See Also: ldapsearch(1), ldapmodify(1), and (Xref) How do I specify default base DN for clients?
Also, slapadd(8) and its ancillary programs are very strict about the syntax of the LDIF file. Some liberties in the LDIF file may result in an apparently successful creation of the database, but accessing some parts of it may be difficult.
One known common error in database creation is putting a blank line before the first entry in the LDIF file. There must be no leading blank lines in the LDIF file.
It is generally recommended that ldapadd(1) be used instead of slapadd(8) when adding new entries your directory. slapadd(8) should be used to bulk load entries known to be valid.
Another cause of this message is a referral entry to an unpopulated directory. Either remove the referral, or add a single record with the referral base DN to the empty directory.
This error may also occur when slapd is unable to access the contents of its database because of file permission problems. For instance, on a Red Hat Linux system, slapd runs as user 'ldap'. When slapadd is run as root to create a database from scratch, the contents of /var/lib/ldap are created with user and group root and with permission 600, making the contents inaccessible to the slapd server.
in slapd.conf, It was provided as an example for how to use referrals in the original file. however if your machine is not permanently connected to the Internet, it will fail to find the server, and hence produce an error message.
This error occurs when server denies the operation due to insufficient access. This is usually caused by binding to a DN with insufficient privileges (or binding anonymously) to perform the operation. You can bind as the rootdn/rootpw specified in slapd.conf(5) to gain full access. Otherwise, you must bind to an entry which has been granted the appropriate rights through access controls.
The target (or other) DN of the operation is invalid. This implies that either the string representation of the DN is not in the required form, one of the types in the attribute value assertions is not defined, or one of the values in the attribute value assertions does not conform to the appropriate syntax.
This error generally occurs when the client chases a referral which refers itself back to a server it already contacted. The server responds as it did before and the client loops. This loop is detected when the hop limit is exceeded.
The other result code indicates an internal error has occurred. While the additional information provided with the result code might provide some hint as to the problem, often one will need to consult the server's log files.
This error is reported when a value of an attribute does not conform to syntax restrictions. Additional information is commonly provided stating which value of which attribute was found to be invalid. Double check this value and other values (the server will only report the first error it finds).
For certain syntax, like OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID), this error can indicate that the OID descriptor (a "short name") provided is unrecognized. For instance, this error is returned if the objectClass value provided is unrecognized.
This error is returned with the entry to be added or the entry as modified violates the object class schema rules. Normally additional information is returned the error detailing the violation. Some of these are detailed below.
The entry did not state which object classes it belonged to.
Unrecognized objectClass
One (or more) of the listed objectClass values is not recognized.
No structural object class provided
None of the listed objectClass values is structural.
Invalid structural object class chain
Two or more structural objectClass values are not in same structural object class chain. See also (Xref) ldap add: invalid structural object class chain.
Structural object class modification
Modify operation attempts to change the structural class of the entry. See also (Xref) ldap_modify: cannot modify object class.
Instanstantiation of abstract objectClass.
An abstract class is not subordinate to any listed structural or auxiliary class.
Invalid structural object class
Other structural object class problem.
No structuralObjectClass operational attribute
This is commonly returned when a shadow server is provided an entry which does not contain the structuralObjectClass operational attribute.
Note: if the entry being added is the same as database suffix, it's parent isn't required. i.e.: if your suffix is "dc=domain,dc=com", "dc=com" doesn't need to exist to add "dc=domain,dc=com".
This error will also occur if you try to add any entry that the server is not configured to hold.
For example, if your database suffix is "dc=domain,dc=com" and you attempt to add "dc=domain2,dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=domain,dc=org", "o=domain,c=us", or an other DN in the "dc=domain,dc=com" subtree, the server will return a "No such object" (or referral) error.
slapd(8) will generally return "no global superior knowledge" as additional information indicating its return noSuchObject instead of a referral as the server is not configured with knowledge of a global superior server.
See also: ldapadd(1) ldapmodify(1) (Xref) ldap_add/delete/modify/rename: no global superior knowledge
H3: ldap add: invalid structural object class chain
This particular error refers to the rule about STRUCTURAL objectclasses, which states that an object is of one STRUCTURAL class, the structural class of the object. The object is said to belong to this class, zero or more auxiliaries classes, and their super classes. While all of these classes are commonly listed in the objectClass attribute of the entry, one of these classes is the structural object class of the entry. Thus, it is OK for an objectClass attribute to contain inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, and person because they inherit one from another to form a single super class chain. That is, inetOrgPerson SUPs organizationPerson SUPs person. On the other hand, it is invalid for both inetOrgPerson and account to be listed in objectClass as inetOrgPerson and account are not part of the same super class chain (unless some other class is also listed with is a subclass of both).
To resolve this problem, one must determine which class will better serve structural object class for the entry, adding this class to the objectClass attribute (if not already present), and remove any other structural class from the entry's objectClass attribute which is not a super class of the structural object class.
