Updates to extended operation framework to support arbitrary
referrals and extended results without OIDs.
Updated passwd extended operation to support returning update_refs
as needed. Needs replog support.
Add controls to extended ops API signatures, need impl.
Update password to support optional server side generation of
new password, verification of old password, and changing of
non-bound user's passwords.
user password. Likely to be modified to use bind control
instead. Use of modify deprecated in favor mechanisms that
support passwords stored externally to the directory (such
as in a SASL service).
Modified slapd extended operation infrastructure to support
backend provided extended operations.
privs, additive/substractive rules, and rule continuation. Existing
rules that use 'defaultaccess none' should be 100% compatible. Rules
that rely other defaultaccess settings will require addition of
explicit clauses granting the access.
Needs additional testing and tuning of logs
and back-ldbm are preserved, they only use the up-cased DNs. back-passwd
uses the mixed-case DN. All others are using mixed-case DN, may need more
by <who> <access> changed to by <who>+ <access> (joined with AND)
added peername=<regex> sockname=<regex> url=<regex>
removed addr=<regex> (use peername instead).
replace dn_upcase with str2upper and str2lower. Use where needed.
added slap_ and ldbm_ to many structures
added typedefs to many structures
used typedefs
New main.c argument parsing with ldap url support (replacing -a address).
New sockaddr_in handling and support for multiple listeners.
Includes support for update referral for each replicated backend.
Reworked replication test to use update referral.
Includes major rewrite of response encoding codes (result.c).
Includes reworked alias support and eliminates old suffix alias codes
(can be emulated using named alias).
Includes (untested) support for the Manage DSA IT control.
Works in LDAPv2 world. Still testing in LDAPv3 world.
Added default referral (test009) test.
of a bind request and, upon failure, are left "anonymous."
Rework ACL code to hide access testing within macros to facilate additions
and eventual redesign.
Addition of #ifdef SLAPD_ACLAUTH to conditional include EXPERIMENTAL
"auth" access controls. Adds ACL_AUTH "auth" access level (above none,
below "compare"). bind requires anonymous access at this level or above access
to "entry"/"userPassword"/"krbName". This allows administrators to restrict
which entries can be bound to. (This will likely become default behavior
after testing has completed).
Added configuration support for "digest-realm <realm>" configure directive.
Added connection state and bind_in_progress fields to cn=monitor connection
added lber_types.h.nt, lber_types.h.in
removal of NULLxxx internal macros (in favor of NULL).
ch_free added to slapd,slurpd/ch_malloc.c
#define free ch_free (should be removed after s/free/ch_free/g) in proto-slap.h
ch_malloc and friends use ber_memalloc and friends
Make _MOD_SOFTADD 0x1000 to minimize chance of conflict with legit changes
to API spec.
Fix memory leak in ldap_mods_free() and minor memory allocator issues.