ITS#6152 pwdModify support

This commit is contained in:
Howard Chu 2009-08-20 09:47:34 +00:00
parent 17d31e523f
commit 6d50de8526

View File

@ -2524,11 +2524,58 @@ pcache_chk_controls(
return rs->sr_err;
static int
pc_setpw( Operation *op, struct berval *pwd, cache_manager *cm )
struct berval vals[2];
const char *text = NULL;
BER_BVZERO( &vals[0] );
slap_passwd_hash( pwd, &vals[0], &text );
if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &vals[0] )) {
Debug( pcache_debug, "pc_setpw: hash failed %s\n",
text, 0, 0 );
return LDAP_OTHER;
BER_BVZERO( &vals[1] );
Modifications mod;
SlapReply sr = { REP_RESULT };
slap_callback cb = { 0, slap_null_cb, 0, 0 };
int rc;
mod.sml_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
mod.sml_flags = 0;
mod.sml_desc = slap_schema.si_ad_userPassword;
mod.sml_type = mod.sml_desc->ad_cname;
mod.sml_values = vals;
mod.sml_nvalues = NULL;
mod.sml_numvals = 1;
mod.sml_next = NULL;
op->o_tag = LDAP_REQ_MODIFY;
op->orm_modlist = &mod;
op->o_bd = &cm->db;
op->o_dn = op->o_bd->be_rootdn;
op->o_ndn = op->o_bd->be_rootndn;
op->o_callback = &cb;
Debug( pcache_debug, "pc_setpw: caching bind for %s\n",
op->o_req_dn.bv_val, 0, 0 );
rc = op->o_bd->be_modify( op, &sr );
ch_free( vals[0].bv_val );
return rc;
typedef struct bindcacheinfo {
slap_overinst *on;
CachedQuery *qc;
} bindcacheinfo;
static int
pc_bind_save( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
@ -2536,42 +2583,10 @@ pc_bind_save( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
bindcacheinfo *bci = op->o_callback->sc_private;
slap_overinst *on = bci->on;
cache_manager *cm = on->on_bi.bi_private;
struct berval vals[2];
const char *text = NULL;
BER_BVZERO( &vals[0] );
BER_BVZERO( &vals[1] );
slap_passwd_hash( &op->orb_cred, &vals[0], &text );
if ( BER_BVISEMPTY( &vals[0] )) {
Debug( pcache_debug, "pcache_bind_save: hash failed %s\n",
text, 0, 0 );
} else {
Operation op2 = *op;
Modifications mod;
SlapReply sr = { REP_RESULT };
slap_callback cb = { 0, slap_null_cb, 0, 0 };
mod.sml_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
mod.sml_flags = 0;
mod.sml_desc = slap_schema.si_ad_userPassword;
mod.sml_type = mod.sml_desc->ad_cname;
mod.sml_values = vals;
mod.sml_nvalues = NULL;
mod.sml_numvals = 1;
mod.sml_next = NULL;
op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_MODIFY;
op2.orm_modlist = &mod;
op2.o_bd = &cm->db;
op2.o_dn = op2.o_bd->be_rootdn;
op2.o_ndn = op2.o_bd->be_rootndn;
op2.o_callback = &cb;
Debug( pcache_debug, "pcache_bind_save: caching bind for %s\n",
op->o_req_dn.bv_val, 0, 0 );
if ( op2.o_bd->be_modify( &op2, &sr ) == LDAP_SUCCESS )
bci->qc->bindref_time = op->o_time + bci->qc->qtemp->bindttr;
ch_free( vals[0].bv_val );
Operation op2 = *op;
if ( pc_setpw( &op2, &op->orb_cred, cm ) == LDAP_SUCCESS )
bci->qc->bindref_time = op->o_time + bci->qc->qtemp->bindttr;
@ -2678,165 +2693,6 @@ pc_bind_resp( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
static int
Operation *op,
SlapReply *rs )
slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *)op->o_bd->bd_info;
cache_manager *cm = on->on_bi.bi_private;
QueryTemplate *temp;
Entry *e;
slap_callback cb = { 0 }, *sc;
bindinfo bi;
bindcacheinfo *bci;
Operation op2;
int is_priv = 0, rc;
if ( op->o_ctrlflag[ privDB_cid ] == SLAP_CONTROL_CRITICAL )
is_priv = 1;
/* Skip if we're not configured for Binds, and no priv control */
if ( !cm->cache_binds && !is_priv )
/* The cache DB isn't open yet */
if ( cm->defer_db_open ) {
if ( !is_priv ) {
/* Just passthru for now */
} else {
send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNAVAILABLE,
"pcachePrivDB: cacheDB not available" );
return rs->sr_err;
if ( is_priv ) {
int rc;
slap_callback *save_cb;
/* FIXME: might be a little bit exaggerated... */
if ( !be_isroot( op ) ) {
save_cb = op->o_callback;
op->o_callback = NULL;
send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
"pcachePrivDB: operation not allowed" );
op->o_callback = save_cb;
return rs->sr_err;
/* execute, if possible */
if ( cm->db.be_bind != NULL ) {
op2 = *op;
op2.o_bd = &cm->db;
rc = op2.o_bd->be_bind( &op2, rs );
if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
op->o_conn->c_authz_cookie = cm->db.be_private;
} else {
/* otherwise fall back to error */
save_cb = op->o_callback;
op->o_callback = NULL;
send_ldap_error( op, rs, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
"operation not supported with pcachePrivDB control" );
op->o_callback = save_cb;
return rs->sr_err;
/* First find a matching template with Bind info */
for ( temp=cm->qm->templates; temp; temp=temp->qmnext ) {
if ( temp->bindttr && dnIsSuffix( &op->o_req_ndn, &temp->bindbase ))
/* Didn't find a suitable template, just passthru */
if ( !temp )
/* See if the entry is already locally cached. If so, we can
* populate the query filter to retrieve the cached query. We
* need to check the bindrefresh time in the query.