Which object class is better depends on the particulars of the situation. One generally should consult the documentation for the applications one is using for help in making the determination.
additional info: no structuralObjectClass operational attribute
when slapd(8) cannot determine, based upon the contents of the objectClass attribute, what the structural class of the object should be.
While this normally should produce an object class violation error, some versions of slapd(8) contain a minor bug which cause the object class error not to be properly detected. In these versions, slapd(8) instead catches its failure to populate the structuralObjectClass operational attribute (hence the internal error).
See also: (Xref) ldap add: invalid structural object class chain
Naming attributes are those attributeTypes that appear in an entry's RDN; distinguished values are the values of the naming attributes that appear in an entry's RDN, e.g, in
* the naming attributes are present in the entry, but in the attributeType definition they are marked as:
o collective
o operational
o obsolete
* the naming attributes are present in the entry, but the distinguished values are not; for example:
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: domain
dc: foobar
# note: "dc" is present, but the value is not "example"
* the naming attributes are present in the entry, with the distinguished values, but the naming attributes:
o do not have an equality field, so equality cannot be asserted
o the matching rule is not supported (yet)
o the matching rule is not appropriate
* the given distinguished values do not comply with their syntax
* other errors occurred during the validation/normalization/match process; this is a catchall: look at previous logs for details in case none of the above apply to your case.
In any case, make sure that the attributeType definition for the naming attributes contains an appropriate EQUALITY field; or that of the superior, if they are defined based on a superior attributeType (look at the SUP field). See RFC 4512 for details.
If the target entry name places is not within any of the databases the server is configured to hold and the server has no knowledge of a global superior, the server will indicate it is unwilling to perform the operation and provide the text "no global superior knowledge" as additional text.
Likely the entry name is incorrect, or the server is not properly configured to hold the named entry, or, in distributed directory environments, a default referral was not configured.
Current versions of slapd(8) requires that clients have authentication permission to attribute types used for authentication purposes before accessing them to perform the bind operation. As all bind operations are done anonymously (regardless of previous bind success), the auth access must be granted to anonymous.
Note that latest versions of slapd(8) will report invalid credentials in cases where the client has insufficient access to complete the operation. This is avoid inappropriate disclosure of the validity of the user's name.
See also: ldapadd(1) ldapdelete(1) ldapmodify(1) ldapmodrdn(1) ldapsearch(1) slapd.conf(5) (Xref) Access Control
The error usually occurs when the credentials (password) provided does not match the userPassword held in entry you are binding to.
The error can also occur when the bind DN specified is not known to the server.
Check both!
In addition to the cases mentioned above you should check if the server denied access to userPassword on selected parts of the directory. In fact, slapd always returns "Invalid credentials" in case of failed bind, regardless of the failure reason, since other return codes could reveal the validity of the user's name.
To debug access rules defined in slapd.conf, add "ACL" to log level.
See also: ldapadd(1) ldapdelete(1) ldapmodify(1) ldapmodrdn(1) ldapsearch(1) slapd.conf(5) (Xref) ldap_bind: No such object
'No such object' is only returned by ldap_bind operation in a few special cases. Normally, the server returns (Xref) ldap_bind: Invalid credentials when the entry associated with the bind DN cannot be located.
This error occurs when binding using the rootdn and the asserted value doesn't match configured password value. Rootpw values must be conform to RFC 2307 format defined for userPassword.
There error is generally occurs when the LDAP version requested by the client is not supported by the server.
The OpenLDAP Software 1.x server only accepts version 2 LDAP Bind requests. Note that 1.x server expects U-Mich LDAP, an LDAPv2 variant, to be used. This variant is sometimes referred to as LDAPv2+.
The OpenLDAP Software 2.x server, by default, only accepts version 3 LDAP Bind requests but can be configured to accept a version 2 LDAP Bind request. Note that the 2.x server expects LDAPv3 [RFC4510] to be used when the client requests version 3 and expects a limited LDAPv3 variant (basically, LDAPv3 syntax and semantics in an LDAPv2 PDUs) to be used when version 2 is expected. This variant is also sometimes referred to as LDAPv2+, but differs from the U-Mich LDAP variant in a number of ways.
Use of LDAPv3!
See also: (Xref) How to configure slapd(8) with LDAPv2 support (for legacy clients)?.
This message is commonly returned when attempting to modify the objectClass attribute in a manner inconsistent with the LDAP/X.500 information model. In particular, it commonly occurs when one tries to change the structure of the object from one class to another, for instance, trying to change an 'apple' into a 'pear' or a 'fruit' into a 'pear'. Such changes are disallowed by the slapd(8) in accordance with LDAP and X.500 restrictions.
To overcome this restriction in 2.3 (and prior releases), one must re-create the object with the desired new structural object class (e.g., delete old object then add new object). In 2.4, support for a new control will (hopefully) be introduced to allow the (authorized) user to request this (and various other model restrictions) be temporarily relaxed.
If you intended to bind using a DN and password and get an error from ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s, you likely forgot to provide a '-x' option to the command. By default, SASL authentication is used. '-x' is necessary to select "simple" authentication.
