simple bind via:
Code is disabled by default (for security reasons). Use
--enable-kpasswd to enable. Behind SLAPD_KPASSWD.
Reworked Kerberos detection and split out KBIND as independent
feature (--disable-kbind) (LDAP_API_FEATURE_X_OPENLDAP_V2_KBIND).
KBIND depends upon detection of KRB4 (or KRB425) support. Detection,
building with eBones (as distributed with FreeBSD 3.4) okay, but
wasn't able to test as I don't have a K4 KDC handy.
--with-kerberos has a number of detection options... most likely
don't work properly.
support for DCE slash-delimited, left-to-right DNs;
support for a domain socket transport (enable with
--enable-ldapi); and extensions to URL parsing to
support the latter transport.
Updates to extended operation framework to support arbitrary
referrals and extended results without OIDs.
Updated passwd extended operation to support returning update_refs
as needed. Needs replog support.
Add controls to extended ops API signatures, need impl.
Update password to support optional server side generation of
new password, verification of old password, and changing of
non-bound user's passwords.
frontend to complete parsing of extended op reqdata.
Modify password extended operation to allow optional id (DN)
entry to change (not tested). Also, provide room to allow
server side password generation (not implemented). Added optional old
password field to support proxying (not implemented).
Need to implement replog() support.
referral URL is not a '/'. Also in send_search_reference, corrected the
comparison for the pre-V3 case. Previously, referrals were being dropped
completely for V2 subtree searches. More work is still needed, V2 onelevel
referral handling is wrong.
user password. Likely to be modified to use bind control
instead. Use of modify deprecated in favor mechanisms that
support passwords stored externally to the directory (such
as in a SASL service).
Modified slapd extended operation infrastructure to support
backend provided extended operations.