op2 = *op;
op2.o_dn = op->o_bd->be_rootdn;
op2.o_ndn = op->o_bd->be_rootndn;
bi.bi_flags = 0;
op2.o_bd = &cm->db;
e = NULL;
rc = be_entry_get_rw( &op2, &op->o_req_ndn, NULL, NULL, 0, &e );
if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && e ) {
int i;
Attribute *a;
bi.bi_flags |= BI_LOOKUP;
op2.ors_filter = pc_bind_attrs( op, e, temp, &op2.ors_filterstr );
be_entry_release_r( &op2, e );
} else {
op2.ors_filter = temp->bindfilter;
op2.ors_filterstr = temp->bindfilterstr;
op2.o_bd = op->o_bd;
op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_SEARCH;
op2.ors_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
op2.ors_deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER;
op2.ors_slimit = 1;
op2.ors_tlimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT;
op2.ors_limit = NULL;
op2.ors_attrs = cm->qm->attr_sets[temp->attr_set_index].attrs;
op2.ors_attrsonly = 0;
/* We want to invoke search at the same level of the stack
* as we're already at...
bi.bi_cm = cm;
bi.bi_templ = temp;
bi.bi_cq = NULL;
bi.bi_si = NULL;
bi.bi_cb.sc_response = pc_bind_search;
bi.bi_cb.sc_cleanup = NULL;
bi.bi_cb.sc_private = &bi;
cb.sc_private = &bi;
cb.sc_response = pc_bind_resp;
op2.o_callback = &cb;
overlay_op_walk( &op2, rs, op_search, on->on_info, on );
/* OK, just bind locally */
if ( bi.bi_flags & BI_HASHED ) {
BackendDB *be = op->o_bd;
op->o_bd = &cm->db;
if ( op->o_bd->be_bind( op, rs ) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
op->o_conn->c_authz_cookie = cm->db.be_private;
op->o_bd = be;
return rs->sr_err;
/* We have a cached query to work with */
if ( bi.bi_cq ) {
sc = op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof(slap_callback) + sizeof(bindcacheinfo),
op->o_tmpmemctx );
sc->sc_response = pc_bind_save;
sc->sc_cleanup = NULL;
sc->sc_private = sc+1;
bci = sc->sc_private;
sc->sc_next = op->o_callback;
op->o_callback = sc;
bci->on = on;
bci->qc = bi.bi_cq;
static int
@ -2904,6 +2760,114 @@ pcache_op_privdb(
static int
Operation *op,
SlapReply *rs )
slap_overinst *on = (slap_overinst *)op->o_bd->bd_info;
cache_manager *cm = on->on_bi.bi_private;
QueryTemplate *temp;
Entry *e;
slap_callback cb = { 0 }, *sc;
bindinfo bi;
bindcacheinfo *bci;
Operation op2;
int rc;
if ( op->o_ctrlflag[ privDB_cid ] == SLAP_CONTROL_CRITICAL )
return pcache_op_privdb( op, rs );
/* Skip if we're not configured for Binds, or cache DB isn't open yet */
if ( !cm->cache_binds || cm->defer_db_open )
/* First find a matching template with Bind info */
for ( temp=cm->qm->templates; temp; temp=temp->qmnext ) {
if ( temp->bindttr && dnIsSuffix( &op->o_req_ndn, &temp->bindbase ))
/* Didn't find a suitable template, just passthru */
if ( !temp )
/* See if the entry is already locally cached. If so, we can
* populate the query filter to retrieve the cached query. We
* need to check the bindrefresh time in the query.
