Misc. pixmaps for gtk-tool - added

This commit is contained in:
Predrag "Pele" Balorda 1998-11-27 00:58:11 +00:00
parent 60de7d64ff
commit efdc4f93d9
3 changed files with 170 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"19 20 10 1",
" c Gray0",
". c Gray40",
"X c Magenta",
"o c #999999990000",
"O c #cccccccc6666",
"+ c #ffffcccc9999",
"@ c #ffffffff9999",
"# c #ffffffffcccc",
"$ c Gray100",
"% c None",
/* pixels */
"%%%%%%ooooo %%%%%%%",
"%%%%%o$$##@O %%%%%%",
"%%%%o###########@O ",
"%%%%o#@@@@@@@@@@+O ",
"%%%%o#@@@@@@@+@+@@ ",
"%%%%o#@@@@@@@@+@+O ",
"%%%%o#@@@@@+@+@+@O ",
"%%%%o#@@@@@@+@+@+O ",
"%%%%o#@@@+@+@+@++@ ",
"%%%%o#+@+@+@+@+++O ",
"%%%%% ",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 20 33 1",
" c Gray0",
". c Gray19",
"X c #303030306060",
"o c #505050505050",
"O c #5f5f5f5f5f5f",
"+ c Gray44",
"@ c #000000008080",
"# c #000030309f9f",
"$ c #30303030cfcf",
"% c #000060609f9f",
"& c #00006060cfcf",
"* c #30306060cfcf",
"= c #30306060ffff",
"- c #0000cfcfffff",
"; c #60609f9f9f9f",
": c #6060ffffffff",
"> c Magenta",
", c #808080800000",
"< c #9f9f9f9f6060",
"1 c #cfcf9f9f6060",
"2 c #808080808080",
"3 c #9f9f9f9f9f9f",
"4 c #9f9fcfcfcfcf",
"5 c #ffffcfcf9f9f",
"6 c #ffffffff9f9f",
"7 c #c0c0c0c0c0c0",
"8 c Gray81",
"9 c #e0e0e0e0d0d0",
"0 c #efefefefefef",
"q c Gray94",
"w c ivory",
"e c Gray100",
"r c None",
/* pixels */
"r$r %%%0090998o",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
/* XPM */
static char *magick[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"19 20 49 1",
" c #313131310000",
". c #313131313131",
"X c #000000006363",
"o c #000031316363",
"O c #313131316363",
"+ c #000042424242",
"@ c #00007b7b7b7b",
"# c #313163636363",
"$ c #636363633131",
"% c #5a5a5a5a5a5a",
"& c #7b7b7b7b7b7b",
"* c #31313131ffff",
"= c #000042428484",
"- c #313163639c9c",
"; c #31316363cece",
": c #636363639c9c",
"> c #00009c9c3131",
", c #31319c9c3131",
"< c #63639c9c3131",
"1 c #63639c9c6363",
"2 c #31319c9ccece",
"3 c #31319c9cffff",
"4 c #0000ceceffff",
"5 c Cyan",
"6 c #63639c9c9c9c",
"7 c #63639c9ccece",
"8 c #63639c9cffff",
"9 c #6363ceceffff",
"0 c #9c9c00000000",
"q c #cece00000000",
"w c Magenta",
"e c #848484844242",
"r c #9c9c9c9c6363",
"t c #848484848484",
"y c Gray58",
"u c Gray71",
"i c #84848484ffff",
"p c #9c9ccececece",
"a c #9c9cceceffff",
"s c #8484ffffffff",
"d c #a5a5cecef7f7",
"f c #ffff9c9c9c9c",
"g c #cececece9c9c",
"h c #c6c6c6c6c6c6",
"j c #c6c6dedec6c6",
"k c #cecececeffff",
"l c #ceceffffcece",
"z c Gray100",
"x c None",
/* pixels */
"xxxhzzdadd1<1 xxxxx",
"xx7zhjdag&1e,$ xxxx",
"xx7ddkuj61e&$, xxxx",
"x7asapryt&.@>., xxx",
"x7983py&z5l.., xxx",
"x2i226&z5l54.%. xxx",
"x272;:t5l545.. xxx",
"x22;-$&h5454. . xxx",
"x---1.,&454.&.. xxx",
"xxXO++. + . qfq0xxx",
"xxxXoOo+.. . qfq0xx",
"xxxxXX+=++ ..xqq0xx",