simulated with strspn and strpbrk. If strspn or strpbrk aren't there, they
will be supplied.
In addition, the memory-handling of the ldap_int_gethostby's is better now.
end of link. Basic order is:
$LDFLAGS internal-libs external-libs $LIBS $LTHREAD_LIBS
LTHREAD_LIBS is last as -lpthread (or equiv) must be last on many systems.
LIBS is next to last as some user might have put -lpthread (or equiv)
in $LIBS.
of a busy wait and allow the pthread_yield within the loop to be
removed. This was the only pthread_yield which was necessary
when usng non-preemptive threads. As such, the
sched_yield/pthread_yield missing error can be removed from If explicit yield function is missing, just provide
a no-op replacement.
Moved declaration of various slapd globals from main.c to init.c
so they can be shared with ldbm tools.
make depend, make tests, and make install all work when build directory
is not the $srcdir.
Also modified library handling such that -lpthread more likely to be last.
WARNING: new orderring requires use of LDFLAGS to set global loader options
such as -L/usr/local/lib. If you put this in LIBS, some libraries
may not be found a link time.
Likely broke Kerberos/LDAPD support. Don't have those in my testbed.
- slapd's pid/args file names are based on the servers binary file names,
providing for multiple servers beeing run on one host.
- slapd supports the -l command line parameter for selection of a
syslog LOCAL user (-lLOCAL0 .. -lLOCAL7)
- db_appinit() is called during first ldbm_open() in DB 2.x to initialize
DB debugging features (good to find bugs in the DB code :-)
- a patch for a non-initialized variable in DB's 2.x db_open is provided.
one preprocessor macro instead of two. Ran aclocal, autoconf,
autoheader to update derived files. Modify util-int.c to use
CTIME_R_NARGS define and fallback to ctime() if not set.
Add check for to vsprintf, since HAVE_VSPRINTF is presumably
what was intended there. Finally, also protected a bunch of if test
expressions with double quotes, as they were producing illegal test
struct friendly (Friendly) changed to ldap_friendly (LDAPFriendly)
ldap_friendly friend prefix changed to 'lf_' from 'f_'
removed mod_next field from LDAPMod (struct ldapmod)
modified slapd to use new LDAPModList (struct ldapmodlist) struct.
Added LDAPv3 result codes to ldap.h
including use of ctime_r, gethostby*_r, etc.. Also reworked ldap_sort_entries
to be reentrant.
Need to add code to properly set LDAP_API_FEATURE_THREAD_SAFE.
Remove MD5 and SHA1 options (both are now always on). Rename
functions to be lutil_ instead of ldap_.
Create --enable-cleartext option. Default is currently 'on'.