op2 = *op;
op2.o_dn = op->o_bd->be_rootdn;
op2.o_ndn = op->o_bd->be_rootndn;
bi.bi_flags = 0;
op2.o_bd = &cm->db;
e = NULL;
rc = be_entry_get_rw( &op2, &op->o_req_ndn, NULL, NULL, 0, &e );
if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && e ) {
bi.bi_flags |= BI_LOOKUP;
op2.ors_filter = pc_bind_attrs( op, e, temp, &op2.ors_filterstr );
be_entry_release_r( &op2, e );
} else {
op2.ors_filter = temp->bindfilter;
op2.ors_filterstr = temp->bindfilterstr;
op2.o_bd = op->o_bd;
op2.o_tag = LDAP_REQ_SEARCH;
op2.ors_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
op2.ors_deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER;
op2.ors_slimit = 1;
op2.ors_tlimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT;
op2.ors_limit = NULL;
op2.ors_attrs = cm->qm->attr_sets[temp->attr_set_index].attrs;
op2.ors_attrsonly = 0;
/* We want to invoke search at the same level of the stack
* as we're already at...
bi.bi_cm = cm;
bi.bi_templ = temp;
bi.bi_cq = NULL;
bi.bi_si = NULL;
bi.bi_cb.sc_response = pc_bind_search;
bi.bi_cb.sc_cleanup = NULL;
bi.bi_cb.sc_private = &bi;
cb.sc_private = &bi;
cb.sc_response = pc_bind_resp;
op2.o_callback = &cb;
overlay_op_walk( &op2, rs, op_search, on->on_info, on );
/* OK, just bind locally */
if ( bi.bi_flags & BI_HASHED ) {
BackendDB *be = op->o_bd;
op->o_bd = &cm->db;
if ( op->o_bd->be_bind( op, rs ) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
op->o_conn->c_authz_cookie = cm->db.be_private;
op->o_bd = be;
return rs->sr_err;
/* We have a cached query to work with */
if ( bi.bi_cq ) {
sc = op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof(slap_callback) + sizeof(bindcacheinfo),
op->o_tmpmemctx );
sc->sc_response = pc_bind_save;
sc->sc_cleanup = NULL;
sc->sc_private = sc+1;
bci = sc->sc_private;
sc->sc_next = op->o_callback;
op->o_callback = sc;
bci->on = on;
bci->qc = bi.bi_cq;
static int
Operation *op,
@ -4863,6 +4827,7 @@ static char *extops[] = {
static struct berval pcache_exop_MODIFY_PASSWD = BER_BVC( LDAP_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD );
static struct berval pcache_exop_QUERY_DELETE = BER_BVC( PCACHE_EXOP_QUERY_DELETE );
@ -5136,6 +5101,7 @@ done:;
return rs->sr_err;
static int
pcache_op_extended( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
@ -5149,6 +5115,7 @@ pcache_op_extended( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
if ( bvmatch( &op->ore_reqoid, &pcache_exop_QUERY_DELETE ) ) {
struct berval uuid = BER_BVNULL;
ber_tag_t tag = LBER_DEFAULT;
@ -5176,12 +5143,53 @@ pcache_op_extended( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs )
op->o_tmpfree( uuid.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx );
return rs->sr_err;
return rs->sr_err;
/* We only care if we're configured for Bind caching */
if ( bvmatch( &op->ore_reqoid, &pcache_exop_MODIFY_PASSWD ) &&
cm->cache_binds ) {
/* See if the local entry exists and has a password.
* It's too much work to find the matching query, so
* we just see if there's a hashed password to update.
Operation op2 = *op;
Entry *e = NULL;
int rc;
int doit = 0;
op2.o_bd = &cm->db;
op2.o_dn = op->o_bd->be_rootdn;
op2.o_ndn = op->o_bd->be_rootndn;
rc = be_entry_get_rw( &op2, &op->o_req_ndn, NULL,
slap_schema.si_ad_userPassword, 0, &e );
if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && e ) {
/* See if a recognized password is hashed here */
Attribute *a = attr_find( e->e_attrs,
slap_schema.si_ad_userPassword );
if ( a && a->a_vals[0].bv_val[0] == '{' &&
lutil_passwd_scheme( a->a_vals[0].bv_val )) {
doit = 1;
be_entry_release_r( &op2, e );
if ( doit ) {
rc = overlay_op_walk( op, rs, op_extended, on->on_info,
on->on_next );
if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
req_pwdexop_s *qpw = &op->oq_pwdexop;
/* We don't care if it succeeds or not */
pc_setpw( &op2, &qpw->rs_new, cm );
return rc;
static int
@ -5566,11 +5574,7 @@ pcache_initialize()
pcache.on_bi.bi_op_add = pcache_op_privdb;
pcache.on_bi.bi_op_delete = pcache_op_privdb;
pcache.on_bi.bi_extended = pcache_op_extended;
#elif defined( PCACHE_CONTROL_PRIVDB )
pcache.on_bi.bi_extended = pcache_op_privdb;
pcache.on_bi.bi_chk_controls = pcache_chk_controls;