ifdef CONT_POSTFIX, swap index and old key in new key. Not defined as
it would cause more grief than good (but should be enabled on next major
index change).
a non-user-mod attribute (such as timeStamps).
Move generation of add_modify_attrs to frontend.
update of add_modify_attrs on modrdn needs work (currently
not updated to maintain consistency with replicas).
LDAPext discussions).
Add attrs and attrsonly support to monitor/config info.
Add rdn attributes to schema/monitor/config.
Add extensibleObject objectclass to schema/monitor/config.
Add top objectclass to rootdse/monitor/config.
Remove opattrs option from send_search_entry().
added slap_ and ldbm_ to many structures
added typedefs to many structures
used typedefs
New main.c argument parsing with ldap url support (replacing -a address).
New sockaddr_in handling and support for multiple listeners.
Includes support for update referral for each replicated backend.
Reworked replication test to use update referral.
Includes major rewrite of response encoding codes (result.c).
Includes reworked alias support and eliminates old suffix alias codes
(can be emulated using named alias).
Includes (untested) support for the Manage DSA IT control.
Works in LDAPv2 world. Still testing in LDAPv3 world.
Added default referral (test009) test.
of a bind request and, upon failure, are left "anonymous."
Rework ACL code to hide access testing within macros to facilate additions
and eventual redesign.
Addition of #ifdef SLAPD_ACLAUTH to conditional include EXPERIMENTAL
"auth" access controls. Adds ACL_AUTH "auth" access level (above none,
below "compare"). bind requires anonymous access at this level or above access
to "entry"/"userPassword"/"krbName". This allows administrators to restrict
which entries can be bound to. (This will likely become default behavior
after testing has completed).
specific which methods may be used. This will facilate development
of a slapd config directive "passwordMethod ..." to specify which
methods should be allowed.
added lber_types.h.nt, lber_types.h.in
removal of NULLxxx internal macros (in favor of NULL).
ch_free added to slapd,slurpd/ch_malloc.c
#define free ch_free (should be removed after s/free/ch_free/g) in proto-slap.h
ch_malloc and friends use ber_memalloc and friends
ldap_defaults.h incorporates non-generated ldapconfig.h values.
ldap_config.h.in is new template for autoconf generated defaults
(namely directories and paths)
ldap_config.h.nt, NT template (must be manually copied)
Added validation to exposed opaque data structures (BerElement, Sockbuf,
Added ber_pvt_ber_bytes() and ber_pvt_ber_remaining() macros to hide
some ber internals. These really should be handled by ber_get_option().
This commit includes many changes. All changes compile under NT but
have not been tested under UNIX.
A Summary of changes (likely incomplete):
NT changes:
Removed lint.
Clean up configuration support for "Debug", "Release", "SDebug",
and "SRelease" configurations.
Share output directories for clients, libraries,
and slapd. (maybe they should be combined further
and moved to build/{,S}{Debug,Release}).
Enable threading when _MT is defined.
Enable debuging when _DEBUG is defined.
Disable setting of NDEBUG under Release/SRelease. Asserts
are disabled in <ac/assert.h> when LDAP_DEBUG is not
Added 'build/main.dsp' Master project.
Removed non-slapd projects from slapd.dsp (see main.dsp).
Removed replaced many uses of _WIN32 macro with feature based
ldap_cdefs.h changes
#define LDAP_CONST const
(see below)
#define LDAP_F(type) LDAP_F_PRE type LDAP_F_POST
To allow specifiers to be added before and after
the type declaration. (For DLL handling)
LBER/LDAP changes
Namespace changes:
s/lber_/ber_/ for here and there.
Deleted NULLMSG and other NULL* macros for namespace reasons.
"const" libraries. Installed headers (ie: lber.h, ldap.h)
use LDAP_CONST macro. Normally set to 'const' when
__STDC__. Can be set externally to enable/disable
'constification' of external interface. Internal
interface always uses 'const'. Did not fix warnings
in -lldif (in lieu of new LDIF parser).
Added _ext API implementations (excepting search and bind).
Need to implement ldap_int_get_controls() for reponses
with controls.
Added numberous assert() checks.
Added numberous assert() checks.
Changed ldap_pthread_t back to unsigned long. Used cast
to HANDLE in _join().
Replaced _WIN32 with HAVE_SYSLOG
Added version string if MKVERSION is not defined. (MKVERSION
needs to be set under UNIX).
Made connection sockbuf field a pointer to a sockbuf. This
removed slap.h dependency on lber-int.h. lber-int.h now only
included by those files needing to mess with the sockbuf.
Used ber_* functions/macros to access sockbuf internals whenever
Added version string if MKVERSION is not defined. (MKVERSION
needs to be set under UNIX).
Removed FD_SET unsigned lint
Used EXEEXT to added ".exe" to routines. Need to define EXEEXT
under UNIX.
Added ldappasswd.dsp. Ported to NT. Used getpid() to seed rand().
Minor cleanup. Added "portable.h" include and used <ac/*.h> where
appropriate. Added const to char* format argument.
Move cache_return_entry_w() out of ldbm_back_add when the add is successful.
This change breaks back-bdb2, it needs equvalent changes of those in back-ldbm.