2002-12-08 01:19:29 +08:00
2003-01-04 04:20:47 +08:00
* Copyright 1998-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, All Rights Reserved.
2002-12-08 01:19:29 +08:00
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997,2002
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is
* given to IBM Corporation. This software is provided ``as is''
* without express or implied warranty.
#ifndef _SLAPI_CL_H
#define _SLAPI_CL_H
#define TIME_SIZE 20
#define OBJECTCLASS "objectclass"
#define TOP "top"
#define CHANGE_TIME "changetime"
#define CHANGE_TYPE "changetype"
#define CHANGE_TARGETDN "targetdn"
#define CHANGES "changes"
#define CHANGE_NUMBER "changenumber"
* FIXME: I get complaints like "ADD" being redefined - first definition
* being in "/usr/include/arpa/nameser.h:552"
#undef ADD
#define ADD "add: "
#define ADDLEN 5
#define DEL "delete: "
#define DELLEN 8
#define REPLACE "replace: "
#define REPLEN 9
#define MOD "modify"
#define MODRDN "modrdn"
#define CHANGE_LOGENTRY "changelogentry"
#define IBM_CHANGE_LOGENTRY "ibm-changelog"
#define CL_NEWRDN "newrdn"
#define CL_DELRDN "deleteoldrdn"
#define CHANGE_INITIATOR "ibm-changeInitiatorsName"
void slapi_register_changelog_suffix(char *suffix);
char **slapi_get_changelog_suffixes();
void slapi_update_changelog_counters(long curNum, long numEntries);
char *slapi_get_cl_firstNum();
char *slapi_get_cl_lastNum();
int slapi_add_to_changelog(Slapi_Entry *ent, char *suffix, char *chNum, Operation* op);
int slapi_delete_changelog(char *dn, char *suffix, char *chNum, Operation* op);
int slapi_modify_changelog(char *dn,LDAPMod *mods,char *suffix, char *chNum, Operation* op);
int slapi_modifyrdn_changelog(char *olddn, char *newRdn, int delRdn, char *suffix, char *chNum, Operation* op);
Backend * slapi_cl_get_be(char *dn);
#endif /* _SLAPI_CL_H */