case sensitive compares (this fixes up Oracle issues, example updated)
- allows more flexibility in stored procedures interface (different parameter order, optional return
codes - see samples, and comments in backsql.h)
- synchronize function interfaces to recent changes in prototypes ("const" clauses etc.) made for all backends
(those changes led to compile-time errors)