2013-12-11 21:40:45 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -wn0777
# wrap_slap_ops - Help update code to use SLAP_OP() & co.
# This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <http://www.openldap.org/>.
2018-03-22 23:35:24 +08:00
# Copyright 2011-2018 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
2013-12-11 21:40:45 +08:00
# Portions Copyright 2011-2013 Hallvard B. Furuseth.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
# Public License.
# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
# <http://www.OpenLDAP.org/license.html>.
use strict;
sub usage() {
warn "Usage: $0 {-l | -u | -U<num>} {file | dir}...
Update slapd source code to wrap LDAP operation calls in the debug
macros SLAP_OP() & co. They compile like the old code by default.
Define USE_RS_ASSERT to enable asserts which verify the SlapReply.
See servers/slapd/result.c.
-u, -U<n> Output unidiffs with n lines of context (-u = default for diff).
-l List files which would change. Show remaining cases on stderr.\n";
#### File/option handling. Skips symlinks, handles filenames =~ /\.[ch]+p*$/i.
sub ls_R {
map { -l $_ ? () : -d _ ? ls_R(<$_/*>) : /\.[ch]+p*$/i ? $_ : () } @_;
use constant Mode => shift(@ARGV) || "";
use vars qw($ccnt $rcnt);
usage() unless Mode =~ /^-(l|[uU]\d*)$/ && ($ARGV[0]||"") =~ /^[^\-]/;
exit(0) unless @ARGV = ls_R(@ARGV); # Expand ARGV, exit if no files
$| = 1;
$ccnt = $rcnt = 0;
sub file_result( $$ ) {
my($contents, $changed) = @_;
$ccnt++ if $changed;
$rcnt += scalar( my @rest = remaining($contents) );
if (Mode eq "-l") {
print "$ARGV\n" if $changed;
print STDERR "$ARGV:\t$_\n" foreach @rest;
} elsif ($changed) {
(my $file = "$ARGV") =~ s%^-%./-%;
print "Index: $file\n";
(open(D, "|-", "diff", Mode, $file, "-")
&& (print D $contents)
&& (close(D) || $! == 0)) or die "$0: diff failed: $!\n";
2015-01-28 06:37:46 +08:00
print STDERR <<EOMSG if defined $ccnt;
2013-12-11 21:40:45 +08:00
$ccnt files to change. $rcnt suspicious lines remain. (Expect three in slapd).
#### Edit the contents of a file
use vars qw($obj_re %addr %func2op $func_re $todo_re);
$obj_re = qr/(?:\w+ (?:\s* (?:->|\.) \s* \w+)*?)/x;
%addr = ("." => "&", "->" => ""); # x.y => (&x)->y, x->y => x->y
%func2op = map { /(\w+) \s+ (?= .*?=>\s* (\w+))/gx } <DATA>;
$func_re = '\b(?=b[ei]_)(?:' . join("|", keys %func2op) . ')\b';
my %both = (%func2op, reverse %func2op);
$todo_re = '\b(?=[bo][eip]_)(?:' . join("|", keys %both) . ')\b';
next if !/$todo_re/;
my $orig = "$_";
# x->func(op, rs) ==> slap_bi_op( x, <enum op_func>, op, rs)
# x. func(op, rs) ==> slap_bi_op(&x, <enum op_func>, op, rs)
s%( # 1: entire match: "<delim><function>("
((?: [\)!=\;{}\\] | \*/ | \b if\s*\( | \b return \b ) \s*) # 2: delim
(\(\s* (?:\* \s*)?)? # 3: optional "(*" or "(" in (*f)()
($obj_re) \s* (->|\.) \s* # 4: object, 5: "->" or "."
(?=(b[ie]_))($func_re) \s* # 6: "bi_" or "be_", 7: function
(\)\s*)? # 8: optional ")" in (*f),
(\(\s*) # 9: "(" + whitespace
)% (!$3) == (!$8) ? "$2slap_$6op$9$addr{$5}$4, $func2op{$7}, " : $1 %egox;
# (&x->bi_op_bind)[which](op, rs) ==> slap_bi_op(x, which, op, rs)
# (&x->be_bind)[which](op, rs) ==> slap_be_op(x, which, op, rs)
2015-01-28 06:37:46 +08:00
s/\(&(\w+(?:(?:->|\.)\w+)*)->b(?=([ei]))(?:e|i_op)_bind\)\[\s* (\w+) \s*\] \((\s*) ([^()]*)\)
2013-12-11 21:40:45 +08:00
/slap_b$2_op($4$1, $3, $5)/gox;
# slap_bi_op(x->bd_info, which, op, rs) ==> slap_be_op( x, which, op, rs)
# slap_bi_op(x. bd_info, which, op, rs) ==> slap_be_op(&x, which, op, rs)
s/\b slap_bi_op (\(\s*) ($obj_re) \s* (->|\.) \s* bd_info \s*,
# slap_be_op(op->o_bd, which, &op, rs) ==> SLAP_OP(which, op, rs)
# slap_be_op(op. o_bd, which, &op, rs) ==> SLAP_OP(which, &op, rs)
s/\b(slap_be_op (\(\s*) ($obj_re) \s*(->|\.)\s* o_bd, \s (\w+, \s (&?)\3,))
/ $addr{$4} eq $6 ? "SLAP_OP$2$5" : die "$ARGV: Bad syntax: $1\n" /egox;
my $changed = $_ ne $orig;
# When changing a file, do some whitespace cleanup too
if ($changed) {
s/\b ((SLAP_OP|slap_b[ei](func)?_op) \b .*?) [\ \t]+$ /$1/gmx;
file_result($_, $changed);
# Return remaining lines that contain operation method names
sub remaining {
my($contents) = @_;
return $contents !~ /$func_re/o ? () : grep {
!/^\# [ \t]* define \s+ ($func_re|slap_bi_op\b) /x &&
# Skip "if ( (&bi->bi_op_bind)[ which ] )" and variants
!/^(\} \s* else \s*)? if \s* \( \s*
\(& (\w+ | \(\s*\w+\s*=\s*$obj_re\s*\)) -> bi_op_bind\)
\s* \[ \s* \w+ \s* \]
\s* [&|\)]/ox;
} $contents =~ m% ^[\ \t]* (?=\S) (
# The line contains a member opfunction
.*? (?:->|\.) \s* $func_re
# Skip if the member function is assigned, compared,
# 'and/or'ed, followed by a word (this is a comment), or by
# ') {' or ') word' (function is the boolean in an if/while).
(?! \s* (?: [!=&|\w] | \)\s*[\{\w] ))
) \s*?$ %gmox;
# %func2op: Member functions => slap_operation_t
be_bind bi_op_bind => op_bind
be_unbind bi_op_unbind => op_unbind
be_search bi_op_search => op_search
be_compare bi_op_compare => op_compare
be_modify bi_op_modify => op_modify
be_modrdn bi_op_modrdn => op_modrdn
be_add bi_op_add => op_add
be_delete bi_op_delete => op_delete
be_abandon bi_op_abandon => op_abandon
be_extended bi_extended => op_extended
be_cancel bi_op_cancel => op_cancel
be_operational bi_operational => op_aux_operational
be_chk_referrals bi_chk_referrals => op_aux_chk_referrals
be_chk_controls bi_chk_controls => op_aux_chk_controls