This indicates that LDAP SASL authentication function could not read the Root DSE.
The error will occur when the server doesn't provide a root DSE. This may be due to access controls.
Note, also, that LDAPv2 servers, such as those OpenLDAP 1.x's slapd(8), do not provide a root DSE. Use -P 2 when LDAPv2 is desired. LDAPv2 servers also do not support SASL binds, so you will need to use a "simple" bind instead.
Note: SASL bind is the default for all OpenLDAP tools. To force use of "simple" bind, use the "-x" option. Use of "simple" bind is not recommended unless one has adequate confidentiality protection in place (e.g. TLS/SSL, IPSEC).
This indicates that LDAP SASL authentication function could read the Root DSE but it contained no supportedSASLMechanism attribute.
The supportedSASLmechanism attribute lists mechanisms currently available. The list may be empty because none of the supported mechanisms are currently available. For example, EXTERNAL is listed only if the client has established its identity by authenticating at a lower level (e.g. TLS).
Note: the attribute may not be visible due to access controls
Note: SASL bind is the default for all OpenLDAP tools, e.g. ldapsearch(1), ldapmodify(1). To force use of "simple" bind, use the "-x" option. Use of "simple" bind is not recommended unless one has adequate confidentiality protection in place (e.g. TLS/SSL, IPSEC).
This indicates that none of the SASL authentication supported by the server are supported by the client, or that they are too weak or otherwise inappropriate for use by the client. Note that the default security options disallows the use of certain mechanisms such as ANONYMOUS and PLAIN (without TLS).
Note: SASL bind is the default for all OpenLDAP tools. To force use of "simple" bind, use the "-x" option. Use of "simple" bind is not recommended unless one has adequate confidentiality protection in place (e.g. TLS/SSL, IPSEC).
H3: ldap_search: Partial results and referral received
This error is returned with the server responses to an LDAPv2 search query with both results (zero or more matched entries) and references (referrals to other servers).
when the user (though command line options and/or ldap.conf(5)) has requested TLS (SSL) be started twice. For instance, when specifying both "-H ldaps://" and "-ZZ".
This slapd error generally indicates that the client sent a message that exceeded an administrative limit. See sockbuf_max_incoming and sockbuf_max_incoming_auth configuration directives in slapd.conf(5).
This message is not indicative of abnormal behavior or error. It simply means that expected data is not yet available from the resource, in this context, a network socket. slapd(8) will process the data once it does becomes available.
This message indicates that the operating system does not support one of the (protocol) address families which slapd(8) was configured to support. Most commonly, this occurs when slapd(8) was configured to support IPv6 yet the operating system kernel wasn't. In such cases, the message can be ignored.
This message means that slapd is not running as root and, thus, it cannot get its Kerberos 5 key from the keytab, usually file /etc/krb5.keytab.
A keytab file is used to store keys that are to be used by services or daemons that are started at boot time. It is very important that these secrets are kept beyond reach of intruders.
That's why the default keytab file is owned by root and protected from being read by others. Do not mess with these permissions, build a different keytab file for slapd instead.
To do this, start kadmin, and enter the following commands:
Now you have to tell slapd (well, actually tell the gssapi library in Kerberos 5 that is invoked by Cyrus SASL) where to find the new keytab. You do this by setting the environment variable KRB5_KTNAME like this:
This message occurs normally. It means that pending data is not yet available from the resource, a network socket. slapd(8) will process the data once it becomes available.
For OpenLDAP 2.2 and later, in tests/testrun/slapd.1.log there is a full log of what slapd wrote while trying to start. The log level can be increased by setting the environment variable SLAPD_DEBUG to the corresponding value; see loglevel in slapd.conf(5) for the meaning of log levels.
A typical reason for this behavior is a runtime link problem, i.e. slapd cannot find some dynamic libraries it was linked against. Try running ldd(1) on slapd (for those architectures that support runtime linking).
There might well be other reasons; the contents of the log file should help clarifying them.
Tests that fire up multiple instances of slapd typically log to tests/testrun/slapd.<n>.log, with a distinct <n> for each instance of slapd; list tests/testrun/ for possible values of <n>.
This seems to be related with wrong ownership of the BDB's dir (/var/lib/ldap) and files.
chmod -r openldap:openldap /var/lib/ldap fixes it in Debian Etch.
I don't really know how the wrong permission went into place, but I suspect it has something to do with slapd's starting, no database existing (I had deleted it to get a new, fresh one), and slapd creating one before chroot.
After a bug report, some insightful feedback, and some amount of testing, i found out that the 'wrong ownership of new files' problem is not with slapd but with slapadd. This happens when one initially populates the Directory.
This may come from incompatible of using different versions of BerkeleyDB for installing of SASL and installing of OpenLDAP. The problem arises in case of using multiple version of BerkeleyDB. Solution: - Check which version of BerkeleyDB when install Cyrus SASL. - Reinstall OpenLDAP with the version of BerkeleyDB above.
It was my case and that was the solution I did and it worked :) Hope this gives you some information.